Subject/Grade Level: Algebra/6th Grade

Grade Level: 7 Title: Module 3: Influencing Choices Time Frame: 7-9 weeks (Benchmark 3)

Enduring Understanding: Choices are influenced by others.

Essential Questions: How are my choices influenced? How can I influence the choices of others?

*3 weeks to complete ½ of module ending with A Christmas Carol (benchmark test); finish module in January-4 weeks

| | |Vocabulary Development | |Instructional Activities/ | |Differentiation for |

|Concept/Topic |Indicators | |Assessment Strategies |Extension Activities |Resources |Pre-AP |

|Standard 7-1  Reading literary |7-1.1  Analyze literary texts to draw conclusions|Analyze |Some instructional activities should be used |Teacher Modeling with gradual release of |Classroom:  |Novel Study: |

|texts |and make inferences. |Draw conclusions |as formative assessment to drive classroom |responsibility (I do, you watch; I do, you help; you |The Cheat |Tangerine |

|The student will read and |7-1.2  Explain the effect of point of view on a |Inferences |instruction |do, I help; you do, I watch) |  |White Mountains |

|comprehend a variety of |given narrative text. |Explain |  |  |The Cay |The Hot Zone |

|literary texts |7-1.3  Interpret devices of figurative language |Interpret |Reading Strategy and Response Journals |Reading Workshop focusing on reading strategies and |Touching Spirit Bear |I Know What You Did Last Summer |

|in print and nonprint formats. |(including extended metaphor and oxymoron). |Summarize |  |short stories |The Creek |The Girls |

|  |7-1.4  Analyze an author’s development of the |Compare |Summative Reading Assessments:  |  |The Witch of Blackbird Pond |Killing Mr. Griffin |

| |conflict and the individual characters as either |Contrast |Use cold texts to assess indicators at the |Prereading Strategies: |  |The Sisterhood of the Traveling |

| |static, |  |appropriate level of Bloom’s |Anticipation Guide |A Christmas Carol |Pants |

| |dynamic, round, or flat in a given literary text.|Point of View |  |Tea Party |  |  |

| | |First Person |  |Probable Passage | |A Christmas Carol |

| |7-1.5 Interpret the effect of an author’s craft |Limited Omniscient |  |Socratic Seminar | |  |

| |(including tone and the use of imagery, |Omniscient | |KWL | |  |

| |flashback, |Figurative language | |Quickwrite | |  William and Mary Lessons 6 |

| |foreshadowing, symbolism, and irony) on the |Simile | |Admit Slip | |(Intro. Into Persuasive Speaking) |

| |meaning of literary texts. |Metaphor | |Brainstorming | |Lesson 13 and 17 (Intro. Into |

| |7-1.6 Analyze a given literary text to determine |Personification | |Predicting | |Debate, Present) |

| |its theme. |Hyperbole | |Read-aloud | |Lesson 4 (The Adventures of Tom |

| |7-1.7 Create responses to literary texts through |Extended Metaphor | |  | |Sawyer and the idea of Persuasion) |

| |a variety of methods (for example, written works,|Oxymoron | |During or After Reading Strategies: | |  |

| |oral |Characters | |Think-pair-share | |  |

| |and auditory presentations, discussions, media |Static | |Think-aloud | |  |

| |productions, and the visual and performing |Dynamic | |Chunking the text | |  |

| |arts). |Round | |Marking the text | | |

| |7-1.9  Read independently for extended periods of|Flat | |Close reading | | |

| |time for pleasure. |Setting | |Say Something | | |

| | |Conflict | |Graphic organizers | | |

| | |Author’s Craft | |Double-entry journal | | |

| | |Imagery | |Interactive read-aloud | | |

| | |Tone | |Questioning the text | | |

| | |Flashback | |Sketch to Stretch | | |

| | |Foreshadowing | |Choral Reading | | |

| | |Symbolism | |Waterfalling | | |

| | |Irony | |Making Connections | | |

| | |Main Idea | |Summarizing | | |

| | |Fiction | |Paraphrasing | | |

| | |Short Story | |Visualizing | | |

| | |  | |Reader’s Theater | | |

| | |  | |Save the Last Word for Me | | |

| | |  | |Literature Circles | | |

| | | | |Wilhelm's Action Strategies for Deepening | | |

| | | | |Comprehension   | | |

|Standard 7-2  Reading |7-2.1  Analyze central ideas within and across | | | | | |

|Informational texts. |informational texts. | | | | | |

|The student will read and |7-2.2  Analyze information within and across | | | | | |

|comprehend a variety of |texts to draw conclusions and make inferences. | | | | | |

|informational |7-2.4        Create responses to informational | | | | | |

|texts in print and nonprint |texts through a variety of methods (for example, | | | | | |

|formats. |drawings, written works, oral and auditory | | | | | |

| |presentations, discussions, and media | | | | | |

| |productions). | | | | | |

| |7-2.8  Read independently for extended periods of| | | | | |

| |time to gain information. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Standard 7-4  Writing | 7-4.1  Organize written works using prewriting |Prewriting |Summative Writing Assessment:  a Review |Somebody Wanted But So | |Summative Writing Assessment for |

|The student will create written|techniques, discussions, graphic organizers, |Drafting | |Text Reformulation | |Pre-AP:  |

|work that has a clear focus, |models, and outlines. |Revising | |It Says, I Say | |Literary analysis of a character's |

|sufficient detail, coherent |7-4.2  Use complete sentences in a variety of |Editing | |Most Important Word | |choices graded with PASS rubric |

|organization, effective use of |types (including simple, compound, complex, and |Publishing | |Written Conversation | |  |

|voice, |compound-complex). |Sentence Structure | |Write Around | |PASS-like multiple choice writing |

|and correct use of the |7-4.3  Create multiple-paragraph compositions |Simple sentence | |Carousel | |assessment (more review from 6th |

|conventions of written Standard|that include a central idea with supporting |Compound sentence | |Reflective Write | |grade--semi-colons, commas to |

|American |details and use appropriate transitions between |Complex sentence | |KWL | |enclose appositives, commas to |

|English. |paragraphs. |Multi-paragraph composition | |Jigsaw | |separate introductory clauses and |

| |7-4.4  Use grammatical conventions of written |Introduction | |  | |phrases) |

| |Standard American English, including the |Body | |Writing Strategies: | | |

| |reinforcement of conventions previously taught. |Conclusion | |Writing Workshop to write a review | |Pre-AP Writing Workshop:  Literary |

| |7-4.5  Revise writing to improve clarity, tone, |Transitions | |Immerse in mentor texts, reviews (Read like a reader, | |analysis--Analyze  choices a main |

| |voice, content, and the development of ideas. |Central Idea | |read like a writer) | |character has had to make (focus on|

| |7-4.6        Edit for the correct use of written |Supporting details | |Model for students | |thesis and  incorporating textual |

| |Standard American English, including ellipses and|Verb tense | |Time to write | |support for assumptions) |

| |parentheses. |Voice | |Mini lessons (using puns in titles, writing with | | |

| |7-4.7  Spell correctly using Standard American |Clarity | |extended metaphor, effective conclusions, etc.) | | |

| |English. |Tone | |Writing conferences | | |

| |  |Content and Development | |Choice | | |

| | |Narrative | |Publishing | | |

| | |Plot | | | | |

| | |Consistent Point of view | |Review indefinite pronouns, main and subordinate | | |

| | |Precise language | |clauses and punctuation with commas | | |

| | |Vivid details | | | | |

| | |Audience | | | | |

| | |Conventions | | | | |

|Standard 7-5  Writing |7-5.1  Create informational pieces (for example, |Informational Text | | | | |

|The student will write for a |book, movie, or product reviews and news reports)| | | | | |

|variety of purposes and |that use language appropriate for a specific | | | | | |

|audiences. |audience. |Word within a Word List 6 | | | | |

| |7-5.3    Create persuasive pieces (for example, | | | | | |

| |letters to the editor or essays) that include a | | | | | |

| |stated position with supporting evidence for a | | | | | |

| |specific audience. | | | | | |

| |  | | | | | |


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