Mrs. Youngblood's Science Explorers

6th Grade Science 2014-2015

Contact Information

Rebecca Youngblood

Email address:

School Phone Number: 586-752-0270

Class Description

This core class explores the worlds of Life Science, Physical Science and Earth Science. We'll be discovering and exploring units in Scientific Basic Skills, Ecosystems, Environmental Science, Earth’s Changing Surface, Inside the Earth, along with Motion, Forces and Energy by using a hands-on, inquiry based approach to learning. Most weeks, you will take a Science Check (a quiz) on what we discussed and learned about during the week. These are intended to prepare you for your assessments. To aid you on these quizzes, we will be taking notes during the week on each section of reading, and you should also study from any class materials that were given that week.

Suggested Science Success Supplies

• 3 ring binder with pockets (Hardcover works best)

• 5 binder dividers

• Red pens for correcting papers

• Pencils

• Colored pencils

• Scissors

• Glue Sticks

• High-lighters (3-4)

• Ruler

• Student Agenda(optional)

Classroom Expectations/Consequences

1. BE HONEST This means to tell the truth in what you say and do.

2. BE RESPECTFUL This means that you have respect for yourself, your peers, and me. We show respect in what we DO, in our ATTITUDES, and in what we SAY.

3. BE PROMPT AND PREPARED This means that you are to be in class ON TIME with ALL appropriate materials.

4. DO QUALITY WORK This means that you hand in neat papers: clean edges, correct spelling, erased mistakes, and no scribbling or doodling.

5. FOLLOW SCHOOL RULES This means that you are responsible for knowing our school’s rules and consequences if you should choose to break them. (Discipline Rubric)

• You will be given plenty of warning prior to receiving any detentions. You will know if you are close to getting an after-school detention.

• The Powell Middle School Discipline Rubric list consequences for tardiness, cheating, and other disrespectful and disruptive behavior. The rubric is posted in each classroom.

• Our classroom will be free of any kind of bias or prejudice. If your behavior or attitude displays this, you will receive an immediate office referral. This is something that I do not tolerate.

Student Responsibilities

1. Check your grade on your Chrome Book at the end of EACH week, this will show you your current grade and any missing assignments.

2. When you are absent, you will need to get your missing work and directions from the correctly labeled bin.

3. Turn in all assignments on time. Absent/Late work can be turned into the labeled bin.

4. Bring your materials to class daily, including your textbook, pencil, notebook, red pen, binder with all science assignments, and other supplies that are on the supply list.

5. Follow classroom expectations and accept the consequences of your actions if you choose not to follow them. Please refer to your agenda and the school discipline rubric.

6. Work cooperatively with others.

7. Return all borrowed materials to their correct place in the classroom, and leave them in the same condition in which you borrowed them.

8. Above all, you should always ask questions, be curious, and discover answers!!!

Teacher Responsibilities

1. Create a positive, productive, and creative learning environment

2. Provide a clean and organized classroom.

3. Update and post grades as often as possible.

4. Put extra copies of assignments in the “Science Extra Worksheet” crate for those who need a new copy, and put absent work in the “Absent” basket/folder with student’s name on it.

5. Correct and hand back papers in a timely manner. I correct assignments on the due date and usually try to hand them back within a couple of days.

6. Help students to discover answers to questions.


It is very important you do your best to be in school and try to be here as often as possible. However, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to pick up any assignment out of either the absent work folder or the “Extra Assignments” bin. Many times, in this class, it is impossible to make up missed labs and activities. If you should have an excused absence during this time, you will be excused from any activity that cannot be made up. We do many projects in this class and you will be given plenty of time to complete these in class, therefore you will not be given additional days to complete these group-based projects if you are absent. If you are absent the day of an assessment (test/quiz/Friday check), you will take the assessment the day you return.

Before handing in any late assignment, you must do the following:

1. Make sure your name, date and hour is in the upper right hand corner.

2. Write “LATE” and the date in red and circle it.

3. Hand the assignment into the appropriate bin.

For every day absent, you will have two (2) days to complete the assignment for full credit. After that, the work falls in to the “missing work” category. If you request any homework to complete during a vacation, it is expected to be turned in when you return. When you turn in absent work or return to school, you must:

1. Find the assignment in the correct bin (it should have your name on it) or pick up a handout (if needed) out of the “Extra Worksheet” crate.

2. If there are any questions, concerning the assignment, ask a friend/classmate before asking the teacher.

3. After the assignment is complete, make sure the appropriate heading is in the upper right hand corner and write “ABSENT” on it.

4. Hand the assignment into the appropriate bin.

For any “missing” work, you will have until the next Monday to turn it in. Each Monday of the week is your ONLY opportunity to hand in any missing work from the week before. This policy will allow you to get any missing work BEFORE the weekend so as to finish it during the two days. Please make sure you pay attention to the due date on Student/Parent Portal to see if the assignment can be made up.


Each student has 5 minutes passing time between class periods; please take care of your personal needs during that time. If by chance you need to leave the classroom, you will need to use the provided hall pass. I will tolerate emergency usage of this policy but if a student(s) abuse this policy, it will be revoked for a time.


We have been successful obtaining the on-line version for your Chrome Book. When the books are signed out to you, it is your responsibility to treat each with the utmost care. Bring your book to class every day. Textbook Website

Usernames and passwords will be issued in class.

Your user name is your school id number with a ZERO in front of it.


The sixth grade science curriculum focuses on concepts in Life, Earth, and Physical science. Within this realm of science we will study such topics in the following textbooks:

•     Nature of Science and Technology

•     Environmental Science

•     Inside Earth

•     Earth's Changing Surface 

•     Motion, Forces & Energy 


Box Tops are collected by all Science teachers and the funds are used to enhance the entire science curriculum for all grades. Some stores offer register receipt coupons for additional Box Tops, and those ARE acceptable. Please bring the labels in to your teacher in a zip-lock baggie please. You will receive 1 raffle ticket for every 5 Box Tops and your name will be entered in the Prize drawing at the end of each semester.


** Extreme misbehavior which disturbs the learning of others, which includes obscene language, insubordination and fighting, will result in being sent directly to the principal’s office. Any name left by a substitute teacher will automatically warrant an after school detention.

The following is a list of suggested supplies that are used in the classroom by all students. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.

Colored pencils Red pens Kleenex Glue Sticks


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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