Miss Jackson’s Sixth Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Miss Jackson’s Sixth Grade Social Studies Syllabus



Welcome to the sixth grade social studies. You will discover that room 806 is a fun and exciting place to learn social studies.

Contact Miss Jackson?

• My email address is dajackson@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Email is the best way to reach me.

Course Description

Sixth grade social studies is designed to meet all of the goals and objectives of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Social Studies (2003). Sixth graders will examine societies in South America, Europe, and Russia. We will explore these regions by emphasizing geography, history, government, economics, culture/beliefs, and diversity.

There is no current EOG for Social Studies. However, this year there will be benchmarks for 6th grade social studies and our focus will be to prepare students for the benchmark exams that will take place throughout the school year.

Explanation of Classroom Procedure

The following classroom procedures are designed to help promote an orderly learning environment:

Class Heading: All assignments are required to have your first and last name, date, and period in the upper right hand corner of your paper.

Homework: When homework is assigned it is due the next day unless told otherwise. Homework should be put in the appropriate box at the beginning of class.

Make-up Assignments- Students will be given enough time when returning from an absence to make up any missed assignments. It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to pick up and make up all missed assignments.

Stay on task- I expect all students to stay on task and follow teacher directions at all times.

Class Work: I will use a variety of methods to conduct each class. We may work in groups, have teacher-guided lessons, watch films, or just work independently. Students will be responsible for completing assignments by the end of the period.

Projects: Instructions for projects will be given in a timely manner.

Tests and Quizzes: I will evaluate your understanding and knowledge of the material covered by giving you periodic tests and quizzes.

Dismissal: Please remember that the teacher dismisses the class. I will let you know when to prepare yourself for dismissal.

➢ Please check my webpage for important dates, assignments, etc. My webpage can be accessed through the CMS website.

Classroom Rules

1. Respect yourself and others/ always be polite. Treat others, and their property, as you would like to be treated. MY DESK, COMPUTER, AND CABINETS ARE OFF LIMITS!!!

2. Be on time and ready to work.

3. Bring required materials to class each day.

4. Do not talk or get out of your seat without permission. If you need something, raise your hand and wait to be called on.

I have a right to teach, and students have the right to learn; therefore anything done to disrupt this process will be considered a discipline problem and will be handled accordingly:

1. Warning

2. Removal from class and contact a parent/guardian

3. Conference

A student who behaves appropriately will earn:

1. Verbal praise

2. Positive phone calls home

3. Award, certificate, or a treat.

My Grading Policy

Tests/ Projects - 40%

Quizzes -30%

Class work /Homework- 30%

93. A

85. B

77. C

70. D

69- F

Student Signature/Date______________________

Parent Signature/Date_______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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