Duval County Public Schools

6th Grade CGA Study GuideRead over questions. Using your class notes and course book locate and record the answer.Chapter 1.Wellness1. What is Wellness? (L1) – Total health – a state of well being2. What are the three parts of the wellness triangle? (L1) – Physical, social, mental and emotional3. There are six (6) health factors. What are they? (L2) – Heredity, environment, family, culture, peers, media, technology4. Some health factors can or cannot be controlled identify which they each are. – Environment, heredity, family, peers, culture, media, and technology5. Why should you maintain some sense of balance of your health triangle? (L1) – In order to maintain overall good health6. Your attitude about health decisions are also influenced by what? (L2) – Individual, family, community, and culture7. What and how should you monitor your overall health behavior? (L2) – Behavior and personal attitude and knowing the consequences8. What is a goal? (L5) – Something you hope to accomplish9. What is the first step in goal setting? (L5) – Make your goal specific. Say what you wantChapter 3 Communication Skills Define communication. (L1) – A clear exchange of ideas and informationWhat is an “I” message? (What does it communicate?) (L1) – Clearly stating how you feelWhat are refusal skills? (L4) – Different ways to say “no”What is the S.T.O.P strategy? (L4) – (S) Say no firmly (T) Tell why (O) Offer other ideas (P) Promptly leaveWhat are disagreements? (L4) - ConflictsDefine conflict. (L5) – Disagreements in ideas, beliefs, or interestWhat are the steps to using the T.A.L.K. Strategy? (L5) – (T)ake a time out (A)llow each person to speak (L)et each person ask questions (K)eep brainstormingGive two (2) EXAMPLES of positive and negative peer pressure. (L3) – (+) Encourage to study, join a club (-) To fight/drugs Where is the most reliable place to find the most current information? - InternetChapter 4 NutritionWhat is nutrition? (L1) – Process of taking in food, using it for energy, growth and good healthWhat is the US Food & Drug Administration? (L1) – The agency responsible for protecting the health of the public. (food, drugs, products, devices)What is the MyPyramid food guidance system? (L2) – A system designed to help make healthy food choicesIdentify the names of the five food groups in MyPyramid. (L2) – Grains, vegetable, fruits, milk, meat and beansWhat are Dietary Guidelines? (L3) – A system designed to give advice and suggestions on healthy food consumption and staying activeIn order to maintain a healthy weight you will need to do what? (L3) – Control that amount you eat and physical activityWhat are three (3) eating disorders – Anorexia, bulimia, starvation, purging How do food labels help you manage your weight? (L3) – Gives specific information (calories, serving size, nutritional value) What are the most nutritious snake/foods to eat? – A variety from all the groups Chapter 5 Physical ActivityWhat is physical activity? (L1) – Any kind of movement that causes the body to use energyWhat is physical fitness? (L1) – The ability to handle everyday physical work and play without being tiredDefine strength? (L1) – Ability of your muscles to exert force What is the FITT principle? (L2) – A method for safely increasing aspects of your workout without injuring yourself What exercise do you do to improve the following?A. Upper body strength – pull-ups, sit-ups and pushupsB. Core strength - running, jumping rope 6. What are aerobics and anaerobic? (L1) - Aerobic – increase heart rate and strengthen lungs / Anaerobic – build muscle strengthen and endurance Chapter 6 Personal HealthWhat is hygiene? (L1) – The actions you take to improve or maintain your healthWhat is the largest organ of your body/ (L1) - Skin How should you care for your skin? (L1) – Cleaning, washingWhat is sunscreen? (L1) – A cream or lotion that filters out IV rays SPF (15+)How often should sunscreen be applied? (L1) – Every two hoursDefine farsightedness and nearsightedness.(L2) – Farsightedness – the ability to see objects at a distance while close objects look blurry / Nearsightedness – the ability to see objects close to you while distant objects appear blurry characteristics of adulthood and your genderChapter 8: Puberty/AdolescenceWhat is adolescence? (L1) - Period between childhood and adulthoodDefine puberty. (L1) – The period you begin developing physical characteristics of adult hood and your genderWhat causes change during puberty? ___________ (L1) - HormonesWhat changes during puberty have the greatest affect and cause much concern? - Physical appearance, the change in shape and size of body parts. Feet get bigger/ hands, voice changes, reproductive systems matureChapter 9 TobaccoHow does tobacco/smoking harm the body? (L1) – It releases harmful chemicals into the mouth, throat, and lungsWhat is a short tern effect of smoking? – Bad breath, yellowing teeth, odorWhat is a long term effect of smoking? – Addiction/ emphysema/ cancerWhat is secondhand smoke? (L3) – Smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco being smoked by others What is passive smoking? (L3) – involuntarily inhaling smoke from other people’s cigarettes Who do cigarette companies want to attract to smoking? What age group? (L2) – Kids between the age of 14 to 18 years oldChapter 11 Preventing Diseases and IllnessesThere are two groups of diseases, what are they? (L1) – Communicable and non-communicableDefine contagious? (L2) – The ability to spread virus to others by direct and indirect contactWhat is the body’s first line of defense against disease? (L2) – Skin/ the largest organ of the bodyWhat is the proper length of time to wash your hands? (L2) – 15 seconds using soap and waterA cold or influenza is what type of disease? (L2) - CommunicableWhat are some symptoms of influenza? (L2) – Fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, runny noseWhat are symptoms of the following illnesses? (L4) - a. diabetes – fatigue, excessive thirst, blurred vision, frequent urination, weight gainb. urinary tract infection – Painful urination, foul smelling urine, fever, fatigue 8. Teenage obesity can cause what? (L4) – DiabetesChapter 12 RecyclingDefine recycle. (L6) – Recovering and changing items so they can be used for other purposesWhat does it mean to pollute? (L6) - To make unfit or harmful for living thingsDefine advocacy. (L6) – Taking a stance in support of a cause or belief ................

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