World History Course Outline - Beaufort County Schools

World History Course Syllabus

Mr. Gil Robbins

World History is taught as both an on-level class and an honors class. Both environments are based on the same curriculum but may include differing methodologies, projects, assignments, and/or tests of attainment.

Evaluations: A typical class will have approximately 12 unit tests and approximately 14 vocabulary tests. Other tests, quizzes, or projects may be utilized depending on student needs as determined by the instructor.

Grading: The grading on assignments will be based on Beaufort County School “End of Term” grading policy as follows:

90-100 = A

80-89 = B

70-79 = C

60-69 = D

59 and below = Failure

Final Grades will be based on the same structure (shown above) as prescribed by Beaufort County Schools.

Students should monitor and maintain sufficient grade levels throughout the semester to avoid last minute attempts at correction which rarely make sufficient difference within the grade structure to salvage a passing grade. Progress reports will be sent home with students for parent review and signature on completion of the 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 15th weeks of the semester. Parents and students should be aware that as an incentive for parent involvement I give a 5 point credit each toward a test grade for returning the progress reports signed by a parent or guardian.

Supply List:

1 - 1 ¼” loose-leaf binder

3 - Notebook dividers (individual) recycled ones will be fine!

2 – 100 packs of 3/5 notecards

1 – pack loose-leaf notebook paper (50 sheets will do)

Pencils and pens as needed

1 – pack colored drawing pencils

2 – pink, green, or blue highlighters (not yellow)

It is the student’s responsibility to come to school prepared. If a student is having difficulty obtaining these items please come to me in advance for assistance. DO NOT wait until they are needed in class to say that you do not have them!

Curriculum Structure: Again the curriculum will be the same in both the honors and on-level environments and will follow generally the outline on the following page.

World History Course Outline

Date Topic

Week 1 World History Pre-test

Unit 1: Early Civilizations – Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians,

Phoenicians, Hebrews, Persians

Unit 1 Test: Chapters 1-3

Week 2-Week3 Unit 2: Ancient Greece

Unit 2 Test: Chapter 4

Week 3 –Week 4 Unit 3: Roman Republic, Rise of Christianity, The Roman Empire

Unit 3 Test: Chapter 5

Week 5 Unit 4: Rise of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity

Unit 4 Test: From provided packet of information

Week 5 –Week 6 Unit 5: Middle Ages

Unit 5 Test – Chapter 9 & 10

Week 6 Unit 6: Renaissance and Reformation

Unit 6 Test – Chapter 12

Week 7-Week 8 Unit 7: Exploration, Enlightenment, and Scientific Revolution

Unit 7 Test: Chapter 13, 17

Week 9 – Week 10 Unit 8: American Revolution

Unit 8 Test – Chapter 17

Week 11-12 Unit 9: French Revolution, 1st & 2nd Industrial Revolutions

Unit 9 Test – Chapters 18, 19, 20 (1-2 sections from each)

Week 13-14 Unit 10: World War I & Years Between the Wars

Unit 10 Test – Chapter 23, 24, 25

Week 14-15 Unit 11: World War II

Unit 11 Test – Chapter 26

Week 16-17 Unit 12: Post WWII – The Cold War & Vietnam

Unit 13: The United Nations

Unit 14: The Contemporary World (Modern Issues)

Week 18 Review and Final Exam

Instruction Methodology: Most instruction will be provided based on a written note structure that will be provided by the instructor when the class begins. Students will be expected to maintain these notes throughout the duration of the class. Care should be taken to keep these notes in order. Students will also be expected to maintain a journaling section within their notebook in which they will be expected to write numerous passages as prescribed by the instructor. This being the case a text book will NOT be assigned to you. Should you miss a day or more and are unable to complete notes you may check out a text book in order to update your work. Appropriate sections are outlined on the prior page based on our text.

Films and Videos: From time to time films, clips, or videos may be shown in the classroom to make or internalize historical points or concepts. Some may be rated G while others may be rated PG or PG-13. Beaufort County Schools Policy requires that to watch a PG-13 rated movie, video, or clip parental approval is required. Please sign the attached letter of introduction if you approve of your child watching class videos. Students that fail to return this approval will be allowed to leave the class while PG-13 clips or videos are shown.

Classroom Rules/Behavior: All Beaufort County Schools and Northside High School apply in my classroom. In addition the following class rules will be enforced:

1) Be prepared (Students are expected to have required books and materials daily)

2) Be in your assigned seats when the bell rings (not before it finishes)

3) Show respect (to other students, teachers, and the environment within the class)

4) Do your best (believe in yourself and try as hard as you can)

5) No eating in class (this includes chewing gum)

Make-Up Work: It is the responsibility of students to come to class with all homework assignments complete. That having been said, I understand that from time to time emergencies do happen. For that reason students returning after an excused absence that has been reported to the attendance administrator (Ms. Mason, at the office window) may make up missed work or tests provided they make schedule the complete the make-up work or schedule the make-up test within 3 days of their return to school as per Beaufort County Schools Attendance Policy.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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