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Comparing Cell Structures and Organelles


Lesson Plan

Subjects Covered: Function and diversity of cell structures and organelles in bacteria, plant and animal cells

Grades Appropriate: 9-12

Lesson Duration: 5 – 50 minute periods

Lesson Plan Activity Snapshot

Day 1 Pre-Lab – Organelle brainstorm using Magna Cell, Cell Bingo, and Cell Organelle Matching

Engage Activities – Jot Chart summarizing key ideas from Anton van Leewenhoek’s writings, Table Talk

Day 2 Microscopic Investigation of cell structures and organelles in plant, animal, and bacteria cells

Collection of qualitative data

Share observations with group members

Communicate via tweet to teacher of most notable observation (digital or post-it note tweet)

Day 3 Venn Diagram integrating data from lab and visual representations to compare and contrast cell structures and organelles found in plant, animal, and bacteria cells

Research cell structure and function using a variety of resources

Design an organelle/cell structure machine

Day 4 Compose a letter to Anton van Leewenhoek, Robert Hooke, Robert Brown, Matthius Schleiden or

Theodore Schwann describing the machine and its function

Day 5 Cell Scenarios and Case Studies

ACOS Objectives

ACOS Biology 2: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe the function and diversity of organelles and structures in various types of cells.

|ACOS Appendix A: |Science and Engineering Practices |Crosscutting Concepts |

|RST 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 |[pic] [pic][pic] |[pic] [pic] |

|WHST 2a-e, 4,5,7,8,9 | | |

Essential Question

How can we explain the function and diversity of cell structures and organelles?

Students will

• Recognize the structure and recall the function of basic cell structures and organelles

• Read a primary document and explain its key ideas

• Use a microscope to observe bacteria, plant and animal cells

• Record detailed descriptions and draw observations of cell structures and organelles

• Use data from lab investigation to differentiate cell types by their structures and organelles

• Use information from micrographs to identify structures not observed in lab

• Construct a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting bacteria, plant, and animal cells

• Use information from a variety of sources and media to write an evidence-based description explaining the interrelationships of various cell structures and organelles

• Analyze scenarios and case studies to describe the function and diversity of structures and organelles in various cell types

Background Information

The science and engineering practice of obtaining, evaluating and communicating scientific information causes students to compare, integrate and evaluate sources of information presented in various formats to answer a scientific question. This lab activity begins by engaging students in building their knowledge concerning the diversity and function of cell structures and organelles through analyzing excerpts from a primary document written by Anton van Leewenhoek. As students evaluate information from various sources and use advanced microscopy to discover more about cell structures and organelles, they will record and draw their observations and use this information to write a letter to an early cell scientist describing structures, the interrelationships among these structures, and cell functions that could not be observed in the 1600’s. Scientific discoveries by scientists such as Robert Hooke, Anton van Leewenhoek, Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolph Virchow led to the Cell Theory:

• Every living organism is made up of one or more cells.

• Cells are the basic unit of life

• Cells arise from preexisting cells

There are two kinds of cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria and archaea, are small, relatively simple cells that do not have a nucleus. All other forms of life are composed of one or more larger and more complex eukaryotic cells, which are distinguished by the presence of a true nucleus. Cell structures and organelles are very diverse and interrelated as they perform the processes that sustain life.

Common Student Misconceptions

• Living things contain cells rather than being made up of cells

• Cells are molecules

• Uncertainty concerning the hierarchy of atoms, molecules, and cells

• Organisms grow because their cells get larger

• There are only two kinds of cells (plant and animal)

• All cells are the same size and shape

• Some living parts of organisms are not made of cells

• All eukaryotic cells have a nucleus

• Cells do not make molecules for their own growth or repair

Day 1




Magnetic Cell Pieces Magnetic Board Cell Bingo and Chips Cell Organelle Matching

Anton van Leewenhoek Letter

Day 1 Part 1

Ask students to brainstorm a list of cell structures and organelles and have one student write the list on the board. Using the magnetic cell structures and organelles, have students identify the structure and function of each of the pieces as they are placed in the correct location in each cell (bacteria, plant, animal).

Day 1 Part 2

Play Cell Bingo to review the function of cell structures and organelles. (See Supplemental Materials on the ASIM Website for materials and instructions).

Day 1 Part 3

Complete cell organelle matching to complete cell structures and organelle review. (See Supplemental Materials on the ASIM website for this activity).

Day 1 Part 4

Students will create a Jot Chart to summarize key ideas as they read excerpts from Anton van Leewenhoek’s writings on the discovery of Animalculum. Students will describe or draw what the scientist was actually observing. Table Talk – Students will share ideas listed on the Jot Chart along with their descriptions and drawings.

Day 2



• microscopes

• slides

• coverslips

• toothpicks

• Elodea or Egeria najas

• onion

• forceps

• absorbent paper

• lens paper

• TEM micrographs

• resource materials

• cell scenarios

• cell case studies

• cell components table

• Spirillum volutans prepared slide

• dropper bottles of iodine, ethylene blue, distilled H2 post-it notes

• student data sheet or science notebook

Day 2 Part 1

Microscopic investigations of bacteria, plant, and animal cells - Review microscope procedures and demonstrate slide preparation. Observe students using the microscopes and help students struggling with microscope use, slide preparation, or sketching of cells. Encourage detailed drawings and descriptions of cell structures and organelles

Day 2 Part 2

Students will share findings with group members, revise and enhance journal entries, and complete the Cell Components Table. Summarize the results of the microscopic investigations in the table below by writing yes or no for structures expected and yes for structures observed: (Answers will vary based on individual microscopy skills)

|Structure |Bacteria |Plant |Animal |

| |Expected Observed |Expected Observed |Expected Observed |

|cell membrane |yes yes |yes yes |yes yes |

|cell wall |yes yes |yes yes | |

|cytoplasm |yes yes |Yes yes |Yes yes |

|flagella |vary yes |vary |vary no |

|Cytoskeleton |vary |vary |vary yes |

|nucleus |no no |Yes vary |yes yes |

|chloroplast |no no |Yes onion – no |no no |

| | |elodea - yes | |

1. 1. Explain why all of the expected structures were not observable. All technology has limitations. Due to magnification and resolution limitations, only structures larger than one micron may be seen with a compound light microscope.

2. How do scientists know that other cell structures exist? Technologies such as biochemistry, electron microscopy, NMR spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography can be used to detect and study structures that are smaller than a micron.

3. The onion is a plant but no chloroplasts were observable. Why might this be? An onion is a root that grows underground and stores food. The leafy parts of onions have chloroplasts that conduct photosynthesis.

Day 2 Part 3

Most notable discovery tweet – students will tweet the most notable discovery in lab using a post it note tweet or an electronic device. Provide a hashtag to which students using devices may send their tweets.

Day 3

Day 3 Part 1

Students will complete a Venn diagram to differentiate cell types based on the cell structures and organelles observed in step 1.

Hint: Make a numbered list for components and write the number by each component into the diagram. Use green pencil for components observed in lab and a regular pencil for components obtained from micrographs. Include a minimum of 20 components.

1. cell membrane

2. cytoplasm

3. nucleus

4. ribosomes

5. cell wall

6. nucleoid

7. plasmid

8. chloroplast

9. mitochondria

10. flagella

11. cilia

12. nucleolus

13. nuclear pores

14. golgi bodies

15. vacuole

16. centriole

17. centrosome

18. cytoskeleton

19. DNA

20. Chlorophyll

21. endoplasmic


22. large central



Day 3 Part 2

Students will use visual illustrations and TEM micrographs to identify cell structures and organelles that were expected but not observed in their microscopic investigations. These structures and organelles will be added to the Venn diagram from step 4. (See PowerPoint on ASIM Website for digital versions of TEM micrographs and David Goodsell cell images).


Day 3 Part 3

After obtaining information from a variety of sources on the structure and function of cell structures and organelles, students will choose or be assigned a group of organelles and/or cell structures that work together like a machine to sustain life. Student descriptions should include the following information: A machine name, the organelles and structures that make up the machine, how these structures and organelles work together to support life (what molecules are put together, broken apart, received, given off, stored, exported to other parts of the cell or to other cells in the organism, are any molecules given off to the environment for other organisms to use via the cell machine?). Students will submit their ideas for teacher approval prior to moving to the next step.

Day 4

Students will compose a letter to an early scientist to describe the function of the cell machine designed in the previous activity including interrelationships with other cell structures, organelles, and cells.

Day 5


Day 5 Part 1

Students will work in pairs or groups to complete the cell scenario questions.

It is important to remember that the cells we see in textbooks are a generalized model and do not represent all cell types and structures. The scenarios below are designed for review of cell components and their function. Note that some cells have more of certain structures than others based on cell function.

2. Some eukaryotic cells have a need to move around or require energy to produce movement. Examples include sperm cells and muscle cells. Because these cells need to turn food, usually sugar, into energy, what organelle would you expect to be VERY plentiful in these cells? mitochondria

3. Plant cells contain chlorophyll to turn light energy into chemical energy. Chlorophyll, in plant cells, is stored in an organelle that is VERY plentiful in leaf cells. What are these organelles? chloroplasts

4. What cells, other than plant cells, contain chlorophyll? Some bacteria cells and protists

5. A plant’s need for water can be indicated by whether it is wilted or standing tall. What organelle in plants is designed to store water and nutrients? Large central vacuole

6. White blood cells are especially active when a person is sick because they fight off infections due to the invasion of bacteria or viruses. Once they locate the invader, they eat it. What organelle would be plentiful in white blood cells? lysosomes

7. Two proteins are required in muscle cells for them to work. So that means muscle cells need a plentiful supply of organelles that make proteins. Sometimes these organelles freely float or can be found attached to another organelle.

What organelles would you expect to be plentiful in protein rich muscle cells? Ribosomes

To what organelle are these protein making organelles often found attached? Endoplasmic reticulum

8. Red blood cells are made in the marrow of bones and only live a short time (about 3 months). Then they are recycled. Mammalian red blood cells have no real control center needed in order to reproduce. What organelle is missing from red blood cells? Nucleus

Day 5 Part 2

Students will be assigned a case study and become doctors for a day. This activity requires students to make a diagnosis based on the understanding of cell structures and organelles. (See Supplemental Material Link on ASIM Website for a digital copy of the Case Studies).


• Demonstrate slide/cover slip preparation to prevent bubble formation and how to peel epidermis

• Remind students how to focus the microscope before doing lab


• Formative Assessments: Cell Bingo, Cell Organelle Matching, Magna Cell, Jot Chart, Data Table,

Notable Discovery Tweet, Venn Diagram, Cell Structure/Organelle Machine

• Summative Assessments: Letter to early cell scientist, Cell Scenarios


• Use magnetic cell structures and organelles to reinforce concepts


• Include Protista and fungi cells in all investigations and activities

• Allow students to engineer a cell and describe its structures, function, and the interrelationships of its structures and organelles


ASIM Lab Activity – Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

ASIM Lab Activity – Magna Cell

Rebeca Balkcom, Auburn Jr. High, ASTA 2016,“STEMing the Standards through Case Studies,”


Liam Casey, PhD, Life/Earth Science Education Category Director, Ward's Science/VWR, p: 585 321-9124


David Goodsell, the Scripps Research Institute, illustrations and notes

HHMI Biointeractive


Animal Cell

Plant Cell

Bacteria Cell

3, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21


8, 22

1,2,,4 10,11,18



6, 7

Note: This is an example of what a student’s work might look like. Answers will vary.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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