Classify each of the following examples as representing ...

Directions: Classify each of the following examples as representing either the biological/neuroscience, behavioral, cognitive, socio-cultural, psychodynamicpsychoanalytical, humanistic, or evolutionary approaches to psychology. Underline the key words or phrases that helped you identify the perspective.

_____________________________1. Prof. A is interested in studying the different attitudes about the elderly among North American and Japanese adults. Dr. A has found that the Japanese show more respect and responsibility toward elderly parents, and wishes to understand the cultural norms that contribute to these attitudes.

_____________________________2. Prof. B studies the attentional processes involved when people search for specified objects by measuring the amounts of blood flow to various portions of the brain while a participant engages in a letter detection task.

_____________________________3. Dr. C tries to help a client stop smoking by understanding the unconscious reasons for the client’s need to smoke. Dr. C encourages the client to talk about his childhood conflicts with his parents.

_____________________________4. Dr. Dre tries to help a client stop smoking by telling her to keep a careful record of the number of cigarettes smoked and the particular people or situations who are a part of her smoking behavior. She keeps these records as a way of uncovering the factors that reward her for smoking, so that she may later remove those rewards.

_____________________________5. Prof. E studies the factors that help or hinder students in memorizing information from textbooks. The professor systematically varies task characteristics such as textbook difficulty in an effort to understand the underlying memory processes involved in reading a textbook.

_____________________________6. Dr. F is working to help a seriously depressed man become a productive member of society again. She points out to her client his potential for personal growth and his obvious love for his family, and reminds him of his many successes in professional and personal activities.

_____________________________7. Dr. E is interested in studying if a certain level of aggressiveness is more favorable in the perpetuation one’s genes.


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