Artifact Project Rubric

Artifact Project Rubric Name: __________________

15 Points Date: ___________________

| |Experimenting |Developing |Effective |Strong |Points |

| |- Artifact does not really show any |- Artifact shows only one attribute |- Artifact shows more than one |- Artifact shows at least three | |

|Artifact |attribute of Sumerian civilization |of Sumerian civilization |attribute of Sumerian |attributes of Sumerian civilization | |

|Creation | | |civilization |- accurately represents an original | |

| | | | |Sumerian artifact | |

| |- Brought in little if any part of |- Brought in some of the homework |- Almost all assignments were |- All required materials were brought in| |

|Preparedness |the homework assignments |assignments |completed with effort |and relevant to artifact being | |

|and Process |- forgot to bring in required | | |constructed | |

| |materials to construct the artifact |- artifact picture identified may or|- research brought in was | | |

| | |may not have been a Sumerian |relevant to artifact being |- cleaned up workstation without | |

| |- any research brought in was not |artifact |constructed |reminders | |

| |relevant to project | | | | |

| | |- cleaned up workstation after being|- cleaned up workstation after |- gave complete answers to every | |

| |-construct was careless and messy and|reminded several times |only one reminder |question on the Artifact Questions | |

| |workstation was not cleaned up | | |Worksheet | |

| | |- gave minimal answers to each |- gave complete answers to | | |

| |- did not answer the Artifact |question on the Artifact Questions |almost every question on the | | |

| |Questions Worksheet |Worksheet |Artifact Questions Worksheet | | |

| |- gave a very brief or no |- during the presentation the |- during the presentation the |- during the presentation the student | |

|Artifact |presentation about created artifact |student was able to explain at least|student was able to explain at |was able to show how their created | |

|Presentation | |1 aspect of Sumerian civilization |least 3 different aspects of |artifact reflected at least 3 different | |

| |- presentation did not give any clear|that could or could not have been |Sumerian civilization but not |aspects of Sumerian civilization | |

| |attribute of Sumerian civilization |shown by their created artifact |all could be directly related | | |

| | | |to their created artifact |- presentation was clear, with voice | |

| |- presentation was not clear nor was |- presentation was not clear; voice | |that could be understood by all and good| |

| |the presenter understood or could be |was not able to be heard (needed to |- presentation was mostly |eye contact | |

| |heard by anyone |speak up to be understood) and very |clear; voice needed to be | | |

| | |little eye contact was given |louder and some eye contact was| | |

| | | |given | | |

Final Grade:


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