Cultural Participation & Research:

Investigación y Participación Cultural:

¡Qué viva España! ¡Olé!

PLAN: Cocinar comida española

Important information for planning a cooking project:

• This project pertains to SPAIN. No credit will be given for other types of food. Be sure your recipes are authentic!

• Be sure to make a three course meal. For example, gazpacho, tortilla and churros y chocolate. Or a tapa, paella, and flan. Or, plan out your own three course meal. Make sure you get teacher approval.

• Check the following websites/videos below for recipes and ideas:




• Be sure you read the entire recipe before you start cooking. This will help eliminate any surprises!

• It’s okay to work in partners to prepare an extra special meal

• Take photos of every step in the process…ingredients, chopping, stirring, baking, serving, table, and clean-up.

• Photo musts: YOU cooking, the final dishes before served, the decorated table, the guests enjoying the food

• Spanish music (flamenco would be nice) will help set the mood. Look up some music online! Be sure to include evidence of the music that sets the mood for your dinner

• Plan plenty of time and enjoy this wonderful culinary experience! This meal must be cooked for your family and friends. Set the table with Spanish colors (red and yellow) and give them a meal to remember!

Your project should include:

Evidence of the project: Photos of you in the kitchen, grocery store, and enjoying your final dish. Show as much as you can about the project. Make us feel as though we were there with you! Each photo must have a 2-3 sentence caption in Spanish. Remember to show yourself in the photos and to include your recipe. Each piece of evidence must be explained with a caption in Spanish. *If you work in partners, the meal needs to be extra special and each person must have his/her own report/evidence.

Background Information: Tell us about the cultural/historical background of your meal. For example; if you cooked paella, discuss the history and cultural importance of this dish in Spain. This must be your own words and you must use more than one source. You must cite all sources.

Action, Connection, Reflection: This report will explain your project and connect it to the countries and cultures studied. Show us what you did and what you learned. Provide specific examples from your project to answer each question. Answer questions in Spanish as indicated. You can find the form on your class web page. It may be typed on your computer or printed and filled out neatly in pen. No pencil, please!

Parent Note: Include a note from your parent or other adult supervisor. Make sure they mention your planning, creativity, and clean-up. It should also be signed and dated. You may use the form available online or your own letter. You can also include notes/feedback from other family members who enjoyed your meal. Please ask your parent to write out a note; a simple signature will not count.

Plan: Include your approved plan with the final project. Must be signed by both parent and teacher!! You must do the approved project to receive full credit. A simple signature will not count as a note--must be written out by parent.

La comida española

Spanish food is varied and wonderful. You will love this project. Check the Internet, library and family cookbooks for authentic Spanish recipes.

We highly recommend a trip to La Española Meats in Harbor City. They have ingredients and ideas for you!

Choose one of the following meals or get special teacher approval of other dishes which create an authentic Spanish meal:

Menú A: La Clásica

1. Paella valenciana

2. Ensalada mixta con aceite y vinagre

3. Platillo de frutas

Menú B: La especialidad de la casa

1. Tortilla española

2. Ensalada de gambas

3. Helado con fruta y chocolate

Menú C: Pollo al estilo español

1. Pollo (see website below)

2. Ensalada mixta con aceite y vinagre

3. Flan

This website has some great recipes for chicken:

Menú D: Noche de tapas (at least three cooked dishes & two other tapas like olives and manchego cheese)

1. Aceitunas

2. Tortilla española

3. Mariscos (usually shrimp, calamari, octopus or small pieces of fish)

4. Sausage

5…check this website for a lengthy list of other possibilities.

Otras ideas….

1. ¿Cuándo comemos?

• Try eating late at night like the Spaniards do (9:30-11:00)

• Tapas are usually eaten in the late afternoon or early evening

2. Bebidas y otras cosas

• Try making a non-alcoholic sangria (recipes available online

or in the classroom)

• Horchata (did you know this popular drink came from Spain?

• Water with lemon (no ice!)

• You might serve churros y chocolate with your tapas meal

• Check Trader Joe’s (Trader José!) for sparkling blood orange beverage—it’s good!

• Blood oranges are sometimes found here in the supermarket and can be added to any meal

3. Tapas - ideas

• Note: If you are sharing in a Tapas party, each student must

prepare 2 or more tapas

• Always served on little plates

• Can be spread out on a table or served one by one

• Great for a patio party

• Try serving beverage with a plate on top like in the old days!

4. El ambiente

• Music! Find a classical music station on the radio. On iTunes, seach for classic guitar or Spanish guitar. Some great artists: Gypsy Kings, Otmar Liebert, Enrique Iglesias, Julio Iglesias, Alejandro Sanz. Your teacher may have a CD you can borrow too! Have fun researching the music too!

• Spanish restaurants often have fresh flowers on the table

• Plan your table carefully. Use a contrasting color for the table cloth and napkins/decorations (remember—no sombreros or other Mexican accents—use Spanish styles, Spanish art, etc.)



Is your camera charged and ready for this project?!

Paella. This website has many different kinds of paella:

Tortilla española. Look for recipes like this one that have photos showing the steps. Flipping a tortilla is tricky!

Ensalada típica

Typical green salad. Usually served with a simple olive ail and vinegar dressing. Add orange pieces or blood oranges for a different twist.

Cynthia Leathers, Redondo Union High School, 2009 FOOD IDEAS – POST ON WEBSITE


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