Fit for School, Healthy Eating Module __________Portion Sizes

HEALTHY Schools Lesson Resource Bank

Second Level – Munch & Move

Interdisciplinary Learning Project – Energy for Exercise

Planning Framework Context for Learning – Active Lifestyles

Home-School Link Module – Heart Healthy Foods

Name: ______________________________

Age: ____________

Class: ___________

Heart Healthy Foods

Take Home Activity Sheet 1 – Healthy Breakfasts, Get Started

Child’s Message

Our bodies and minds need breakfast to work well.

Adult’s Message

Breakfast is an important meal. There is plenty evidence to support this – it helps you wake up, helps concentration, performance and behaviour, makes you less likely to feel tired, leads to better eating habits and makes you less likely to eat unhealthy snacks or overeat.

Please sign below to show that you have worked with your child on this activity

Adult’s signature: __________________________

Take home task

Using what you have learned in school, plan a healthy breakfast.

There are some pictures to help you choose:

Heart Healthy Foods

Take Home Activity Sheet 2 – Healthy Breakfasts, Keeping Going

Child’s Message

There are some food and drinks that are better to choose for breakfast.

Adult’s Message

It is good to get into the habit of having breakfast everyday. Children often copy what adults do, so try to eat together to set an example. The choices we make at breakfast are important to meet all our nutritional needs.

Please sign below to show that you have worked with your child on this activity.

Adults signature:__________________________

Take home task

Here are a few questions to think about and answer together:

1. Have we made any changes to breakfast? (e.g. staring to have breakfast, tried something new, etc.)

2. What has been easy to do?

3. What has been hard to do?

4. How can we make it easier to have a healthy breakfast?

Heart Healthy Foods

Take Home Activity Sheet 3 – Lunches

Child’s Message

We all have different favourite foods. We need to try new foods many times to see if we like them.

Adult’s Message

There are many reasons for the choices we make: we like it or don’t like it, our friends/ families like it or don’t like it, we like the cartoon character or picture on the label, It’s quick to make or takes a long time, it was on special offer at the shops, we saw an advert on TV or in a magazine, we saw a pop star, celebrity or sportsperson having it and its healthy. Think about the choices we make and try to make healthy choices.

Please sign below to show that you have worked with your child on this activity.

Adult’s signature: __________________________

Take home task

Have a look together in your kitchen.

1. What are your favourite foods especially for lunch?

2. Which of these favourite foods are healthy?

3. Are there any new things you could try for lunch?

Heart Healthy Foods

Take Home Activity Sheet 4 – School Lunches

Child’s Message

Schools lunches give us the right mix of foods to help look after our bodies and to grow.

Adult’s Message

There are rules laid down by the Scottish Executive to make sure lunches are healthy and nutritionally balanced. Schools usually have a 3 week menu cycle. Copies can usually be found on the websites of your local council.

Please sign below to show that you have worked with your child on this activity.

Adult’s signature: __________________________

Take home task

Match the picture with the school lunch rule

Heart Healthy Foods

Take Home Activity Sheet 5 – Packed Lunches

Child’s Message

We need to contain a mix of foods to get all the goodness we need.

Adult’s Message

It is important to include different types of food in a lunch box. For example, protein, fat & sugar, carbohydrate, fruit and vegetables and dairy can all be included.

Please sign below to show that you have worked with your child on this activity.

Adult’s signature: __________________________

Take home task

Using the Eatwell plate diagram below to help you, draw or stick pictures of foods in the correct spaces on the blank plate to make a healthy meal.

Heart Healthy Foods

Take Home Activity Sheet 6 – Healthy Snack Choices

Child’s Message

No more than 2 or 3 snacks a day and these should be healthy snacks.

Adult’s Message

It is OK to have some snacks but watch when and what they are. If they have a snack close to a meal time your child may not eat their meal. Avoid snacks which have lots of added sugar or are high in fat or salt, unless advised by a health professional, (E.g. sugary drinks, sweets, chips and noodle pots). However we may not actually be hungry but could be thirsty or bored

Please sign below to show that you have worked with your child on this activity.

Adult’s signature: __________________________

Take home task

Sort out the snacks into everyday snacks and occasional treats:

Heart Healthy Foods

Take Home Activity Sheet 7 – Traffic Light System

Child’s Message

We need to eat more green foods and less red foods from the traffic light system.

Adult’s Message

The traffic light system divides food and drink into groups – red, amber and green. Red foods are high in sugar and fat. They are for treats and should only be eaten rarely. Green foods are fruit and vegetables (but not starchy veg like potato or rice), we should eat at least 5 a day and can be eaten as often as we like. Amber foods are high in carbohydrate like rice, pasta, potatoes, noodles and breads etc and should form the basis of our meals.

Please sign below to show that you have worked with your child on this activity.

Adult’s signature: __________________________

Take home task

Draw or cut out pictures of 3 red foods or drinks you like. Draw or cut out pictures of 3 green foods or drinks you could swap them with.

Heart Healthy Foods

Take Home Activity Sheet 8 – Review

Child’s Message

Our bodies and mind need food and drink to work well.

Adult’s Message

A healthy diet is important for the health of our bodies and mind. We need a good mix of foods to be healthy – carbohydrates, fruit & vegetables, dairy products, protein and small amounts of fatty & sugary food and drink. We need to try foods many times before we can decide whether or not we like them. We need to choose food carefully to get a balanced diet but this should be over a period of time and not every single meal.

Please sign below to show that you have worked with your child on this activity.

Adult’s signature: __________________________

Take home task

In the circle below mark how much of the food we eat should be from each of the 5 food groups:

• Carbohydrates - breads, rice, cereals, pasta & potatoes

• Fruit & vegetables - carrots, corn, peppers, apple, cauliflower, peas, mushrooms, mango, beetroot, salad leafs

• Dairy products – milk, cheese, butter & yoghurt

• Protein – meat, fish & alternatives such as eggs, nuts, beans and chickpeas

• Foods and drinks high in sugar and fat



No more than3 fried foods per week

Milk drinks and yoghurts (no added sugar options) provide calcium

Sugary soft drinks cause tooth decay

2 types of fruit and vegetables are offered each day


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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