June 7, 2020Trinity Sunday GREETING AND OPENING PRAYER:O God, your son declared his authority on earth and in heaven. May he reign now. May the vision you shared through Jesus be born now. May the Holy Spirit’s groans guide our steps. May we have the strength and imagination to prepare the way of the Lord even in these chaotic days. Amen.PRELUDE Praise My Soul, O King of Heaven by Henry Francis Lyte Offered by Deanna Taylor CHILDREN’S SERMON: I’m glad each of you were born. I think you are very special. I love how much you are all learning and growing. Some of you have straight hair. Some of you have curly hair. Some have kinky hair. Some of you have glasses and some of you don’t need them. Some of you are tall and some of you are like me, a little shorter for your age. Some of you are good at running or art or reading. Some of you maybe haven’t found your thing yet, but you are special. Exactly as you are.In the Bible story we are reading in Matthew. Matthew is in the New Testament. It is one of four gospels. Gospels tell stories about Jesus’s life. In this story, Jesus is telling his friends that if they love God they will look for friends all over the place—friends who look different from them even. They have to try hard to love all kinds of people because God loves all kinds of people. God loves each of you. And I hope you will try—even when it is hard, even when you have to ask new friends lots of questions to understand—to love people—all different kinds. Because every person on earth is a person God loves. Jesus called his friends beloved, which means “to love deeply”. You are my beloveds. And I want you to pray with me now. At Cross Lanes We pray by clapping our hands together…Let’s pray together. Dear God, thank you for loving us. Help us love each other, exactly as we are. Amen.ANTHEM Cryin’ Holy offered by the Early Worship BandSERMON LESSON Matthew 28: 16-2028:16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.28:17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.28:18 And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,28:20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."SERMON A Faithful Chance Rev. Krysta Rexrode WolfeSERMON RESOURCESKeener, C. S. (2009). The gospel of Matthew: A socio-rhetorical commentary. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (pp. 715-721).Long, T. G. (2011). Matthew 28: 16-20, Homiletical perspective. In Bartless, D. L. & Brown Taylor, B. (Eds.) Feasting on the Word (pp. 44-49) (Year A, Vol. 3). Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox.Witherington III, B. (2006.) Smyth and Helwys Bible commentary. Macon, Georgia: Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Inc. (pp. 531-541).SERMON NOTESThe “trinitarian formula” is mentioned only a few times in the New Testament, here ____________ is recorded as saying it in relation to the way he wants his followers baptized. Much of the basic Christian doctrine we take for granted was created by the first seven Great Councils, spanning _______________ years. But in the midst of those councils and in the long periods between councils, there lived many Christians who had no knowledge of the councils’ work; who were living the Bible’s teachings by___________________ and ________________________. Matthew 28 known as “The Great ______________________” isn’t a roadmap, it’s a ______________. We are _____________________ to this vision. Even when we don’t have a roadmap we have to ____________________. What has come up in your life for which you wish you had a roadmap? We might not have a roadmap, but we have is scripture, common sense, and trial and error. We don’t have to be afraid of getting faith wrong. Jesus has all authority. What faithful chance are you being called to take? What is the first step? What support do you need? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Feel free to share your responses with Pastor Krysta at crosslanesumc@ or by using these hashtags on social media #wearethechurchtogether #hoperises #crosslanesumc228602942590As we receive this offering of music, you are also encouraged to pray: what God requires of my time, my talent, and my treasure? During the last song, if you feel compelled to respond the word of God by giving a financial gift you can visit our website where you will find several ways to give. You can give with text-to-give by texting 844-945-2957 with the amount you want to give and then registering with the link sent to your phone. You can also download the GivePlus app on our phone or tablet to give with credit/debit cards or e-check.If you would like to set an ACH transfer, call our office at 304-776-3081 Or to mail your gift to CLUMC at 5320 Frontier Dr; Cross Lanes, WV 25313Visit to learn more about ways to give.00As we receive this offering of music, you are also encouraged to pray: what God requires of my time, my talent, and my treasure? During the last song, if you feel compelled to respond the word of God by giving a financial gift you can visit our website where you will find several ways to give. You can give with text-to-give by texting 844-945-2957 with the amount you want to give and then registering with the link sent to your phone. You can also download the GivePlus app on our phone or tablet to give with credit/debit cards or e-check.If you would like to set an ACH transfer, call our office at 304-776-3081 Or to mail your gift to CLUMC at 5320 Frontier Dr; Cross Lanes, WV 25313Visit to learn more about ways to give.SENDING SONG Be Thou My Vision UMH #451, v. 1-2 BENEDICTIONGo forth to make God’s vision your work. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. ................

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