Science Fair Project Requirements

Science Fair

Research Project Requirements

1. Complete a science fair project according to the guidelines.

2. Final project must include: logbook (dated, in ink), experiment, display, research paper, and abstract.

3. All Science Fair projects must be teacher approved first. Any project that may be deemed as unsafe will be reviewed by a school or county committee and may not be allowed. All guidelines must be strictly followed and all forms properly filled out and signed off by the appropriate person or committee before any experimentation may begin.

4. Any area of investigation will be allowed. Once a topic is chosen, you may not change topics unless first teacher approved. Sample size of any project must be approved by teacher. If human subjects are to be used, proper documentation is required (must work with a qualified scientist). Minors must have parental approval.

5. The project grade will be assessed using the score sheet given to you.

6. Intermediate grades will be taken according to the timeline given. Refer to the timeline for specific dates.

|Date |Item due |

|August 8 |Topic Idea Due |

|August 12 |Hypothesis statement |

|August 19 |Source Cards |

|September 4 |Note cards |

|September 11 |Topic Form Report |

|September 11 |First Logbook Check |

|September 19 |Formal Paper Work |

|September 25 |Procedure |

|October 14 |Rough Draft #1 |

|October 30 |Rough Draft #2 |

|December 5 |Rough Draft #3 |

|Date |Item due |

|January 6 |Final Paper |

|January 7 |Display Board |

|January 7 |Logbook |

|January 8 |Abstract |

|TBA |School Science Fair Interview |

7. All formal paperwork is required. If the formal paperwork is NOT submitted before experimentation, the project will not be accepted or graded, regardless of whether it is turned in to the teacher.

8. Only one science fair project is required per year.

9. Groups of two are allowed. Each individual person must maintain their own separate logbook with their own separate research and sources.


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