7 Habits of Highly Effective People Leadership TrainingDay 1IntroductionWhat is a habit?Exercise: Thinking about your habitsConsider the 7 habits of Highly Effective PeopleHappiness Chemicals and Habits Day 2Habit #7 Sharpen the SawTaking Care of yourselfBodyBrainHeartSoulDay 3Paradigms & PrinciplesWhat is a Pardigm?Being Principle (VALUE) Centered and Why?Exercise: What you’re your Principles/Values you want to centre your life around?Sharpen the SawDay 4Personal Bank AccountIf you want to change the world begin with yourselfExercise: Bank Account LedgerSharpen the SawPERSONAL VICTORY HABITSDay 5Habit #1: Be Proactive AttitudeCircle of ControlPause ButtonExercise: Self-Awarness, Conscience, ImaginationWillpowerSharpen the SawDay 6Habit #2: Begin with the End in MindDiscussing Mission StatementsExercise: The Great Discover QuestionsCreating a Personal Mission StatementSharpen the SawDay 7 Habit # 3: Put First Things First Urgency/Importance QuadrantsBig Rocks –Little RocksRoles in LifeFacing FearsExercise: Day PlannerSharpen the SawPUBLIC VICTORY HABITSDay 8 The Relationship Bank AccountBroken Promises Small Acts of KindnessListening, Apologizing, Clear ExpectationsExercise: Relationship Balance SheetsSharpen the SawDay 9Habit #4: Think Win/WinWin/Lose Totem PoleLose/Lose DoormatLose/Lose Downward SpiralWin/Win All you can eat buffetCompetition in StyleExercise: Scenarios Win/WinSharpen the SawDay 11Habit #5: Seek First to UnderstandListening Styles: Poor to Genuine Then to be UnderstoodExercise: In their shoesSharpen the SawDay 12 Habit #6: SynergizeStrength in DiversityExercise: Discover your differences Miers Briggs, STARTeamwork –who can you count onSharpen the SawDay 13 Habit #8 ? ................

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