7th Grade Math - Mrs. Callahan and Mr. Wilson Inequalities #1 W

[Pages:15]7th Grade Math - Mrs. Callahan and Mr. Wilson Due 5/29/20

Inequalities Assignment #1 Writing and Graphing Inequalities YouTube video

Remember: IN = NOT, therefore Inequality means NOT equal, NO EQUAL sign

Inequality symbols:

< Less than > Greater than

Less than OR equal to Greater than OR equal to

PRACTICE PROBLEMS: Write the word sentence as an inequality.

1.) A number n is greater than 1

2.) Twice the number p is fewer than 7

3.) A number w minus 3 is less than or equal to 10

4.) A number z is divided by 2 is at least -6

Remember: A solution set is more than one answer, it is all the answers that work in the inequality. SUBSTITUTE the answer to see if it works (plug-n-chug the answer)

PRACTICE PROBLEMS: Tell whether 3 is a solution for the inequality. Yes or no?

5.) B + 4 < 6

6.) 9 - n 6

7.) 18 x 10

GRAPHING Inequalities Remember: open circle does NOT include the number, < or >

closed circle DOES include the number, or

PRACTICE PROBLEMS Graph the inequality on a number line.

8.) a < 4

9.) f 7

10.) n > 0

11.) p -3

Write and graph an inequality for the situation: 12.) A cruise ship can carry at most 3500 passengers.

13.) A board game is designed for ages 12 and up.

7th Grade Math - Mrs. Callahan and Mr. Wilson Due 5/29/20

Inequalities Assignment #2 - Solving Inequalities Using Addition and Subtraction

YouTube Video REMEMBER: Whatever you do to one side, you do to the other, just like solving equations PRACTICE PROBLEMS:

Solve the inequality. Graph the solution. 1.) X - 2 < 3

2.) X - 6 4

3.) 10 x - 1

Solve the inequality. Graph the solution. 4.) X + 3 > 7

5.) Y + 2 < 17

6.) 16 m + 9

Write and inequality and solve.

7.) You already spent $24 shopping online for clothes. Write and solve an inequality to represent the additional amount you must spend to get free shipping.

7th Grade Math - Mrs. Callahan and Mr. Wilson Due 6/5/20

Inequalities Assignment #3 - Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication and Division

YouTube Video

REMEMBER: Whatever you do to one side, you do to the other, just like solving equations


Solve the inequality. Graph the solution.

1.) p 3 > 2


3 5




1 <

s 7

Solve the inequality. Graph the solution. 4.) 11 k 33

5.) 5j > 20

6.) 50 2m

Write and inequality and solve.

7.) The sign shows the toll for driving on Alligator Alley. Write and solve an inequality to represent the number of times someone can drive on Alligator Alley with $15.

7th Grade Math - Mrs. Callahan and Mr. Wilson (due 6/5/20)

Inequalities Assignment #4 When to switch the inequality sign YouTube


PRACTICE PROBLEMS: Write the inequality with the sign switched.

Example: x 5 Solution: 5 x

1.) z < 21

2.) 6 > 5

3.) y 7

PRACTICE PROBLEMS: Solve the inequality. Make sure to change the direction of the sign if needed.

4.) -3B < 6

6.) -9 - 3n 6

7.) -20x -5

PRACTICE PROBLEMS Solve the inequality. Make sure to change the direction of the sign if needed.

8.) a -4 < 4

9.) c/-5 10

10.) n/4 > 12

11.) 4 + (p -16) 6


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