Letter format for authorised signatories

| |Please ask for: |Mrs McCloskey/Miss Carson |

| | |P7 Class Teachers |

| |Direct Dial: |01463 725920 |

| |E-mail: |inshes.primary@.uk |

| |Date: |19th January 2018 |

Dear Parent/ Carer

We finished term 2 off on a really positive note. The year group performed brilliantly in their Christmas concerts; and they displayed excellent dancing at both the Millburn ceilidh and their P7 Christmas party. They all seemed to have had a lovely holiday and are refreshed for all the hard work that term 3 involves.

This term in literacy we will continue with Big Writing, one focus will be setting targets and identifying strategies to improve writing in different genres. We will also be looking at developing the main characters and describing detailed settings. Consistent, accurate punctuation is always part of VCOP, but the children will also be encouraged to use new punctuation e.g. colons. Library visits are on a Monday and Wednesday. We will also continue to take part in the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. Passports have been sent home, and these should be completed at home or school.

For our cross-cutting themes we are working with the other P7s in the associated school group (ASG) to take part in an initiative called Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce. The children will be learning about skills required for different jobs and working with local businesses to support this. If you would like to talk to either class about the job you do, we would be delighted to hear from you.

In maths the children are continuing to study number, with a focus on fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also be learning about patterns and time. We continue to work on number for three days each week, as we feel that this is a high priority. It would be appreciated if the children could revise tables and mental calculations at home regularly.

French is still taught weekly in both classrooms. Mrs Campbell, Gaelic teacher at Millburn Academy, is also coming in to school every three weeks, with follow up work being done by class teachers. Soon your child will be asked to choose which language (French or Gaelic) they would like to study in first year at Millburn/I.R.A.

In science light and sound and chemical reactions will be studied. The children are looking forward to this. We will be learning about Scientific terminology and how to carry out investigations correctly (fair testing).

The class will continue with PE on a Monday and on a Wednesday. During Miss MacLeod and Mr Wilson’s weekly session gymnastics will be the focus. Although the weather is fairly unpredictable, where possible, we will continue with Healthy Hearts. It would be helpful if children have their P.E. kit in school every day.

Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday and is to be returned on a Thursday and it will link to what we are learning in class; as always homework is the children’s responsibility and they are encourage to seek support if they require it. Homework will continue to be posted on the blog, please let us know if this is a problem for anyone to access.

Secondary education is approaching very quickly and there is a meeting for parents of children wishing to attend the IRA on Wednesday 24th January at 7.00 pm. Our second transition event for Millburn takes place on the morning of 15 March 2018, starting at 10.00am. S6 buddies, trained in working with younger students, will run activities for all P7 students. S1 “Bridging The Gap” pupils will conduct tours of the school as part of this day. The event will finish at 12.15pm.

It should also be emphasised that if you do not live in the catchment area for your chosen secondary school, and you wish your child to attend then you must submit a placing request. (Please note that placing requests are not always granted). The placing request forms have to be returned to Care and Learning, Highland Council HQ, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness by 15th March 2017. Any questions about this please contact the school office.

Another highlight of this term is our visit from Scottish Opera. The P6 and P7 classes will participate in two workshops lead by Scottish Opera which will then lead into a performance of “The Dragon of the Western Sea” which parents/carers will be invited to. The performance will take place on the afternoon of Monday 12th March (time tbc).

World Book Day is on Thursday 1st March and the P7s have decided to take the lead in order to raise money for their trip to Abernethy. They will plan a day of activities for the whole school to participate in and are looking forward to taking forward this big responsibility.

Also, please ensure children have an appropriate jacket and footwear for the weather. Children should also bring in their own water bottles, which must only contain water.

If you have any worries or are in need of any information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs M McCloskey and Miss Carson

P7 class teachers




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