Unit - موقع واجباتي

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|Term |

|Subject |

|Class |

| |

|1441 |

|the first |

|Smart Class 1 |

|4 th Primary |

| |

|WEEK |27/1/1441 |23/1/1441 |WEEK |

| |17 |Final test |

| |18 | |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Introducing my students to the |Write these letters : | | |Match letters: |

|English language and its nature. |A……….a | | |A b |

| |B………b | | | |

| | | | |B a |

|Reading, writing and pronouncing ( | | | |Choose the missing letter : |

|A/a…….B/b) correctly. | | | |….pple |

| | | | |( b – c – a –d ) |

|Vocabulary |Letters ( A TO B ) |


|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

| Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Learning two new letters (C…..D ) |What's this? | | |Spell the word cat |

|and some words. |It is a cat. | | |( c – a- t) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Managing reading and spelling words | The cat and the dog are pets. | | |Draw pictures containing photos of cats |

|containing the new letters. |Children like cats. | | |and dogs. |

|Vocabulary |Letters (C …… D) |

| |CAT ………. DOG |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Learning two new letters (E……..F ) |We eat eggs and fish. | | | Show me flash cards of numbers and |

|and some words. |[pic] [pic] | | |fish or eggs. |

|Students should identify and learn |I see ……….. in the sea. | | |Read the text in your books. |

|capital and small letters (E / F ) |( dogs – apples – fish – cats ) | | | |

| |We have ……….. for breakfast. | | | |

| |( dogs – books – fish – cats ) | | | |

| | | | | |

|Vocabulary |Letters ( E / F )- |

| |Numbers (one two---------) |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Doing some exercises. |Match: | | | Form words : |

| |C a | | |( I - s - f - h ) |

| |A f | | |( g - e - g ) |

| |F c | | | |

|Reading simple words and sentences. | Spell the following words: | | |Choose: |

| |Cat ( c - a - t ) | | |………is your name? |

| |Bag ( b - a -g ) | | |( What – How - Where – Why ) |

|Vocabulary |Letters - numbers |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Identifying and learning the new and|Repeat after me these letters: | | |- Form words : |

|previous letters. |( a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h ) | | |( I - s - f - h ) |

| | | | |( k - u - d - c ) |

|learning capital and small letters G| [pic] [pic] | | |[pic] |

|to H. | | | |[pic] |

|Vocabulary |Letters G……H / COLOURS ( RED – BLUE |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Making ss able to read and learn two|[pic] [pic] | | |All pens have---- |

|new letters ( I / J ) | | | |( blood – ink – water – mango) |

|Making simple questions using | What is this? | | |What is this? |

|( WHAT ) | | | |[pic] |

| |It is a ruler . | | | |

|Vocabulary |Letters I……J |

| |RULER / CHAIR / DESK…….. |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Making ss able to read and learn two|[pic] | | |-I Show flash cards of letters and |

|new letters ( K / L) | | | |ask them to say the letters. |

|DOING SOME EXERCISES. | [pic][pic] | | |[pic] |

| | | | |[pic] |

|Vocabulary |Letters I……J |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Learning the letters ( K / L ) and|[pic] [pic] | | |Children like to fly----------- |

|pronouncing them correctly. | | | |( pets – kites – bikes – bags ) |

|Answering the questions of my | Who can say the letters from (A to K )? | | |FORM WORDS : |

|students. |WHO CAN SPELL ( KITE ) ? | | |( F – S – I -H) |

|Doing some exercises. | | | |( G - B - A) |

|Vocabulary |Colours (red- yellow-green…………) |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Learning the letters (M AND N) and |[pic] [pic] | | |How do we smell? |

|reading them correctly. | | | | |

|Doing a simple exercise. | What does your mother work? | | |Match: |

| |At home. | | |D e |

| | | | |B a |

| | | | |A d |

| | | | |E b |

|Vocabulary |Letters M……N |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Learning the letters (O AND P) and |[pic] [pic] | | |We write with---- |

|reading them correctly. | | | |( pens – cars – bags – lemons ) |

|Making questions using (WHO IS-?) | [pic] | | |[pic] |

|Vocabulary |Letters O……P / father / mother -------- |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Learning the letters (QAND R) and | | | |What colour is the blood? |

|reading them correctly. |[pic] [pic] | | |It is red[pic]. |

|Learning some new words like (rabbit| [pic] | | |Turtles are very ( fast – slow – |

|–turtle-----) | | | |dangerous - big) |

|Vocabulary |Letters Q……R / red /rabbit -------- |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page. ( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Learning the letters (S AND T) and |[pic] [pic] | | |Amr is happy, but Ahmed is --- |

|reading them correctly. | | | |( tall – fast – sad – pleased) |

|LEARNING FEELINGS ( HAPPY /SAD / | [pic] | | |[pic] |

|HUNGRY--) |[pic] | | | |

|Vocabulary |Family (father- mother- sister……………..) |

| |Letter S / T |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page. ( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Learning and revising some words |[pic] | | |The elephant is----- |

|(adjectives). | | | |( small – thin – fat – sad) |

|Learning words containing the letter| [pic] | | |In summer we use--- |

|( U ) | | | |( coats – umbrellas – chairs - cats) |

|Vocabulary |Letter U |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page. ( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|LEARNING SOME NEW WORDS. |We put flowers in vases. | | |[pic] |

| |There are fish and whales in the sea. | | | |

|LEARNING SOME RULEA AND REVISING THE| We can eat fish all over the year. | | |Can + inf |

|LESSON. | | | |We can see----- |

| | | | |We can play---- |

|Vocabulary |Letters V-----W |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page. ( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |


| | | | |[pic] |


| | | | |[pic] |

|Vocabulary |Letters X------Y |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and Content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|LEARNING NEW VOCABULARY AND HOW TO |[pic] | | |There are a lot of things at school|

|DESCRIBE. | | | |like: |

| | | | |[pic] |

|DOING SOME EXERCISES. | Choose and write: | | |COMPLETE: |

| |[pic] | | |[pic] |

|Vocabulary |Letter Z |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |

|page |( ) |Title |

|Specific objective |Presentation and content |Materials |Modern teaching strategies |Evaluation Application |

|Revising all vocabulary. |[pic] | | |We all like eating: |

| | | | |[pic] |

|Doing some exercises and revising |[pic] | | |[pic] |

|all rules. | | | |[pic] |

|Vocabulary | |

|Homework |They'll complete answering the exercises in their workbooks page .( ). |

|Evaluation tools |⃝ oral tests ⃝ written tests / observation ⃝ discussion ⃝ exercises ⃝ activity ⃝ homework ⃝ others...... |



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