Lesson 2 | Relative-Age Dating - Fulda

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Word-Family Activity

Sentence Completion

Directions: On each line, write the correct form of the terms provided that correctly completes each sentence.

1. constant/constantly

a. Life-forms on Earth are not ; rather, they change over

time, as evidenced by the fossil record.

b. According to the principle of uniformitarianism, rock formations on Earth’s surface

are being changed by weathering processes.

2. preserve/preserved/preservation

a. Substances such as tar, ice, or tree sap can the remains

of organisms.

b. A carbon film can result in the of delicate leaf

structures, shown as an outline on a rock.

c. Traces or remains of ancient living organisms can be

in many ways.

3. relate/relative

a. The age of a rock layer can be determined based on the

principle of superposition.

b. Paleontologists can fossils to living organisms and learn

about how environments and organisms change over time.

4. fossil/fossilized/fossilization

a. When wood is by mineral replacement, it is called

petrified wood.

b. A cast is one type of .

c. Teeth, bones, and other hard structures of organisms are often preserved through

the process of .

32 Clues to Earth’s Past

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Word-Usage Activity: Understanding Capitalization

Capitalize all proper names, including:

• Names of particular people: Alfred Wegener, Isaac Newton

• Names of particular places:

• Cities—Los Angeles

• States—Ohio

• Countries—United States

• Other specific places, such as peninsulas, mountains, and rivers:

• Appalachian Mountains

• Mississippi River

• Cape Mendocino

Directions: Study the information above. Then circle the 11 capitalization errors in the passage below.

The principle of uniformitarianism and the principle of superposition are two central

ideas relevant to the study of Earth’s past. The principle of uniformitarianism states that the

Geologic processes occurring today are the same as the geologic processes that occurred in

the Past. Uniformitarianism can be traced to the ideas of James hutton in the 1700s. The

principle of superposition states that in undisturbed layers of rock, the layers on the top are

the youngest. Both principles can be illustrated by the geologic evidence that is visible in

grand canyon National Park.

In the grand canyon, there are at least eight main layers of rock that are visible. The

layers on the top are the youngest layers, as described by the principle of superposition.

The bottom layers are more than 1.8 billion years old. Over geologic time, the colorado

river cut through the rock layers. As described by the principle of uniformitariansm, the

movement of the colorado river weathers the rocks today just as it has in the past.

Clues to Earth’s Past 33

Name Date Class


Relative-Age Dating

Directions: Write the correct term in the boxes to the right of each definition. Then unscramble the letters from

the numbered boxes to spell a seventh term.

|correlation |inclusion |index fossil |lateral |

|relative age |superposition |unconformity | |

1. sideways or on the side

2. a fossil of a species that was abundant

and widespread for a brief period of time

3. older or younger, for example

4. the process of matching rock layers

from separate locations

5. describes a gap in the rock record

6. says that the youngest rocks are on

the top

7. When they are unscrambled, the letters from the numbered boxes spell

, which is a piece of an older rock that becomes part

of a new rock.

26 Clues to Earth’s Past

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Relative-Age Dating

Directions: Use your textbook and the diagram to answer each question or respond to each statement.

1. List the rocks in order from oldest to youngest.

2. How did you determine the relative age of Rock A?

3. Which rock contains inclusions? Explain how they formed.

34 Clues to Earth’s Past

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Relative-Age Dating

Key Concept How can the positions of rock layers be used to determine the relative

ages of rocks?

Directions: Answer each question in the space provided.

|Principles of Relative-Age Dating |

|Principle |How does the process produce |Where is the youngest rock |

| |the ordered layering of rock? |layer present? |

|1. Superposition |• |• |

|2. Original horizontality |• |• |

|3. Lateral continuity |• |• |

| | | |

|4. Inclusions |• |• |

| | | |

|5. Cross-cutting |• |• |

|relationships | | |

|6. Unconformities |• |• |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

36 Clues to Earth’s Past

Name Date Class


Relative-Age Dating

Key Concept How can the positions of rock layers be used to determine the relative

ages of rocks?

Directions: Study the diagrams. Then answer each question or respond to each statement on the lines provided.

| |1. What is an inclusion? |

| | |

| | |

| |2. What is a dike? |

| | |

| | |

| |3. Is the dike or the inclusion older? |

| | |

| | |

| |4. What is disconformity? |

| | |

| |5. Identify the type of rock involved. |

| | |

| |6. Where is the gap in the rock record? |

| | |

| |7. What is angular unconformity? |

| | |

| |8. Identify the type of rock involved. |

| | |

| |9. Where is the gap in the rock record? |

| | |

| |10. What is nonconformity? |

| | |

| |11. Identify the type of rock involved. |

| | |

| |12. Where is the gap in the rock record? |

| | |

Clues to Earth’s Past


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