
Classification/Taxonomy Powerpoint Notes Name ____________________

1. What is taxonomy?

2. Carolus Linnaeus

• Swedish botanist who lived from _____ to ______

• Invented B____________ N________________: the 2-word naming system we still use today to classify organisms

• Called “_____________________________”

3. What is Binomial Nomenclature?

• Gives a _______ 2-word ______ scientific name to all living things.

• Genus is ___________________; species is not; both are italicized.

• ex. _____________ _____________ = humans

_____________ _____________ = cat

_____________ _____________ = tiger

4. Why are scientific names better than common names?

• ____________ names for the same species are different & confusing.

• Binomial nomenclature uses ____________________ (a “dead” unchanging language) and is understood by scientists ____________.

5. What are the 8 levels (taxa) of classification:

1. _________________________(LARGEST/GENERAL GROUP)

2. __________________________

3. __________________________

4. __________________________

5. __________________________

6. __________________________

7. __________________________

8. __________________________ (smallest/most specific group)

6. Which two taxa of classification are the scientific name:

___________________ & ____________________

7. What is the trick to remember the 8 taxa of classification:

• ______________ = Domain

• ______________ = Kingdom

• ______________ = Phylum

• ______________ = Class

• ______________ = Order

• ______________ = Family

• ______________ = Genus

• ______________ = species

8. Organisms in the same species can ____________together & their offspring are __________________.

Here are 3 tools used for classification:

9. What is a phylogeny?

10. What is a cladogram?

11. What is a dichotomous key?

• It helps ______________ organisms.

• Questions with __ answer choices lead you through the ____ until you find the correct organism.

12: Write the definitions next to each important vocabulary word below.

|prokaryote | |

| | |

|eukaryote | |

| | |

|heterotroph | |

|autotroph | |

|unicellular | |

|multicellular | |

|cell wall | |

|cell membrane | |

|motile | |

|sessile | |

|sexual reproduction | |

|asexual reproduction | |

| | |


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