Now watch and take notes from the video from

Name:____________________________________________________________WHAP 101Post-Classical Empires – Part II – Byzantine Empire, Rise of Islam and Delhi Sultanate Standard4.0 3.53.0 Not a 3.0 yet3.10.2Create a system of organization to sequence ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions 79- 72.5 points 72 -65.5 Points65 - 52 pointsUnder 58 points Points for test, packet and Essay Fill out the entire packet____/10 pointsFill out the entire Test Ticket____/5 pointsTest- Short Answer/Essays____/ 50 points Comparison Essay____/ up to 18 points Summarize the following reading from below in 1-2 sentences.Byzantine Empire? This term wasn't even used until 100 years after the Empire itself fell. The?Byzantine Empire?is the Eastern half of the Roman Empire. When Rome "fell", the Byzantines thrived. The Byzantines pose a unique problem in AP World History: The peak of Byzantine Civilization achieved under Justinian was reached in the late 500s. Hence, it does not fit well into the model of?Post-Classical?applied by the AP. Regardless, the Byzantines are a major empire in the Post Classical Era (although it is in a constant state of decline throughout the period).____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Label the following on the map on the next page: Byzantine Empire – 527 Areas added to the Byzantine Empire by 565 Read and take notes on the paragraph from APWorldPedia section 3.1 Byzantine.?Read and take notes on the paragraph from APWorldPedia section 3.2 THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE?Watch the Crash Course Video from 3.1- under Byzantine The Fall of Rome #12 and take notes- starting from 5:10 until the endTake notes on the Byzantine Empire Packet from FreemanpediaTake notes on page 1 + 2 – focus on Justinian and Theodora Take notes on p. 3 - Life after Justinian Take notes on P. 4- Take notes on the video- Engineering and Empire- Byzantine Empire-from 21:30 – 36:45 - on the following areasJustinian TheodoraNika Riots Hagia Sophia Size of Byzantine Empire Take notes on the following videos from FreemanPedia 3.1- under Byzantine EmpireCLIP TWO:?The PLAGUE of JUSTINIANTake notes on the following videos from FreemanPedia 3.1- under Byzantine EmpireCLIP THREE:?HAGIA SOPHIATHE HISTORY OF HAGIA SOPHIAYou can watch - CLIP FOUR:?The HIPPODROME to see what the chariot races would have looked like- this is what the people were watching before the Nika Riots! Next take notes from CLIP FIVE:?ICONOCLASM?(WARNING: This is very biased from the Christian perspective... and not very historical... and full of terrible, lame jokes...But, it's the Iconoclasm... It's the best I could find...)Take notes on Mr. Wood’s Lecture on the Crisis of Iconoclasm and the Great Schism Vocabulary- Define what the 11 terms mean below with 3-5 details each - CONSTANTINOPLEJUSTINIANTHEODORAHAGIA SOPHIAPLAGUE of JUSTINIANJUSTINIAN's CODECYRIL & METHODIUSEASTERN ORTHODOXPATRIARCH1453Using the vocabulary words on write a summary describing and defining the Byzantine Empire. Define all words Summary clearly describes and defines key aspects of the Byzantine Empire Summary correctly uses vocabulary words (1/2 point per word)3-4 words – 3.0/3.5 option4-5 words- 3.5/4.0 option ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read and take notes using 2Think a louds for the following sections of you bookEyewitness – P. 259-60Notes 5-7 A Prophet and His Word – P. 260Notes 3-5 Muhammad’s Early Life P. 260-1Notes 2-4 he following summary of our Key Concept and summarize it in 2-3 sentencesnt of pMuhammad’s Spiritual Transformation P. 261 Notes 3-5 The Quran P. 261Notes 3-5 Now watch and take notes from the video from The Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 42:40For the map on the next page Label the followingLand under Islamic rule by 632 Land under Islamic rule by 661 Land under Islamic rule of the Umayyad and Abbasid Empires by 850 Label the following Islamic capitals – Damascus, Baghdad and MedinaAlso label the very important city of MeccaTake notes form the following sections of APWorldipedia under 3.2THE ISLAMIC STATES? (focus on the Umayyad and Abbasids) Take notes from APWorldpedia under 3.1The Islamic Caliphates.?Take notes on the video Islam: Empire of Faith episode 2- from 3:30- 14:50 - have already seen this!!! You can review your old notes or watch it again!!Remember that Baghdad was the center of the Abbasid Caliphate Crash Course #13 – Islam – Taken and edited from the AP World History Teachers Facebook page Step one- read the questionsStep two- watch the video and take notes if you want – not necessary Step three- answer the question the best you can by yourself on a separate piece of paper and turn in w/ you packet Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper – 3.5 option – answer 5 questions with 3-4 details each 4.0 option- answer 7 question with 3-4 details each 1. John Green starts the Islam Crash Course video by asking “Mr. Green” why we don’t know much about the history of Islam. What is “Mr. Green’s” answer? Do you agree or disagree, and why? 2. How did Muhammad come to start the religion of Islam and what was Arabia like at the time of the development of the religion?3. What was the religious mix in pre-Islamic Arabia like at the time and how could this have impacted Muhammad’s attitudes about religion?4. What does John Green mean by referring to Islam as “a radical reforming religion”? How does he compare Muhammad’s religious goals to Jesus and Moses’ goals regarding Abrahamic monotheism?5. How does the Quran portray Jesus, Moses, and Abraham?6. Muhammad is portrayed as being very concerned about social justice in terms of, as John Green puts it, “taking care of those less fortunate than you.” How does this concern display itself in the Quran? 7. What are the supplementary sacred texts of Islam? Explain the purpose of these texts.8. What’s the history of how Islam grew and how the Islamic empires developed? 9. How is the idea that Islam “spread by the sword” not exactly accurate? What were some of the reasons that early believers found Islam appealing?10. How did the Muslims faith benefit the entire region during their Golden Age? 11. What were some of the major accomplishments of the Islamic Caliphates while Europe was still experiencing the Dark Ages?Vocabulary- Define what the 11 terms mean below with 3-5 details each - BEDOUINSMUHAMMADKHADIJAHKA'ABAHIJRAUMMAH,?DIMMI, &?MAWALIQU'RAN?&?HADITHRASHIDUN,?UMAYYAD, &?ABBASID CALIPHATESHAREM?&?the VEILCRUSADESLabel the following on the map below Delhi Sultanate in 123613351525Show Tamerlane’s invasion from 1398-1399What do you notice that is different about this map of the territory over the years for that Delhi Sultanate than most other areas that we studied?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Part I – Kushan Empire (the empire before the Delhi Sultanate)Take notes on the small section on the Freemanpedia reading hand out – Page 2 – Silk RoadWatch the video from The Story of India Part 3 – Spice Routes and Silk Roads about the Kushan Empire Watch from 29:00 – 35:55Focus on:Evidence of the Kushan Empire being at the center of the Silk RoadHow did it affect their coins and culture/gods?How was the city of Peshawar a major trade centerTake notes on the sections on the Freemanpedia reading hand out – Page 2 – Islam arrives in India and Delhi Sultanate Watch the video from The Story of India Part 5 – Two Oceans Meet about the Ghaznavid Empire to Dehi Sultanate Watch from 9:30 – 13:50, 15:25 – 17:50Focus on:Mahmud of Ghazni – invasion of India Hinduism and Islam –differences and Synthesis (combining) How did they co-exist under the Delhi Sultanate? Muslim Sufi’s – helping unify the faiths of Islam and Hinduism Sufism?is a Muslim movement whose followers seek to find divine truth and love through direct encounters with God.?Sufism?arose from within Islam in the 8th-9th centuries C.E. as an ascetic movement.Take notes on the small section on the Freemanpedia reading hand out – Page 3 – Al-BiruniWatch the video on Muslim Scientist Al Biruni Determines Earth's Circumference Within 1% Error - Take notes on the small section on the Freemanpedia reading hand out – Page 3 – SikhismWatch the video and take notes on Who Are The Sikhs? (Ignore the part about the bouncers!) notes on the small section on the Freemanpedia reading hand out – Page 2 – TamerlaneTake notes on Mr. Wood’s Lecture on TamerlaneVocabulary- Define what the 11 terms mean below with 3-5 details each - SILK ROADSULTANATECALICUTMAHMUD of GHAZNIXUANZANGTAMERLANEIBN BATTUTASIKHISMGURU NANAKAL BIRUNI ................

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