Theories of Development - UVA Wise

Course: Full Life Span Development

PSY 4780

Instructor: James E. Horton

Office: 131 Smiddy Hall

Phone: 328-0136



Office Hours: Posted on Web Page

Textbook: (Required) Paul S. Kaplan (1998). The Human Odyssey: Life-Span Development (3rd ed.)

Brooks/Cole: Pacific Grove, CA.

Course Instructions: The course will be an independent study course with exam questions answered by the student as the

student reads the assigned chapters. The student must have access to a recent word processing program such as MS Word or Word Perfect. All coursework except the syllabus is restricted to students enrolled in the course and protected by a password. The student must contact Dr. Horton via e-mail to receive their password to access the exams and their grades. The student will download the exams and the answer form from the web site and save them on a disk or their hard drive. The student will then answer the multiple-choice questions by typing the appropriate letter for the answer in the shaded column of the answer form. The student will return the answer form to Dr. Horton by attaching the file to an e-mail message (do not paste the file in the body of the e-mail). The exam form will be graded and returned to the student via e-mail.

Course Objectives: The course will investigate full life span development from birth to death. Upon completion of the

course, the student should possess an elementary understanding of the following areas of development.

1. Theories of development.

2. Genetic influences on development.

3. Prenatal development and birth

4. Physical, social, cognitive, and linguistic development during infancy and early years.

5. Physical, social and cognitive development during middle childhood and adolescence.

6. Physical, social and cognitive development during early, middle, and later adulthood

7. Facing death and coping with loss

Exams: There will be one exam for each of the 20 chapters in the text. Each exam will consist of 20 multiple-

choice questions.

Grading: Your course grade will be determined by your grades on the 20 exams (each exam will be

weighted as 5% of your course grade).

Honor Code: The Honor Code of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is fully and unconditionally

supported in this course. Violations of the Honor Code will be prosecuted through the Honor Court.

Class Attendance: Each student is expected to work independently and complete the assignments. If a class meeting is needed, it will be scheduled as conveniently as possible for the student. The student will be expected to attend any scheduled meetings.

Special Accommodations: ADA: All students with disabilities requiring accommodations should present the appropriate paperwork from the ADA Coordinator (Faculty Accommodation Notice).  It is the student’s responsibility to present this paperwork in a timely fashion and follow up with the instructor about the accommodations being offered.  Accommodations for test-taking (e.g. extended time) should be arranged at least 3 class days before an exam.  If you are not registered with the Disability Services, please do so as soon as possible by contacting the ADA Coordinator (Zehmer Hall, Office 152, 328-0177).

Sexual Misconduct/Harassment Statement: The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is committed to maintaining a respectful, professional and nondiscriminatory academic, living, and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This includes having an environment free from sexual and gender based harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, complicity and retaliation. The College reaffirms its commitment to maintain a campus environment emphasizing the dignity and worth of all members of the college community.

To view the UVa-Wise’s Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal violence Policy, please visit

If you have questions or concerns, please immediately contact your Title IX Coordinator listed below.

Tabitha Smith, title IX Coordinator

Office of Compliance and Conduct

1 College Avenue

Wise, VA 24293

Office: 276-328-0131 Cell: 276-870-506 Fax 276-376-4876 email


Reading Assignments and Exam Schedule:

The chapters, exams and due dates are listed below to help the student schedule their time in order to expeditiously complete the course in the time allotted for this term. Exams are due by midnight of the due date. Exams submitted late will not be accepted or graded unless the student makes prior arrangements to submit their exam later than the due date.

Chapters Exam Exams Due

. 1 1 1/20

. 2 2 1/25

. 3 3 1/30

. 4 4 2/4

. 5 5 2/10

. 6 6 2/15

. 7 7 2/20

. 8 8 2/25

. 9 9 3/2

. 10 10 3/7

. 11 11 3/12

. 12 12 3/17

. 13 13 3/23

. 14 14 3/28

. 15 15 4/2

. 16 16 4/7

. 17 17 4/13

. 18 18 4/18

. 19 19 4/23

. 20 20 4/28


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