Chamblee Middle School

Directions: Create a graphic organizer, choose a layered book, booklet or tri-fold(brochure) see pg 811-813 for the 6 traits of living things. Each trait should include 1) a description of trait, 2) illustration & caption and 3) an example

1. Cells

2. Respond to stimulus - include homeostasis in you description

3. Reproduction - include both asexual and sexual reproduction in description

4. DNA - include heredity

5. Use Energy - include 5 building block/nutrients of cells and metabolism in description

6. Grow & Develop

6 Traits of Living Things Graphic Organizer Rubric

|Description of Requirement |Total Points |Point |Comment |

| | |Rec | |

|Each trait included all elements: Description, Illustration & Caption, Example|40 | | |

| |25 | | |

|Information was accurate and complete | | | |

| |15 | | |

|Each element included required additional information | | | |

|Homeostasis, Asexual & sexual reproduction, Heredity, 5 Building Blocks of | | | |

|Cells and Metabolism | | | |

| |10 | | |

|Organized, Neat and Colorful | | | |

| |10 | | |

|Title and Heading present and | | | |

|Grammar & Spelling Correct | | | |

Directions: Create a graphic organizer, choose a layered book, booklet or tri-fold(brochure) see pg 811-813 for the 6 traits of living things. Each trait should include 1) a description of trait, 2) illustration & caption and 3) an example

1. Cells

2. Respond to stimulus - include homeostasis in you description

3. Reproduction - include both asexual and sexual reproduction in description

4. DNA - include heredity

5. Use Energy - include 5 building block/nutrients of cells and metabolism in description

6. Grow & Develop

6 Traits of Living Things Graphic Organizer Rubric

|Description of Requirement |Total Points |Point |Comment |

| | |Rec | |

|Each trait included all elements: Description, Illustration & Caption, Example|40 | | |

| |25 | | |

|Information was accurate and complete | | | |

| |15 | | |

|Each element included required additional information | | | |

|Homeostasis, Asexual & sexual reproduction, Heredity, 5 Building Blocks of | | | |

|Cells and Metabolism | | | |

| |10 | | |

|Organized, Neat and Colorful | | | |

| |10 | | |

|Title and Heading present and | | | |

|Grammar & Spelling Correct | | | |


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