Unusual numbers

Seven Unusual numbers

373 - A Proof Set in Stone

by Peter Bluer

? 16 July 2009

Seven unusual numbers

This series of Web Pages forms a Lecture about Numerical design and Symmetry in Mathematics.

It is in a non-prejudicial format.

The reader is shown the structure of seven numbers that have an amazing secret that conveys the truth about our existence on this planet Earth.

373 - A Proof Set in Stone

Dr Peter Bluer

Let me introduce you to the Hebrew sentence shown below. As we investigate the sentence you will see an amazing secret that has been hidden for 5000 years and has only been decoded in the last Hundred years. The Hebrew is untranslated at present,

but when the words are translated they will surprise you. Hebrew words are read from right to left. Page_4

Xrah tav MymDh ta Myhla arb tyDarb

The 2nd object the 1st object

Subject and verb

Xrah7 tav6 MymDh5 ta4 Myhla3 arb2 tyDarb1

Noun/Art part/conj Noun/Art Part Noun Verb Prep_phrase

The sentence has 7 words and 28 letters and 28 is 4 x 7. The sentence is partitioned into 3 parts, the Subject, the Verb and the two Objects.

The Subject and Verb - words [1,2,3] have 14 letters and 14 is 2 x 7, and the two objects - words [4,5,6,7] comprise 14 letters and each object - words [4,5] have 7 letters and [6,7] 7 letters. The 3 nouns - words [3,5,7] also have 14 letters.

These partitions of the sentence are selected according to the syntax of the sentence and contain the repeated factor** 7. Does this have any meaning or significance ? We shall see.

The Hebrew language has an unusual feature which we do not have in English. About 200 BC the letters of

the Hebrew Alphabet were given numerical Values.

The first letter Aleph a was given numerical value = 1, second letter Beth b given numerical value = 2,

the third letter Gimel g given numerical value = 3, etc And the last letter Taw t has numerical value = 400.

The table on the next page gives all the numeric values of the Hebrew Alphabet.

** The prime factor(s) of a number are unique. 6 is composed of 2 x 3. 2 and 3 are the factors of 6. 12 is composed of 2 x 2 x 3, 15 is 3 x 5 etc


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