Unit 9 Extra Credit Assignment

Unit 9 Extra Credit Assignments

Letters in Time

Select one of the people from the list of people from the Fifties/Sixties and one person from the list below. For each person write a ½ page biography on each person’s significance and their accomplishments and/or importance to US history/society/politics. Then write a 1 page letter from one person to the other trying to persuade or inform that person on an important issue or event that the person writing the letter would be interested in. In a second letter write the response from the other person.

• 2 ½ page summaries on the two people (one from the 50’s/60’s one from the 70’s/80’s

• A first letter from one of the selected people to the other

• A response letter from the recipient

Make sure the letters accurately portray how the person would feel on the issue based on what we know about them.

List of people

Richard Nixon

Ayatollah Khomeini

Oliver North

Ronald Reagan

Jimmy Carter

Henry Kissinger

Jane Roe (from Roe v. Wade)

Mikhail Gorbachev

Ralph Nader

Jerry Falwell

Larry Flynt

Antonin Scalia

Anwar Sadat

Allan Bakke

Due: Monday May 23

Points: Up to 8% on a test score

Protest Anthology

Create a music anthology of protest songs from the Sixties through the Nineties. You must include at least 2 songs from each decade and the songs must somehow protest social or political conditions. For each songs write an approximately 1/3 page explanation why you selected that song and how it represents both a protest song and that specific decade. Be sure the songs you select represent that decade, and organize your report chronologically. Extra songs will be considered for extra credit on the assignment.

Due Monday May 23

Points: Up to 8% on a test score or 10% if you submit the songs on cassette tape or CD.

A Dark Look at the Cold War – Kubrick and Dr. Strangelove

Watch the movie Dr. Stangelove after school and write a page response about what point Kubrick is trying to make about the Cold War in 1964 when the movie is released. Viewing will take approximately 90 minutes and should be done by 4:20 pm on 05/17.

Viewing Tuesday May 17, Response due Wednesday May 18

Points: 6% on a test score

EXTRA BONUS: If you satisfactorily complete all three projects, one of your test grades will be dropped.


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