ECD2 M F14 Shedd

Essential Christian Doctrine II -Modular

Shedd Report

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ECD II - Modular

Fall 2014 – Professor Lewis

Answer all questions according to the material presented in the Shedd text.

Do not use material from other texts in your answers.

1 Part 6: Soteriology (The Doctrine of Salvation)

1 Christ’s Mediatorial Offices

1 Introductory Paragraphs (675)

1 Skip

2 Some Characteristics of Christ as Mediator (675-681)

1 Summarize this section of Shedd’s text.

1 Answer:

3 Threefold Office (681-682)

1 Skip

4 Christ’s Prophetic Office (682-685)

1 Define the Prophetic Office of Jesus Christ?

1 Answer:

2 How is Christ’s Prophetic Office distinguished from the biblical prophets’ (e.g., Isaiah)?

1 Answer:

5 Christ’s Priestly Office (685-688)

1 Define the Priestly Office of Christ?

1 Answer:

2 How does Christ administer this office?

1 Answer:

3 How is the administration of Christ’s Priestly Office distinct from His administration of the prophetic office?

1 Answer:

2 Vicarious Atonement

1 Atonement as Substitutionary (690-696)

1 Summarize the difference between personal and vicarious atonement.

1 Answer:

2 Why does the Socinian assertion that vicarious atonement is unmerciful lack force or merit?

1 Answer:

2 Atonement as Suffering and Forgiveness as Its Result (696-699)

1 Summarize this section of Shedd.

1 Answer:

3 Atonement as Objective (699-708)

1 Skip

4 Atonement as Subjective (708-711)

1 Skip

5 Christ’s Sufferings as Penal Substitution (711-720)

1 Explain the difference between calamity, chastisement, and punishment.

1 Answer:

2 What is the purpose of chastisement?

1 Answer:

3 What is the purpose of punishment?

1 Answer:

4 Did Jesus experience the emotional wrath of God? Explain your answer.

1 Answer:

6 Christ’s Active and Passive Obedience (720-722)

1 What is the distinction between Active Obedience and Passive Obedience?

1 Answer:

7 Atonement and Its Necessity in Relation to Divine Justice (722-728)

1 How does atonement cancel a legal claim?

1 Answer:

2 If atonement cancels guilt, then why is it that the vicarious atonement of Christ does not save all men indiscriminately, as the Universalist contends?

1 Answer:

3 How does Shedd answer the objection that it is unjust to exact a personal penalty from any individual member of the human race if a vicarious penalty equal in value to that due from the whole human race has already been paid to justice?

1 Answer:

8 Atonement in Its Relation to Divine Mercy (728-732)

1 How is vicarious satisfaction a mode of divine mercy?

1 Answer:

2 Why is vicarious satisfaction of justice the only possible mode of exercising divine mercy?

1 Answer:

9 Possibility of Substitution (732-739)

1 How is the Calvinistic theory of the “relaxation” of justice different from Scotus’s and Grotius’s theory of the “relaxation” of justice?

1 Answer:

2 Explain how the concepts of “equivalency” and “identity” relate to the possibility of penal substitution.

1 Answer:

10 Extent of Atonement (739-750)

1 Why is it important to distinguish “atonement” from “redemption” with respect to understanding the issue of the extent of the atonement?

1 Answer:

11 Universal Offer of Atonement (750-754)

1 How does Shedd understand the notion of a universal offer of atonement?

1 Answer:

3 Regeneration

1 Introductory Paragraph (761)

1 Skip

2 Various Uses of the Term Regeneration (761-763)

1 How is regeneration related to conversion?

1 Answer:

3 Characteristics of Regeneration (764-773)

1 How does “renewal” relate to regeneration?

1 Answer:

2 What is Shedd’s single best argument to support the claim that man cannot cooperate in regeneration? Why?

1 Answer:

3 What is Shedd’s single best argument to support the claim that regeneration is not effected by the use of means? Why?

1 Answer:

4 Man’s Agency in Regeneration (773-782)

1 Regarding man’s agency in regeneration, how is the Augustinian use of the term “preparative” distinguished from the Semi-Pelagian use of the term?

1 Answer:

4 Conversion (787-791)

1 Questions

1 What is conversion?

1 Answer:

2 How is conversion distinguished from faith, regeneration and justification?

1 Answer:

5 Justification

1 Preliminary Considerations (793-796)

1 Why are the active obedience and the passive obedience of Christ necessary for the justification of the sinner?

1 Answer:

2 Justification: Its Characteristics and Results (796-800)

1 Briefly summarize and state the six characteristics and results of justification discussed in this section of Shedd.

1 Answer:

6 Sanctification (803-806)

1 How is sanctification distinguished from regeneration?

1 Answer:

2 How is sanctification related to justification?

1 Answer:

2 Part 7: Eschatology (The Doctrine of Last Things)

1 Intermediate or Disembodied State

1 Summary of the Doctrine (831-833)

1 Why did the Protestant Reformers reject patristic and medieval understanding of the intermediate state?

1 Answer:

2 Pagan Influences on the Doctrine of Hades (833-838)

1 Summarize this section of Shedd.

3 Christ’s Alleged Descent into Hell (838-850)

1 Why does Shedd reject the “descended into Hell” clause of the Apostles’ Creed?

1 Answer:

4 Scriptural View of the Intermediate State (842-850)

1 What is the best argument Shedd offers to prove that the Old Testament teaches the concept of the immortality of the soul and its separate existence from the body after death?

1 Answer:

5 Meaning of the Word Sheol (850-858)

1 Summarize this section of Shedd.

2 Christ’s Second Advent (863-865)

1 Skip this section

3 Resurrection

1 Historical Considerations (867-869)

1 How is the doctrine of Transmigration distinguished from the doctrine of Resurrection?

1 Answer:

2 Scriptural Teaching on the Resurrection (869-873)

1 What is a “spiritual body”?

1 Answer:

2 What is the distinction between a “natural body” and a “spiritual body”?

1 Answer:

4 Final Judgment (878-880)

1 How is the private judgment at death distinguishable from the public judgment on the last day?

1 Answer:

5 Heaven (882-883)

1 How did Augustine understand the relationship of sin and death to heavenly happiness?

1 Answer:

2 What are the four scriptural representations of the heavenly state?

1 Answer:

6 Hell

1 History of the Doctrine (884-888)

1 Skip this section

2 Biblical Argument (888-911)

1 What is the most persuasive biblical argument Shedd offers to prove that Hell is a place and state of eternal conscious punishment?

1 Answer:

3 Rational Argument (911-933)

1 According to the rationalistic critic, why should the doctrine of Hell be removed “from the sphere of rational belief”? (911)

1 Answer:

2 According to Shedd, what are the three main cardinal truths necessary to rationally defend and maintain the doctrine of Hell?

1 Answer:

3 How does the theory that punishment is retributive honor human nature?

1 Answer:

4 How is the endlessness of future punishment implied in the endlessness of guilt and condemnation?

1 Answer:

5 How is the bondage of the sinful will related to the endlessness of sin?

1 Answer:

6 How does Shedd explain the statement that “endless punishment is rational because sin is an infinite evil”?

1 Answer:

7 How can one argue that the wicked prefer Hell, rather than Heaven?

1 Answer:


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