Saint Mary's Press: The Catholic Bible Publisher for Teens

The Ninety-Nine Names of GodIslam insists that there is only one God. But God can be called on by many names, as the Qur’an says: “God has the Most Excellent Names. Call on Him by His Names” (7:180; quoted in N. J. Dawood, translator, The Koran, fifth revised edition [London: Penguin Classics, 1990], page 124; copyright ? 1956, 1959, 1966, 1968, 1974, 1990 by N. J. Dawood. Used with permission of Penguin Books, Ltd.).Traditionally there are ninety-nine names for God, most of which are given in the Qur’an. The names are important in Muslim piety; each name is sometimes repeated dozens of times in prayer, and each of the ninety-nine beads on the Muslim rosary stands for one of the names. After reading the following list of the ninety-nine names of God, complete these tasks:1. Check off any names whose meanings you do not know. Using a dictionary, look up the meanings of those names and write them below the names.2. Circle all the names you have not previously thought of as applying to God.3. From the names you just circled, star the four that you would be most likely to use for God.____ 1.The Beneficent____ 2.The Compassionate____ 3.The King____ 4.The Holy____ 5.The Giver of Peace____ 6.The Guardian____ 7.The Powerful____ 8.The Almighty____ 9.The Compeller____10.The Greatest____11.The Creator____12.The Evolver____13.The Fashioner____14.The Forgiver____15.The Vanquisher____16.The Bestower____17.The Sustainer____18.The Revealer____19.The Omniscient____20.The Restrainer____21.The Munificent____22.The Degrading____23.The Enhancer____24.The Exalting____25.The Abasing____26.The All-Hearing____27.The All-Seeing____28.The Judge____29.The Equitable____30.The Subtle____31.The All-Aware____32.The Forbearing____33.The Magnificent____34.The Remitter____35.The Prodigal____36.The Sublime____37.The Most Great____38. The Preserver____39.The Sustainer____40.The Sufficer____41.The Majestic____42.The Bountiful____43.The Vigilant____44.The Responder____45.The All-Embracing____46.The All-Wise____47.The Kind One____48.The All-Glorious____49.The Resurrector____50.The Witness____51.The Truth____52.The Champion____53.The All-Powerful____54.The Firm One____55.The Protector____56.The Laudable____57.The Appraiser____58.The Originator____59.The Restorer____60.The Life-Giver____61.The Life-Taker____62.The Ever-Living____63.The Dominating____64.The Entire____65.The Illustrious____66.The One____67.The Sanctuary____68.The Potent____69.The Omnipotent____70.The Advancer____71.The Delayer____72.The First____73.The Last____74.The Evident____75.The Hidden____76.The Lord____77.The Transcendent____78.The Benign____79.The Accepter of Repentance____80.The Avenger____81.The Pardoner____82.The Most Kind____83.The Owner of Sovereignty____84.The Lord of All Majesty____85.The Equitable____86.The Gatherer____87.The Absolute____88.The Endower____89.The Averter____90.The Distressor____91.The Harmer____92.The Enricher____93.The Splendid____94.The Guide____95.The Superb____96.The Everlasting____97.The Heir____98.The All-Knowing____99.The Patient One ................

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