Support of Work-Life Integration: Cultural Issues Facing ...

Support of Work-Life Integration: Cultural Issues Facing the Employer

Work/Life Strategy Game

This game is used with permission from Towers Perrin. Joanne Harney is thanked for her efforts in helping Professor Kossek get approval to use the game in the book: Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century: From Core Concepts to Strategic Choices, edited by Ellen Kossek and Richard Block. South-Western College Publishing 2000.


To accumulate the highest monetary value by the end of the Game. Value is accrued by answering WORK/LIFE and MANAGEMENT questions correctly and purchasing work/life programs most related to the organization’s business needs and strategy, as well as by chance, as revealed in NEWSFLASH and MEMO cards. Dollars not invested by the end of play contribute to total value.


1. Divide the class into teams that fit the size of your class section. (In a class of about 35 I have about 5 teams of 7, but the teams could be larger if each time the team roles a dice a different member has to answer the question.) All teams place their markers on the GO square

2. Each team starts with $300,000, an Organization Profile, and a Scoreboard to plan their strategy and record purchases.

3. Using its Organization Profile, each team decides on a strategy for acquiring programs, ranking its top six (6) priorities on the Scorecard.

4. Each team rolls the die to determine who goes first (highest roll). (Instructors will need to bring a die and markers to accompany these game materials. The Work/Life, News Flash, Memo and Management materials in this file need to cut into cards. Running off the materials on cardboard is preferred. The money needs to be run off and cut into dollars on colored paper like Monopoly money. Each student should receive a scoreboard. Each team should receive a profile. The gameboard should be enlarged to be the size of a regular gameboard.


The team with the highest roll rolls again and moves that number of squares clockwise on the board. Turns proceed clockwise. The team to the left of the team in play (or the Facilitator) reads the relevant card. More than one team can occupy a square.

* WORK/LIFE and MANAGEMENT cards: Read the question and multi-choice options to the team in play. They have two minutes after hearing the question to discuss the options and select their answer. Team discussions should be public so all players can listen and learn. After a team answers, the team to the left reads the correct answer and consequences, which the team in play follows.

* NEWSFLASH and MEMO cards: Simply read out the card and the consequences.

Consequences for landing on WORK/LIFE, MANAGEMENT, and MEMO squares apply only to the team landing on the square. Consequences for landing on NEWSFLASH squared apply to every team in the Game.

* BUY square: Team may purchase any one program at cost.

* GO square: Landing on GO is treated as a NEWSFLASH square. Teams landing on, or passing, GO collect $50,000.

* Trading or Selling Programs: At the beginning of each team’s turn, that team may trade, sell, or buy a program from another team.


At the close of play the Facilitator will give each team its Bonus card (Do not show the bonus cards to the students until the end of the game. Use the score card to record your points. Add: 1) the face value of each program purchased; 2) bonus points for purchasing any of the Organization’s bonus programs (bonus points are equal to the value of the bonus program, doubling the value of any bonus programs; and 3) cash on hand. The team with the most points (dollars) wins the Game.

Note: Duplicate programs do NOT count in the scoring and must be traded for other programs or sold during the Game.

Work/Life Program Definitions

Fostering Physical and Mental Fitness

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – Confidential service that employees call for counseling on family problems, substance abuse, stress, and other personal concerns.

Fitness and Health Program – On-site fitness center and wellness services to maintain health through exercise and prevent illness through early detection and educational programs.

Helping Employees Take Care of Dependents

Adoption Assistance Program – Financial assistance to offset the cost of adoption. Resource and referral information services available to assist employees in adoption counseling, planning, and obtaining information.

Child Care Resource and Referral Service- Confidential service that employees call to locate child care programs and services in their communities, and to obtain information about quality care and normal developmental problems.

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Account – Benefit that enables employees to pay certain child care and/or elder care expenses with pre-tax dollars, and includes an employer contribution.

Domestic Partner Benefits – Medical, dental, optical, life, bereavement, and FMLA benefits provided for domestic partners.

Elder Care Resources and Referral Service – Confidential service that employees call to locate elder care programs and services in their communities, and to obtain information about quality care and normal aging problems.

Regular and Backup Child Care Program – On or near-site child care programs that provide care for employees’ children under six years old; before and after school programs that provide care for employees’ school age children. Backup or emergency care is provided when regular arrangements are not available, for example, if schools are closed or regular caregivers are not available.

Flexibility/Helping Employees Save Time

Alternative Work Arrangements Program – Work schedules which provide employees control over when and where they work. Includes flextime (flexibility in starting and ending time); part-time work; job sharing (two employees share one job); compressed work week (employees work the same number of hours in fewer days), and work-at-home.

Business Travel Program – Benefit offered to ease burdens associated with business travel. Benefits include frequent flier miles, compensatory time for time spent on traveling, paid long distance calls to home, paid dry cleaning while on travel, additional pay for weekend travel, paid airline club membership, and paid travel expenses for spouse.

Concierge Service – On-or off-site service the employees can use for conveniences, such as dinners-to-go, dry cleaning, chore services, ticket purchasing, etc.

Paid Time Off Program – Benefit in which all the employee’s time off is put in a “bank”. Employees decide when to take vacation, sick time and personal time.

Financial Support

Financial Services – Onsite ATM, general financial planning, retirement planning, access to credit bureau reports, investment option program, emergency loans, direct deposit, payroll deductions, educational assistance.

Life Cycle Account – Benefit that allows employee an annual choice of employer-funded benefits that meet their individual needs. Eligibility for specific benefits is determined by length of service. Each employee has a lifetime account with a yearly limit.

Relocation Package – Services and financial assistance that help families manage relocation; includes home search, mortgage assistance, and spousal job search assistance.

Creating the Right Environment

Education and Manager Training Program – Information for executives and managers on how to support employees in achieving a work/life balance through sensitivity and flexibility in implementing corporate policies.

Scorecard Company Name:______________________


Game Pieces

| | | |

| | | |

| | |[pic] |

|[pic] | |Gotham City Dept. |

| |[pic] |of Trans. |

|Neutrino Gas |Fireproof | |

|and Electric |Insurance | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |[pic] |

| |[pic] |Tortoise Tele- |

| |Lure-me- |Communications |

|[pic] | | |

|Runway Airlines | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |[pic] | |

|[pic] | | |

|Cybernet Computer |Hot Tamale |[pic] |

| |Mexican Restaurants |Channel Surf |

| | |Ad Agency |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |Knowledge |

|Cash Cow |Feel Better |College |

|Investments |Health | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |Tofu |Zaxajax |

| |To Go |Pharmaceuticals |

|Gotham City | | |

|Transport | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |Arugula |Ostrich |

|St. Anguish |Computer |Investments |

|Health | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|[pic] | | |

|Pompeii | | |

|Insurance | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Bonus Points Cards

Zaxajax Pharmaceuticals Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Education and Management Training

Child Care Resource and Referral

Elder Care Resource and Referral

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program


Fitness and health program

Runway Airlines Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Relocation Package

Education and Management Training

Life Cycle Account

Fitness and Health Program

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program

Paid Time Off Program

Pompeii Insurance Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Alternative Work Arrangements

Child Care Resource and Referral

Elder Care Resource and Referral

Regular and Back Up Child Care

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program

Paid Time Off Program

Ostrich Investments

Bonus Points for:

Concierge Services

Alternative Work Arrangements

Regular and Back Up Child Care

Fitness and Health Program

Education and Manager Training Program

Paid Time Off

Gotham City Government- Department of Transport Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Child Care Resource And Referral

Elder Care Resource and Referral

Life Cycle Account

Fitness and Health Program

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program


Tofu to Go Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Relocation Package

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Account

Life Cycle Account

Regular and Back Up Child Care

Child Care Resource and Referral

Paid Time Off

St. Anguish Health, Inc. Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Regular and Back Up Child Care Program

Education and Management Training

Child Care Resource and Referral Program

Fitness and Heath Program


Paid Time Off

Argula Computer Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Regular and Back Up Child Care

Alternative Work Arrangements Program

Concierge Services

Fitness and Heath Program


Paid Time Off

Knowledge College Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Child Care Resource and Referral

Education and Management Training

Regular and Back Up Child Care

Fitness and Health Program

Elder Care Resource and Referral


Neutrino Gas and Electric Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Account

Child Care Resource and Referral

Elder Care Resource and Referral

Fitness and Health Program

Education and Manager Training Program


Tortoise Telecommunications Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Elder Care Resource and Referral Services

Regular and Child Care Back Up Program

Child Care Resource and Referral

Fitness and Heath Program

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program

Paid Time Off

Channel Surf Advertising Agency Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Concierge Services

Education and Management Training

Alternative Work Arrangements

Fitness and Heath Program


Paid Time Off

Cash Cow Investments Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Concierge Services

Alternative Work Arrangements

Regular or Back Up Child Care

Fitness and Health Programs

Education and Manager Training Program

Paid Time Off

Cybernet Computer Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Regular and Backup Child Care

Alternative Work Arrangments Program

Concierge Services

Fitness and Health Program


Paid Time Off

Feel Better Health, Inc. Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Regular and Back Up Child Care Program

Education and Management Training

Child Care Resource and Referral Program

Fitness and Health Program


Paid Time Off

Fireproof Insurance Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Alternative Work Arrangements

Financial Services Plan

Elder Care Resource and Referral

Regular and Back Up Child Care

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program

Paid Time Off Program

Hot Tamale Mexican Restaurants Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Relocation Package

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Account

Life Cycle Account

Regular and Backup Child Care

Child Care Resource and Referral

Business Travel Program

lure-me- Bonus Points Card

Bonus Points for:

Education and Management Training

Domestic Partner Benefits

Elder Care Resource and Referral

Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program


Concierge Service

Ostrich Investments

National brokerage company and pension fund manager

|Key business and Human Resources Issues: |

|Attract top talent, including more women |

|Retain top talent, avoid employee burnout |

|Increase market share by designing innovative products |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 20,000 |

|Female: 42% |

|Male: 58% |

| |

|Average Age: 38 |

|Average Length of Service: 3 years |

|Average Earnings: $42,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 52% |

|Single Employees: 25% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 16% |

|Single Parents: 8% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 3% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues |

|Stress; danger of burnout, no time for personal needs |

|Flexibility in working arrangement |

|Employees with children need coverage when working extended hours |

Zazajaz Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutical company with innovative neurological drugs

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|Meeting more competitive prices |

|Greater cost control demands |

|Need to form strong alliances |

|Redundancy of sales reps |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 12,000 |

|Female: 40% |

|Male: 60% |

| |

|Average Age: 39 |

|Average Length of Service: 8 years |

|Average Earnings: $30,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 50% |

|Single Employees: 25% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 25% |

|Single Parents: 10% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 20% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Top overworked; increased job instability |

|Help with dependent care |

|More caring management |

Pompeii Insurance

General insurance covering life and property/casualty

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|Sales, sales, sales, sales, sales |

|Lower turnover |

|Increase productivity; reduce turn-around time of claims payment |

Needs Assessment

|Demographic: |

|Number of Employees: 35,000 |

|Female: 70% |

|Male: 30% |

| |

|Average Age: 32 |

|Average Length of Service: 5 years |

|Average Earnings: $27,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 45% |

|Single Employee: 20% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 25% |

|Single Parents: 15% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 20% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Need care for children and elders |

|Help paying for care |

|More flexibility in work schedules and locations |

Gotham City Government—

Department of Transport

Interborough city bus and subway transportation – local government unit

|Key Business and Human resource Issues: |

|Need to reduce accidents |

|Need to operate within a tight budget |

|Bolster reputation for service excellence |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 6,000 |

|Female: 10% |

|Male: 90% |

| |

|Average Age: 40 |

|Average Length of Service: 14 years |

|Average Earnings: 46,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 60% |

|Single Employees: 20% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 40% |

|Single Parents: 12% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 25% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues |

|Care for children and elders |

|Financial and retirement planning |

|Stress |

Tofu To Go

Health fast-food chain, going national

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|Balancing employee retention and employee costs |

|Expand the business by opening new locations nationally |

|Keep expenses, including employee pay, down |

|Recruiting a skilled, motivated work force with proximity to stores |

Needs Assessment

|Demographic: |

|Number of Employees: 20,000 |

|Female: 65% |

|Male: 35% |

| |

|Average Age: 28 |

|Average Length of Service: 2 years |

|Average Earnings: 18,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 30% |

|Single Employees: 50% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 15% |

|Single Parents: 12% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 10% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Child care costs are a major concern |

|Managers not willing to relocate |

|Younger employees want more educational opportunities and greater |

|benefits flexibility |

St. Anguish Health, Inc.

General hospital, multi-location within one metropolitan area

|Key Business and Human Resources Issues: |

|Response to manages care; contract with the primary care and affiliation with referral sources |

|Falling reimbursements causing need to lower costs dramatically |

|Decrease rate of turnover, especially at professional level |

|Need to recruit physicians and key nurse positions from distant major cities |

Assessment Needs

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 5,000 |

|Female: 75% |

|Male: 25% |

| |

|Average Age: 35 |

|Average Length of Service: 7 years |

|Average Earnings: 30,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 50% |

|Single Employees: 40% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 25% |

|Single Parents: 12% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 8% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Need for quality child care |

|Supervisors are not sensitive to Work/Life needs |

|Need to reduce high levels of stress |

Argula Computer

Personal computer manufacturer, middle tier

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|Retain current work force |

|Provide stimulating and challenging work for new product developers |

|Position company and products as innovative |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 15,000 |

|Female: 50% |

|Male: 50% |

| |

|Average Age: 34 |

|Average Length of Service: 4 years |

|Average Earnings: $49,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 45% |

|Single Employees: 45% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 15% |

|Single Parents: 8% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 10% |

|Three Top Employees Work/Life Issues: |

|Reduce stress and burnout; provide more time-saving amenities at work site |

|Unreliable dependent care arrangements |

|More flexibility in work hours and locations |

Runway Airlines

A new national airline with low cost and fast service

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|Provide high frequency service with emphasis on low cost operations |

|Friendlier service in the air (and at the gate) to diffuse “no frills” service image |

|Connecting strategy offering national service |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 10,000 |

|Female: 50% |

|Male: 50% |

| |

|Average Age: 30 |

|Average Length of Service: 5 years |

|Average Earnings: $25,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 30% |

|Single Employees: 50% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 10% |

|Single Parents: 5% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 18% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Flexibility of benefits |

|Opportunities around the country |

|Less stress desired |

Knowledge College

Private College, one location within metropolitan area

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|Attract a full spectrum of the nation’s talent, including women and minorities, for the student, faculty, and staff populations |

|Boost the motivation and productivity of faculty at all levels while streamlining the curriculum |

|Reengineer administrative and support functions to control costs and bolster service quality |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 3,000 |

|Female: 60% |

|Male: 40% |

| |

|Average Age: 39 |

|Average Length of Service: 12 years |

|Average Earnings: $45,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 60% |

|Single Employees: 30% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 35% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Need for quality child care |

|Help finding care for elders |

|Low morale and stress |

Neutrino Gas and Electric

A diversified regional utility company

|Key Business and Human Resources Issues: |

|Reduce costs without compromise to safety and the environment |

|Reorient employees from a regulated focus to a customer focus |

|Develop better understanding of profitability of various customer segments |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 7,000 |

|Female: 21% |

|Male: 79% |

| |

|Average Age: 42 |

|Average Length of Service: 15 years |

|Average Earnings: $40,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 55% |

|Single Employees: 30% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 15% |

|Single Parents: 8% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Needs: 21% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Time loss because of few affordable child care options |

|Help finding care for elders |

|Help coping with stress and change in what was a stable industry |

Pompeii Insurance

General insurance covering life and property/casualty

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|Rationalize scope of business activities (product lines and geographic presence) to improve focus on core business |

|Increase agent retention |

|Increase productivity; reduce turn-around time of claims payment |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 35,000 |

|Female: 70% |

|Male: 30% |

| |

|Average Age: 32 |

|Average Length of Service 5 years |

|Average Earnings: $27,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 45% |

|Single Employees: 20% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 25% |

|Single Parents: 15% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 20% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Need care for children and elders |

|Help paying for care |

|More flexibility in work schedule and locations |

Tortoise Telecommunications

A large regional telephone company with cellular and publishing interests.

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|More competitive, more innovative, stronger customer service orientation |

|Ability to deal with diverse technologies linked to customer needs |

|Ability to partner and work with outsiders |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 30,000 |

|Female: 25% |

|Male: 75% |

| |

|Average Age: 40 |

|Average Length of Service: 15 years |

|Average Earnings: $42,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 60% |

|Single Employees: 25% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 16% |

|Single Parents: 10% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 24% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Help dealing with elders |

|Less stress wanted |

|Inexpensive child care needs |

Channel Surf

Advertising Agency

National ad agency focused on Fortune 500 clients

|Key Business and Human Resource Issues: |

|Immediate response to client needs |

|Fresh, creative talent is key to success |

|Have to work well as a broad, multidisciplinary team |

Needs Assessment

|Demographics: |

|Number of Employees: 12,000 |

|Female: 45% |

|Male: 55% |

| |

|Average Age: 31 |

|Average Length of Service: 6 years |

|Average Earnings: $55,000 |

| |

|Employees with wage earning spouse: 45% |

|Single Employees: 40% |

|Employees with Children under the Age of 16: 12% |

|Single Parents: 4% |

|Employees with Elder Care or Disabled Adult Needs: 5% |

|Three Top Employee Work/Life Issues: |

|Work long and unpredictable hours—very stressful |

|Unhappy with managers’ lack of understanding |

|No time to get chores done |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$5,000 |$5,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$10,000 |$10,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|$25,000 |$25,000 |

|Regular & Backup |Education & Manager Training |Employee Assistance Program |

|Child Care Program |$100,000 |(EPA) |

|$150,000 | |$100,000 |

|Elder Care Resource and |Elder Care Resource and |Concierge |

|Referral |Referral |Service |

|$100,000 |$100,000 |$50,000 |

|Fitness and Health |Alternative Work |Relocation |

|Program |Arrangements |Package |

|$150,000 |$50,000 |$50,000 |

|Life Cycle |Education and Manager Training |Employee |

|Account |$100,000 |Assistance Program |

|$100,000 | |(EPA) |

| | |$100,000 |

|Dependent Care Reimbursement & |Relocation |Alternative Work |

|Subsidy Program |Package |Arrangements |

|$50,000 |$50,000 |$50,000 |

|Life Cycle |Education and Manager Training |Regular & Backup |

|Account |$100,000 |Child Care Program |

|$100,000 | |$150,000 |

|Education & Manager Training |Dependent Care Reimbursement & |Dependent Care Reimbursement & |

|$100,000 |Subsidy Program |Subsidy Program |

| |$50,000 |$50,000 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Memo 1 |Memo 2 |Memo 3 |

|From your CEO: |From a manager: |From you insurance carrier: |

| | | |

|I want to show stockholders that the |Once again, our key management team has to work|We ill lower your rates if you have a fitness |

|organization is offering innovative benefits |80 hours a week under intense pressure. A |center on site. |

|that meet the wide range of our employees’ |concierge service will enable employees to meet| |

|needs, yet contain costs. |their personal obligations, such as dry |If you have a Fitness and Health Program, |

| |cleaning, transportation for children, |receive $50,000. If not, you may purchase one |

|If you have a Life Cycle Account, receive |shopping, etc. |at a 50% discount (for $75,000). |

|$50,000. If not you may purchase one at a 20% | | |

|discount (for $80,000). |If you have a Concierge Service, receive | |

| |$10,000. If not, you may purchase one at a 20% | |

| |discount (for $40,000). | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Memo 4 |Memo 5 |Memo 6 |

|From sales research: |From your executive secretary: |From a supervisor: |

| | | |

|Women in sales have been found to play the |I have a parent with Alzheimer’s, and don’t |A systems whiz who is planning to retire would |

|significant part in the success of our |know where to turn for help. |stay longer if she had part-time work. |

|business. Focus groups have shown that they | | |

|will be most effective if they can work at |If you have an Elder Care Resource and Referral|If you have an Alternative Work Arrangements |

|home. |Service, receive $25,000. If not, you may |Program, receive $30,000. If not, you can |

| |purchase one at cost (for $100,000). |purchase one at cost (for $50,000). |

|If you have and Alternative Work Arrangements | | |

|Program, receive $50,000. If not, you may | | |

|purchase one at a 40% discount (for $30,000). | | |

|Memo 7 |Memo 8 |Memo 9 |

|From a manager: |From a vice president: |From your supervisor: |

| | | |

|Several of our employees will be living away |I’ve noticed that Alternative Work Arrangements|My highest performing employee has an aging |

|from home on a major assignment for two months.|happen informally at organizations. Some |parent and wants to work at home two days a |

|To help them find housing and recreation and |employees say it is unfair to have such |week. |

|cope with chores at home, we need a concierge |informal arrangements. | |

|service. | |If you have an Alternative Work Arrangements |

| |If you have an Alternative Work Arrangements |Program, receive $30,000. If not, you may buy |

|If you have a Concierge Service, receive |Program, receive $20,000. If not you may |at cost (for $50,000) or pay $10,000 in lost |

|$30,000. If not, you may purchase one at a 40% |purchase one at cost (for $50,000). |productivity. |

|discount (for $30,000). | | |

| | | |

|Memo 10 |Memo11 |Memo 12 |

|From the Finance Department: |From the CEO: |From the Management Team: |

| | | |

|We have analyzed the numbers and conclude that |Our employee attitude survey has shown that |We are challenging the fact that you have |

|$100,000 has been saved this year in lower |customer satisfaction is strongly correlated |implemented work/life benefits and programs. |

|employee absenteeism rates by providing the |with employee satisfaction. It has also been |They are too “soft” and do not provide any |

|back-up child care program. |the demonstrated that our work/life programs |return investment. |

| |have improved employee commitment and | |

|If you have a Regular and Backup Child Care |productivity, and have a strong correlation to |If you have an Education and Manager Training |

|Program, receive $80,000. If not, you may |employee satisfaction. Not surprisingly, our |Program, receive $30,000. If not, you may |

|purchase one at cost (for $150,000). |organization’s profits are up. |purchase one at cost (for $100,000). |

| | | |

| |Receive $20,000, plus $10,000 for each | |

| |work/life program you have in place. | |

|Memo 13 |Memo 14 |Memo 15 |

|From the Executive Committee: |From the CEO: |From HR: |

| | | |

|We are concerned about rising rates of heart |Our employees have low morale. I know we are |Please note that employees at our corporate |

|disease among employees. |downsizing. But do something about morale. |headquarters now have access to on-site child |

| | |care. |

|If you have a Fitness and Health Program, |If you have an EAP, receive $20,000. If not, | |

|receive $50,000. If not, you may purchase one |you may purchase one at cost (for $100,000). |If you have a Child Care Resource and Referral |

|at a 40% discount (for $90,000). | |Service (for the field locations), receive |

| | |$30,000. If not, you may purchase one at cost |

| | |(for $100,000). |

| | | |

| | | |

|Memo 16 |Memo 17 |Memo 18 |

|From the Legal Department: |From a supervisor: |From your project team: |

| | | |

|As of today, child care workers go on strike. |Two employees—one with a very young child and |The benefit we would value most is tuition |

| |one with a disabled spouse—want to share one |assistance to help pay for our children’s |

|If you have a Regular and Backup Child Care |job in accounting. |college education. |

|Program, receive $100,000. If not, you may | | |

|purchase one at cost (for $150,000). |If you have an Alternative Work Arrangements |If you have a Life Cycle Account, you are able |

| |Program, receive $25,000 in time saved. If not,|to include this benefit without spending extra |

| |you may purchase one at cost (for $50,000). |money; receive $10,000. If not, you may |

| | |purchase one at cost (for $100,000). |

| | | |

| | | |

|Memo 19 |Memo 20 |Memo 21 |

|From a manager: |From HR: |From the Communications Department: |

| | | |

|Two employees whom I want to relocate have |Please note that a small number of our |We are pleased to announce that our |

|spouses with careers who will need assistance |employees prefer a dependent care subsidy to |organization has been included in the list of |

|finding new jobs. |other benefits. With a Life Cycle Account we |“Best Companies for Working Mothers.” |

| |can offer this in lieu of other standard | |

|If you have a Relocation Package, receive |benefits. |For every work/life program you have, receive |

|$25,000. If not, you may purchase one at cost | |$10,000. |

|(for $150,000). |If you have a Life Cycle Account, receive | |

| |$25,000, for raising employee morale at little | |

| |cost to the organization. If not, you may | |

| |purchase one at 25% discount (for $75,000). | |

| | | |

|Memo 22 |Memo 23 |Memo 24 |

|From a Vice President: |From a Benefits Manager: |From Human Resources: |

| | | |

|To make it easier for our employees to do |Fifty percent of our workforce benefited from |We have currently suspended an employee for |

|banking, we now have an on-site ATM. |the Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts this |making comments concerning violence. He will |

| |past calendar year. |be having a fitness for duty test done by |

| | |someone through our EAP. |

|If you have a Financial Services Program, |If you have a Dependent Care Reimbursement and | |

|receive $20,000. If not, you may purchase one |Subsidy Account, receive $15,000. If not, you |If you have an Employee Assistance Program, |

|at cost (for $100,000). |may purchase one at cost (for $40,000). |receive $25,000. If not, you may purchase one |

| | |at 25% discount (for $75,000). |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Memo 25 |Memo 26 |Memo 27 |

|From a supervisor: |From a Human Resources Manager: |From manager: |

| | | |

|I have an individual in my department that will|We will be holding a training session on |We have just added spousal employment |

|need to use some paid time off to care for his |dealing with conflict between employees for all|assistance to our relocation program. |

|sister who was recently in a car accident. |supervisors. | |

| | |If you have a Relocation Program, receive |

|If you have a Paid Time Off Program, receive |If you have an Education and Manager Training |$20,000. If not, you may purchase one for |

|$20,000. If not you may purchase one at |Program, receive $15,000. If not, you may |$125,000. |

|$40,000. |purchase one for $90,000. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Memo 28 |Memo 29 |Memo 30 |

|From a manager: |From a divisional manager: |From a supervisor: |

| | | |

|One of my employees is pre-occupied with a |One of my employees has requested an extended |One of my employees has been diagno sed with |

|teenage child who is chemically dependent. He |two-hour lunch every Wednesday so he can cover |cancer and needs time away from work for |

|needs assistance in finding a treatment program|childcare responsibilities while his spouse |radiation and chemo-therapy treatments. |

|for his child and in helping his family cope |attends graduate school. | |

|with the challenges. | |If you have a Paid Time Off Program, receive |

| |If you have a Regular and Backup Child Care |$25,000 or you may purchase one at cost for |

|If you have an EAP in place, receive $30,000. |Program, receive $50,000; if not you may |$50,000). |

|If not, you may purchase one at cost (for |purchase one at cost (for $150,000). Or if you| |

|$100,000). |have an Alternative Work Arrangement Program, | |

| |receive $10,000, if not, you may purchase one | |

| |at cost (for $50,000). | |

| | | |

|Memo 31 |Memo 32 |Memo 33 |

|From the Human Resources Department: |From the Human Resources Department: |From the Human Resources Department: |

| | | |

|The Nation’s divorce rate is at an alarming |The number of employees in our organization |We are pleased to announce that we are now |

|rate of 60%. Employees are turning to their |with domestic partners has risen to 15%. To |offering Adoption Assistance services. |

|employers for help coping with marital, |increase awareness and understanding of unique | |

|financial, and family issues. |work/life issues faced by these employees, we |If you have an Adoption Assistance Services |

| |will be requiring training for all managers. |Program in place, receive $10,000; if not, you |

|If you have an Employee Assistance Program, | |may purchase one at cost for $50,000. |

|receive $75,000 or you may purchase one at cost|If you have a Domestic Partner Benefits Program| |

|(for $100,000). |in place, receive $20,000; if not, you may | |

| |purchase one at cost for $50,000. | |

| | | |

|Memo 34 | | |

|From the Controller: | | |

| | | |

|In addition to the travel benefits we currently| | |

|offer, you now may use your frequent flyer | | |

|miles for personal use. | | |

| | | |

|If you have a Business Travel Program in place,| | |

|receive $30,000; if not, you may purchase one | | |

|at cost for $50,000. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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|Newsflash 1 |Newsflash 2 |Newsflash 3 |

|Incredibly cheap supersonic travel becomes in |Corporate tax laws change to the advantage of |The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is |

|reality, making relocation much quicker and |work/life initiatives. |amended. Employees can now take 6 to 12 weeks |

|easier globally. | |as paid time off. |

| |Each team receives $20,000 for each of the | |

|Each team with a Relocation Program receives |following programs is has: a Dependent Care |Each team with a Paid Time Off Program, |

|$50,000. Teams without a Relocation Program my |Reimbursement and Subsidy Account, a Life Cycle|receives $30,000. Teams without Paid Time Off |

|purchase one at cost (for $150,000). |Account, and an Alternative Work Arrangements |Program may either purchase one at cost (for |

| |Program. |$50,000) or pay $10,000. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Newflash 4 |Newsflash 5 |Newsflash 6 |

|The Violence Against Women Act goes into |A new Clean Air Act limits automotive traffic. |The longevity gene is discovered. Average life |

|effect. Employers need to rethink their role in|Organizations must, under law, seek to limit |expectancy goes up to 150 years. |

|guarding against workplace violence. |their liability. | |

| | |Each team with an Elder Care Resource and |

|Each team with an EAP or Education and Manager |Each team with an Alternative Work Arrangements|Referral Service receives $75,000. Teams |

|Training Program receives $75,000. Teams |Program receives $100,000. Teams without an |without and Elder Care Resource and Referral |

|without an EAP or Education and Manager |Alternative Work Arrangements Program may |Service can purchase one at a 25% discount (for|

|Training Program may purchase one at a 25% |purchase one at cost (for $50,000) or pay |$75,000) or pay $20,000 in lost productivity. |

|discount (for $75,000) or pay $20,000. |$10,000. | |

| | | |

|Newflash 7 |Newsflash 8 |Newsflash 9 |

|Stock markets crash, falling like dominoes! |Free-market reformers obtain a free hand |The shift in world weather patterns causes |

|Massive layoffs follow, with few safety nets in|worldwide and immediately declare a policy of |killer hurricanes in the South and severe |

|place. |open borders, free travel, free trade and free |earthquakes in the West causing major damage. |

| |markets. Global business flourishes. |Work/life programs help employees cope. |

|Each team forfeits $50,000 (or, if they have | | |

|less than that, all their cash). |Each team receives $50,000. |Each team receives $10,000 for each program it |

| | |possesses. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Newsflash 10 |Newsflash 11 |Newsflash 12 |

|The Information Highway becomes a reality, |A new study finds that working out for 30 |We are in another baby boom stage. The average|

|forever transforming alternative work |minutes, 3 times per week, reduces the chance |family has gone from having 2.5 children to |

|arrangements. |of a heart attack by 65%. |having 4 children. |

| | | |

|Each team with an Alternative Work Arrangements|Each team with a Fitness and Health Program |Each team with a Childcare Resource and |

|Program receives $100,000. |receives $60,000. |Referral Service receives $50,000. |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Newflash 13 |Newsflash 14 |Newsflash 15 |

|Interest rates have dropped in half for those |The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently |In your town, there has just been another high |

|buying a new home. |announced that the life expectancy age has |school shooting rampage. Many of the parents |

| |increased to 87 for men and 90 for women. |of the students that were shot work for your |

| | |company. The EAP will be helpful in dealing |

| | |with their loss. |

|Each team with a Financial Services Plan |Each team with an Elder Care Resource and | |

|receives $30,000. |Referral Service receives $60,000. |Each team with an Employee Assistance Program |

| | |receives $50,000. . |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

|Newsflash 16 |Newsflash 17 |Newsflash 18 |

|A new law offers tax incentives to employers if|A federal law just passed which legalizes |The IRS Tax Code 26, Section 125 has been |

|they provide on-site or near-site childcare for|same-sex marriages. All employers must now |amended to allow monies in flexible spending |

|their employees. |offer the same benefits to same-sex spouses as |accounts to be carried over into the next year.|

| |they offer to opposite-sex spouses. | |

|Each team with a Regular or Backup Child Care | |Each team with a Dependent Care Reimbursement &|

|Program receives $10,000. Teams without this |Each team that has a Domestic Partner Benefits |Subsidy Program receives $20,000. Other teams |

|program may purchase one at a 10% discount (for|Program receives $15,000. All other teams must|may purchase one at cost for $50,000 or pay |

|$135,000) or pay $10,000. |pay $15,000. |$10,000. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Newsflash 19 |Newsflash 20 |Newsflash 21 |

|The physical health of U.S.workers is reported |A recent nationwide survey revealed that a |Romania has lifted their heavy restrictions on |

|to be declining due to high pressure on the |relocation package ranks in the top 5 benefits |overseas adoptions. The waiting time for |

|job, managing a hectic lifestyle, inadequate |most sought after by employees when accepting a|adoption has decreased by 6 months. |

|exercise, and poor eating habits. The federal |new job. To remain competitive in the race to | |

|government is now encouraging employers to |attract top talent to the area, the Chamber of |Each team that has an Adoption Assistance |

|offer fitness and health programs to help |Commerce is offering to help subsidize employer|Program receives $25,000. Other teams can |

|employees maintain their health and prevent |relocation package programs. |purchase the program at cost for $50,000. |

|illnesses. | | |

| |Each team that has a Relocation Package Program| |

|Each team with a Fitness and Health Program |in place receives $25,000. Other teams can | |

|receives $50,000. Other teams may purchase one|purchase the program at cost for $150,000 or | |

|for a 20% discount ($120,000) or pay $15,000. |pay $15,000. | |

| | | |

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Question 1

To help an employee with his or her difficulty managing work and family responsibilities what is the first thing a manager should do?

a. Draw from the experience of other employees with similar issues to help solve the problem.

b. Listen, while encouraging the employee to describe the problem.

c. Give the employee a copy explaining the arrangements are permitted and offer to help in

any way possible

b. Listen. Listening is the first step toward coming up with a solution. Developing listening skills is a key part of management training for implementing work/life programs.

If correct, you may purchase—at 50% discount—an Education and Manager Training Program (for $50,000) or receive $25,000 from the bank.


Question 2

Two employees have been sharing a job. One claims to be working more than her planned time and assuming most of the responsibility for the work. What should the manager do?

a. Observe both employees occasionally to see who is really working more.

b. Meet with both employees to discuss concerns, clarify responsibilities and develop a plan that both can agree to.

c. Have an HR representative meet with them to solve the issues.

b. Meet with both employees. Job sharers often need help communicating, planning and evaluating the plan. The managers ongoing input can help keep the arrangement running smoothly. Developing skills to facilitate such a discussion is critical to effectively managing flexible work arrangements.

If correct, you may purchase—at 50% discount—an Education and Manager Training Program (for $50,000) or receive $25,000 from the bank. If you chose a or c you, you may purchase and Education and Manager Training Program at cost.


Question 3

An employee’s elderly parent lives several hundred miles away and is seriously ill, but it appears that death is not imminent. Should the supervisor allow the employee to take time to visit although it is the busiest time of the year and the employee is leading a project with an imminent deadline?

a. Yes, refusal would set up a “no-win” situation.

b. Yes, but tell him that this is an exception and he should make himself available for the next time there’s a rush.

c. No, but suggest he call the EAP or elder care resource and referral service.

a. Yes. Employees need to feel they can respond to a family crisis. Denying the request could create more stress for the employee and make him angry with the manager and the organization and cause other employees to think the organization “doesn’t care.” This could negative impact moral and productivity more then the absence of one employee.

If correct you may purchase any program at a 50% discount or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 4

A key sales representative had been planning to attend an important conference in another city. The day before he is scheduled to leave, his three-year-old comes down with the chicken pox. The employee says he wants to stay home with his child. What should you do?

a. Find out if he has backup care at home. If he does, encourage him to attend the conference. If he does not and cannot arrange care, get someone else to take his place.

b. Work with him to arrange for someone else to go on his place.

c. Tell him he has to go, and offer to provide paid backup childcare.

a. Find out about backup care. If the employee feels comfortable that his child will be cared for, encourage him to go.

If correct you may purchase at a 50% discount—an Education and Manager Training Program (for $50,000), a Regular and Backup Child Care Program (for $75,000), or receive $25,000 from the bank. If you chose b, you may purchase either program at 20% discount (for $80,000 or $120,000 respectively), or receive $10,000 from the bank


Question 5

You have an older employee who seems to be experiencing memory problems that are affecting his work. He will be eligible for retirement in about a year. What should you do?

a. Ask another employee to watch his work.

b. Give him lighter work so he can continue work until retirement.

c. Discuss your concern and encourage him to contact the EAP for assistance.

c. Discuss your concern and encourage him to contact the EAP for assistance. Be frank with the employee so that he can get appropriate help early.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 50% discount—an Employee Assistance Program (for $50,000) or receive $25,000 from the bank. If you chose b, you may purchase an Employee Assistance Program at a 25% discount (for $75,000) or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 6

Your work group consists of one pregnant employee who has to make frequent doctor visits, one employee with an aging mother who just broke her hip, and one who wants to study for a doctorate. All of them want flexible schedules. What should you do?

a. Draw up a rotating schedule so everyone gets a chance to work early or late.

b. Let the group draw up a schedule for your approval, taking into account the coverage of business demands.

c. Tell them the department is too small for flextime, and they will have to cover their needs with vacation days.

a. Let the group draw up a schedule for your approval, taking into account the coverage needed. The size of the work is not as important as their level of motivation, which will be higher when they feel their needs outside the workplace are being met.

If correct, you may purchase—at 50% discount—an Alternative Work Arrangement Program (for $25,000) or receive $10,000 from the bank. If you chose a or c, you may purchase an Alternative Work Arrangement Program at cost.


Question 7

An employee who is an average performer wants to work at home one day a week. What should you do?

a. Deny the request. This is a discretionary program and not an entitlement, and is best uses as a reward for high performance.

b. Grant the request. The employee may prove to be more productive given the scheduling option.

c. Grant the request on condition that her work improves.

a. Grant the request without condition. Experience has shown that working at home makes many employees more productive. Since the employee wants to try a new way of working, it is worth developing a work plan together that will encourage improvement. You may have responsibility to monitor work output and can terminate the arrangement if it is not working.

If correct, you may purchase—at 50% discount—an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $25,000) or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 8

Maria is your first choice for a sales position which requires travel 50% of the time. However, she has a three- year- old child. Connie has no children and would be a good second to Maria. Who should get the position?

a. Maria

b. Connie

c. Maria, but only if she assures you that child care will not be a concern.

a. Offer the position to Maria. A job candidate’s family situation is not relevant to the selection decision, and if used as the determining factor, could be discriminatory. If Maria declines, you may offer the job to Connie.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 50% discount or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 9

Management training programs about work/life issues should emphasize:

a. Treating employees equally regardless of their circumstances.

b. The importance of using effective communication skills in handling work/life issues.

c. The importance of always having a prepared answer if an employee asks for an unusual arrangement.

a. The importance of using effective communication skills in handling work/life issues. Effective communication skills are central to implementing and gaining the advantages of work/life programs. Employees should not be treated the same, as their needs are different; they should, however, be treated fairly.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 50% discount—an Education and Manager Training Program (for $50,000) or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 10

An employee comes to you saying he is stressed out after completing an intense project. What is likely to be the most helpful to him regardless of employer?

a. A “mental health” day off.

b. A bonus

c. The option to switch to an entirely different project.

a. A “mental health” day off. Mental health days may be taken as part of paid time off or a vacation day in recognition that people need some breathing space from intense work and deadlines. Taking a day to rest mentally can reduce the chances of becoming sick after an intense work period. A bonus is a reward for work well done, but it, or a new project, would not alleviate the problem of stress.

If correct, you may purchase—at 40% discount—a Paid Time off Program (for $30,000), a Fitness and Health Program (for $90,000), or receive $25,000 from the bank. If you chose b, you may receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 11

Your organization’s management is concerned that if they implement alternative work arrangements, such as work-at-home, most employees will want them and this could disrupt productivity. Is this a valid concern?

a. Yes. When alternative work arrangements are implemented, it is difficult for managers to handle so many employees on different schedules and in different locations.

b. No. Only a small percentage of employees with the option actually like it.

c. Maybe. There has not yet been research in this area.

a. No. While a small percentage of eligible employees have actually opted for alternative work arrangements, businesses are finding that the productivity gains and administrative savings of at home workers and flexible schedules offer more opportunities than disruptions. In the future people may telecommute to meet changing business needs.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 50% discount—an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $25,000) or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 12

A high-level and highly desirable prospective employee has told you that she is in the process of adopting a child, and doesn’t know exactly when she may receive her new baby. What is the most important point to make with her?

a. Your organization’s dependent care reimbursement subsidy applies to adoptions.

b. Your organization’s alternative work arrangements will allow for flexibility once she is notified that the child is available.

c. Your organization’s regular and backup child care program will be helpful.

b. Your organization’s alternative work arrangements will allow for flexibility once she has the child. Choices a and c also apply to any child, but it is reassuring for the employee to know that the company can accommodate the often uncertain timing of adoption that will be most reassuring to her.

If correct, you may purchase—at 50% discount—an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $25,000)and Education and Manager Training program (for $50,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank. If you chose a or c, you may purchase either programs at cost.


Question 13

An employee expecting a baby expresses the concern that if he/she takes advantage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), there will be bias limiting his/her future chances for advancement in the organization. What should your response be?

a. Acknowledge the concern, but reassure the employee that work record and commitment upon return to work are what really count.

b. Acknowledge the concern, and ask the employee to reassess whether it’s prudent to take advantage of the FMLA at this point in his/her career.

c. Suggest ways in which the employee could work part-time without resorting to leave.

a. It is important to acknowledge the concern—which is widespread. Assure the person that you look forward to his/her return and renewed commitment, and remind him/her of your responsibility to ensure that taking a legally allowable leave is not used as a criterion in making advancement decisions.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 50% discount or receive $25,000 from the bank.


Question 14

An employee has been with you for less than one year but has accrued some paid time off. He has injured his arm weightlifting and needs to have surgery. He will be off for about a week. How do you handle this?

a. Have him use FMLA time and let him choose if he wants to use paid time off or not.

b. Do not have him use FMLA time but have him use the paid time off that he has accrued.

c. Tell him he can only have the day off for surgery and that you work with him and his doctor to get him back to work.

a. Since this employee has not been employed with your company for one year, he is .not eligible for FMLA. In this case, he should use his accrued paid time off.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 50% discount – a Paid Time Off Program (for $25,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 15

One of the managers in your area has informed you that he has AIDS and may require periodic absences from work due to associated health problems. What is the first thing you should do?

a. Contact the EAP for assistance in how to communicate with the staff about AIDS in the workplace to overcome fears.

b. Make sure your organization has an AIDS policy and that is has been communicated to employees.

c. Tell the manager to explain the situation to the staff.

a. Make sure your organization has an AIDS policy and that it has been communicated to employees. The manager should be treated as all other employees if he is not posing a threat.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 50% discount—an Education and Manager Training Program (for $50,000), purchase any program at a 25% discount, or receive $10,000 from the back. If you chose a, you may purchase the above program at cost.


Question 16

You have observed a pattern increasingly abusive behavior directed at others in one of your employees. He seems to be carrying a grudge about past incidents and has talked openly about individuals “getting what’s coming to them.” How do you handle this?

a. Advise the other employees to stay out of his way because of his potentially dangerous behavior.

b. Contact the EAP counselor for advice about approaching him without involving you and anyone else in the department.

c. Speak to him carefully, emphasizing that the company will continue to pay his benefits if he chooses to take a leave of absence to rest.

b. Contact the EAP and alert those trained to handle such problems about the situation. The employee will show many warning signs of someone who could lost control and move from aggression to violence. It is not advisable to let the situation continue, nor to provoke him by abruptly changing his status.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 50% discount—an Employee Assistance Program (for $50,000), or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 17

Your staff routinely work long hours without complaint and their performance has, overall, been high. Lately though, it seems the whole team, yourself included, has been slipping—there have been several missed deadlines, arguments about assignments, and other strains. What could you do to help relieve their stress?

a. Give the team a pep talk about maintaining their high performance.

b. Let them know you are taking time at lunch to break away and relax, and encourage them to go with you.

c. Say nothing. The temporary strain will pass.

b. Letting them know you are taking lunch-time breaks will give them the message that it’s okay and necessary to relax in order to keep performing well. Fitness and Health programs usually include “wellness” sessions—offering talks, moderate exercise, and stress reduction techniques—that help employees erase the stress of demanding work.

If correct, you may purchase—at 50% discount—a Fitness and Health Program (for $75,000) or receive $25,000 from the bank.


Question 18

An employee is coming in late because her ex-husband has lost his job and is behind on child support payments. Those payments were used for baby-sitting services. Now the employee has to depend on friends who are not always reliable. What should you say?

a. Tell her you sympathize with her plight, but be firm.

b. Encourage and help the employee to start a Parents’ Support Group.

c. Take time to plan the situation with her. Give her a few weeks to find reliable services. Tell her you will support her child care search with flexibility during a limited time period.

c. Taking time to plan the situation with her demonstrates your concern for the individual and allows you to find out exactly what she requires. Perhaps it’s as simple as a half hour flex in the morning. By setting a time limit to her search, you are balancing business needs with realism. Choice b is also helpful. Choice a is unrealistic – people’s lives intrude on work.

If you chose b or c, you may purchase any program at a 50% discount or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 19

An excellent employee tells you that her husband has been out of work for almost a year, but has now landed a position where he is on the road all week and only home on weekends. Her adolescent son is acting up in school because of the changes at home, and she says she just can’t work overtime for a while until this is settled. Overtime is expected of everyone in your group. What do you do?

a. Accommodate her. See if several other members of the work group can cover her overtime for the next two months.

b. Offer her a leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Law.

c. Suggest reduced hours. She needs to be at home with her son.

a. Accommodate her. There is no perfect solution for situations such as these except managerial understanding and a wait and see attitude. Ask her how long she thinks she will be “off rotation”, and trust her. She is an excellent employee.

If correct, you can purchase – at a 50% discount – an Education and Manager Training Program (for $50,000) or receive $25,000 from the bank.


Question 20

Fred has been with the organization over thirty years in a service position. His parents are in failing health. He spends time phoning them and occasionally leaves early to run their errands. Younger employees are complaining that Fred is not carrying his weight and they have more of a burden. What do you do?

a. Ask him to call the elder care resources and referral service to help him work through this issue and identify resources. Meanwhile, allow him some flexibility.

b. Permit Fred his flexibility, but tell other employees about his problem situation so they will not be resentful.

c. Encourage Fred to retire. He owes it to his parents.

a. Fred needs temporary flexibility and help with resources for elder care. It is bad management practice to tell other employees about a personal issue and unwise to counsel employees to retire for personal issues.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 50% discount – an Elder Care Resource and Referral Service (for $50,000), an Employee Assistance Program (for $50,000), or receive $25,000 from the bank.

Cut out and print on Blue Paper – Attach to the back of Memo Cards













Cut out and print on blue paper – Attach to the back of Memo Cards














Question 1

What is the single largest line item cost in the annual budget of a childcare center?

a. Staff

b. Rent

c. Liability

a. Staff. Once the facility is built, about 75% of the operational costs goes toward staff.

If correct, you may purchase—at 30% discount—a Child Care Resource and Referral Service (for $70,000), a Regular and Backup Child Care Program (for $105,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 2

In dependent care reimbursement account (flexible spending account):

a. Monies passing through the account are not taxed

b. The employee’s child care center need not be licensed

c. Employees may carry over expenses from one year to the next

a. Monies passing through the account are not taxed. Child care centers receiving the monies must be licensed; family home care providers, if not licensed or registered, must provide their Social Security numbers. There is a “use it or lose it” clause; expenses must be incurred within the plan year.

If correct, you may purchase—at 20% discount—a Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Account (for $40,000), a Child or Elder Care Resource and Referral Service (for $80,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 3

How much can an employer save in health care costs for each premature birth that is prevented by implementing prenatal care education for employees?

a. Zero

b. $30,000

c. $60,000

d. $60,000. The average cost for the birth and care of an extreme pre-term infant over $70,000, compared with $10,000 for the average full-term birth. Prenatal care, which includes education and medical care is often included in a wellness program, can prevent many such cases.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 40% discount—a Fitness and Health Program (for $90,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 4

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 applies to employers with:

a. More than 25 employers within 75 miles

b. 50 or more employees within 75 miles

c. Any number of employees

b. The Family and Medical Leave Act, applies to employers with 50 or more employees within 75 miles. The Law requires allowing for a 12-week unpaid leave of absence for qualifying employees to care for a new or adopted child, ill parent, spouse or child, or for the employee’s own disability. To be covered, employees must have worked for their employer for at least 1 year and 1,250hours during the last year.

If correct, you may purchase—at 40% discount—a Paid Time Off Program (for $30,000), an Education and Manager Training Program (for $60,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 5

In the past 15 years, leisure time of Americans has:

a. Stayed about the same

b. Decreased by 15%

c. Increased by 15%

b. Decreased by 15%. In the past 15 years leisure has shrunk by 40% from 27 to 17 hours per week.

If correct, you may purchase—at 30% discount—a Paid Time Off Program (for $35,000), a Concierge Service (for $35,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 6

In which country do mothers spend the most time with their four-year –olds?

a. United States

b. Nigeria

c. Belgium

a. Mothers in the United States spend the most time with their four-year-olds—an average of 11 hours per day. Mothers in Nigeria spend 10 hours; Mothers in Belgium spend 5 hours.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 20% discount—a Paid Time Off Program ( for $40,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 7

In comparison to managerial men whose wives stay at home, men whose wives are in the work force:

a. Earn less

b. Earn more

c. Earn about the same

a. Earn about 20% less. Known as the “daddy penalty”, several studies that have confirmed this suggest that men whose wives are in the workforce may hit a “glass ceiling” because they do not fit the traditional mold of the male executive with wife at home.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 20% discount—an Education and Manager Training Program (for $80,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 8

What percentage of all Fortune 500 industrial and service company managers are women?

a. 5%

b. 15%

c. 25%

a. 5%. According to the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission Report, only 5% are women. The bipartisan commission reported that 97% of the senior managers at 1,500 industrial Fortune 1000 and Fortune 500 corporations are white and the majority are male.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 20% discount or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 9

What country has the highest percentage of working mothers?

a. United States

b. China

c. Spain

a. China has 98% of its mothers working, while the U.S. is somewhere in the middle with 50% and Spain at the bottom with only 35% of its mothers working.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 20% discount or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 10

What percentage of U.S. companies have reported an increase in the demand for work/family benefits over the last two years?

a. 87%

b. 67%

c. 47%

a. 87%. In a recent survey, nearly 9 out of 10 companies surveyed, reported an increase in employee demands for work/family benefits over the last two years.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 40% discount, or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 11

What percentage of the workforce are substance abusers?

a. 2%

b. 12%

c. 22%

a. 12% of the workforce. Substance abuse costs U.S. companies an estimated $10 billion a year in the absenteeism, higher health care costs, lost productivity and other costs.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 20% discount—an EAP (for $80,000), an Education and Manager Training Program (for $80,000), or receive $25,000 from the bank.


Question 12

Which age group in the U.S. labor force will have the largest percentage increase between 1992 and 2005?

a. Ages 16 to 24

b. Ages 25 to 54

c. Ages 55 and older

c. The 55 and older age group will increase by 38%. The 25 to 54 age group will increase by 15%. The 16 to 24 age group will increase by 18%.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 30% discount or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 13

Which industry most encourages telecommuting?

a. Insurance firms

b. Health care firms

c. High tech firms

c. High tech firms—44% of them—encouraged telecommuting followed by 33% of insurance firms, and 20% of health care firms.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 40% discount—an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $30,000), or receive a $5,000 from the bank.


Question 14

Executives for the country’s largest companies take work home:

a. Every day

b. Just once a week

c. Several times a week

c. Several times a week. 91% of senior managers said they take work home several times a week. More than one third bring work home every day.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 30% discount—an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $35,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 15

What percentage of women would refer to stay home with their families?

a. 10%

b. 30%

c. 50%

c. 50%. However, more than 8 in 10 employed women said staying home would mean financial sacrifices and one in three said the sacrifices would be major.

If correct, you may purchase—at a 10% discount—and Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $45,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 16

Approximately what percentage of workers today work part-time?

a. 5%

b. 20%

c. 35%

b.20%. Approximately 1 in 5 workers is a part-time employee; roughly two-thirds of those are women. The number of women working part time has risen dramatically. From 1980 to 1981, women part-time workers increased from 11.8 million to 13.6 million. Part-time employment for me rose from 6.4 million to 6.7 million during the same period.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 20% discount or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 17

By the year 2010 the life span of women is expected to be how many years longer than men?

a. The same as men

b. 7 years longer

c. 15 years longer

b. 7 years longer. The life expectancy of women is projected to reach 81.3 years in 2010, moving upward from 78.5 years in 1989. Men’s life expectancy is also on the rise, and is projected to increase from 71.8 years in 1989 to 74.4 years in 2010.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 20% discount or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 18

One of the fastest growing work/life benefits offered by employers is:

a. Adoption assistance

b. Concierge services

c. Fitness centers/gym subsidies


a. Adoption assistance. 31% of employer’s offer this benefit compared to 21% in 1994 as reported in the Hewitt Work/Life Survey.

Source: Leonard, B. (2000). Recipes for part-time benefits. HRMagazine, 45 (4), 56-62.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 40% discount – a Life Cycle Account (for $60,000) or an Adoption Assistance Program (for $30,000), or received $15,000 from the bank.


Question 19

In a recent survey by SHRM, 49% of respondents indicated offering which type of healthcare benefits?

a. Wellness programs

b. EAPs

c. Mental health insurance


a. Wellness programs. EAPs are offered by 66% of respondents and mental health insurance is offered by 76% of respondents.

Source: 2000 SHRM Benefits Survey. Retrieved on September 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: survey/results/2000benefits.pdf

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount – an Employee Assistance Program (for $80,000). An Education and Manager Training Program (for $80,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 20

Eldercare givers often exhibit counterproductive work behavior such as: late arrival, early departure, mental and emotional distractions, and excessive personal phone calls. This results in an estimated annual cost to employers of:

a. $37 million

b. $11 billion

c. $29 billion


d. Distractions and counterproductive work behavior as a result of employees’ eldercare responsibilities cost employers an estimated $29 billion as reported by MetLife Mature Market Group.

Source: Faught, L. (1999). Who’s minding the seniors? Employees, that’s who. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 53(8), 46-47.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 50% discount – an Elder Care Resource and Referral Service Program (for $70,000), a Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program (for $35,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 21

Which type of dependent care benefit do employers most frequently provide to their employees?

a. Child care referral service

b. Dependent care reimbursement account

c. Long term care insurance


b. 64% of employers offer dependent care reimbursement accounts to their employees. 17% offer childcare referral services and 35% offer long term care insurance.

Source: 2000 SHRM Benefits Survey. Retrieved on September 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: survey/results/2000benefits.pdf

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount – a Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Account (for $40,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 22

More employees are in two wage earner families than ever before. What percentage of the partners each works full-time?

a. 60%

b. 75%

c. 83%


b. As reported in the 1997 Families and Work Institute’s National Study of the Changing Workforce, in 75% of two wage earner families, each partner works full-time. The affect of which leaves less time for taking care of children and other household responsibilities.

Source: Anonymous. (1998). Work/life balance: A key to productivity. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 53(3), 30-31

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount – an Alternative Work Program (for $40,000), a Paid Time Off Program (for $40,000), a Concierge Service (for $40,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 23

What is the top reason why workers turn to EAPs for assistance?

a. Work related stress

b. Marital and relationship problems

c. Depression


c. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that 37% of employees seeking assistance through EAPs do so because of depression. Other reasons include marital or relationship problems (22%), family problems (10%), work related stress (8%), and legal assistance (6%).

Source: Dobbs, K., Gordon J., & Stamps, D. (2000). EAPs cheap but popular perk. Training 37 (2) 26

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount – an EAP (for $80,000), an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $40,000), an Education and Manager Training Program (for $80,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 24

In flexible spending accounts:

a. Pre-tax dollars can be set-aside for parking and qualified mass transit or vanpooling expenses

b. The employee’s childcare center need not be licensed

c. Employees may carry over expenses from one year to the next


a. The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA) which passéd in 1997 as part

of Section 132 of the IRS code, allows for pre-tax dollars to be set aside for parking and qualified mass transit or vanpooling expenses. Childcare centers receiving the monies must be licensed and home care providers, if not licensed or registered, must provide the Social Security numbers. There is a “use it or lose it” clause; expenses must be incurred within the plan year.

Source: Connelly, B. (2000). FSAs for the future. Compensation and Benefits Review, 32(1), 61-64

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount – a Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Account (for $40,000), a Child or Elder Care Resource and Referral Service (for $80,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 25

SHRM benefit surveys have shown an upward trend in the number of employers offering domestic partner benefits from 6% in 1997 to 10% in 2000. Considering health benefits that are offered to domestic partners, what is the estimated participation rate of employees?

a. 3-4%

b. 1.5 – 2%

c. .5 - 1%


d. Only an estimated .5 – 1% of employees utilize health benefits for domestic partners. This participation rate is much lower than the 3-4% participation rate predicted by employers.

Source: Wells, S.J. (1999). A benefit built for 2. HRMagazine, 44(8), 68-74

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount – Domestic Partner Benefits (for $30,000), an Education and Manager Training Program (for $60,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 26

In a recent survey of 6,000 workers, what percent said they’d stay with their current employer - even without a pay raise – if the employer offered flexible work hours?

a. 33%

b. 65%

c. 51%


d. 51% of respondents would remain with their current employer even without an annual raise jus to have the option of flexible work hours as reported by Randstad of North America.

Source: Boehl, S., Stamps, D., & Stratton, J. (2000). The increasing value of flexible time. Training, 37(7), 32.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 40% discount –an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $30,000), an Education and Manager Training Program (for $60,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 27

The increase in employment-based health insurance coverage since 1994 is mainly due to:

a. Health benefits offered to domestic partners

b. More companies offering health insurance benefits

c. More children being covered under health plans


c. The percentage of children covered by an employment-based health plan increased from 53.1% in 1994 to 60.2% in 1998. Over the same time period, the increase for adults went from 66.1% to 66.9%

Source: Employee Benefits Research Institute. (1999). EBRI health care research: 2000 findings. Retrieved on September 4, 2000 from the World Wide Web: healthfindings.htm

If correct, you may purchase – any work life program at cost, or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 28

What percent of families with children under the age of six, with work-related childcare needs, do men maintain?

a. 4%

b. 10%

c. 8%


a. 4%. In 1999, 15.2 million families had children under the age of six. Of these families, the following were likely to have work-related childcare needs: 50% of married couples with two wage earners; 15% of families maintained by women; and 4% of families maintained by men.

If correct, you may purchase – at 20% discount – a Regular and Backup Child Care Program (for $120,000), a childcare Resource and Referral Service (for $80,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 29

Employers are now offering a wide variety of benefits to ease the burdens associated with business travel. What percentage of employers give compensatory time for time spent on travel?

a. 22%

b. 12%

c. 8%


a. 22% Employers also offer other business travel benefits such as: employee keeping frequent flier miles (67%), paid long distance calls to home (65%), paid dry cleaning on travel (21%), paid airline club membership (12%), and additional pay for weekend travel (8%).

Source: 2000 SHRM Benefits Survey. Retrieved on September 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: survey/results/2000benefits.pdf

If correct, you may purchase – at a 30% discount –a Concierge Service (for $35,000), a Life Cycle Account (for $70,000), or a Business Travel Program (for $70,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 30

For some employers, recognizing societal shifts may be at the root of the decision to offer domestic partner benefits. In 1980 the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that there were 1.6 million unmarried – couple households. What was that number estimated to be in 1998?

a. 3.4 million

b. 2.8 million

c. 4.2 million


c. 4.2 million

Source: Wells, S.J. (1999). A benefit built for 2. HRMagazine, 44(8), 68-74.

If correct, you may purcase – at a 10% discount – an Education and Manager Training Program (for $90,000), or a Domestic Partner Benefits Program (for $45,000), or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 31

Two fundamental shifts in the workplace seem to be driving an increase in part-time workers: (1) the aging of the workforce, and (2) a movement to balance work/life issues. What percent of the Nation’s labor force works part-time?

a. 10.2%

b. 13.6

c. 16.9%


b. 13.6% of the workforce, representing approximately 19 million people work part-time, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Source: Leonard, B. (2000). Recipes for part-time benefits. HRMagazine, 45(4), 56-62

If correct, you may purchase – at a 10% discount –an Alternative Work Arangements Program (for $45,000), a Paid Time Off Program (for $45,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 32

In 1990, a survey of large corporations indicated that only 9.8% of respondents offered job sharing as an employee benefit. What percent of companies offered this benefit in 1998?

a. 31%

b. 23%

c. 40%


a. According to a Hewitt Associates survey, 31% of respondents offered job sharing as a an employee benefit in 1998.

Source: Caminiti, S. (1999). Fair shares. Working Woman, 24(10), 52-56

If correct, you may purchase – at a 30% discount –a Paid Time Off Program (for $35,000), an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $35,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 33

In 1997, more than 70% of persons who did some work at home were:

a. Single parents

b. Married-couples

c. Single


b. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that married couple families comprised of more than 70% of persons who did some work at home. The work-at-home rate for married parents was abouthe same as the rate for married persons without children.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Work at home in 1997. Retrieved on September 7, 2000 from the World Wide Web:

If correct, you may purchase – at a 30% discount –an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $35,000), an Education and Manager Training Progrram (for $70,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 34

In 1991, 1.9 million employees said they did some telecommuting from home and received pay for it. How many employees did some telecommuting from home in 1997?

a. 2.5 million

b. 3.6 million

c. 2.8 million


b. 3.6 million employees said they did some telecommuting from home in 1997, representing an increase of 89% since 1991.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Work at home in 1997. Retrieved on the world wide web, September 7, 2000: stats.newsreels.htm

If correct, you may purchase – at a 40% discount – an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $30,000), or receive $25,000 from the bank.


Question 35

Approximately, what percent of working dads with children under the age six indicate that they would give up some of their pay if it meant spending more time with their family?

a. 62%

b. 71%

c. 59%


b. 71% of working fathers and 73% of working mothers indicated that they would give up some of their pay to spend more time with their families according to the Radcliffe Public Policy Center.

Source: Parenting. (2000, September). P. 70

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount – a Paid Time Off Program (for $40,000), a Concierge Service (for $40,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 36

What percentage of 1,020 employers surveyed had an education reimbursement program?

a. 65%

b. 78%

c. 97%


d. Hewitt Associate’s annual survey of 1, 020 U.S. employers revealed that 97% of employers have an education reimbursement program.

Source: Salopek, J.J. (1999). Work-life benefits on the rise. Training and Development, 53(10), 12.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount –an Education and Manager Training Program (for $80,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 37

What percentage of workers have children under 18 that live with them?

a. 46%

b. 58%

c. 63%


a. A full 46% of workers have children under 18 who live with them at least part time.

Source: Traynor, J.B. (1999). Total life planning: A new frontier in work-life benefits. Employee Benefits Journal, 24(4), 29-32

If correct, you may purchase – at a 40% discount –a Regular or Backup Childcare Program (for $90,000), or receive $30,000 from the bank.


Question 38

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of having a work/life program?

a. Improved moral

b. A significant impact on the bottom line

c. Better health coverage


d. Deloitte & Touche credits work-life balance programs for improving morale, greater employee loyalty, and a significant impact on their bottom line.

Source: Traynor, J.B. (1999). Total life planning: A new frontier in work-life benefits. Employee Benefits Journal, 24(4), 29-32

If correct, you may purchase – at a 30% discount –a Life Cycle Account (for $70,000) , or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 39

By how many years has the life expectancy gone up, since 1900?

a. 25 years

b. 30 years

c. 35 years


b. Life expectancy for babies born in 1998 in the United States has increased nearly 30 years over infants born in 1900, from about 47 to 77.

Source: Smith, J. (2000). U.S. population evens out. Insight on the News, 16(30), 33.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount –a Life Cycle Account (for $80,000) , or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 40

Which of the following types of perpetrator is the biggest threat to workplace violence?

a. Current or former employees

b. Random Acts of Violence

c. Disgruntled customers or clients


d. 45% involve disgruntled customers or clients. 30% involve current or former employees. 25% involve random acts of violence.

Source: Carcione, S.G. (2000). Workplace violence: What you don’t know could hurt you. Buildings, 94(46-48

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 20% discount or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 41

The most common 401(k) retirement plan match found by Buck Consultant’s survey was 50 cents per dollar up to a maximum of what percent of an employee’s salary?

a. 5%

b. 6%

c. 7%


b. The survey found that 85% of employers provide a company match. The most common match is still 50 cents per dollar up to maximum of 6% of an employee’s salary.

Source: Anonymous. (1998). Employees take control of retirement plans. HR Focus, 75(12), 5.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 30% discount –any program or a Financial Services plan at a 50% discount (for $50,000) or receive $25,000 from the bank.


Question 42

How many workers relocate each year for job-related reasons?

a. 400,000

b. 500,000

c. 600,000


b. According to the Employee Relocation Council (ERC), upwards of half a million workers relocate annually for job-related reasons

Source: Eby, L.T. & Allen, T.D. (1998). Perceptions of relocation services in relocation decision making. Group and Organization Management, 23(4), 447-469

If correct, you may purchase – at a 20% discount –a Relocation Package (for $120,000), or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 43

The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that the number of people over the age of 85 will ____ by the year 2020.

a. Double

b. Triple

c. Quadruple


b. One in nine baby boomers will live at least 90 years and those 85 and older will triple in number by 2020.

Source: Anonymous. (2000, August). Forecasting elder care trends for the 21st century. USA Today.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 40% discount, or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 44

Which of the following services was not ranked in the top four for relocation assistance?

a. Spouse employment assistance

b. Home-selling assistance

c. Real estate assistance


a. In a study done by Eby and Allen, the top four ranked services were home selling assistance, cost-of-living adjustments, real estate assistance, and visits to the new area.

Source: Eby, L.T. & Allen, T.D. (1998). Perceptions of relocation services in relocation decision making. Group and Organization Management, 23(4), 447-469

If correct, you may purchase a Relocation Package at a 50% discount (for $75,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 45

On average, how much will employees lose due to elder caregiving?

a. $422,000

b. $659,000

c. $879,000


b. On average, elder caregiving cost employees nearly $659,000 over their lifetime in lost wages, Social Security and pension contributions according to a 1999 study conducted by the MetLife Mature Market Institute in New York.

Source: Wells, S.J. (2000). The elder care gap. HRMagazine, 45(5), 38-46

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 30% discount or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 46

Which option is used most when employees need to provide elder caregiving?

a. Sick days/vacation time

b. Decreased hours

c. Leave of absence


a. Sick days/vacation time accounts for 64% of the type of leave used for elder caregiving.

Source: Wells, S.J. (2000). The elder care gap. HRMagazine, 45(5), 38-46

If correct, you may purchase – at a 50% discount –an Eldercare Resource and Referral Program (for $50,000), a Dependent Care Reimbursement and Subsidy Program (for $25,000), or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 47

According to a survey by Infonetics Research, what percentage of large companies provide remote-access services to employees who work away from the office?

a. 75%

b. 80%

c. 85%


d. According to a survey by Infonetics Research, 85% of large companies provide remote-access services to employees.

Source: Travis, P. (2000, June 19). Remote access advances cautiously. Informationweek(791), 159-160.

If correct, you may purchase an Alternative Work Arrangements Program for $30,000 or receive $5,000 from the bank.


Question 48

How much money have employers lost per employee in unscheduled absences last year?

a. $490

b. $602

c. $732


b. According to a survey by CCH Incorporated, employers lost as much as $602 per employee in unscheduled absences last year.

Source: Anonymous. (2000). Don’t let unscheduled absences wipe you out. Workforce, 79(6), 34

If correct, you may purchase – at a 30% discount –an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $35,000), or receive $10,000 from the bank.


Question 49

What percentage of women are pulling at least half of their families income?

a. 35%

b. 50%

c. 57%


b. Today, 75% of women with children under 18 are members of the workforce, and 50% of working women are pulling in half of their families’ income.

Source: Media Insight: working mother magazine. (2000, June 5). PR News 56(23), 1.

If correct, you may purchase – at a 10% discount –an Alternative Work Arrangements Program (for $45,000), or receive $15,000 from the bank.


Question 50

What can help reduce unscheduled absences?

a. A traditional sick leave policy

b. Paid leave banks

c. Traditional work schedules


b. Traditional sick leave policies that provide time off for illness don’t allow employees to juggle personal responsibilities. As an alternative, paid leave banks allow employees to plan so that workplace accommodations can be made in advance.

Source: Anonymous. (2000). Don’t let unscheduled absences wipe you out. Workforce, 79(6), 34

If correct, you may purchase – at a 50% discount –a Relocation Package (for $75,000), or receive $25,0000 from the bank.


Question 51

What does workplace violence cost businesses annually?

a. $36 billion

b. $42 billion

c. $51 billion


a. A recent survey of corporate security professionals listed workplace violence as the No. 1 threat to U.S. business. A report reveals that workplace violence cost businesses $36 billion annually.

Source: Carcione, S.G. (2000). Workplace violence: What you don’t know could hurt you. Buildings, 94(7), 46-48.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 20% discount or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 52

What percentage of HR professionals indicated that violent incidents occurred in their offices?

a. 57%

b. 43%

c. 66%


a. Fifty-seven percent of HR Professionals who participated in the 1999 SHRM survey on workplace violence indicated that violent incidences occurred at their offices during the 2 ½ year period ending June 1999.


Flynn, G. (2000). Employers can’t look away from workplace violence. Workforce, 79(7), 68-70.

If correct, you may purchase any program at a 20% discount or receive $20,000 from the bank.


Question 53

According to the 2000 SHRM Benefits Survey, what percentage of employers offer retirement planning services?

a. 35%

b. 47%

c. 58%


b. Forty-seven percent of employers, particularly larger organizations, offer retirement planning services and 27% offer general financial planning.

Source: 2000 SHRM Benefits Survey. Retrieved on September 10, 2000 from the World Wide Web: survey/results/2000benefits.pdf

If correct, you may purchase a Financial Services Program at a 25% discount (for $75,000) or receive $25,000 from the bank.

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