1 - World Bank

Shanxi Water Conservation Project II

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,

Chinese Academy of Sciences

September 30th, 2010


1 Generals 4

1.1 Background 4

1.2 Compliance with Relevnat Master Plan 4

1.3 Application EA Regulations and Standard 5

1.4 Assessment component, focal point and environmental protection goal 5

Assessment component 5

Assessment focal point 6

Objectives of environmental protection 6

1.5 Assessment level 6

1.6 Assessment principles 7

1.7 Assessment scheme and program 7

2 Project Description 9

2.1 Project situations 9

Project name, character and components 9

Project scale and investment 9

Project objectives 11

Project area distribution 11

2.1 Project components 12

Water Source Works 12 Field irrigation works 15

Agriculture Intensification & Support 15

Wind Barriers 16

Management water saving measures 16

2.2 land occupation and immigration allocation planning 17

2.3 Project analysis 17

Analysis on the impact of irrigation component on environment 18

Analysis on the impact of agricultural component on environment 19

Environmental impact of construction process 19

impacts on water utilization, social and economic development 19

2.4 Identification of environmental impact factors 20

3 Environmental conditions of project area 22

3.1Geography 22

Topography 22

Climate 22

Soil and plants 22

River system 23

Hodrogeography 23

3.1 Socio-economy 24

Populations 24

National economy 24

Agricultural production 24

3.2 Main Problems in Agricultural Irrigaiton 25

Main Problems in Irrigation’s Water Source Works 25

Main problems in Irrigation Area 25

4 Present status of environmental quality 26

4.1 Pollution sources 26

4.2 Soil quality 26

Soil fertility 26

Soil heavy metal 26

Soil salinization 27

4.3 Present situation of surface water environment quality 27

4.4 Present Situation of Groundwater Quality 27

4.5 Present Situation of Air Quality 28

4.6 Present Situation of acouostic Quality 28

5 Environmental impact assessment 28

5.1 Project positive impact on the environment 28

5.2 Impact of water saving irrigation on water utilization and groundwater level 29

impact of water saving irrigation on water utilization 29

Impact of water saving irrigation on groundwater level 30

5.3 Impact of fertilizer application on soil and water environment 31

Impact of fertilizer on groundwater 31

5.4 Impacts of pesticide on soil and groundwater 36

Application of pesticides in project areas 36

Behavior of pesticide in soil and groundwater 36

Impacts of pesticide on groundwater and its control after project 37

5.5 Environmental impact analysis for main water conveyance component 39

5.6 Environmental impact during construction 39

General impacts during construction 39

Impacts during construction of Jiexue Subproject 40

Impacts during construction of water conveyance pipeline 41

Impacts during construction of Longmen canal diversion works 41

5.7 Social impact assessment 42

Alleviation of regional conflicts between water supply and demand 42

Impact on rural production pattern after project 42

Impact on agricultural economy 43

Impact of industrial and residential water use 43

6 Alternative analysis 43

6.1 General comparative analysis with or without project 43

6.2 comparative analysis of water conveyance pipeline 43

7 Environmental benefit analysis 44

7.1 Project financing 44

7.2 Economic benefit analysis 45

Adjusting planting structure 45

Output of new-increased agriculture and Wind Barriers product 45

7.3 Social benefit analysis 46

Disaster alleviation and prevention 46

Mitigation of water right conflicts 46

Accelerate regional economic development 46

Promote social stability 46

7.4 Environmental benefit analysis 46

Environmental benefit of Wind Barriers 46

Environmental benefit of water conservancy 47

8 Environment management plan 47

8.1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures 47

Measures to alleviate impact during construction 50

Measures to alleviate impact during operation period 50

8.1 Monitoring plan 50

8.2 Environmental management plan 53

Institutional Establishment and Responsibilities 53

Environmental management during construction 54

Environmental management during operation 55

Establishment of environmental monitoring and reporting system 55

Environmental Management Training and Consulting Services 56

9 Public participation 57

9.1 Survey objects and method 57

9.2 Survey results 57

10 Conclusion and recommendation 59

10.1 Conclusions of Current environmental situation assessment 59

10.2 Main impacts and countermeasures 59

10.3 Conclusions and recommendations 61

ANNEX 1: General Guidelines for Construction Management 62

ANNEX 2:Integrated Pest Management Plan 65


1 Background

Water scarcity is becoming an increasingly serious problem, especially in the northern China. The increasing demand from water users in agriculture, urban and industry can no longer be met by the expansion and construction of water storage and reservoir infrastructure. In North China Plain and in other northern areas groundwater overdraft is becoming an increasing problem. Current extraction rates are not sustainable. Another factor impacting on water availability is water pollution problems from industry and cities.

The north and northwest regions of China are key grain production areas. Production is reliant on irrigated agriculture to achieve high sustainable yields. Although large areas of these provinces have irrigation and drainage systems, land development and agricultural services, large tracts of land remain to be improved. Many of the irrigation and drainage systems are old, and have suffered from inadequate maintenance due to lack of resources, and are now in need of rehabilitation. Consequently, the performance and efficiency of these systems is gradually declining. In addition, many were built to relatively low design and construction standards. Relatively modest investments in system improvements can yield high returns. Critical needs include: (a) irrigation infrastructure rehabilitation and improvement in water use effficiencies; (b) conjunctive use of ground and surface water; (c) drainage and salinity control; (d) on-farm land improvements and irrigation and drainage system improvements; and (e) improvements in agricultural services such as high quality seed development, improved mechanization and improved agricultural extension.

While China has been successful in increasing agricultural production and improving grain yields, there are still opportunities to improve production through improving irrigation water use efficiency, and developing the low and medium yielding land. Developing water saving irrigation is an important way for increasing the utilization efficiency of irrigation water, the comprehensive agricultural productivity and farmer’s income and promoting the sustainable utilization of water resources and the sustainable development of agriculture, which is of great significance in water short areas. In order to raise enough funds, the state planed to borrow loan from the World Bank to develop water saving irrigation projects in Shanxi province.

2 Compliance with Relevnat Master Plan

Shanxi Water Conservation Project II plan to use an integrated approach to support sustainable agricultural water management and irrigated agriculture development. It will finance three broad categories of water saving interventions: engineering (or physical) measures, agronomic measures, and management measures needed to achieve the project development objectives. The project Components is in compliance with the requirement of “The national water-saving irrigation plan” and “The Shanxi water-saving irrigation plan ”.

3 Application EA Regulations and Standard

Applications EA regulations and Stadarnds mainly include

(1) Some relevant laws and regulations of environmental protection

“Environmental Impact Assessment Laws of PRC” (9th Sep. 2003)

“Water Laws of PRC” (5th Sep. 1987)

“Water Pollution Control Laws of PRC” (1th June 2008)

No. (98) 253 of the State Council “Environmental Protection Rules for Construction Project”

“Notice for Strengthening the Management of Environmental Impact Assessment in International Financial Organization Loan Project” 1993 324 issued by the State’s Environmental Protection Bureau, the Planning Commission, the Financial Ministry and the People’s Bank of China

“The World Bank Operational Manual — Operation policies” (OP4.01)”

“Instructions for Environmental Impact Assessment” (HJ/T 2.2~2.3-93)

(2) Some relevant documents and reports

The entrustment book of environmental impact assessment for the WB Financed Water Conservancy Project

The Project Implementation Plan of the WB Financed Water Conservation Project II

No. (2010) 630 of the state development and reform Committee“Reply of the project proposal of Water Conservation Project II”

“Standard for Field Irrigation Water Quality” (GB5084-92)

“Standard for Surface water quality”(GB3838-88)

“Standard for Groundwater Quality” (GB/T14848-93)

“Standard for Soil Environment” (GB15618-95)

The above standards can be carried out according to the zonation of environment role in different project areas

(3) The World Bank Safeguard Policies.

4 Assessment component, focal point and environmental protection goal

Assessment component

• Environmental Baseliney

•Impact of water resources utilization on water

•Analysis on the impact of pesticide and fertilizer on soil and water

•Impacts during construction period

•Impact on social economic development

•Public Consultaiton

• Mitigation Measures

•Investment for environmental protection and profit analysis

•Program for environmental management and monitoring

Assessment focal point

The project will mainly involve water body environment, and it won’t have atmosphere and solid waste influence by and large except there are some partial and periodic light machinery noises and dust. Therefore, the main impact the project involves is water environment.

There are no sensitive environmental protection objectives in these project areas according to the regional environmental function division and environmental protection planing. These project areas are located in the water-lacking areas of North China where groundwater has shown a tendency of overdraft, the continuous descent of groundwater level and the continuous expansion of funnel area are the main regional environmental problems. If the implementation of the project will aggravate the shortage of water resources, especially in areas where groundwater is the main irrigation water sources, if the implementation of the project will lead to or aggravate the continuous descent of groundwater level is the focal point of the assessment.

In order to increase the yield of agricultural production, it’s anticipated that the applied amount of pesticide and fertilizer will increase for the regulation of planting structures, if pesticide and fertilizer will pollute the soil and water environment is another assessment focal point.

Because the project focuses on increasing the utilization factor of water resources, the implementation of the project will exert positive impact on the rational use of water resources and the socio-economic development in the beneficiary areas. We will focally analyze the positive impact of the implementation of the project on resources, environment, society and economy.

Objectives of environmental protection

There is no special object for environmental protection in the project area. There is also no surface return flow in the project area on the whole under water saving conditions, the main object for environmental protection is the groundwater environment which can be detailed as follows:

The implementation of water saving irrigation should balance water resources supply and demand and needn’t result in the continuous descent of groundwater level and the continuous extension of funnel area.

Adopting effective measures to apply pesticide and fertilizer rationally and ensuring not to aggravate groundwater and other environmental pollution.

5 Assessment level

There is no special object for environmental protection in the project area. There is also no return water of farmland irrigation in the project area on the whole under water saving conditions, the main object for environmental protection is the groundwater environment which can be detailed as follows:

The implementation of water saving irrigation should balance water resources supply and demand and needn’t result in the continuous descent of groundwater level and the continuous extension of funnel area.

Adopting effective measures to apply pesticide and fertilizer rationally and ensuring not to aggravate groundwater and other environmental pollution.

6 Assessment principles

The environmental impact assessment of the project is in compliance with national EA laws, reguations and relevant standards, as well as the World Bank Safeguard policeis.

Analyzing the project’s possible environment impact according to the feasibility study report from each project area, carrying out assessment through typical investigation, analogy, reasoning and conclusion etc. methods and demonstrating the feasibility of the project and the rationality of the drafted environmental protection measures in view of environmental protection.

7 Assessment scheme and program

The assessment planing and working procedures of the project is shown in chart 1.7-1..

Chart 1 assessment program

Project Description

2.1 Project situations

Project name, character and components

Project name: Shanxi Water Conservation Project II

Project character: agricultural infrastructure construction

Project liable department: Shanxi Water Conservation Project II Office

Project components: the water conservation project will include the following components in the light of the World Bank’s objectives and in association with the actual conditions of the project areas:

• Irrigation: mainly include developing canal lining, low pressure pipe irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation four water saving irrigation works.

• Agriculture: agricultural water saving measures, such as soil improvement, quality seed production, extension of agricultural technology and training, pest and disease control and agro-machinery and service station etc. will be adopted.

• Wind Barriers and environmental protection: Wind Barriers and environmental protection works such as planting of trees in irrigated area as wind barriers and monitoring of groundwater level, water quality and soil in order to improve the ecological environment are planed.

• Institutional development and support: mainly include technical assistance, training, study tours, applied research, SIDD and MIS in order to coordinate with the water conservation and agricultural water saving measures, strengthen the water saving management measures in the project areas and improve the scientific irrigation management level.

Project scale and investment

The project is going to develop 10291.34 ha of water saving irrigation area in line with local conditions. The project covers a total 6 project areas in five counties , Yushe county, Jiexiu, Lin county, lishi county , jiaocheng county.

2. Table 2.1-1 Planned Areas in the Project Areas

|City |Project area |irrigation area |

| | |(ha) |

| Jinzhong city |Yushe county yunzhu reservoir irrigation |2000 |

| |area | |

| |jiexiu city xingdi irrigation area |1180 |

| |jiexiu city Diversion works of rubbery dam |1333.33 |

|Lvliang city |Lin countyYangpo Reservoir irrigation area |3366.7 |

| |lishi district project area |411.3 |

| |jiaocheng county project area |2000 |

|total |10,291.3 |

The total investment of the project is 412.69 million RMB yuan, of which, the World Bank loan is 30 million US dollars, and the counterpart funds from different levels of local government is 208.09million RMB yuan.


chart2-1 The location map of project area

Table 2.1-2 Project investment

|Funds source |Amount of money |% of total invest |

| |(Ten thousand yuan) | |

|total |40576.97 |100.0 |

|1.WB Loan |20460 |50.4 |

|2.Counterpart Fund |20116.97 |49.6 |

Project objectives

The overall objectives of the project are ① to increase the utilization factor of irrigation water; ② to increase the capability of comprehensive production of agriculture and farmers’ income and ③ to promote the sustainable use of water resources and the sustainable development of agriculture.

According to “Technical Standard of Water Saving Irrigation”(SL207-98) and the characteristics of the project and the specific technical requirements raised by the World Bank, the following main technical indicators for the water conservation project have been decided:

· The utilization factor of irrigation water should be greater than 0.6, and the utilization factor of canal water should be greater than 0.65. The utilization factor of water for irrigated area of rice should be greater than 0.95, and the utilization factor of water for irrigated area of drought crop should be greater than 0.90.

· The productivity of crop should be increased at least by 15% . The output raising of industrial crops reach 30% and the cereal productivity of water should be increased at least by 20% ,per unit ET cereal productivity should be higher than 1.2 kg/m3.

· The ET of the cultivated land in the project district is reduced by 10-20%;

· The target of revenue increase of farmers: The per capita average net revenue should be increased by 200 RMB Yuan.

· EIRR should be greater than 8%.

Project area distribution

The project involves 5 counties from two municipalities, i.e Jinzhong and Lvliang. The name of each project county is shown in Table 2.1-3.

Table 2.1-3 Basic conditions of WB Water Conservation Project

|No. |city |Project Name |Project Area(Townships, Town) |irrigation area|

| | | | | |

| | | | |(ha) |

|1 |Jinzhong |Yushe County Yun Zhu |Yunzhu,Bei Village, |2000 |

| |city |reservoir irrigation area |Qiaojiagou,Taoyang,dongzhuang,beituhua,nanmahui,shang| |

| | | |shiguai,xiashiguai,han cu,jiagou,baizhuang | |

| | |Jiexiu City Xingdi irrigation|Sijiangyao, Houbao Village, |1180 |

| | |area |Jilin-Nanjintun Village, Changle-Beiliangshi Village.| |

| | |Jiexiu city Diversion works |Songgu, Chengguan |1333.3 |

|2 |Lvliang city|Lin county yangpo reservoir |Both sides of Qiushui river |3366.7 |

| | |irrigation area | | |

| | |Lishi District Irrigation |Both sides of Dadongchuan River, huangtutai |411.3 |

| | |area | | |

| | |Jiaocheng county Irrigation |Chengcun ,xi fenyang ,dongfenyang ,liang ji zhuang |2000 |

| | |area |,hongxiang ,xianchengbei ,xiajia ying ,wangcun | |

| | | |,yangqu ,yiwang ,jiajiazhai | |

|total | |10,291.3 |

2 Project components

According to the objectives, planning principles and technical standards of the project, the project which will extend and apply advanced, high efficient and practical water saving technology, conduct further comprehensive agricultural development focusing on improving the medium-and-low-yield farmlands and establish a group of high standard water saving and yield increase demonstration areas combining with the agricultural strategy of high yield, high efficiency and best quality. Comprehensive improvement of water, soil, farmland, Wind Barriers and roads will be conducted in the project considering irrigation as the main part and integrating with agricultural and Wind Barriers measures. Meanwhile, institutional development and support, scientific and technical training should be advanced and farmer’s scientific farming and irrigation management level should be promoted.

Water Source Works

The project won't include construction of large-scale water source works, but small scale water source works to transfer water to irrigation area. It includes water conveyance pipleliens, pumping stations, small water storage structures inlcuidng a 3 meter high rubber dam, to increase the assurance factor of irrigation water and realize the rational allocation of surface water resources and the efficient use of precipitation. Summary of water source works in Shanxi project area is showed in table2.2-1.

Table 2.2-1 Water Conveyence in Shanxi Province

|City/County/ |Proposed Water Conveyence Schemes |Main Acitivites |

|Yushe |To convey 7.13 million m3/a water from Yunzhu Reservoir to |-main pipelines. 23km(DN800-600mm) and associated |

| |the downstream Yushe County, of which 1.5million m3 is for |facilities (e.g. check wells, culvert etc). |

| |non-agricultural use(e.g. villages and towns, industry), and |-Secondary pipeline: 37km(DN200mm). |

| |5.63 million m3 for agricultural use. | |

|Jiexiu |To convey 5.53 million m3/a water from Xingdi Village to |-Renovation of 5 boreholes. |

| |Jiexiu City, of which 3.01million m3 is for non-agricultural |-a water tank (1000m3) |

| |use(e.g. villages and towns, industry) and 2.52 million for |-main pipelines. 21km(DN350mm) and associated |

| |agicultures uses. |facilities(e.g. wells), |

| | |-secondary pipelines 4km(DN200) |

|Jiexue |To convey 3.06 million m3/a water from Fen River for |-a rubber dam(length 150m, height 3 m) |

| |agricultural use. |- a pump station(9m*6m) |

|Linxian |To convey 9.5 million m3/a water from Yangpo Reservoir to the|-Main pipleline: 26.9km (DN800-600mm), |

| |downstream Irrigation area. |- secondary piple18.8km(DN200mm) |

|Lishi |To convey 1.18 million m3/a water from Wucheng Reservoir to |- a pump station, |

| |the downstream Wucheng Irrigation Area |- a water tank(2000m3) |

| | |- water main pipeline: 2.7km(DN350mm) |

| | |-secondary pipeline: 13km(DN200mm) |

|Jiaocheng |To convey 10.25 million m3/a water from Wenyuhe River via |-water main pipleline: 18km(DN1000mm) |

| |Longmeng channel, of which 3.87 million m3/a is for |-secondary pipeline: 22.89km(DN500-100mm) |

| |non-agricultural use(e.g. villages and towns, industries) and| |

| |6.38 million m3 for agricultural use. | |

A due diligence has been conducted for the upstream reseveroirs confirming that there is no legacy of environemtnal issues(Tbale. 2.2-2)

Table2.2-2 Summary of water sources in Shanxi project area

|Munici|County |Water |Water sources location |Decription of the Water Sources |Construction of |Any legacy of |

|pality| |Source | | |project |environmental |

| | | | | | |issues(Y/N) |

| |Yushe |Yunzhu |Located at the foot of |Yunzhu Reservoir is built at the confluence of two upstream |Existing, |no |

| | |reservoir |Haijin hill, 25 km to the |tributaries-Shipan River, Qingxiu River. The main function of |started operation in | |

| | | |SW of Yushe County, and 2.5|the reservoir is for flood control, aquaculture, irrigation and|June1960. | |

| | | |km away from Yun city. |electricity generation. Reservoir storage volume is 87 million | | |

| | | | |m3 with an annual flow of 28.64 million. The reservoir can | | |

| | | | |provide 15 million m3 water for industrial use, and sufficient | | |

|Jinzho| | | |water for downstream irrigation( 2,000 hectares). The | | |

|ng | | | |downstream water allocated for ecological purpose is 0.05 m3/s | | |

| |jiexiu |Xindi |At Xindi Villagenty in the |The project will renovate five boreholes at Xindi Village and |Existing |no |

| | |irrigation|foot of the Mianshan |Changshou Village.and supply water for project area. | | |

| | |area |Mountain. | | | |

| | |Jiexiu |at the North of Xianzhan |Fen river originates in Xinzhou city Ningwu county, flow |New |N.A |

| | |rubbery |Village, Songgu City |through Lan Village of Taiyuan, Hongtong County, and Hejing. | | |

| | |dam | | | | |

| | | | |The subproject will buid a rubber dam(150 meters long, 3 meters| | |

| | | | |high) at Fen River to store upstream water during the | | |

| | | | |irrigation season. The rubber dam can hold 1.2 million m3 Water| | |

| | | | |for irrigation purpose. | | |

| | |Yangpo |Yangpo reservoir is located|Qiushui River originates in Xin County, flows through Xin |Existing,Started |no |

| |Lin |Reservoir |at the Yangpo Village at |county, Lin county, and enters into the Yellow River at Moraine|building on April 1, | |

| |county | |the boarder between Lin |Mouth Town of Lin County. Its main stream length is 122km. |1958, came into | |

| | | |County and Fanshan. | |operation in 1960. | |

|Lvlian| | | |Yangpo Reservoir is for flood control, aquiculture and | | |

|g | | | |irrigation. Reservoir storage capacity is 17.6 million m3. The | | |

| | | | |reservoir only provide partial water for downstream irrigation | | |

| | | | |area at present. | | |

| | |Taiping |Taiping reservoir is |Taiping Ditch lies at middle stream Qiushui River in Lin |Existing,Started |no |

| | |Reservoir |located in the mouth of |county. It is about 13km away from the county town. |building on October, | |

| | | |Taiping Ditch at |Taiping reservoir is a small reservoir with main function for |1972, came into | |

| | | |middlestream of Qiushui |flood control and irrigation. Reservoir storage capacity is |operation in July1975.| |

| | | |River . |5.36 million m3with a drainage area of 40km2. | | |

| | |Wucheng |Wucheng reservoir is |Wucheng Reservoir lie at middlstream the Dongchuan river, its |Existing,Started |no |

| |Lishi |Reservoir |located at the middlestream|drainage area is 220km2 . The Dongchuan river is a tributary of|building in October of| |

| |district| |Dongchuan River of Sanchuan|Shsnchuan river of the Yellow River Basin, the length of the |1972, retained water | |

| | | |Tributary of the Yellow |river is 67km and its drainage area 951.6km2. |in July of 1975, the | |

| | | |River, 31km away from Lishi| |main project finish in| |

| | | |district of Lvliang city |Wucheng Reservoir is for flood control, aquculture. Reservoir |1978. | |

| | | | |storage capacity is 12.44 million m3. The watershed length | | |

| | | | |reaches 17km. | | |

| |Jiaochen|Longmen-ch|Water intake is located at |The Wenyu River rises in Jiaocheng County, above sea level |New, |N.A |

| |g |anal |the Longmenke of Shagou |2831m, the main river is 158km long, drainage area is 4076 km2.|EIA has been approved | |

| | |diversion |village in jiaocheng |the river flows through Jiaocheng, Wenshui, Fenyang, Xiaoyi |by local EPB | |

| | |works |county, about 6.5km |county, enters the Fen river in Xiaoyi city. | | |

| | | |upstream Wenyuhe Reservoir.|The subproject plans to convey water from the Longmenkou water | | |

| | | | |intake at the middlestream of Wenyu River. | | |

1 Field irrigation works

The irrigation component is to conduct canal lining, pipe irrigation, and drip irrigation etc.. It includes development, utilization and rational allocation of water resources and promote on-farm water saving technology.

3. Table 2.2-3 Water Saving irrigation Area(ha)

|City/County |Subrpoject |Irrigation Area |Water Saving Technology |

| | |(ha) | |

|Jinzhong |Yushe |2000 |Pipe |

| |Jiexie Xingdi |1180 |Pipe |

| |Jiexiu |300 |Pipe |

| | |33.33 |Micro-Irrigation |

| | |1000 |Canal Lining |

|Lvliang |Lin County |1000 |Canal Lining |

| | |400 |Pipe |

| | |100 |Micro-Irrigation |

| | |1866.7 |Canal Lining |

| |Lishi |400 |Pipe |

| | |11.3 |Micro-Irrigation |

| |Jiaocheng |266.67 |Pipe |

| | |200 |Canal Lining |

| | |1533.33 |Canal Lining |

|Total |10291.3 | |

Agriculture Intensification & Support

Relevant agricultural technologies are to be adopted according to natural features and crop types in different areas:

· Moisture retaining technology

Deep ploughing or non-tillage technology is planed to be adopted timely according to the characteristics of crops and soil. Non-tillage in dry season can reduce the evaporation of soil and infiltration loss of irrigation water. Deep ploughing in rainy season can increase the infiltration of precipitation and the capability of soil moisture retaining. The lands should be ploughed deeply once every 3~5 years and the ploughing depth should reach 25~30 cm.

· Temperature increasing and moisture retaining technology such as wheat stalk shredding and plastic film covering

The covering of stalk or plastic film can not only increase the ground temperature, but also greatly reduce the evaporation loss of soil and increase the utilization factor of water. Stalk covering can be completed together with field stalk shredding machine and harvester.

· Comprehensive management technology of water and fertilizer

According to water and fertilizer demand, the method of applying fertilizer appropriately through soil measuring are to be adopted. Deep applying and increasing the utilization ratio of fertilizer are recommended.

· Rationally regulating the planting structures of crops

According to the requirements of industrialized agriculture and in order to meet social demands and achieve the optimum economic and ecological benefits, planting structures of crops should be regulated rationally to increase multiple crop index. In the areas where advanced irrigation technologies have been adopted and the assurance coefficient of irrigation is higher, the planting proportion of cash crops should be enlarged to increase economic benefits and farmer’s revenue.

· Seed selection and cultivation technology of drought-resistance crops

Seed base will be established to select and cultivate fine varieties of drought-resistance and high yield seeds and realize the ratio of fine varieties in the project areas reaching at least 95%. Advanced cultivation technology, in association with moisture retaining technology should be adopted to realize biological water saving.

Table 2.2-4 Agricultural components in the project area

|item |Unit |total |

|1.water-saving agriculture and soil improvement | | |

| Land leveling |hm2 |5439.1 |

| Wheat stalk shredding |hm2 |4982.11 |

| Plastic film |hm2 |4131.3 |

| Moisture retainer |t |12.8 |

|2. Balance Fertilization |hm2 |4265 |

|3. Pest Management(IPM) |10,000yuan |92.62 |

|4.Development of seeds farms |hm2 |4035 |

|5. Facilities agriculture(greenhouse) |unit |220 |

|6.Renovation of roads in Farmland |km |602 |

Wind Barriers

In order to improve the ecological environment of farmlands, tree shelter belts are to be improved in the project area for the comprehensive management of water, soil, farmlands. The investment in tree planting as wind barriers is mainly used for improving the existing shelter belts and planting a few fruit trees and nurseries.

Management water saving measures

The main management measures include establishment of SIDD and MIS and the design, extension and training of high-efficient water saving irrigation program.

In order to change the management mode that the state construct water conservancy works and the masses can use water without payment under the planing economic system, SIDDs mode, including WUAs and WSOs, which manage by itself and assume sole responsibilities for its loss and profit to maintain and manage the operation of the irrigation system, are planed to be established in the project area. Their aims are carrying out management system reform, improving management of water resources, increasing irrigation costs recovery, autonomous management capacities of irrigated areas and irrigation efficiency of the whole project.

MIS, which will produce various diagram reports for analysis and decision making, is mainly used in computer system for design, construction, management, supervision and assessment of the project,

The design of high-efficient water saving irrigation program should be carried out according to the actual conditions of project area and the design of irrigation and the analysis of water balance should be performed with the theory of “real” water savings. Meanwhile, engineering water-saving measures and agricultural water-saving measures will be adopted to work out high-efficient water-saving irrigation program. Technical training should be carried out in the farmers to enable them to grasp the scientific irrigation technology.

3 land occupation and immigration allocation planning

The project plans to occupate 130.49hm2 land,of which 38.82hm2 permanent occupation of land,91.67hm2 temporary occupation of land. There is no immigration .

Table 2.3-1 land occupation Unit:ha

|Project area |land type |permanent occupation |temporary occupation |total |

|Yushe countyyunzhu |Cultivated land |0.02 |3.01 |3.03 |

|reservoir irrigation| | | | |

|area | | | | |

| |Desolate meadow | |17.37 |17.37 |

| |field Road |10.5 | |10.5 |

| |total |10.52 |20.38 |30.9 |

|jiexiu cityxingdi |Cultivated land |0.15 |2.43 |2.58 |

|irrigation area | | | | |

| |Desolate meadow | |15.62 |15.62 |

| |field Road |6.3 | |6.30 |

| |total |6.45 |18.05 |24.50 |

|jiexiu city |Cultivated land |0.2 |2.05 |2.25 |

|diversion works of | | | | |

|rubbery dam | | | | |

| |Desolate meadow | |3.65 |3.65 |

| |field Road |0.2 |5.7 |5.90 |

|yangpo reservoir |Cultivated land |0.04 |22.45 |22.49 |

|irrigation area | | | | |

| |Desolate meadow |0.08 |4.77 |4.85 |

| |field Road |7.88 | |7.88 |

| |total |8.00 |27.22 |35.22 |

|lishi district |Cultivated land |0.23 |0.5 |0.73 |

| |Desolate meadow | |4.24 |4.24 |

| |field Road |2.17 | |2.17 |

| |total |2.4 |4.74 |7.14 |

|jiaocheng county |Cultivated land |0.05 |2.17 |2.22 |

| |Desolate meadow | |13.41 |13.41 |

| |field Road |11.2 | |11.2 |

| |total |11.25 |15.58 |26.83 |

5 Project analysis

Water saving irrigation is the center of the project and agricultural, Wind Barriers and management measures are also given consideration in order to achieve the goal of saving water, promoting the agricultural development, the sustainable utilization of water resources and increase the farmers’ revenue. It had been demonstrated from theories and practices that advanced water saving irrigation technologies and their relevant agricultural measures will exert an important impact on agricultural production in economic, social and environmental benefits. As to the water saving project itself, it won’t produce any waste gas, wastewater and waste residue during construction and belongs to non-pollution project. However, water resources reallocation process does exist in water saving irrigation and may produce certain impacts on the environment. Moreover, the improvement of irrigation conditions, regulation of planting structures of crops, increase of multiple crop index and pesticide and fertilizer application and the construction process for yield increase will also produce certain impacts on the environment.

Analysis on the impact of irrigation component on environment

Irrigation components include water diversion and allocation works and field works etc. many parts, their main impacts on environment are as follows:

(1) Impact of on water resources utilization

The project area of Shanxi Province is located in the North China where water resources are inadquate, groundwater is the main water sources for industrial and agricultural development and domestic water use, with the development of social economy, water demand will increase year by year. The continuous descent of groundwater level has occurred in some areas, if the construction of the project will aggravate or alleviate the descent of groundwater level is the key point of the environmental impact assessment. In order to protect the groundwater, each project county has already developed groundwater protection plan. All the water resources activities under the project are in compliance with the relevant govenermant’s master palns. So it’s predicted that the contradictions between regional water resources demand and supply will be alleviated after the implementation of the project.

The upper reservoirs which provide water supply are existing reservoir. It is estimated that the project will have no impact on the reservoirse funcations.

Table 2.4-1 Connection between upper reservoir and this project

|No. |reservoir |Relation with the project |

|1 |Yunzhu Reservoir |Reservoir annual mean flow is 28.6 million m3, The requirement of the project is 5.63 million m3/a.|

| | |The project, which is in line with relevant Master Plan, have no much influence on the funcatoin of|

| | |the Yunzhu Reservoir. |

|2 |Yangpo |Yangpo Reservoir annula mean flow is17.9 million m3, and Taiping Reserovoirs’s annual mean flow is |

| |Reservoir,and |2.24 million. The project uses 9.5 million m3/a, There will be sufficient water amount for the |

| |Taiping Reservoir |downstream base water 5.88 millionm3/a. The project, which is in line with relevant water reousrce |

| | |master paln, have no much influence on the funcation of the Yangpo Reservoir. |

|3 |Wucheng Reservoir |Wucheng Reservoir is an existing reservoir,and its water supply pipe is passying through the |

| | |project area. The project can extract water from the No 9 Distribution Well for the irrigation |

| | |purpose. The project, which isin line with relevant water resources master plan, have no much |

| | |impact on the funcation of the Wucheng Reservoir. |

(2). Impact of water saving irrigation on soil and groundwater quality

According to the water environment zoning and the initial investigation on irrigation water quality, the irrigation water quality is generally up to the standard. And after the implementation of the project, the volume of water seepage will be reduced, so the anticipated impacts of irrigation water quality on soil environment and the quality of water body will be less.

Analysis on the impact of agricultural component on environment

Planting structures will be adjusted and the multiple crop indexes will be changed in order to increase the yield of cereals. The application of fertilizer may be increased to a certain extent, and the quantity of pesticide will be the same as the present or reduced a little. Fertilizer may pollute groundwater after being leached by irrigation water. Moreover, other agricultural measures will also produce certain impact on water environment, soil and ecology.

The adjsutment of planting structures will be beneficial to developing high efficient agriculture and utilizing lands effectively, meanwhile, selecting less water consumption crops is also an agricultural measure. The use of fertilizer is an important method to increase soil fertility and crop yield, however, the impact of fertilizer on water environment is also a widespread concerned issue. The loss of nitrogen and phosphorous in field is the main factor in water environment pollution and it will result in the pollution of rivers, lakes and reservoirs, particularly result in the high nutrient content of lakes and reservoirs and NO3-N pollution of groundwater. Because the project is a water saving irrigation project, little irrigation return flow will be generated, and the balancing fertilizing measure will be beneficial to increasing the utilization factor of fertilizer, it’s anticipated that the project will not aggravate the surface water pollution. However, even though the recharge of irrigation return flow to groundwater will be reduced, there is still some infiltrating into groundwater. Whether the application of fertilizer will result in NO3-N pollution of groundwater or not is the main concerned issue after the implementation of the project.

Environmental impact of construction process

Water conveyence works, construction of associated culverts and roads and land leveling etc. earthworks are involved in the construction period. These on-farm works, agricultural earthwork and mechanical construction will result in on-site and temporary impact, such as waste spoil, noise and the loss of water and soil.

impacts on water utilization, social and economic development

The project anticipates to increase the utilization efficiency of water resources, reduce agricultural water waste, promote the regulation of planting structures for the improvement of irrigation conditions, increase the farmers’ revenue and accelerate the regional social economic development. It’s anticipated that the construction of SIDD will change the management patterns of water resources and raise the farmers’ management level.

6 Identification of environmental impact factors

Because the involved areas in the assessment scope is scattered, the impact of regional natural geographic conditions, irrigation water sources and irrigation patterns and according to the project component, character, scale, regional location and construction etc. characters, two series of matrixes should be listed in tables to differentiate and determine the environment impact factors. Then analyze these factors, prepare the main factors relevant with the project and determine the key points and scope of assessment.

The Project is to reduce the waste of water resources, it won’t discharge any pollutant and won’t give rise to any social issues. The project has huge social, economic and environmental benefits from a long-term point of view, however, it will exert some adverse impacts on the environment for the utilization of water resources, application of fertilizer and pesticide and the construction of the project.

Base on the components of the project and consultation with some experts of water conservancy, agriculture and environment, we selected some environmental impact factors from its positive and adverse impacts on the environment and society, impact degree, impact time and impact scale during the construction and operation of the project. The project’s main adverse impacts were primarily determined as follows:

•soil and water loss and noises of machines etc. environmental issues during the construction period of the project.

•whether the water diversion of the project will aggravate the continuous descent of groundwater level in the northern water short districts or not.

•whether the application of fertilizer and pesticide will aggravate soil and water pollution or not.

•Impact of other agricultural measures on the environment.

Table 2.4-2 Determination of environmental impact factors

|Impact level |Natural level |Social environment |

| |Surface volume |Surface |Soil |Grou|Groundwater|Topography |Eco|Land utilization |Society |

| | |water |quality |ndwa|quality | |nom| | |

| | |quality | |ter | | |y | | |

| | | | |volu| | | | | |

| | | | |me | | | | | |

Environmental conditions of project area



Jinzhong Municipality is topographically high in the SW, and low in the NW. To the East is Taihang Mt., south Taiyue Mt., and West a plain area. From the SE to the NW are the rock area, loess hills area and the alluvial plain area. The elevatioin is generally above sea level of 850-1200m.

Lvliang Municaplity is at the middle reach of the Yellow River in North China. Lu Liangshan Mt. travses the Municipality from the North and East to South and the West. The Kuan Ti is Lu Liangshan's highest peak, occupying in the middle part of the mountain range, above sea level 2831m.


(1)Jinzhong city

Jinzhong city locate in temperate zone, belong to monsoon influence continental half arid climate. Average precipitation 484.5mm 70% precipitation concentrates in June – September. The precipitation is decreasing progressively from the east to west. Temperature change relatively heavy, the whole city for being most hot, maximum temperature 38.2 ℃all in July, and being coldest, minimum temperature -32.1 ℃, the average temperature of the whole year is 6.7-10.7 ℃, the average evaporation capacity 1030mm (60cm evaporates wares) .

(2)Lvliang city

Lvliang city is in the eastern monsoon climate area, featuring a clear distinction of four seasons, i.e. arid and windy Spring, hot Summer, rainy Autumn, and little snowy Winter. Average temperature of the whole year of the city is 6.8-10.5 ℃ with the highest temperature of 39.9 ℃ and the minimum temperature of - 30.5 Celsius. the depth of Frozen soil layer generally about 1m. Frost season is from mid-September/October to April/May..Precipitation is not extremely even in the area with average precipitation about for 695mm.

Soil and plants

The natural vegetation type of Jinzhong city is mainly deciduous foliage forest, coniferous trees, The deciduous shrub forest of wide mixed forest of needle.

The soil of Jinzhong city is divided into 8 kinds of soil, i.e grassy marshland soil, brown earth, brown soil, stone quality soil, thick bone soil, tide soil, solonchak and rice soil.

The foresarea of Lvliang is 7.75million mu. coverage rate is up to 24%. It also has obvious vertical areas that the forest is distributed, 2780-2500m above sea level takes for the high grassy marshland of shrub forest, 2500-1600m is a forest belt of conifer leaf, 1700-950m is a broad leaf forest belt of low mountain.

The soil of Lvliang various in style, brown soil, dust, mountain region grassy marshland soil, tide soil, silk floss soil, red clay,etc. mainly, the soil area in the whole city is 1,780,000 hectares, accounts for 85% of the whole area in the whole city. Soil distribution situation, brown soil distribute on Lu Liangshan east slope, mountain region grassy marshland soil distribute on highest peak south Yangshan and area of gentle slope of the platform of mountaintop of the area of town of Xihua of Liangshan Lu, Liangshan Lu as dust, tide soil distribute on river, 3 Sichuan river river valley area, district of plain and water of Qiu, yellow silk floss soil distribute in the gully districts of hills of loess extensively, is the important agricultural soil in the west, red clay is distributed on the bottom of hills gully of western loess.

River system

The river in the project area is Zhangbeiyuan, Fen river, Qiushui river, Dongchuan river, Wenyu river and Ciyao river .

Fen river originates in Ningwu county of Xinzhou city, and flows through Taiyuan Municiapality, Jinzhong Municipality, Hozhou City, Linfen city, Yuncheng city, and then pours into the Yellow River at Hejing. It is catchment area is 39,471km2 with a total length of 694km.

Qiushui River originates in Xin county, flows through Xin county, Lin County, pours into the Yellow River in Lin County. Its main stream is 122km long with a cathcment area of 1989 km2 . It mainr stream has a 6.50‰ of slope on average. There are reservoirs in the upper reaches of the main stream with a storage capacity 17,400,000m3. Taiping Reservoir is on the tributary with a storage capacity 5,360,000m3。

The Dongchuan river is a tributary of Shanchuan river of the Yellow River Basin, the length of the river is 67km with a catchment area of 951.6 km2. Wucheng Reservoir lies in the middling of river at the Dadongchuan river, and its catchment area is 220km2 .

The Wenyu river originates at the NW of Kuanti mountain in Jiaocheng county, above sea level 2831m. The main river is 158km long with a catchment area of 4076 km2. The river flows through Jiaocheng, Wenshui, Fenyang, Xiaoyi county before pouring into the Fen river in Xiaoyi city .

The ciyao river originates in Yangtianchi, flows through jiaocheng county, Qingxu, Wenshui, Fenyang, Pingyao, Xiaoyi, Jiexiu, enters Fen river in jiexiu city. Its catchment area is 568 km2.


Stratum of Jinzhong city have the Archean Erathem, the Great Wall department, the Great Wall department in front of the yuans of ancient circle, department, stone charcoal department, Cambrian system of Paleozoic group and pottery of, change the department two times, the Mesozoic Erathem three change department, Jurassic system, new born circle the third system, the fourth system.

The groundwater can be divided into in Jinzhong city: Fluffy rock hole water, carbonic acid saline crevice water, clastic rock insert carbonic acid saline crack karst water, clastic rock crevice water, crevice water of hole and rock of base. Because the ground form unit that it is in of fluffy rock hole water, water-bearing stratum rock and groundwater power property with divide layer dive under water, hills, Taiwan Yuan district loess dive under water moisture diving under water and artesian water for river valley alluviation again, it is the shallow in basin area for layers of water and in deep for water.

Stratum of Lvliang is complete, except lack pottery tie interconnected system, stone charcoal department lay interconnected system and Jurassic system, appear and reveal from the Archean Erathem to new born circle, the old stratum mainly appears to reveal in north and the Lu 's, China, take the place of stratum distribute in the east side and the west side, it distribute area north old stratum account for area greater than the south in Liangshan Lu newly, form one from mountain range axle parts of old stratum to new stratum overall arrangement that carry out the transition in the east side and the west side.

Lvliang has metamorphic rock, clastic rock crevice water, carbonate rock karst crevice water, fluffy rock hole water, base on the division of groundwater types and water-bearing stratum types. Among them regard carbonate rock karst crevice water and fluffy rock hole water as the main moisture rock group.

2 Socio-economy


According to the statistic data in 2006, the conditions of population in the project areas of 5 counties of the Shanxi province are detailed in table 3.2-1.

table 3.2-1 Populations in project areas

|item |Total populations |Agricultural populations |Ratio of agricultural |

| |(ten thousand ) |(ten thousand ) |populations |

|Number |220.571 |215.133 |97.5 |

National economy

The conditions of national economy in project areas are detailed in table 3.2-2.

Table3.2-2 National economy in project areas

|item |Total output value of agriculture |Agricultural output value |Net revenue per capita |

| |and industry (108 yuan) |(108 yuan) | |

|Quantity |21.6912 |2.8116 |2383.2 |

Agricultural production

The whole area of land of the project district is 576.99km2, of which cultivated area is 27595 hm2, irrigation area 5828hm2. The cultivated land per family is 0.50 hm2, per capita cultivated land is 0.13 hm2. The service system of agricultural technology is sound. The forest land area is 6329.2hm2 in the project district, the coverage rate of forest is 10.97%. The project district relies mainly on cereal crops while making industrial crops such as the vegetables, fruit,etc. subsidiary, will carry on the rational adjustment of the pattern of farming after the project is implemented, cereal crops and industrial crops will be developed simultaneously, in order to save the water and increase economic efficiency.

3 Main Problems in Agricultural Irrigaiton

The provinces and municipalities of the project area had invested many manpower and material resources to construct water conservancy works and irrigation and drainage works since 1950’s, these works had played an important role in resisting natural disasters and ensuring the high and stable yield of agriculture.

Main Problems in Irrigation’s Water Source Works

Agriculture depends on irrigation to a great extent in the project area for the uneven distribution of precipitation and it has become the biggest water demander and water consumer. At present, its water consumption makes up approximately 72% of the total amount.

The main problems confronted during the development of irrigation are as follows:

·Irrigation water resources are scarce. With the development of industrialization and urbanization, more and more irrigation water has been occupied by industrial and urban use and it’s difficult to reverse the tendency of changing agricultural water resources use to non-agricultural water resources use.

·Water storage and allocation works are inadequate. Most of the water sources for irrigation in the project area are not single one, they are not only surface water, but also groundwater and the surface water include the water in reservoirs, rivers, ponds and the sewage water drained from cities. Because the scarcity of water storage and allocation works, many separate water sources can’t be utilized.

·The utilization factor of irrigation water is low., the irrigation technique is backward and the development of water saving irrigation can’t catch up with the development of agriculture.

·The management level is low. They are lack of perfect management system for water resources and irrigation and some relevant policies, laws and regulations are not perfect.

Main problems in Irrigation Area

Most of the present irrigation facilities were built in 1950’s-1970’s, their construction standards were very low, most of the works aged seriously, decreased in benefit and short of funds for modification after many decades of operation. At present, approximately 43% of the cultivated lands have no irrigation conditions and the utilization factor of irrigation water is very low in the cultivated lands where there are irrigation conditions, its average is only 0.4. All of these result in that the assurance coefficient of irrigation water on most of the farmlands is low and can’t ensure harvest in drought and flood years.

·Backward in irrigation techniques and installations. At present, the traditional surface irrigation is usually adopted in most of the project areas. The irrigation efficiency is low and increase water demand and lead to the non-beneficial loss and percolation of irrigation water for unreasonable size of border checks (furrows) and poor land leveling.

·Irrigation facilities damaged seriously for poor management and can’t bring the efficiency of motor-pumped wells into full play.

Present status of environmental quality

4.1 Pollution sources

Even though industrial and domestic pollution sources exist in some counties in view of administrative regions, most of the sub project areas are distributed in the extensive rural areas, the impact of the industrial and domestic pollution on these areas is very low. Moreover, pollution had also been controlled well with the state’s closing down, stopping, transforming and merging the “fifteen small industries”, therefore, there will be no large industrial pollution sources in the project areas, the industrial pollution sources in some project counties can’t produce any impact on the construction of the project area. The main impact on soil and water environment is agricultural pollution sources.

2 Soil quality

Soil fertility

The conditions of soil fertility is the basis for the improvement of low yield field, it’s an important component during the construction of the project and relates with the application of fertilizer, therefore, we assessed the soil fertility in various districts according to the reference index provided in table 4.2-1.

Table 4.2-1 Reference index of nutrient content for different soil fertility

|Level of soil|Organic |Nitrogen |Full Phosphorous |Effective |Effective |No2-N |Hydro Nitrogen |

|fertility |matter |% |% |Phosphorous |Potassium |PPm |mmg/100g soil |

| |% | | |PPm |PPm | | |

|First level |>2.5 |>0.2 |>0.25 |>50 |>250 |>20 |>20 |

|Second level |2.0-2.5 |0.1-0.2 |0.15-0.25 |25-50 |150-250 |10 |15 |

|Third level |1.0-2.0 |0.05-0.1 |0.05-0.15 |5-25 |50-150 |5 |10 |

|Fourth level | ................

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