Social and Environmental Screening Format

PART 2 – Section B


Table of Contents

1 Guidance on the project cycle flowchart 1-4

2 Guidance on sub-project categorization 2-5

2.1 Introduction 2-5

2.2 Urban sub-sector: Water 2-5

2.3 Urban sub-sector: Sewage / Drainage / Sanitation 2-5

2.4 Urban sub-sector: Solid Waste Management 2-6

2.5 Urban sub-sector: Transportation 2-6

2.6 Urban sector: Others 2-7

3 Guidance on Sub-project environmental impacts and mitigation measures 3-8

3.1 Introduction 3-8

3.2 How the table should be used 3-8

3.2.1 For Ea sub-projects 3-8

3.2.2 For Eb sub-projects 3-8

3.3 Sub-sector: Water 3-9

3.4 Sub-sector: Sewerage, Drainage and Sanitation 3-13

3.5 Sub-sector: Solid Waste Management 3-18

3.6 Sub-sector: Transportation 3-20

3.7 Sub-sector: Others - Lighting and Signage 3-32

3.8 Sub-sector: Others - Commercial Civic Amenities 3-33

3.9 Sub-sector: Others - Public Civic Amenities 3-36

3.10 Sub-sector: Others - Urban Planning and Development 3-39

4 Sample EMP for an urban roads project 40

4.1 Introduction 40

4.2 Table of mitigation measures – pre-construction & construction phases 4-41

4.3 Table of monitoring measures – construction phase 4-46

5 Sample EMP for Sewerage Project 48

5.1 Introduction 48

5.2 Table of Mitigation Measures - Pre construction Phase 5-49

5.3 Table of Mitigation Measures - Construction Phase 5-50

5.4 Table of Mitigation Measures - Operation Phase 5-54

5.5 Environmental Monitoring Plan 5-56

5.5.1 Construction Phase 5-56

5.5.2 Operation Phase 5-56

5.5.3 Environmental Monitoring – Operation Phase – Action Plan 5-57

6 Guidance on EIA of Ea category Sub-Projects 6-59

6.1 Introduction 6-59

6.2 Terms of reference 6-59

6.3 Suggested structure and content of an EIA report 6-61

6.4 Structure & content of an EMP 6-62

7 Guidance on Terms of Reference for Social Assessment and RAP for Sa category Sub-Projects 7-63

7.1 Introduction 7-63

7.2 Terms of Referecne 7-63

7.3 Suggested structure and content of an SA 7-65

8 Guidance on Structure of RAP 8-67

9 Guidance on ToR for CIP consultants on social and environmental issues 9-71

9.1 Introduction 9-71

9.2 Terms of reference 9-71

10 Guidance on ToR & formats for the supervision consultants on social and environmental issues in Sa and Ea sub-projects 10-72

10.1 Introduction 10-72

10.2 Terms of reference for the social officer 10-72

10.3 Terms of reference for the environmental engineer 10-72

10.4 Monitoring formats 10-73

11 Guidance on incorporating mitigation measures in the contract documents for category Ea and Eb Sub-Projects 11-74

11.1 Introduction 11-74

11.2 Construction phase requirements in the contract documents 11-74

11.3 Note on timing 11-74

Guidance on the project cycle flowchart

Below given is a sub-project cycle flow chart for implementing SEMF.

|Sub-Project Phase |Step 1 |Step 2 |Other Steps |Output/ Outcome |

|Identification |ULB approaches KUIDFC for |KUIDFC checks ULB Access |When Financial Capacity exists |Capital Investment Plan |

| |KMRP funds |Criteria. |funding from GUIS and PHIS. |Revenue Enhancement Plan |

| |ULB adopts a Council |If meeting Access Criteria, ULB|When no financial Capacity |Sub-Project identification|

| |Resolution |and KUIDFC sign MoU including |funding from PHIS | |

| | |REP |KUIDFC reviews CIP and REP | |

| | |Financial Assessment by | | |

| | |Consultants. | | |

|Screening and |For PHIS sub-projects |For GUIS sub-projects KUIDFC |KUIDFC issues guidance notes to|Social and Environmental |

|Categorization |KUIDFC does social and |review social and environmental|ULBs |Categorization of |

| |environmental |categorization given by CIP | |Sub-Projects as per SEMF |

| |categorization as per SEMF|Consultants as per SEMF | | |

|Preparation |KUIDFC engages consultants|For Sa category projects KUIDFC|For Sb and Eb category |DPR |

| |to prepare DPRs |engages a social consultant for|sub-projects SMP and EMP are |SA/ RAP |

| | |SA and RAP |included in the DPR by |EIA/ EMP |

| | |For Ea category sub-projects |design/preparation consultants | |

| | |KUIDFC engages an environmental| | |

| | |consultant for EIA and EMP | | |

|Appraisal and Approval |KUIDFC reviews the SA/ RAP|KUIDFC conducts site visits if |KUIDFC seeks clarifications on |SEMF conformance note |

| |and EIA/ EMP |necessary |SA/ RAP and EIA/ EMP |DPR Approval |

| | | |KUIDFC gives a SEMF conformance| |

| | | |note | |

|Loan Sanction & |KUIDFC approves loan |Makes RAP and EMP part of loan |KUIDFC disburses first |Loan sanction |

|Disbursement | |agreement |installment of loan |First installment |

| | | | |disbursement |

|Implementation |ULB implements with |Quarterly progress reports |DUDC, Panel Consultants and |Mitigation of social and |

| |contractors and |include social and |NGOs participate in |adverse impacts through |

| |supervision consultants, |environmental compliance |implementation of RAP/ EMP |RAP/ EMP |

| |where necessary. |sections | | |

|O&M |ULB/ Contractor follows |KUIDFC and appointed |DUDC, Panel Consultants and |Mitigation of social and |

| |guidance on operation of |consultants visit sites for |NGOs participate in |adverse impacts through |

| |sub-projects |RAP/ SMP and EMP conformance |implementation of RAP/ EMP |RAP/ EMP |

|M&E |KUIDFC received quarterly |SEMU of KUIDFC visit field for |KUIDFC appoints consultants/ |Monitoring reports |

| |progress reports from ULBs|first hand monitoring and |auditors for independent M&E |External audits |

| | |evaluation |and impact evaluation of Sa and|Impact evaluation |

| | | |Ea sub-projects | |

Guidance on sub-project categorization

1 Introduction

Consultants preparing the CIP for the ULB have to use this guidance for categorization of sub-projects. This guidance document recommends the sub-project categorization based on the nature, scale and magnitude of the social and environmental impacts. The general rule for classifying sub-projects is as follows:

• Social

o Sa: More than 200 PAPs

o Sb: Between 1 and 200 PAPs

o Sc: Minimal or No PAPs

• Environmental

o Ea: Significant adverse environmental impacts

o Eb: Moderate adverse environmental impacts

o Ec: Minimal or no adverse environmental impacts

If the application of the general rule goes contrary to the recommended categorization given for specific sub-project type, then the categorization as per the general rule would become applicable.

2 Urban sub-sector: Water

|Sector/ Sub-Project |Social |Environmental |

|1 Water | | |

|1A. Head Works/ Intake works | | |

|1A1. Head works/ Intake works not involving river diversions/ impounding |Sc |Ec |

|storages/ barrages | | |

|1A2. Head works/ Intake works involving river diversions/ impounding storage/ |Sb |Eb |

|barrages | | |

|1B. Water Treatment Plants |Sb |Eb |

|1C. Rising Mains/ Gravity Mains |Sc |Ec |

|1D. Overhead/ Ground level Reservoirs |Sb |Ec |

|1E. Feeder Mains/ Distribution Mains |Sc |Ec |

|1F. Extension of Services to Vulnerable Sections |Sc |Ec |

|1G. Water Tankers |Sc |Ec |

3 Urban sub-sector: Sewage / Drainage / Sanitation

|Sector/ Sub-Project |Social |Environmental |

|2 Sewage / Drainage / Sanitation | | |

|2A. Sewage Treatment Plants |Sb |Ea |

|2B. Public Conveniences |Sc |Ec |

|2C. Storm Water Drainage | | |

|2C1.Improving Existing SWD |Sc |Ec |

|2C2. New SWD |Sa |Eb |

|2D. Under Ground Sewerage | | |

|2D1. Improvements to Existing UGS |Sc |Ec |

|2D2. New UGS |Sa |Eb |

|2E. Sewage Pumping Stations |Sb |Eb |

4 Urban sub-sector: Solid Waste Management

|Sector/ Sub-Project |Social |Environmental |

|3 Solid Waste Management | | |

|3A. Dumping/ Composting Yards/ Land Fills |Sb |Ea |

|3B. Vehicles |Sc |Ec |

5 Urban sub-sector: Transportation

|Sector/ Sub-Project |Social |Environmental |

|4 Transportation | | |

|4A. Road Widening and Resurfacing |Sb |Eb |

|4B. Road Resurfacing without Widening |Sc |Ec |

|4C. New Roads/ Ring Roads |Sa |Ea |

|4D. Foot Paths |Sc |Ec |

|4E. Traffic Islands |Sc |Ec |

|4F. Dividers |Sc |Ec |

|4G. Bus Terminals |Sb |Ec |

|4H. Truck Terminals |Sb |Ec |

|4I. Car Parkings |Sb |Ec |

|4J. Workshops |Sb |Eb |

|4K. Bridges/ Culvers |Sb |Eb |

|4L. RuBs/ Pedestrian Subways |Sb |Ea |

|4M. RoBs |Sb |Eb |

|4N. Traffic Signals |Sc |Ec |

6 Urban sector: Others

|Sector/ Sub-Project |Social |Environmental |

|5. Lighting and Signage | | |

|5A. Street Lighting |Sc |Ec |

|5B. Sign Boards |Sc |Ec |

|6. Commercial Civic Amenities | | |

|6A. Shopping/ Office Complexes |Sb |Eb |

|6B. Cinema Theatres |Sb |Eb |

|6C. Dormitories/ Hostels/ Lodges |Sb |Eb |

|6D. Marriage Halls |Sb |Eb |

|6E. Community Halls |Sb |Eb |

|6F. Slaughter Houses |Sb |Ea |

|6G. Vegetable/ Fish/ Meat Markets |Sb |Eb |

|7. Public Civic Amenities | | |

|7A. Parks |Sb |Ec |

|7B. Lakes/ Water bodies Improvements |Sc |Ec |

|7C. Playgrounds |Sb |Eb |

|7D. Schools/ Libraries |Sb |Ec |

|7E. Shelters for Homeless/ Old age Homes |Sb |Eb |

|7F. Disaster Relief Centres |Sb |Eb |

|7G. Hospitals |Sb |Ea |

|7H. Burial Grounds and Crematoriums |Sb |Ea |

|8. Urban Planning and Development | | |

|8A. Housing Colonies (only sites and services) |Sa |Ea |

|8B. Housing Schemes |Sa |Ea |

|8C. Land Development |Sa |Ea |

Guidance on Sub-project environmental impacts and mitigation measures

1 Introduction

This guidance includes a table listing the impacts and mitigation measures of the various sub-projects in the different urban sub-sectors. The table also includes the project phase, where each of the mitigation measures needs to be considered and also indicates the implementation responsibility.

2 How the table should be used

1 For Ea sub-projects

This category of sub-projects requires a full-fledged EA that are to be done by environmental consultants separate from the design consultants. The impacts and mitigation measures given in the table should be used to identify the key / important issues.

2 For Eb sub-projects

For this category of sub-projects, the design consultants have to prepare an EMP. This table should be used to develop the EMP by the design consultants. The same format – as included in this table – can be used to prepare the table of mitigation measures in the sub-project EMP. The subsequent guidance document provides a sample EMP for a typical urban roads project.

3 Sub-sector: Water

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|1A. Head Works/ Intake |Acquisition of Private Agricultural land or |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

|structures |Forest land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

| |Loss of trees and vegetation |Compensatory planting should be done. |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| | |Plant double the number of trees cut | | |

| |Reduced flow to the down stream users |Regulate flow to down stream use |Planning / design |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| |Erosion and sedimentation |Catchment treatment including gully plugging |Planning / design |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| |Disruption vegetation and to eco-system |Avoidance of disruption to grasslands, wetlands and other riparian areas |Planning / design |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| |Disruption to visual resources |Landscaping permanent facility sites with trees, shrubs and grasses |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| | | | | |

|1B. Water Treatment Plants |Acquisition of Private Agricultural land or |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| |forest land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

| |Loss of trees and vegetation |Compensatory planting should be done. |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| | |Plant double the number of trees cut | | |

| |Disruption to vegetation and eco-system |Avoidance of disruption to grasslands, wetlands and other riparian areas |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB/ |

| | | | |Contractor |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas |Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |of operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and public and |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| | |ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|1B. Water Treatment Plants |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels |Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission standards and noise |Construction |Contractor |

|[Continued] |during Construction |control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

| |Impact to groundwater due to discharge of |Sludge lagoons should be constructed to treat the sludge |O&M |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| |sludge | | | |

| |Safety hazards to households in the |Provision of temporary crossings/ bridges in the implementation area |O&M |Contractor |

| |neighborhood | | | |

| |Hazards due to storage of chemicals |Training to operators on storage and usage of chemicals |O&M |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| | | | | |

|1C. Rising Mains/ Gravity |Acquisition of Private Agricultural land or |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

|Mains |forest land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

|1E. Feeder Mains/ | | | | |

|Distribution Mains | | | | |

|1F. Extension to Vulnerable | | | | |

|Sections | | | | |

| |Loss of trees and vegetation |Compensatory planting should be done. |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| | |Plant double the number of trees cut | | |

| |Temporary Disruption of natural drainage |Provision of appropriate by-pass arrangements for natural drainage during construction |Construction |Contractor |

| |pattern | | | |

| |Loss of fertile top soil of the Agriculture |Preserve the topsoil removed and replace the topsoil back after completion of |Construction |Contractor |

| |Lands |construction activity. | | |

| |Disturbance to traffic and general public |Actions to divert and regulate traffic in public consultation with citizens in advance |Construction |Contractor |

| | |While planning alternate route care should be taken to minimize impact at sensitive | | |

| | |locations such as schools and hospitals | | |

| | |Signals and signs of diversion should be provided | | |

| |Disruption of Utilities such as electricity, |Preparation of utility shifting or safe guarding plans |Construction |Contractor |

| |telephone and other services. |Getting appropriate approvals / permissions in advance | | |

| | |Carrying out shifting or safe guarding arrangements at the earliest possible time | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|1C. Rising Mains/ Gravity |Increase in dust levels to due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

|Mains |and other construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

|1E. Feeder Mains/ | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

|Distribution Mains | | | | |

|1F. Extension to Vulnerable | | | | |

|Sections [Continued] | | | | |

| |Accumulation of Excess Earth |Disposal of unused / excess earth at an environmentally suitable disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |Damage to roads |Reinstatement of Road Surface in earliest possible time |Construction |Contractor |

| |Increased Noise Levels during Construction |Use of low noise generating equipment for all the activities, |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the construction labor | | |

| | |Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Temporary crossings across the pipeline trench wherever necessary | | |

| |Damage to standing crops during break down of|Adequate provisions for compensation to the affected land owners during maintenance |O&M |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| |the transmission main |works | | |

| | | | | |

|1D. Overhead/ Ground level |Standing out as Eyesore in the surroundings |Architecture and design to take surroundings into account |Preparation |ULB/ PMC |

|Reservoirs | | | | |

| |Disruption to visual resources |Landscaping permanent facility sites with trees, shrubs and grasses |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas |Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |of operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|1D. Overhead/ Ground level |Increased Noise Levels during Construction |Use of low noise generating equipment for all the activities, |Construction |Contractor |

|Reservoirs [Continued] | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the construction labor | | |

| | |Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| | Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Temporary crossings across the pipeline trench wherever necessary | | |

| | | | | |

|1G. Water Tankers |Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |O&M |Contractor |

| |Increased Noise Levels during operation |Purchase low noise generating vehicles |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC/ Contractor |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment and earmuffs. etc. for the operators |Construction | |

| | |Preventive maintenance of vehicles | | |

| | |Avoiding operation during nights | | |

4 Sub-sector: Sewerage, Drainage and Sanitation

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|2A. Sewage Treatment Plant |Acquisition of Private Agricultural land or |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC/ KUWS&DB |

|2E. Sewage Pumping Stations|forest land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

| |Loss of trees and vegetation |Compensatory planting should be done. |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| | |Plant double the number of trees cut | | |

| |Disruption to vegetation and eco-system |Avoidance of disruption to grasslands, wetlands and other riparian areas |Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB/ Contractor |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site|Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and|Construction |ULB/ KUWS&DB |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

| |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

| |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Protective measures for Bio-diversity | | |

| |Surface water /groundwater pollution due to |Treatment units should operated regularly to produce effluent to meet the|Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |discharge of sludge and effluent |effluent standards | | |

| |Hazards due to storage of chemicals |Training to operators on storage and usage of chemicals |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |Air pollution through ventilating shaft |Ventilating shafts are located in such a way not causing pollution in to |Construction |KUWS&DB/ Contractor |

| | |the nearby houses |Operation | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|2B. Public Conveniences |Loss of trees and vegetation |Compensatory planting should be done. |Construction |ULB/Contractor |

| | |Plant double the number of trees cut | | |

| |Nuisance to public |Regular collection and disposal of waste |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC/ Operator |

| | |Grow trees around the facility | | |

| |Contamination by human waste/ excreta |Regular cleaning of toilets |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |Connection to sewerage system | | |

| | |Provision for hand washing and toilets | | |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth at site in |Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site|Construction |Contractor |

| |causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and|Construction |Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

| |Increased air pollution and smell |Ventilating shafts are located in such a way not causing pollution in to |Construction |ULB/ Contractor/ Operator |

| | |the nearby houses Regular cleaning and maintenance of facility |Operation | |

| | |Grow fragrance bearing plants around the facility | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|2C. Storm Water Drainage |Land Acquisition of Private Agricultural land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation with|Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

|2D. Under Ground Sewerage |for laying the transmission main |disturbance of minimum area | | |

| |Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Planning / design |PMC/ Contractor |

| | |Protective measures for Bio-diversity |Construction | |

| |Ecological impacts due to cutting of trees |Compensatory tree planting of trees double the number of trees cut |Planning / design |ULB/ Contractor |

| | | |Construction | |

| |Loss of fertile top soil of the Agriculture |Preserve the topsoil removed and replace the topsoil back after |Construction |Contractor |

| |Lands along the alignment |completion of construction activity. | | |

| |Temporary Disruption of natural drainage |Provision of appropriate by-pass arrangements for natural drainage during|Construction |Contractor |

| |pattern |construction | | |

| |Stagnation of water on the road |Proper design of grade for the edge drains and lateral drains and size of|Planning / design |PMC |

| | |inlets | | |

| |Stagnation leading to mosquito breeding and |Providing proper section and grades to drains |Planning / design |PMC |

| |public health problems and surface water |Covering the drains | | |

| |pollution | | | |

| |Lowering of groundwater table due to pumping of|Scheduling construction activities of deeper sections in summer months to|Construction |Contractor |

| |water during excavation |avoid huge pumping | | |

| |Stagnation of sewage, odor problem |Strict adherence of pumping schedule |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |Overflow causes water pollution in channels and| | | |

| |water bodies | | | |

| |Ugly and unsightly conditions | | | |

| |Cross contamination of water supply pipeline |Sewer line should be laid below water supply line with vertical clearance|Construction |PMC/ ULB/ Contractor |

| | |of 45cm and horizontal separation of joints by 3m on both sides | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|2C. Storm Water Drainage |Disturbance to the general public and vehicle |Actions to divert and regulate traffic in consultation with citizens in |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC/ Contractor |

|2D. Under Ground Sewerage |movements |advance through citizen’s meeting |Construction | |

|[Continued] | |While planning alternate route care should be taken to minimize impact at| | |

| | |sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals | | |

| | |Signals and signs of diversion should be provided | | |

| |Disruption of Utilities such as electricity, |Preparation of Plan for shifting or safe guarding of utilities and |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC/ Contractor |

| |telephone and other services |getting appropriate approvals / permissions in advance from the concern | | |

| | |agencies | | |

| | |Carrying out shifting or safe guarding arrangements at the earliest | | |

| | |possible time | | |

| |Storage of materials causing disturbance to |Suitable sites should be identified for storage of materials |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC/ Contractor |

| |public and traffic | | | |

| |Excavated earth on the road causing |Disposal of unused / excess earth at an environmentally suitable disposal|Construction |Contractor |

| |inconvenience to public |site | | |

| |Disturbance to traffic and general public |Actions to divert and regulate traffic in consultation with citizens in |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |advance through citizen’s meeting | | |

| | |While planning alternate route care should be taken to minimize impact at| | |

| | |sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals | | |

| | |Signals and signs of diversion should be provided | | |

| |Damage to road surface /other utilities |Reinstatement of Road Surface in earliest possible time |Construction |Contractor |

| |Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Temporary crossings across the pipeline trench wherever necessary | | |

| |Cultural relics |Fossils, coins, articles of value and other remains of geologic or |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |archeological interests if found shall be informed to the authorized | | |

| | |institution and excavation shall be stopped | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|2C. Storm Water Drainage |Cultural relics |Fossils, coins, articles of value and other remains of geologic or |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

|2D. Under Ground Sewerage | |archeological interests if found shall be informed to the authorized | | |

|[Continued] | |institution and excavation shall be stopped | | |

| |Increase in Air pollution and dust levels due |Sprinkling water /washing of construction site to control dust |Construction |Contractor |

| |to construction activities | | | |

| |Increased Noise level |Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to reduce noise |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Sound barriers in inhibited areas shall be provided | | |

| | |Safety devices such as ear plugs are provided to workers | | |

| |Air pollution through ventilating shaft |Ventilating shafts are located in such a way not causing pollution in to |Planning / design |PMC / PMC/ Contractor |

| | |the nearby houses |Construction | |

| |Increase in dust levels to due to earth work |Take suitable measures to control dust through sprinkling/washing of |Construction | |

| |and other construction activities |construction site | | |

| |Dust, Noise due to movement of vehicles |Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to reduce noise |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Sound barriers in inhibited areas shall be provided | | |

| | |Safety devices such as ear plugs are provided to workers | | |

| |Projection/depression of Manhole covers on the |Proper planning of road construction with fixing the formation level |Construction |Contractor |

| |road surface causing inconvenience to public; |Strict quality control in road construction | | |

| |leading to accident | | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

| |Leakage causes nuisance |Leaks should be identifies and rectified then and there |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

5 Sub-sector: Solid Waste Management

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|3A. Dumping/ Compost Yards/ |Land Acquisition of Private Agricultural land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation as |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

|Landfills |for landfills |per MSWM rules | | |

| |Groundwater pollution due to leachate |Measures to leachate control |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

| |generation from waste | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Handling of hazardous waste |Segregation and proper handling of wastes |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | | | | |

| |Disease transmission and Public Health nuisance|Providing protective and safety equipments to workers |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |Covering the waste carrying vehicles while transporting | | |

| | |Establishing barriers with trees around the transfer station to prevent | | |

| | |litter blowing | | |

| |Waste degradation and odour nuisance due to |Provision of adequate vehicles and proper scheduling for transporting to |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |long accumulation /storage |the disposal site | | |

| |Spills of solid waste enroute |Use of Compactor for compacting the waste and covering the waste in the |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |vehicle while transporting | | |

| |Accumulation of inorganic wastes |Segregation of inorganic wastes at the sources |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |Odour, fly nuisance |Strict observation of operational procedures |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |Dust and odour problem |Providing barriers |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |Growing of fragrance bearing trees | | |

| |Unsightly condition if the solid waste are not |Adopting trench method and regular earth cover over the filling daily |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |properly covered | | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|3B. Vehicles |Damage to road enroute to disposal site |Routing through well laid roads and highways avoiding interior roads |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |Hindrance to general public and traffic |Scheduling transportation to avoid hindrance to the public and traffic |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |Increased Noise Levels during operation |Purchase low noise generating vehicles |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC/ Operator |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment and earmuffs. etc. for the |Operation | |

| | |operators | | |

| | |Preventive maintenance of vehicles | | |

| | |Avoiding operation during nights | | |

6 Sub-sector: Transportation

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4A. Road Widening and |Acquisition of Private Agricultural land or |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

|Resurfacing |forest land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

|4B. Road Resurfacing without | | | | |

|Widening | | | | |

|4C. New Roads/ Ring Roads | | | | |

|4D. Foot Paths | | | | |

|4E. Traffic Islands | | | | |

|4F. Dividers | | | | |

| |Loss of trees and vegetation |Compensatory planting should be done. |Construction |ULB/PMC/ Contractor |

| | |Plant double the number of trees cut | | |

| |Disruption to vegetation and eco-system |Avoidance of disruption to grasslands, wetlands and other riparian areas |Construction |ULB/PMC/ Contractor |

| |Impact on land use outside RoW |Construction activities shall be preferably restricted within project road|Construction |Contractor |

| | |RoW. | | |

| |Utility relocation |All utilities, such as water supply lines, electrical installations, |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |telephone lines etc. to be shifted after prior approval of agencies. | | |

| | |Utility relocation shall be carried out in shortest possible time to | | |

| | |reduce inconvenience to public and in consultation with public. | | |

| |Plying vehicles on unpaved roads |The unpaved roads, if used by the contractor, shall be sprinkled with |Construction |Contractor |

| | |water at least once in a day to control the fugitive dust emissions. | | |

| |Using existing hot mix/ |Contractor shall ensure that the Concrete, Asphalt and Hot Mix Plants are |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| |Concrete/ asphalt plants |licensed and authorized for operation by concerned authorities and shall | | |

| | |intimate the engineer-in-charge prior to procuring materials from them. | | |

| |Noise impact due to operation of DG sets |DG sets, if used, shall adhere to noise standards of MoEF. |Construction |Contractor |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4A. Road Widening and |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

|Resurfacing |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

|4B. Road Resurfacing without | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

|Widening | | | | |

|4C. New Roads/ Ring Roads | | | | |

|4D. Foot Paths | | | | |

|4E. Traffic Islands | | | | |

|4F. Dividers | | | | |

|[Continued] | | | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

| |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

| |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Protective measures for Bio-diversity | | |

| |Disturbance to traffic and general public due |Actions to divert and regulate traffic in consultation with citizens in |Construction |Contractor |

| |to stacking of construction material |advance through citizen’s meeting | | |

| | |While planning alternate route care should be taken to minimize impact at | | |

| | |sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals | | |

| | |Establish central asphalt mixing plant for preparing bitumen mix for | | |

| | |laying of roads. | | |

| | |Signals and signs of diversion should be provided | | |

| | |During night works sufficient light are provided for illumination. | | |

| |Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Temporary crossings across roads wherever necessary | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4A. Road Widening and |Blockage and change in drainage pattern |Construction materials shall be properly stored so as not to block the |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

|Resurfacing | |flow of water | | |

|4B. Road Resurfacing without | |Once the work is completed the drains around the area should be cleaned to| | |

|Widening | |the extent possible | | |

|4C. New Roads/ Ring Roads | | | | |

|4D. Foot Paths | | | | |

|4E. Traffic Islands | | | | |

|4F. Dividers | | | | |

|[Continued] | | | | |

| |Excess earth and debris blockage |Good disposal practices recommended by various agencies/authorities |Construction |ULB/ Contractor/ Operator |

| | | |Operation | |

| |Stagnation of water on the roads |Provision of proper camber and adequate storm water drainage |Construction |ULB/ Contractor/ Operator |

| | |Clean the longitudinal edge drains and inlets to the SWD free from |Operation | |

| | |obstructions | | |

| | |Remove silt from the SWD twice in a year (one before and another after | | |

| | |rainy season). | | |

| | |Repair the potholes or any other damages immediately. | | |

| |Social issues on site |Provide all utilities to workers as per contract conditions near the |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |construction site. | | |

| |Damage to road surface |Ensure the road is not cut for any purpose for at least two years after |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |the surfacing of the roads | | |

| |Tree branches obstructing the vision of the |Pruning the branches of trees wherever they are obstructing the vehicular |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |drivers of vehicles |traffic | | |

| | | | | |

|4G. Bus Terminals |Acquisition of Private Agricultural land or |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

|4H. Truck Terminals |forest land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

|4I. Car Parkings | | | | |

| |Loss of trees and vegetation |Compensatory planting should be done. |Construction |ULB/PMC/ Contractor |

| | |Plant double the number of trees cut | | |

| |Disruption to vegetation and eco-system |Avoidance of disruption to grasslands, wetlands and other riparian areas |Construction |ULB/PMC/ Contractor |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4J. Workshops |Utility relocation |All utilities, such as water supply lines, electrical installations, |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |telephone lines etc. to be shifted after prior approval of agencies. | | |

| | |Utility relocation shall be carried out in shortest possible time to | | |

| | |reduce inconvenience to public and in consultation with public. | | |

| |Using existing hot mix/ |Contractor shall ensure that the Concrete, Asphalt and Hot Mix Plants are |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| |Concrete/ asphalt plants |licensed and authorized for operation by concerned authorities and shall | | |

| | |intimate the engineer-in-charge prior to procuring materials from them. | | |

| |Noise impact due to operation of DG sets |DG sets, if used, shall adhere to noise standards of MoEF. |Construction |Contractor |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

| |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

| |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4J. Workshops [Continued] |Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Protective measures for Bio-diversity | | |

| |Disturbance to traffic and general public due |Actions to divert and regulate traffic in consultation with citizens in |Construction |Contractor |

| |to stacking of construction material |advance through citizen’s meeting | | |

| | |While planning alternate route care should be taken to minimize impact at | | |

| | |sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals | | |

| | |Establish central asphalt mixing plant for preparing bitumen mix for | | |

| | |laying of roads. | | |

| | |Signals and signs of diversion should be provided | | |

| | |During night works sufficient light are provided for illumination. | | |

| |Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Temporary crossings across roads wherever necessary | | |

| |Blockage and change in drainage pattern |Construction materials shall be properly stored so as not to block the |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |flow of water | | |

| | |Once the work is completed the drains around the area should be cleaned to| | |

| | |the extent possible | | |

| |Excess earth and debris blockage |Good disposal practices recommended by various agencies/authorities |Construction |ULB/ Contractor/ Operator |

| | | |Operation | |

| |Stagnation of water inside facilities |Provision of adequate storm water drainage |Construction |ULB/ Contractor/ Operator |

| | |Clean the longitudinal edge drains and inlets to the SWD free from |Operation | |

| | |obstructions | | |

| | |Remove silt from the SWD twice in a year (one before and another after | | |

| | |rainy season). | | |

| | |Repair the potholes on internal roads or any other damages immediately. | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4J. Workshops [Continued] |Oil spillages |Ensure oils do not spill | | |

| | |Wipe the oil spills with approved detergents | | |

| | |Keep the floors clean | | |

| |Social issues on site |Provide all utilities to workers as per contract conditions near the |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |construction site. | | |

| | | | | |

|4K. Bridges/ Culverts |Disturbance to natural habitats (aquatic |Careful siting of facilities |Planning / design |PMC/ ULB |

| |habitats) | | | |

| |Changes to hydrological regime, increased |Minimal disruption to natural stream flow |Planning / design |PMC/ ULB |

| |flooding, siltation hampering stream flows, |Minimum erosion of river banks |Construction |Contractor |

| |etc. |Revegetation for physical stabilization | | |

| |Degradation of river banks due to excavation |Protection during construction |Construction |Contractor |

| |and construction activities | | | |

| |Blockage and change in drainage pattern |Construction materials shall be properly stored so as not to block the |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |flow of water | | |

| | |Once the work is completed the drains around the area should be cleaned to| | |

| | |the extent possible | | |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4K. Bridges/ Culverts |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

|[Continued] |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4K. Bridges/ Culverts |Safety hazards to households in the |Provision of temporary crossings/ bridges in the implementation area |O&M |Contractor |

|[Continued] |neighborhood | | | |

| |Impact on land use outside RoW |Construction activities shall be preferably restricted within project road|Construction |Contractor |

| | |RoW. | | |

| |Utility relocation |All utilities, such as water supply lines, electrical installations, |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |telephone lines etc. to be shifted after prior approval of agencies. | | |

| | |Utility relocation shall be carried out in shortest possible time to | | |

| | |reduce inconvenience to public and in consultation with public. | | |

| |Plying vehicles on unpaved roads |The unpaved roads, if used by the contractor, shall be sprinkled with |Construction |Contractor |

| | |water at least once in a day to control the fugitive dust emissions. | | |

| |Using existing hot mix/ |Contractor shall ensure that the Concrete, Asphalt and Hot Mix Plants are |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| |Concrete/ asphalt plants |licensed and authorized for operation by concerned authorities and shall | | |

| | |intimate the engineer-in-charge prior to procuring materials from them. | | |

| |Noise impact due to operation of DG sets |DG sets, if used, shall adhere to noise standards of MoEF. |Construction |Contractor |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4K. Bridges/ Culverts |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

|[Continued] |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Protective measures for Bio-diversity | | |

| |Disturbance to traffic and general public due |Actions to divert and regulate traffic in consultation with citizens in |Construction |Contractor |

| |to stacking of construction material |advance through citizen’s meeting | | |

| | |While planning alternate route care should be taken to minimize impact at | | |

| | |sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals | | |

| | |Establish central asphalt mixing plant for preparing bitumen mix for | | |

| | |laying of roads. | | |

| | |Signals and signs of diversion should be provided | | |

| | |During night works sufficient light are provided for illumination. | | |

| |Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Temporary crossings across roads wherever necessary | | |

| | | | | |

|4L. RuBs/ Pedestrian Subways |Blockage and change in drainage pattern |Construction materials shall be properly stored so as not to block the |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

|4M. RoBs | |flow of water | | |

| | |Once the work is completed the drains around the area should be cleaned to| | |

| | |the extent possible | | |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4L. RuBs/ Pedestrian Subways |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

|4M. RoBs (Continued) |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

| |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

| |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

| |Safety hazards to households in the |Provision of temporary crossings/ bridges in the implementation area |Construction |Contractor |

| |neighborhood | | | |

| |Impact on land use outside RoW |Construction activities shall be preferably restricted within project road|Construction |Contractor |

| | |RoW. | | |

| |Utility relocation |All utilities, such as water supply lines, electrical installations, |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |telephone lines etc. to be shifted after prior approval of agencies. | | |

| | |Utility relocation shall be carried out in shortest possible time to | | |

| | |reduce inconvenience to public and in consultation with public. | | |

| |Plying vehicles on unpaved roads |The unpaved roads, if used by the contractor, shall be sprinkled with |Construction |Contractor |

| | |water at least once in a day to control the fugitive dust emissions. | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|4L. RuBs/ Pedestrian Subways |Using existing hot mix/ |Contractor shall ensure that the Concrete, Asphalt and Hot Mix Plants are |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

|4M. RoBs |Concrete/ asphalt plants |licensed and authorized for operation by concerned authorities and shall | | |

|(Continued) | |intimate the engineer-in-charge prior to procuring materials from them. | | |

| |Noise impact due to operation of DG sets |DG sets, if used, shall adhere to noise standards of MoEF. |Construction |Contractor |

| |Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Protective measures for Bio-diversity | | |

| |Disturbance to traffic and general public due |Actions to divert and regulate traffic in consultation with citizens in |Construction |Contractor |

| |to stacking of construction material |advance through citizen’s meeting | | |

| | |While planning alternate route care should be taken to minimize impact at | | |

| | |sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals | | |

| | |Establish central asphalt mixing plant for preparing bitumen mix for | | |

| | |laying of roads. | | |

| | |Signals and signs of diversion should be provided | | |

| | |During night works sufficient light are provided for illumination. | | |

| |Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Temporary crossings across roads wherever necessary | | |

| | | | | |

|4N. Traffic Signals |No significant impacts | | | |

7 Sub-sector: Others - Lighting and Signage

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|5A. Lighting |No significant impacts | | | |

|5B. Sign Boards | | | | |

| |No significant impacts | | | |

8 Sub-sector: Others - Commercial Civic Amenities

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|6A. Shopping/ Office |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

|Complexes |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

|6B. Cinema Theatres | | | | |

|6C. Dormitories/ Hostels/ | | | | |

|Lodges | | | | |

|6D. Marriage Halls | | | | |

|6E. Community Halls | | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

| |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

| |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

| |Dust, Noise due to movement of vehicles |Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to reduce noise |Construction |Contractor/ Operator |

| | |Sound barriers in inhibited areas shall be provided |Operation | |

| | |Safety devices such as ear plugs are provided to workers | | |

| | |Provide parking facilities | | |

| | |Grow trees around facilities | | |

| |Safety hazards to households in the |Provision of temporary crossings/ bridges in the implementation area |O&M |Contractor |

| |neighborhood due to congestion | | | |

| |Risk of accidents due to congestion |Effective safety and warning measures |Construction |Contractor/ Operator |

| | |Temporary crossings across roads wherever necessary |Operation | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|6F. Slaughter Houses |Acquisition of private commercial land |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

|6G. Vegetable/ Fish/ Meat | |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

|Markets | | | | |

| |Blockage and change in drainage pattern |Construction materials shall be properly stored so as not to block the |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |flow of water | | |

| | |Once the work is completed the drains around the area should be cleaned to| | |

| | |the extent possible | | |

| |Changes to hydrological regime, increased |Minimal disruption to natural stream flow |Planning / design |PMC/ ULB |

| |flooding, siltation hampering stream flows, |Minimum erosion of river banks |Construction |Contractor |

| |etc. |Revegetation for physical stabilization | | |

| |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

| |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Loss of trees and vegetation |Compensatory planting should be done. |Construction |ULB/Contractor |

| | |Plant double the number of trees cut | | |

| |Nuisance to public |Regular collection and disposal of waste |Planning / design |ULB/ Operator |

| | |Grow trees around the facility | | |

| |Contamination by organic waste |Regular cleaning of facilities |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |Connection to sewerage system | | |

| | |Provision for hand washing and toilets | | |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth at busy areas |Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities in busy |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| |areas |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|6F. Slaughter Houses |Disturbance to other Utilities during |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |Contractor |

|6G. Vegetable/ Fish/ Meat |construction in busy areas |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

|Markets | | | | |

|(Contd.) | | | | |

| |Increased air pollution and smell |Ventilating shafts are located in such a way not causing pollution in to |Construction |ULB/ Contractor/ Operator |

| | |the nearby houses Regular cleaning and maintenance of facility |Operation | |

| | |Grow fragrance bearing plants around the facility | | |

| |Bird menace and littering of meat pieces and |Roof fully covering the facilities |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| |animal organs |Immediate collection and disposal of all meat waste products | | |

| |Increased organic waste problem |Treat organic waste and dispose properly |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |Regular cleaning facilities | | |

| | |Connection to sewerage system | | |

| | |Provision for water and toilets | | |

| |Increased pest problem (rats and birds) |Clean surroundings |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |Collection and disposal of waste | | |

| | |Use approved pesticides | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Site facilities as acceptable to social groups | | |

| |Safety hazards to households in the |Provision of temporary crossings/ bridges in the implementation area |O&M |Contractor |

| |neighborhood due to congestion |Provide parking area | | |

9 Sub-sector: Others - Public Civic Amenities

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

| | | | | |

|7A. Parks |Acquisition of Private land or forest land |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

|7B. Lakes/ Water bodies | |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

|Improvements | | | | |

|7C. Playgrounds | | | | |

|7D. Schools/ Libraries | | | | |

|7E. Shelters for Homeless/ | | | | |

|Old age Homes | | | | |

|7F. Disaster Relief Centres | | | | |

| |Blockage and change in drainage pattern |Construction materials shall be properly stored so as not to block the |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |flow of water | | |

| | |Once the work is completed the drains around the area should be cleaned to| | |

| | |the extent possible | | |

| |Changes to hydrological regime, increased |Minimal disruption to natural stream flow |Planning / design |PMC/ ULB |

| |flooding, siltation hampering stream flows, |Minimum erosion of river banks |Construction |Contractor |

| |etc. |Revegetation for physical stabilization | | |

| |Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Protective measures for Bio-diversity | | |

| |Surface water /groundwater pollution due to |Treatment units should operated regularly to produce effluent to meet the |O&M |ULB |

| |discharge of effluents |effluent standards | | |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

| |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

| |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

| |Safety hazards to households in the |Provision of temporary crossings/ bridges in the implementation area |O&M |Contractor |

| |neighborhood | | | |

| | | | | |

|7G. Hospitals |Acquisition of Private land or forest land |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

|7H. Burial Grounds and | |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

|Crematoriums | | | | |

| |Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Construction |Contractor |

| | |Protective measures for Bio-diversity | | |

| |Surface water /groundwater pollution |Hydrological investigations before siting of facilities to check |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

| | |suitability | | |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|7G. Hospitals |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

|7H. Burial Grounds and |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

|Crematoriums | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

| |Increased air pollution and smell |Ventilating shafts are located in such a way not causing pollution in to |Construction |ULB/ Contractor/ Operator |

| | |the nearby houses |Operation | |

| | |Regular cleaning and maintenance of facility | | |

| | |Grow fragrance bearing plants around the facility | | |

| |Safety hazards to households in the |Provision of temporary crossings/ bridges in the implementation area |O&M |Contractor |

| |neighborhood | | | |

| |Health hazards from bio-medical waste |Follow Bio-medical waste disposal rules |Operation |ULB/ Operator |

| | |Collection, treatment and disposal at approved facilities | | |

| |Health hazards from non-bio degradable waste |Follow non-bio degradable waste disposal standards | | |

| | |Collection, transport and disposal at a land fill | | |

10 Sub-sector: Others - Urban Planning and Development

|Sub-Project |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|8A. Housing Colonies (only |Acquisition of Private Agricultural land or |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |Planning / design |ULB/ PMC |

|sites and services) |forest land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans before implementation | | |

|8B. Housing Schemes | | | | |

|8C. Land Development | | | | |

| |Accumulation of excavated earth in the areas of|Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated disposal site |Construction |Contractor |

| |operation causing inconvenience to public | | | |

| |Increased dust levels due to earth work |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Construction |Contractor |

| |excavation and construction activities |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | | |

| | |Washing of construction site to control dust | | |

| |Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and |Construction |ULB/ Contractor |

| | |public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the utilities | | |

| |Increased air pollution and Noise Levels during|Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission |Construction |Contractor |

| |Construction |standards and noise control, | | |

| | |Provision of Personal Protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the | | |

| | |construction labor | | |

| | |Avoiding construction activities during nights | | |

| |Social disruption |Preference to local labour |Construction |Contractor |

| |Safety hazards to households in the |Provision of temporary crossings/ bridges in the implementation area |Construction |Contractor |

| |neighborhood | | | |

Sample EMP for an urban roads project

1 Introduction

This guidance includes a table listing the impacts and mitigation measures of a typical urban roads project. The table also includes the project phase, where each of the mitigation measures needs to be considered and also indicates the implementation responsibility.

2 Table of mitigation measures – pre-construction & construction phases

|S. No. |Issues / Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|1 |Utility Relocation and common property resources |In case of utilities and common property resources being impacted due to the project, |Pre-construction |Contractor / ULB |

| | |they will be relocated with prior approval of the concerned agencies before construction| | |

| | |starts, on any sub-section of the project road. The relocation site identification will | | |

| | |be in accordance with the choice of the community. | | |

| |Relocation of Cultural Property |In case there is an impact on cultural properties, they will be relocated at suitable |Pre-construction |Contractor / ULB |

| | |locations, as desired by the community before construction starts. Local Community | | |

|2 | |meetings, will be held to discuss relocation aspects, siting of structures etc. | | |

|3 |Site clearance and flora and fauna |Site clearance will be done only in the area required for the sub-project. |Pre- construction |Contractor / ULB |

| |Tree Cutting |Trees will generally not be removed unless they are a safety hazard. Removal of trees |Pre-construction |Contractor / ULB |

| | |shall be done only after the permissions / approvals are obtained. Disposal of cut trees| | |

|3 | |is to be done immediately to ensure that the traffic movement is not disrupted. | | |

|4 |Debris disposal site identification |Site for temporary storage and disposal of debris refuse to be identified. These |Pre-Construction |Contractor |

| | |disposal sites shall be finalized such that they are not located within designated | | |

| | |forest or other eco-sensitive areas, does not impact natural drainage courses and no | | |

| | |endangered / rare flora is impacted by such disposal. | | |

|5 |Hot-mix plants & Batching Plants |Specifications hot mix plants and batching plants (existing or new) will comply with the|Construction |Contractor / Supervision |

| | |requirements of the relevant national, state and local pollution control requirements. | |consultants |

|S. No. |Issues / Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|6 |Mitigating noise during construction |Noisy construction operations in residential and sensitive areas (hospitals and schools)|Construction |Contractor / Supervision |

| | |should be restricted between 7.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. | |Consultants |

| | |Preventive maintenance of construction equipment and vehicles would be done to meet | | |

| | |emission standards and to keep them with low noise. | | |

| | |Sound barriers in inhabited areas shall be installed. | | |

| | |Provision of ear plugs to operators of heavy machinery and workers in near vicinity | | |

| | |During night, material transport should be uniformly distributed to minimize noise | | |

| | |impacts. | | |

|7 |Dust contamination at construction sites and along the roads |Unpaved haul roads near/passing through residential and commercial areas to be watered |Construction |Contractor / Supervision |

| | |thrice a day. | |Consultants |

| | |Trucks carrying construction material to be adequately covered | | |

|8 |Earth work excavation |Ensure unobstructed natural drainage through proper drainage channels/structures |Construction |Contractor / |

| | |Dispose surplus excavated earth at identified sites. | |Supervision |

| | |Ensure minimum hindrance to normal local activities and business. | |Consultants |

| | |Avoid damage to permanent structures | | |

|9 |Disposal of construction debris |Daily inspection at haul roads and sites for construction debris for safe collection and|Construction |Contractor / |

| | |disposal to land fill sites | |Supervision |

| | |Collection and disposal of refuse | |Consultants |

| | |Minimise construction debris by balancing cut and fill requirements, if relevant | | |

|10 |Adjoining water bodies |Provide slope protection works of water bodies, if any, abutting the road. |Construction |Contractor / |

| | | | |Supervision |

| | | | |Consultants |

|S. No. |Issues / Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|11 |Bridge Works & Culverts |While working across or close to the rivers, avoid obstructing the flow of water. If an |Construction |Contractor / Supervision |

| | |obstruction is required, to serve notice on the downstream users of water sufficiently | |Consultants |

| | |in advance. | | |

| | |Construction over and close to the non-perennial streams will be undertaken in the dry | | |

| | |session. | | |

| | |Construction work expected to disrupt users and impacting community water bodies will be| | |

| | |taken up after serving notice on the local community. | | |

| | |Dry stone pitching for apron and revetment will be provided for bridges and cross | | |

| | |drainage structures, if necessary. | | |

|12 |Tree plantation |Trees felled will be replaced as per the compensatory afforestation criteria in |Construction |Contractor / Supervision |

| | |accordance with the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. Two trees will be planted for every| |Consultant / ULB |

| | |tree lost along the project roads in locations to be identified with support from the | | |

| | |ULB. | | |

|13 |Safety practices during construction |The Contractor is required to comply with all the precautions as required for the safety|Construction |Contractor / |

| | |of the workers as per the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention No. 62 as | |Supervision |

| | |far as those are applicable to this contract. The contractor will supply all necessary | |Consultants |

| | |safety appliances such as safety goggles, helmets, masks, etc., to the workers and | | |

| | |staff. The contractor has to comply with all regulation regarding, working platforms, | | |

| | |excavations, trenches and safe means of entry and egress. | | |

|14 |Social disruptions |Minimise interruptions to utility services through proper planning and scheduling of |Construction |Contractor / |

| | |activities and inter-departmental co-ordination. | |Supervision |

| | |Construction of temporary road/access and diversion of traffic. | |Consultants |

|S. No. |Issues / Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|15 |Aesthetic impairment |Aesthetic enhancement through proper house keeping of construction sites. |Construction |Contractor / |

| | |Disposal of construction wastes at the approved disposal sites. | |Supervision |

| | |Immediate closure of the trenches after pipe laying/ completion of work. | |Consultants |

| | |Complete construction activity by removing all temporary structures, restoring the | | |

| | |project and surrounding areas as near as possible to the pre-construction condition. | | |

|16 |Material sourcing (sand, borrow material and stone material) |Procurement of construction material only from permitted sites and licensed / authorized|Construction |Contractor / |

| | |quarries. | |Supervision |

| | |Farm land and forest belts shall not be used for material sourcing or borrow sites. | |Consultants |

| | |Arable land shall not be selected as borrow sits as much as possible. If excavation has| | |

| | |to be done in arable land, top soil layer (30 cm) shall be saved and returned after | | |

| | |construction work is completed, so as to minimize impacts. | | |

|17 |Construction labour |Planning of labour camps, if required, needs to be done to ensure adequate water supply,|Construction |Contractor / |

| | |sanitation and drainage etc., in conformity with the Indian Labour Laws. | |Supervision |

| | | | |Consultants |

|S. No. |Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Project Phase |Responsibility |

|18 |Risk of accidents |In order to guarantee construction safety, efficient lighting and safety signs shall be |Construction |Contractor / Supervision |

| | |installed on temporary roads during construction and adequate traffic regulations shall | |Consultants |

| | |be adopted and implemented for temporary roads. | | |

|19 |Traffic and Transportation |Adequate actions to direct and regulate traffic shall be taken in consultation with |Construction |Contractor / Supervision |

| | |municipality prevent jamming roads during construction period. While planning | |Consultants |

| | |alternative routes, care to be taken to minimize congestion and negative impacts at | | |

| | |sensitive receptors such as schools and hospitals. | | |

| | |Traffic controls and diversions marked with signs, lights and other measures (flags) | | |

| | |should be provided. | | |

| | |Prior to creating diversions and detours the citizens should be consulted well in | | |

| | |advance through citizen’s meetings. It should be an informed decision taken through | | |

| | |public participation. | | |

| | |Diversion works to be dismantled to restore the area to original condition after | | |

| | |completion of construction. | | |

|20 |Cultural relics / finds |If fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures, and their remains of |Construction |Contractor / Supervision |

| | |geologic or archaeological interest are found, local government shall be immediately | |Consultants |

| | |informed of such discovery and excavation shall be stopped until identification of | | |

| | |cultural relics by the authorised institution and clearance is given for proceeding with| | |

| | |work. | | |

|21 |Clearing of construction camps and restoring them. |To prepare camp restoration plans, if temporary camps were used. On completion of the |Construction |Contractor/ Supervision |

| | |works, all temporary structures will be cleared away, all rubbish properly disposed, | |Consultants |

| | |excreta or other disposal pits or trenches filled in and effectively sealed off and the | | |

| | |outline site left clean and tidy. | | |

3 Table of monitoring measures – construction phase

|Env. Component |Project Stage |MONITORING |Institutional responsibility |

| | |Parameters |

| | | |

|Acquisition of Private Agricultural land or forest |Avoid or minimize the area of acquisition |ULB/ Contractor |

|land |Preparation of adequate land acquisition plans during design | |

|Nuisance to public |Plan for regular collection and disposal of waste |ULB/ Contractor |

| |Plan to grow trees around the facility | |

|Disturbance to the general public and vehicle |Plan for actions to divert and regulate traffic in consultation with citizens in advance through citizen’s meeting |ULB/ Contractor |

|movements |While planning alternate route care should be taken to minimize impact at sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals | |

| |Plan for signals and signs of diversion should be provided | |

|Disturbance to eco-system and bio-diversity |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |ULB/ Contractor |

| |Protective measures for Bio-diversity | |

|Ecological impacts due to cutting of trees |Compensatory planting of trees double the number of trees cut |ULB/ Contractor |

|Conservation of ecological resources |Farm land and forest belts shall not be used for materials borrow sites |ULB/ Contractor |

| |Arable land shall not be selected as borrow sites as much as possible. If excavation has to be done in arable land, top soil| |

| |layer (30 cm) shall be saved and returned after construction work is completed, so as to minimize impacts on eco system, | |

| |agriculture and animal husbandry. | |

| |Education of construction workers shall be strengthened to protect national resources, wild plants and animals | |

|Stagnation of water on the road |Proper design of grade for the edge drains and lateral drains and size of inlets |ULB/ Contractor |

|Stagnation leading to mosquito breeding and public |Providing proper section and grades to drains |ULB/ Contractor |

|health problems and surface water pollution |Provide covers to the drains | |

|Disruption of Utilities such as electricity, telephone|Preparation of Plan for shifting or safe guarding of utilities and getting appropriate approvals / permissions in advance |ULB/ Contractor |

|and other services |from the concern agencies | |

| |Carrying out shifting or safe guarding arrangements at the earliest possible time | |

|Storage of materials causing disturbance to public and|Suitable sites should be identified for storage of materials like pipes, construction materials and disposal of debris and |ULB/ Contractor |

|traffic |refuse | |

|Air pollution through ventilating shafts |Ventilating shafts should be designed and located in such a way not causing pollution in to the nearby houses |ULB/ Contractor |

|Projection/depression of Manhole covers on the road |Proper planning of road construction with fixing the formation level |ULB/ Contractor |

|surface causing inconvenience to public; leading to | | |

|accidents | | |

|Other items |Implement a well-planned programme of human resource development aimed at increasing the competence and capabilities of |ULB/ Contractor |

| |technical and administrative personnel at all levels | |

4 Table of Mitigation Measures - Construction Phase

|Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Responsibility |

| | | |

|Site clearance |Adequate precaution against damage to existing structures, electricity and telephone lines and other infrastructural |Contractor/ ULB/ Sup. Consultants |

| |services. | |

| |The area is covered with tropical dry vegetation. Site clearance to be done only in the area required for the project. | |

|Ecological impacts due to loss of trees and vegetation|Compensatory planting should be done. |ULB/ Sup. Consultants |

| |Plant double the number of trees cut. | |

|Laying of sewer lines |Sewer line route should be realigned wherever possible to minimize tree felling. | |

|Disruption and disturbance to vegetation, eco-system |Avoidance of eco-sensitive areas |Contractor |

|and bio-diversity |Take up measures to protect Bio-diversity | |

| |Avoidance of disruption to grasslands, wetlands and other riparian areas | |

|Earth work excavation |Ensure unobstructed natural drainage through proper drainage channels/structures |Contractor |

| |Dispose surplus excavated earth at identified sites | |

| |Ensure minimum hindrance to normal local activities and business | |

| |Avoid damage to permanent structures | |

|Accumulation of excavated earth and debris in the |Transportation and disposal of excess earth to a designated environmentally suitable disposal site |Contractor |

|areas of operation causing inconvenience to public |Daily inspection at haul roads and sites for construction debris for safe collection and disposal to land fill sites | |

| |Collection and disposal of refuse | |

| |Minimize construction debris by balancing cut and fill requirements | |

|Disturbance to other Utilities |Scheduling activities in consultation with the other utility agencies and public and ensuring minimum disturbance to the |ULB/ Sup. Consultants |

| |utilities | |

|Increased air pollution, vibrations and Noise Levels |Noisy construction operations in residential and sensitive areas should be restricted between 7.30.a.m. to 6.00 p.m. |Contractor |

|during Construction |Provision for fixing of generators and concrete mixers at site: Where residences are located within 200m from construction | |

| |sites and in sensitive areas like hospitals, schools, and zoological parks, etc, noisy construction work shall be undertaken | |

| |during day time only (7.30 hrs to 18.00 hrs). | |

| |Avoiding construction activities during nights | |

| |Preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles to meet emission standards and noise control. | |

| |Provision of personal protective equipment, ear muffs, etc. for the construction labour. | |

| |Sound barriers in inhabited areas shall be installed during the construction phase. | |

| |During night, material transport should be uniformly distributed to minimize noise impacts. | |

| |Prior information to be provided if blasting is significant. | |

| |Blasting to be in accordance with the Explosives Act and Rules | |

|Air pollution through ventilating shaft on sewer |While placing the vent shafts, precautions to minimize odor nuisance to residents should be undertaken. |Sup. Consultants/ Contractor |

|system and Low Cost Sanitation |While placing the vent shafts, precautions to minimize odor nuisance to residents should be undertaken. | |

|Increased dust levels due to earth work excavation, |Immediate shifting of excavated earth |Contractor |

|construction activities and along haul roads |Frequent sprinkling of water on excavated earth | |

| |Washing of construction site to control dust | |

| |Unpaved haul roads near/ passing through residential and commercial areas to be watered thrice a day. | |

| |Trucks carrying construction material to be adequately covered | |

|Increased air pollution and smell |Ventilating shafts are located in such a way not causing pollution to the nearby houses |Sup. Consultants/ Contractor |

| |Regular cleaning and maintenance of facility | |

| |Grow fragrance bearing plants around the facility | |

|Loss of fertile top soil of the agriculture lands |Preserve the topsoil removed and replace the topsoil back after completion of construction activity. |Contractor |

|along the alignment | | |

|Temporary disruption of natural drainage pattern |Provision of appropriate by-pass arrangements for natural drainage during construction |Contractor |

|Lowering of groundwater table due to pumping of water |Scheduling construction activities of deeper sections in summer months to avoid huge pumping |Contractor |

|during excavation | | |

|Cross contamination of water supply pipeline |Sewer line should be laid below water supply line with vertical clearance of 45cm and horizontal separation of joints by 3m |ULB/ Contractor |

| |on both sides | |

|Disturbance to traffic and general public |Actions to divert and regulate traffic in consultation with citizens in advance through citizen’s meetings |ULB/ Contractor |

| |While planning alternate routes, care should be taken to minimize impact at sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals| |

| |Signals and signs of diversion should be provided | |

|Damage to road surface /other utilities |Reinstatement of road surface in earliest possible time |Contractor |

|Risk of accidents |Effective safety and warning measures |Contractor |

| |Temporary crossings across the pipeline trench wherever necessary | |

| |In order to guarantee construction safety, efficient lighting and safety signs shall be installed on temporary roads during | |

| |construction and adequate traffic regulations shall be adopted and implemented for temporary roads | |

| |During construction, effective safety and warning measures shall be adopted to reduce accidents | |

| |Provide temporary crossings/bridges wherever necessary to facilitate normal life and business. | |

|Traffic and Transportation |Use major roads to avoid traffic congestion and insist on compliance by the contractor. | |

| |Local construction materials, especially earth and stones shall be used as much as possible to avoid long distance | |

| |transportation. | |

| |Adequate actions to direct and regulate traffic shall be taken in consultation with ULB to prevent jamming of roads during | |

| |construction period. While planning alternative routes, care to be taken to minimize congestion and negative impacts at | |

| |sensitive receptors such as schools and hospitals. | |

| |Traffic controls and diversions marked with signs, lights and other measures (flags) should be provided | |

| |Prior to creating diversions and detours the citizens should be consulted well in advance through citizen’s meetings. It | |

| |should be an informed decision taken through public participation | |

| |Diversion works to be dismantled to restore the area to original condition after completion of construction | |

|Cultural relics |Fossils, coins, articles of value and other remains of geologic or archeological interests if found shall be informed to the |ULB/ Contractor |

| |authorized institution and excavation shall be stopped | |

|Projection/depression of Manhole covers on the road |Proper planning of road construction with fixing the formation level |Contractor |

|surface causing inconvenience to public; leading to |Strict quality control in road construction | |

|accidents | | |

|Planning of Labour Camps |Planning of labour camps needs to be done to ensure adequate water supply, sanitation and drainage etc., in conformity with | |

| |the Indian Labour Laws. | |

|Social disruption |Minimize interruptions to utility services through proper planning and scheduling of activities and inter-departmental |Contractor |

| |co-ordination. | |

| |Construction of temporary road/access and diversion of traffic. | |

| |Preference to local labour/skilled persons during construction, operation and maintenance. | |

|Aesthetic impairment |Aesthetic enhancement through proper house keeping of construction sites |Contractor |

| |Disposal of construction wastes at the approved disposal sites | |

| |Immediate closure of the trenches after pipe laying/completion of work | |

| |Repair pavements immediately following construction of pipe line and appurtenant structures. | |

| |Complete construction activity by removing all temporary structures, restoring the project and surrounding areas as near as | |

| |possible to the pre-construction condition. | |

|Other items |Implement a well-planned programme of human resource development aimed at increasing the competence and capabilities of |ULBs/ Sup. Consultants |

| |technical and administrative personnel at all levels | |

5 Table of Mitigation Measures - Operation Phase

|Impacts |Mitigation Measures |Responsibility |

| | | |

|Surface water /groundwater pollution due to |Treatment units should operated regularly to produce effluent that meets the effluent standards |ULB/ Operator |

|discharge of sludge and effluent | | |

|Hazards due to storage of chemicals |Training to operators on storage and usage of chemicals |ULB/ Operator |

|Increased air pollution and smell |Ventilating shafts are located in such a way not causing pollution in to the nearby houses Regular cleaning and maintenance of |ULB/ Operator |

| |facility | |

| |Grow fragrance bearing plants around the facility | |

|Stagnation of sewage, odor problem and overflow |Strict adherence of pumping schedule |ULB/ Operator |

|causes water pollution in channels and water bodies | | |

|and ugly and unsightly conditions | | |

|Leakage causes nuisance |Leaks should be identified and rectified then and there |ULB/ Operator |

|Environmental Pollution |Explore the possibility of reuse of treated waste water |ULB/ Operator |

| |Prevent loss of chlorine and other chemicals and ensure prescribed safety measures for their storage, handling and application | |

| |Utilize the dried sludge as fertilizer. | |

|Aesthetic impairment |Aesthetic enhancement through proper house keeping of STPs |ULB/ Operator |

| |Disposal of wastes at the approved disposal sites | |

| |Immediate closure of the trenches after repair work | |

| |Repair pavements immediately following repairs of sewers and appurtenant structures. | |

|Other items |Implement a well-planned programme of human resource development aimed at increasing the competence and capabilities of |ULB/ Operator |

| |technical and administrative personnel at all levels | |

6 Environmental Monitoring Plan

1 Construction Phase

|No. |Monitoring Requirement |Specifications |Responsible entity |

|1 |Ambient air quality at fixed stations to understand the impact of change in traffic |SPM, Oxides of Nitrogen, CO, Co2 |ULB |

| |pattern due to the project | | |

| |Moving station (1 No.) at the construction site (only during construction period) to | | |

| |understand the impact of construction operations | | |

|2 |Noise levels at the construction sites (only during construction period) |Fortnightly monitoring at all locations hourly basis for 24 hour period| |

|3 |Disposal of construction debris |Periodic inspection at haul roads and sites for construction debris for|ULB |

| | |safe collection and disposal to land fill sites |Once a week. |

|4 |Traffic and Transportation |Measures for diverting the traffic during construction across National |ULB and Traffic Police. |

| | |Highways, district roads and roads within the ULBs |Continuous. |

|5 |Domestic sewage and refuse management at the labour camps and construction sites |Check for adequacy of sanitation arrangements at the labour camps |ULB |

| | | |Once a week. |

|6 |Water Pollution |Check for: |ULB |

| | |Blockage of flowing water which may lead to stagnation of water |Once in 15 days |

| | |Soil erosion due to construction activities leading to contamination | |

| | |and siltation of water bodies | |

| | |Water contamination due to use of fuel and lubricants at the | |

| | |construction sites. | |

|7 |Procurement of construction material |Check that procurement of construction materials should be only from |ULB |

| | |permitted sites and quarries. |Continuous. |

2 Operation Phase

|No. |Monitoring Requirement |Specifications |Responsible entity |

|1 |Waste Water Quality Monitoring |Influent/effluent at the proposed sewage treatment plant | |

| | |a. Monitoring parameters | |

| | |Plant inflow, COD, BOD, SS |ULB |

| | |monitoring frequency: weekly |Weekly. |

| | |Monitoring Points: at the inlet of STP and treated effluent | |

| | |b. Complete physico-chemical analysis including heavy metals, phenols, oil & grease | |

| | |and cyanide (one sample) | |

| | |- Monitoring frequency: once a month. |ULB |

| | | |Once a month. |

|2 |Surface water quality at the point of treated effluent discharge |Chemical quality at all locations. |ULB |

| | |Bacteriological quality monthly for all locations. |Monthly. |

|3 |Ground water quality at sludge disposal sites |Ground water level, Chemical quality, Bacteriological quality, annually for all |ULB |

| | |locations one sample each per site |Annual |

|4 |Soil quality at sludge disposal sites |Soil characteristics annually for all locations, one sample each per site |ULB |

| | | |Annual |

3 Environmental Monitoring – Operation Phase – Action Plan

|No. |Issues |Action to be taken |Responsible agencies |Time frame for implementation |

|1 |Waste Water Quality |Influent and effluent at the existing sewage treatment plants |ULB |During the life of the project-collect and analyze|

| |Monitoring |Monitoring parameters | |samples For (a): |

| | |Plant inflow, COD, BOD, SS monitoring frequency: weekly | |Once every week. |

| | |Monitoring Points: at the inlet of STPs and treated effluent | |Take corrective action within a week. |

| | |Complete physico-chemical analysis including heavy metals, phenols, oil & grease | |For (b): |

| | |and cyanide (one sample) | |Once a month |

| | |Monitoring frequency: once a month. | |Take corrective action within a week. |

|2 |Noise monitoring |Operation period: |ULB |During the life of the project. |

| | |4 times a year monitoring will be undertaken as appropriate at STPs | |4 times a year. |

| | | | |Take corrective action in 3 months |

|3 |Disposal of sludge and |Adequate facilities for disposal of STP sludge should be provided as per the |ULB |From date of commissioning and during the life of |

| |residues at STP |existing rules | |the project. |

| | |Monitoring frequency: once a month. | | |

|4 |Operation of Low Cost |Septic Tanks and soak pits should not cause ground water contamination, odor and |Owners of the utilities and ULB|Continuous |

| |Sanitation facilities |fly nuisance | | |

|5 |Sewage Treatment Plants |Open areas surrounding STPs within the premises of the plants should be covered by|ULB |Before commissioning of the project |

| | |plantation. | |During the life of the project |

| | |Effluents from treatment plants should be conveyed to the disposed point by closed| | |

| | |conduits. |ULB |During the execution of the project |

| | |Adequate bank protection measures should be provided near the disposal sites in | | |

| | |the rivers/ ponds. | | |

| | | |Prospective contractor/ | |

|6 |Surface and ground water |Adequate precautions to be taken during the operations to avoid contamination of |Prospective contractor/ ULB |During the period of maintenance of the project. |

| |contamination |surface and ground water due to spillage/leakage of sewage, oils, fuel or | |Take corrective action within a week. |

| | |chemicals. | | |

Guidance on EIA of Ea category Sub-Projects

1 Introduction

Ea sub-projects require a full EIA to be done by environmental consultants separate from the design consultants. The environmental consultants have to closely interact with the design consultants in order to obtain the necessary data, information, reports and support as required. The EIA process has to be carried out, and the EIA & EMP reports have to be prepared. This guidance includes a typical terms of reference and also suggests the structure & content of the EIA & EMP report. The terms of reference are general in content. As it is likely that there are some specific environmental issues that require to be addressed and these are known in advance, these need to be informed to the environmental consultants.

2 Terms of reference

The following terms of reference should be used:

Policy and legal framework

• To collect information on the prevailing national, state and local laws, pertinent to environmental quality, health and safety, protection of sensitive areas, protection of endangered species, land uses control and others.

• To determine its applicability of all laws to the proposed sub-project and to include the specific clearances / approvals that have to be obtained by the different organisations / companies such as the ULB and contractor.

• To assist the ULB in any clearances / approvals that may be required to implement the sub-project in terms of completing forms / applications, and defending the sub-project before Government committees.


• To assemble, evaluate and present baseline data on the relevant environmental characteristics of the sub-project area, including changes anticipated before the commencement of the project. The description of the baseline environmental setting shall be worked out from the secondary data sources supplemented by the primary data collected as part of the various surveys carried out as part of the EIA preparation.

• To describe the physical environment: geology; topography; soils; climate and meteorology; ambient air quality; noise quality; surface and ground- water hydrology; existing sources of air emissions; existing water pollution discharges; and receiving water quality, etc.

• To describe the biological environment: flora; fauna; rare or endangered species; sensitive habitats, including reserved forests, wildlife reserves and sanctuaries etc.

• To describe the socio-cultural environment: population; land use; planned development activities; community structure; employment; distribution of income, goods and services; recreation; public health; cultural properties; and tribal people and their usufruct rights, common property resources, etc.

Public consultation

• To carry out public consultation and participation as an integral part of the EIA. Consultation sessions shall be carried out with different stakeholder groups at the local, regional and district levels, so as to incorporate the various environmental concerns and needs of the community and the relevant stakeholders.

Impact analysis

• To identify, analyse and evaluate the different kind of impacts, and to distinguish between significant positive and negative impacts, direct and indirect impacts, and immediate and long-term impacts.

• To determine the impacts on sensitive receptors identified during the baseline environmental analysis.

• To determine the impacts on natural habitats and other sensitive areas: critical natural habitats (such as conservation areas, sanctuaries, sacred groves, etc.) and migration routes; “induced development”; historic, cultural and religious buildings and sites; archaeological sites and tourism areas, etc.;

Analysis of alternatives

• To describe alternatives that were examined in the course of developing the proposed project and identify other alternatives, which would achieve the same objectives. The concept of alternatives extends to siting, design, technology selection, construction techniques and phasing, and operating and maintenance procedures.

• To compare alternatives in terms of potential environmental impacts and suitability under local conditions.


• To identify feasible and cost-effective mitigation measures that may reduce potentially significant adverse environmental impacts to acceptable levels, capital and recurrent costs of the measures.

• To specify in a table the description of the measure along with who is responsible and when it has to be implemented.

• To include relevant drawings and technical specifications that would be required to implement the mitigation measure effectively.


• To prepare detailed arrangements in a plan for monitoring implementation of mitigating measures and the impacts of the sub-project during construction and operation

• To include in the plan an estimate of capital and operating costs, and a description of other inputs (such as training and institutional strengthening) needed to carry it out.

• To document in the plan what will be monitored, who would do it, who would receive its outputs, how much it would cost, how it would be financed and what other inputs (for example, training) are necessary.

• To include in the plan a list of environmental monitoring parameters, and detailed specifications (methods, schedule, etc) for performance/compliance monitoring during construction, and operation stage of the sub-project.


• To identify institutional needs to implement the recommendations of the EIA. This would include manpower requirements, skill requirements & training, organisational mechanisms and information dissemination requirements.

• To recommend any further studies of environmental issues which should be undertaken during project implementation.


• To document the important contributors to the EIA and to record interagency/forum/consultation meetings; including list of both invitees and attendees.

3 Suggested structure and content of an EIA report

The EIA report should have the following structure and content:

• Executive Summary - project details, policy framework, baseline conditions, significant environmental impacts, salient points of the analysis of alternatives, salient mitigation & monitoring measures, and budget.

• Project Description - Concise description of the proposed project and its geographic, ecological, social and temporal context.

• Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework - Government policies, environmental legislations and regulations currently under force.

• Baseline Data - Assessment of the physical, biological and socioeconomic conditions of the project locations.

• Environmental impacts - Prediction and assessment of the project’s likely positive and negative impacts, in quantitative terms to the extent possible. The more significant environmental impacts and those that are considered critical by the public are to be further focussed in this chapter.

• Analysis of Alternatives - Comparison of feasible alternatives to the project site / right-of-way, technology, design and operation – including the ‘without project’ situation – in terms of their potential environmental impacts

• Mitigation and monitoring measures - Enlisting and description of environmental impacts and the remedial measures to be taken. Preferably, this contains a comprehensive table containing a brief description of the impact, the type of remedial measure (prevention or mitigation or enhancement), the description of the measures, phase wherein applicable - pre-construction, construction and operational phases, and implementation responsibility.

• Budgets

4 Structure & content of an EMP

The EMP report should have the following structure and content:

• Introduction - Objective, scope, proponent’s background, brief description of the sub-project and the purpose of the EMP

• Remedial Measures - Description and enlisting of the environmental impacts and remedial measures to be taken. Preferably, this contains a comprehensive table containing a brief description of the impact, the type of remedial measure (prevention or mitigation or enhancement), the description of the measures, phase wherein applicable - pre-construction, construction and operational phases, and implementation responsibility.

• Organizational arrangements for implementation - Institutional framework being established to ensure the implementation of the EMP.

• Environmental performance indicators are to be chosen and the basis for their selection. A linkage between these indicators and the important environmental impacts & the associated remedial measures needs also to be established.

• Monitoring mechanisms to be adopted that include reporting progress, frequency of monitoring, enhanced monitoring during specific seasons such as the monsoons if required.

• Mechanisms to ensure an ongoing dialogue with the public during the construction and operational phases.

The budget for the EMP implementation should be included in the overall sub-project. This should cover costs – mitigation, monitoring, training and public / stakeholder consultation & participation - due to be incurred during the construction and operational phases.

Guidance on Terms of Reference for Social Assessment and RAP for Sa category Sub-Projects

1 Introduction

Sa sub-projects require a full SA to be done by Social consultants separate from the design consultants. The Social consultants have to closely interact with the ULB, local institutions, local NGOs and environmental and design consultants in order to obtain the necessary data, information, reports and support as required. The SA process has to be carried out, and the RAP need to be prepared. This guidance includes a typical terms of reference and also suggests the structure & content for the SA & RAP. The terms of reference are general in content.

2 Terms of Referecne

The following should form part of the ToR

Policy and legal framework

• To collect information on the prevailing national, state and local laws, rules and regulations pertinent to land acquisition, protection of vulnerables and R&R policies of other projects.

• To determine the applicability and consequences of all laws, rules and regulations to the proposed sub-project and to include specific clearances / approvals that have to be obtained by different organisations / agencies such as the ULB and contractor.

• To assist the ULB in any clearances / approvals that may be required to implement the sub-project in terms of completing forms / applications, and defending the sub-project before any committees.

Baseline and Census

• To assemble, evaluate and present baseline data on the relevant socio-economic characteristics of the sub-project area, including changes anticipated before the commencement of the project. The description of the baseline socio-economic setting shall be worked out from the secondary data sources supplemented by the primary data collected as part of the various surveys carried out as part of the SA preparation.

• To collect and describe the socio-economic conditions: population, occupations, income and expenditure levels of all the PAPs

• To describe the planned development activities, community structure and tribal people and their usufruct rights, common property resources, land values, etc., if any.

• key stakeholders, who would benefit from the investments including tribal communities if any; and also who implement and who influence project implementation and its outcome (civil societies/NGOs),

• People (both as individuals and as communities) who are likely to be adversely affected by the project, including tribals, if any.

• vulnerable sections with a view to facilitate their participation in the process of urban reforms and determine how they could access project benefits on par with other urban communities

• To conduct a census survey of all the project affected persons and establish a cut-off date for entitlement in consultation with the ULB.

Stakeholder Consultations

• To conduct stakeholder consultations and ensure stakeholder participation as an integral part of the SA and RAP preparation process. Consultation sessions shall be carried out with different stakeholder groups at the local, regional and district levels, so as to incorporate the various socio-economic concerns and needs of the community and the relevant stakeholders.

Impact analysis

• To identify, analyse and evaluate the different kind of impacts, and to distinguish between significant positive and negative impacts, direct and indirect impacts, and immediate and long-term impacts due to the sub-project interventions.

• To determine the impacts on vulnerables identified during the baseline and census surveys.

Analysis of alternatives

• To suggest alternatives that were examined in the course of developing the proposed project and identify other alternatives, which would achieve the same objectives. The concept of alternatives extends to siting, design, technology selection, construction techniques and phasing, and operating and maintenance procedures to minimize the adverse social impacts.

• To compare alternatives in terms of potential social impacts and suitability under local conditions.


• To identify feasible and cost-effective mitigation measures that may reduce potentially significant adverse social impacts to acceptable levels, capital and recurrent costs of the mitigation measures.

• To calculate and enumerate various entitlements to PAPs as part of preparation of RAP and prepare RAP

• To specify in a table the description of the measures to be taken up along with who is responsible and when it has to be implemented.


• To prepare detailed arrangements in a plan for monitoring implementation of RAP and the impacts of the sub-project implementation

• To include in the plan an estimate of the RAP implementation costs, and a description of other inputs (such as training and institutional strengthening) needed to carry it out.

• To document in the plan what will be monitored, who would do it, who would receive its outputs, how much it would cost, how it would be financed and what other inputs (for example, training) are necessary.

• To include in the plan a list of social monitoring parameters for process/ performance /compliance monitoring during implementation of the sub-project.


• To identify institutional needs to implement the RAP. This would include work force requirements, skill requirements & training, organisational mechanisms and information dissemination requirements.

• To recommend any further studies of social issues which should be undertaken during project implementation.


• To identify panel groups among the PAPs for impact evaluation and document the baseline.

3 Suggested structure and content of an SA

• Executive Summary - A concise discussion of significant findings and recommended actions. This will also need to be translated in the local language and disseminated in the project areas. This includes project details, policy framework, baseline conditions, significant social impacts, efforts of minimizing impacts, salient points of the analysis of alternatives, salient mitigation & monitoring measures, and budget.

• Project Description - Concise description of the proposed sub-project and its social and temporal context.

• Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework – National and State Government policies, social legal rules and regulations currently under force.

• Baseline and Census Data - Assessment of the socio-economic condition of the project locations. This includes analysis of base line and census data collected.

• Social impacts - Prediction and assessment of the project’s likely positive and negative impacts, in quantitative terms to the extent possible. The more significant social impacts and those that are considered critical by the PAPs are to be further focussed in this chapter.

• Analysis of Alternatives - Comparison of feasible alternatives to the project site / right-of-way, technology, design and operation – including the ‘without project’ situation – in terms of their potential social impacts

• Public Consultations – This should contain the details of the public consultations and the outcomes.

• Mitigation and monitoring measures - Enlisting and description of social impacts and the remedial measures to be taken including the entitlement framework.

• Cost and Budgets

• Implementation Schedules

Guidance on Structure of RAP

1. Introduction

1. Brief Introduction of the Project

2. List of Project Component(s)

3. Description of Component(s) that cause land acquisition/alienation and resettlement

4. Overall Estimates of Land Acquisition and R&R

2. Measures to Minimise Resettlement

1. Description of Efforts Made for Minimizing Displacement

2. Description of the Results of these Efforts

3. Description of Mechanisms to Minimize Displacement and Loss of Livelihood/Income during Implementation

3. Census and Socio-Economic Surveys

1. Provide the results of the census and socio-economic surveys

2. Identify all categories of impacts and the extent of impact on each affected

4. Consultation and involvement of PAPs

1. Describe various Stakeholders

2. Summaries process of consultation on the results of socio-economic surveys

3. Describe the need and mechanisms to conduct updates to socio-economic surveys

4. Describe how this process of consultation would be continued through implementation and monitoring

5. Describe the plan for disseminating information to Project Affected Persons

5. Entitlement Framework

1. Provide a definition of Project Affected Family and Project Affected Persons together with their categorization based on impacts

2. Describe R&R entitlements for each category of impact

3. Describe method of valuation used for affected land, structures and other assets

4. Provide Entitlement Matrix

6. Relocation

1. Does the Project need community relocation sites? If yes, have they been inspected and accepted by Project Affected Persons

2. Have the Project Affected Persons agreed to the strategy for housing replacement? Will new housing be constructed/allocated? If Project Affected Persons are to construct houses, explain if compensation entitlement for housing is sufficient to help them construct houses.

3. List of proposed sites along with number of affected families to be relocated

4. Describe respective mechanisms for (i) procuring/acquiring/alienating ; (ii) developing and (iii) allotting resettlement sites

5. Provide detailed description of arrangements for development of resettlement sites including provision of social infrastructure

6. Describe the feasibility studies conducted to determine the suitability of the development of sites.

7. Income Restoration

1. Are the compensation entitlements sufficient to restore income streams for each category of impact. If not, what additional economic rehabilitation measures are necessary.

2. Briefly spell out the restoration strategies for each category of impacts, and describe institutional, financial and technical arrangements/aspects involved

3. Describe the process of consultation with Project Affected Persons to finalize strategies for income restoration

4. How do strategies for restoration vary with the area/locality of impact

5. If income restoration involves change in livelihoods or other economic activities allow substantial amount of time for capacity building, accessing institutional funds/credits/markets, preparation and implementation. Work out the rate of returns for each of the economic activities opted by the entitled person.

6. How are the risks of impoverishment proposed to be addressed?

7. Explain the main institutional and other risks for effective implementation of plans for restoration of livelihood

8. Describe the process for monitoring the effectiveness of income restoration activities

8.Institutional Arrangements

1. Describe institution(s) responsible for: (a) delivery of each item/activity in the entitlement policy; (b) implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation programs and (c) coordination of all other activities as described in the Rehabilitation Action Plan

2. State how coordination issues will be addressed in cases where resettlement and rehabilitation are spread over a number of institutional/departmental jurisdictions

3. Indicate the agency that will coordinate all implementing agencies – do they have the necessary mandate and the resources

4. Describe the external (non-Project) institutions/departments involved in the process of resettlement and restoration of income such as land development, land allocation, credit, training for capacity building and the mechanisms in place to ensure adequate cooperation and performance of these institutions/departments

5. Describe the results of the institutional capacity assessment and give the institutional development plans including staffing schedule and training requirements

6. Discuss institutional capacity for, and commitment to, resettlement and rehabilitation

9. Monitoring and Evaluation

1. Describe the internal monitoring process

2. Define key monitoring indicators for resettlement, rehabilitation and participation and provide a list of these indicators which would be used for internal monitoring

3. Describe institutional (including financial) arrangement

4. Describe frequency of reporting and contents of reports

5. Describe the process for integrating feedback from internal monitoring into implementation

6. Describe financial arrangements for external monitoring including process for awarding and maintenance of contracts for the entire duration of R&R

7. Describe the methodology for external monitoring

8. Describe frequency of external reporting and its contents

10. Redressal of Grievances

1. Describe the structure and process of grievances mechanisms at various levels including step-by-step process for registering and addressing grievances and provide specific details regarding registering complaints, discussing them with Project Affected Persons, response time, communication modes etc.

2. Describe the mechanism for appeal

3. Describe the provision, if any, to enable Project Affected Persons to approach civil courts in case these provisions fail.

11. Implementation Schedule

1. List the chronological steps in implementation of R&R Action Plan including identification of agencies responsible for each activity along with a brief explanation of each activity

2. A month-wise implementation schedule (Gantt chart) of activities to be taken as part of R&R Action Plan

3. Description of the linkage between R&R implementation and initiation of civil works for each of the Project component

12. Costs and Budgets

1. Clear statement of financial responsibility and authority

2. List the sources of funds for R&R and describe the flow of funds

3. Indicate that costs of R&R are included in the overall Project costs

4. Identify R&R costs, if any, to be funded by the Bank

5. Provide a cost-wise, item-wise budget estimate for the entire R&R costs including administrative expenses, monitoring and evaluation and contingencies

6. Describe the specific mechanisms to adjust cost estimates by inflation factor

7. Describe provisions to account for different types of contingencies

Guidance on ToR for CIP consultants on social and environmental issues

1 Introduction

After the ULB has signed the MoU with KUIDFC, the Capital Investment Plan (CIP) has to be prepared in order to be able to access the GUI Supports under KMRP. To assist the ULB prepare the CIP, KUIDFC would engage consultants to carry out activities as per a terms of reference.

2 Terms of reference

The following social and environmental issues need to be added to the ToR for the CIP consultants:

• To complete the initial screening format on social and environmental issues.

• To conduct public / stakeholder consultations in the process of identifying the wish list and short-list of sub-projects to be proposed. To ensure that social and environmental issues are covered in these consultations

• To classify the short-list of sub-projects as per the Guidance on sub-project categorization.

Guidance on ToR & formats for the supervision consultants on social and environmental issues in Sa and Ea sub-projects

1 Introduction

For Sa and Ea sub-projects, the supervision consultants’ team would necessarily have a social officer and environmental engineer respectively. For Sa and Ea category sub-projects, the required audit will be done by supervision consultants. The terms of reference for these two positions are included in this section.

2 Terms of reference for the social officer

For the supervision consultants’ social officer, the following terms of reference is to be included:

• To act as an early warning system to the ULB / DUDC to ensure compliance with the R&R policy / RAP / SMP by regular monitoring. Issuing instructions to the involved agencies and contractor(s), when contractor is involved, for remedial actions as appropriate. If the agency / contractor(s) fails to respond to repeated requests / reminders, to bring it to the notice of the ULB.

• To prepare monthly reports on RAP compliance that would be submitted to the ULB and KUIDFC. To highlight any deviations related to legal and R&R policy compliance, if any, in these reports.

• To develop, organize and deliver onsite training programmes to ULB, DUDC and other involved staff to improve RAP implementation.

• To hold regular consultative meetings with the stakeholders in order to learn and be able to address their concerns.

• To coordinate and contract the periodic external interventions (ex.; training) through local outstanding NGOs and other institutions to appropriate agencies, and to initiate suitable follow-up action.

• To guide the ULB / DUDC staff on liaisoning with Government Agencies for providing support to PAPs, and to ensure that the support is carried out in line with the R&R policy / SMP.

3 Terms of reference for the environmental engineer

For the supervision consultants’ environmental engineer, the following terms of reference is to be included:

• To ensure compliance of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for by regular monitoring and issuing instructions to the contractor(s) for remedial actions as appropriate. If the contractor fails to respond to repeated requests / reminders, to bring to the notice of the ULB.

• To prepare monthly reports on EMP compliance that would be submitted to the ULB and KUIDFC. To highlight any deviations related to legal compliance, if any, in these reports.

• To develop, organize and deliver onsite contractor staff training programmes to improve EMP implementation.

• To hold regular consultative meetings with the stakeholders in order to learn and be able to address their concerns.

• To coordinate and contract the periodic environmental monitoring (air, noise, water, etc.) to appropriate agencies, and to initiate suitable follow-up action.

• To guide the contractor on liaisoning with Government Agencies such as the Pollution Control Boards and Forest Department in order to obtain the required clearances, and to ensure that the contractor activities are carried out in line with any conditions placed.

• To ensure adoption of good construction-related safety practices are adopted during the construction phase.

4 Monitoring formats

The format to be used by the supervision consultants’ social officer and environmental engineer for their monthly reporting is given here.

Monthly Reporting Format

|Social / environmental activities carried out in the past month |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Deviations from the RAP/SMP or EMP observed and corrective & preventive action initiated / completed |

|Description of deviations |Action initiated / completed |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Guidance on incorporating mitigation measures in the contract documents for category Ea and Eb Sub-Projects

1 Introduction

Environmental requirements included in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) have to be cross-referred in the contract documents. Of these requirements, those related to the construction phase have to necessarily be covered in the contract documents.

2 Construction phase requirements in the contract documents

The parts of the EMP should be included in the relevant locations of the bid documents in the following way:

• Legal requirements: As a standard practice, the relevant laws need to be mentioned in the General Conditions of Contract.

• Mitigation measures & monitoring requirements tables: The cross-reference to these tables should be included in the General Conditions of Contract, and the two tables will have to be added as Annexures. Cross-reference should be mentioned in the General Conditions of Contract. The description in these tables should be short, clear and succinct. The description should focus on “what” and “where” of the mitigation / enhancement measure as the “how” of the measure is covered under the specification.

• Modifications / additions to the technical specifications: Due to the mitigation / enhancement measures included in the EMP, there may be some new specifications. These are to be referred in the section on “Supplementary Specifications” in the contract documents.

• Cost table: All the items in the EMP cost table relevant to the contractor have to be referred in the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) of the contract documents. It is to be noted that the BoQ table in the bid documents includes the various tasks to be done by the contractor under different categories. Against each task, the contractor will have to indicate a unit rate while completing the bid documents. [Note: That the budgetary estimates for the costs to be incurred during the construction phase should NOT be included in this BoQ table.]

• Drawings: Due to the mitigation / enhancement measures included in the EMP, there may be (a) changes required to the drawings and (b) new drawings. All of these drawings are to be reflected in the contract documents under the section on Drawings.

3 Note on timing

It is best to finalize the EMP prior to completing the bid documents. This is required to fully reflect the sections of the EMP relevant to the contractor in the bid documents and to ensure full integration.



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