Jeffrey Scott - Weebly

Jeffrey Scott

Complex Needs

Lesson Plans 6-8 Grades

• All plans will be implemented according to student IEP and 504 plans. Plans are subject to change based on student/class needs.

• Lesson plans and pacing will correspond with the appropriate grade level/team/department the student would participate with in the regular education environment.

• United Streaming, Compass Learning, and Novell Star and other technology sources will be incorporated into lessons. Supplemental lessons will be used from these sources and matched directly to the curriculum prescribed according to the District Pacing Guide. Hyperlinks to the Pacing Guide are provided below. Each link below will illustrate what is being taught in class for the week as well as the standards, learning targets, and critical vocabulary.

• Assessments will be modified from the team lesson plans. Due to the complex needs of my students and our small class size our assessment practices will vary. Formative assessments will consist of direct feedback, in-class assignments, teacher observation, and pop quizzes. Summative assessments will include tests, projects, and district and state testing practices.

Differentiating strategies commonly used in class:

1) Provide texts and resource materials at varied reading levels.

2) Re-teach for students having difficulty.

3) Use multimedia to supplement lectures.

4) Use wait time to allow for student reflection.

5) Use a variety of criteria for success, based on whole-class requirements as well as individual student readiness needs.

6) Vary the pacing of student work.

7) Encourage students to design or participate in the design of some tasks.

8) Allow multiple options for how students express learning.

9) Encourage students to work together or independently.

10) Provide visual, auditory, and kinesthetic options

11) Provide analytic, creative, and practical product options.

Math 6-8:

Common Core Math Standards

6th math standards deconstructed

7th math standards deconstructed

8th math standards deconstructed

2011- 2012 BCPS 6th KCAS Math Pacing Guide (revised)

2011- 2012 BCPC 7th KCAS Math Pacing Guide (revised)

2011- 2012 BCPS 8th KCAS Math Pacing Guide (revised)

Language Arts 6-8:

6th ELA standards deconstructed

7th ELA standards deconstructed

8th ELA standards deconstructed

6th Grade ELA KCAS Pacing Guide

6th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 1

6th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 2

6th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 3

6th grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 4

6th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 5

6th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 6

7th Grade ELA KCAS Pacing Guide

7th grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 1

7th grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 2

7th grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 3

7th grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 4

7th grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 5

7th grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 6

8th Grade ELA KCAS Pacing Guide

8th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 1

8th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 2

8th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 3

8th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 4

8th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 5

8th Grade suggested ELA KCAS unit 6

Science 6-8:

6th grade science pacing guide - Unpacked Standards 6th science

7th grade science pacing guide - Unpacked Standards 7th science

8th grade science pacing guide - Unpacked Standards 8th science

Social Studies 6-8:

6th grade social studies pacing guide - Unpacked Standards 6th social studies


7th grade social studies pacing guide - Unpacked Standards 7th social studies

8th grade social studies pacing guide - Unpacked Standards 8th social studies

Arts and Humanities 6-8:

Practical Living 6-8:

Writing Program 6-8:

2011/2012Pacing Guides


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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