Lesson plan - Edmentum

|Reading Lesson: Analogies |Grade Level: 7 |

|Lesson Summary: Teacher introduces analogies, specifically part to whole and whole to part. Students then complete analogies based on the initial analogy the |

|teacher presented. During independent practice, students complete a worksheet and complete whole to part and part to whole analogies. For a closing activity, |

|students share their worksheets and discuss the relationships between the words. Advanced learners work in pairs and quiz each other about other types of |

|analogies: type, relative size, antonyms, and synonyms. Struggling learners work in small groups or individually to review relationships between part to whole and |

|whole to part as introduced in guided practice or on the worksheet. |

|Lesson Objectives: |

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|The students will know… |

|that different types of relationships exist between words. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|understand what analogies are and be able to complete them. |

|Learning Styles Targeted: |

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|Visual |

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|Auditory |

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|Kinesthetic/Tactile |

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|Pre-Assessment: |

|Tell students that completing analogies involves determining the relationship between words. Analogies take many forms, including part to whole or whole to part. |

|Whole-Class Instruction |

|Materials Needed: Activity Worksheet*, paper, and pencils or pens |

|Procedure: |

|Presentation |

|Use an analogy to show students what a part to whole or whole to part analogy is: fingers are to hand as toes are to foot. |

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|Ask students to finish the following part to whole or whole to part analogy: Washington, DC is to the United States as Paris is to ___________. [France] |

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|Guided Practice |

|Now have students create analogies based on an initial analogy. Pages are to Book as ____ is to ____. |

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|Record student-created analogy on overheard or board. |

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|Have students complete an analogy based on: Kitchen is to house as _____is to _____. |

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|Record student-created analogy on overhead or board. |

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|Have students complete an analogy based on: July is to summer as ______is to _____. |

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|Record student-created analogy on overhead or board. |

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|Have students complete an analogy based on: Grape is to bunch as _____ is to ____. |

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|Record student-created analogy on overhead or board. |

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|Independent Practice |

|Have students complete the worksheet* on whole to part and part to whole analogies. |

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|Closing Activity |

|Students share their answers with the class and explain what their relationship is. |

|Advanced Learner |

|Materials Needed: pencil and paper or computer |

|Procedure: |

|Explain to students that there are other types of analogies including: type, relative size, antonyms, and synonyms. |

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|Provide examples of other analogies as needed. |

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|Allow students to work in pairs and quiz each other on other types of analogies. |

|Struggling Learner |

|Materials Needed: worksheet* or student analogies created before |

|Procedure: |

|Review with students the relationship between part to whole and whole to part analogies. |

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|Provide additional examples as needed. |

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|Review the worksheet* with the students. |

*see supplemental resources


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