7th Grade Summer Reading List

The following books will either be taught during the 7th grade school year (in keeping with the DOE’s CCGPS standards and lesson plans) or are recommended for reading enrichment during the summer. So, read to get ahead or read to have fun and get smarter. Reading is the single most powerful (and fun) way to improve your reading ability. So, grab a book (or download one), kick off your flip-flops, and get into some summer reading!

Books that will be definitely be read during the school year:

1. The White Mountains by John Christopher is the first in a series of Tripod books. This is a new book for 7th grade, but we will enjoy reading it. 7th grade’s Unit One theme is “There and Back Again-What Science Fiction and Fantasy Can Teach Us About Ourselves.” What if we lived in a world where three-legged machines controlled our minds? What or where would be our escape?

2. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor is also the first in a series, but this series is not Science Fiction; it is historical fiction. 7th grade’s Unit Two theme is “Burning Bridges: What History Has Taught Us About Civil Rights.” What a lot of people do not realize is that Civil rights extend beyond “black people and their fight”. Civil Rights is inclusive of Human Rights as well (which we will study using the Declaration of Human Rights). In this historical fiction the Logan family is a strong willed black family in a time of oppression and discrimination. Not only are their Civil rights disregarded, but their Human rights are ignored.

3. Tears of a Tiger by Sharon Draper—This is also a new book for us this year, but we know we will have fun. 7th grade’s Unit Three theme is “Individuality vs. Conformity: Realizing the Relationships and Responsibilities between Individuals, Societies, and Communities.” This coming of age book is about taking responsibility for wrong doing and more importantly, it is about making the right decisions—no matter what others say.

4. Gifted Hands (The Ben Carson Story) by Dr. Ben Carson. This is an awesome book for any grade level, so we are elated to have it as a 7th grade book. This autobiography is in keeping with the 7th grade Unit Four theme, which is “Demonstrating Character: From Average to Exceptional.” You will be enlightened through the inspirational stories and realistic events Dr. Carson shares. He is a man of greatness, but it wasn’t always like that, and that is something you will be able to connect to. What a wonderful way to end the year!

Other possibilities:

1. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a book we are all familiar with. This is a story about Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in Hobbiton. Bilbo is visited by the wizard Gandalf, who takes him on a journey of adventures.

2. Monster by Walter Dean Myers is a book about introspection, peer pressure, race, and the justice system. The book is written in a first person perspective, and it is in the format of a journal and screenplay that Steve (the main character) is writing.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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