Seventh Grade - Yeshiva Toras Emes


Girls Junior High Seventh Grade Supply List

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you and your daughters back to the junior high department! We hope the enclosed list will help alleviate the first day of school shopping crunch and will allow your daughters to come to school relaxed and prepared. Please clearly label, with your daughter’s name, all notebooks, supplies and other items coming to school to prevent her belongings from getting lost.

Looking forward ϖ∀ητ to a wonderful year!

|Basic Supplies |

|One red pen |Glue stick |Ruler (with inches and centimeters) |

|Blue or black pens |Three different color highlighters |One box of facial tissues |

|Sharpened pencils |Scissors |Siddur with Shabbos Davening |

|Markers/colored pencils |Loose-leaf paper |Tehillim |

|Scotch tape |Homework folders (optional) | |

|7th Grade Hebrew Studies |

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|One 1’’ hard cover binder to be used as a homework folder with 4 dividers - פרשה, חומש ,נביא, misc. |

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|Three dry erase markers (black or blue) and an eraser (for Halacha) |

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|1 roll of double sided tape for Sukkos project |

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|One 1½” binder with 40 sheet protectors to be used as a scrap book for Hilchos Shabbos. (Do not purchase a scrap book for this project.)|

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|One 1” soft cover binder with 3 dividers labeled:דקדוק/שרשים ,ספורים/מלים ,לשון (for Mrs. Ungar’s Ivrit) |

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|One ½” or 1” binder (for Mrs. Tarkieltaub’s Ivrit) |

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|One pack of 100 index cards (for Mrs. Tarkieltaub’s Ivrit) |

|7th Grade General Studies |

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|One one-subject spiral notebooks with a pocket (for math) Protractor |

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|One pocket folder (for math) Graph paper |

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|Scientific calculator (for math) Pack of small and large post-its |

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|One 1’’ binder with 3 dividers (2 for science, 1 for history) Crayola water colored pencils |

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|One one-subject spiral notebook (for CIJE STEM) Crayola watercolors paints |

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|One spiral notebook (English) Thin dry erase marker |

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|One 2’’ binder with 4 dividers labeled: Grammar, Spelling, Literature, Writing |


Girls Junior High Eighth Grade Supply List

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you and your daughters back to the junior high department! We hope the enclosed list will help alleviate the first day of school shopping crunch and will allow your daughters to come to school relaxed and prepared. Please clearly label, with your daughter’s name, all notebooks, supplies and other items coming to school to prevent her belongings from getting lost.

Looking forward ϖ∀ητ to a wonderful year!

|Basic Supplies |

|Blue or black pens |One highlighter |Ruler (with inches and centimeters) |

|Sharpened pencils |Loose-leaf paper |One box of facial tissues |

|White-out |Homework assignment book |Siddur with Shabbos Davening |

| | |Tehillim |

|8th Grade Hebrew Studies |

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|One 1½’’ binder with 5 dividers labeled:באורי תפילה ,פרשה ,יהדות ,נביא , הלכה |

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|One 1½’’ binder with 2 dividers (for (חומש |

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|1 folder with 2 pockets (Yedios Klalios) |

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|One 1” soft cover binder with 3 dividers labeled:דקדוק/שרשים ,ספורים/מלים ,לשון (for Mrs. Ungar’s Ivrit) |

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|One ½” or 1” binder (Mrs. Tarkieltaub’s Ivrit) |

|8th Grade General Studies |

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|One 2’’ binder with 5 dividers labeled: history, literature, writing, spelling and grammar |

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|2 spiral notebooks (for math and writing) |

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|Spiral graph paper notebook (for math) |

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|Scientific calculator (for math) |

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|Homework folders (optional) |

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|One pocket folder (for math) |

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|One 1” hard cover binder with a view front and inside pockets with 4 dividers (for science) |

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|4 black dry erase markers (for science) |

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Girls Junior High Sixth Grade Supply List

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you and your daughters to the junior high department! We hope the enclosed list will help alleviate the first day of school shopping crunch and will allow your daughters to come to school relaxed and prepared. Please clearly label, with your daughter’s name, all notebooks, supplies and other items coming to school to prevent her belongings from getting lost.

Looking forward ϖ∀ητ to a wonderful year!

|Basic Supplies |

|Three red pens |Three different color highlighters |Homework assignment book |

|Blue or black pen |Loose-leaf paper |Ruler (with inches and centimeters) |

|Sharpened pencils |Siddur with Shabbos Davening |One box of facial tissues |

|Reinforcements |Tehillim |2 White-out pens |

|Supply Box | | |

|6th Grade Hebrew Studies |

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|One 1½ ’’ binder with 7 dividers Three dry erase markers |

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|One sturdy homework folder One 1-1½” soft cover binder (for Ivrit) |

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|One 70 page spiral notebook One pack of 100 index cards (for Ivrit) |

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|One glue stick Markers or gel pens |

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|Scissors |

|6th Grade General Studies |

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|One 1 subject spiral notebook with pocket inside (for math) |

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|Calculator (basic – not scientific) |

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|Two pocket folders (science and English) |

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|A hole puncher with three rings |

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|Box of crayons or colored pencils |

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|1½-2” tracing letters (optional) |

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|One 2” binder with 6 dividers (for language arts and geography) |

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|1 highlighter (geography) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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