WELCOME TO HEALTH - seagirt.k12.nj.us

WELCOME TO HEALTH- Grade 7InstructorMrs. RyderPhone732-449-3422 ext 102OfficeHealth OfficeE-mailjryder@seagirt.k12.nj.usOffice Hours8:05am-3:15pmText:McGraw-Hill Teen Health in Connect ED – Online Materials:Notebook with pockets for handoutsPen with eraserGoals:Student will acquire knowledge that will assist them in maintaining a healthy life by reducing health risks and living safely.Assignments:Project- Due at end of marking periodCurrent Events- assigned dates – 3 students present each TuesdayIn class reading, worksheets and discussionGrading Policy:In class participation/worksheets – 40% of gradeCurrent Events- 20% of grade- two students present on Tuesday of each week.Project-20% of gradeQuizzes – 20% of gradeGrading Scale:93-100 = O83-92= VG70-82=S<70= UCourse Schedule:? Week Topic Current Event One (1/27-1/31) Social and Emotional Health Two (2/3-2/7) Drugs and Medicine Anthony, Bersalona CampbellThree (2/10-2/14) NO CLASS WINTER BREAKFour (2/17-2/21) Personal Healthcare Costanzo, Fatenko, HaagFive ( 2/24-2/28) Nutrition Higgins, Hughes Kavtaradze Six ( 3/3-3/7) Body Systems Laszlo, MacFarlane Marshall Seven (3/10-3/14) First Aid Mayer, Pacetti, Stamberger Eight (3/17-3/21) LIFE LINES Stansbury, Wierman Nine (3/24-3/28) Family Life Ten (3/31-4/4) Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease Presentations GRADE 7 – HEALTH PROJECTDISEASE/COMMUNICABLE or NON-COMMUNICABLEFACT PAGE: Must include at least 10 and up to 20 essential facts on disease you choose to present. Example: Communicable (HIV/Hepatitis/Mononucleosis) or Non-Communicable (Asthma/Cancer/Diabetes)How Disease is diagnosedHow Disease is treated What type of health professional treats this disease? Resources:Online Health Text – connectED – Chapters on Diseases. Approved internet sites such as , WEBMD.Resources/Work Cited: Must have two resources. Examples: internet websites, magazines, books, newspaper or an interview (include name and date of interview).PowerPoint or Electronic Visual should include:Your name Name of DiseaseDiagnosisTreatment – Who Treats i.e. Cancer – Oncologist treatsFamous person who has disease – if applicable – ex. Nick Jonas – Diabetes.PhotosDue Date: Last full week of Class – March 31st – exact date to be assigned.ConnectED INSTRUCTIONS AND SIGNONConnectED is our new online Textbook. To sign on to the Text:Type in the following sign-on: ___________________________Enter the following password: ___________________________Select the “To Do” iconComplete the assignment EXPECTATIONSGroup discussion is encouragedOne person speaks at a timeMutual respect – sensitive, personal discussions should be respected and not repeated outside the classroom.“DO NOW”Start immediately, If not completed – will be assigned as HW.Current Event: Goal is to stimulate conversation. Must be health relatedTopic should be found in newspaper, Journal or Internet – come to class prepared –It is not acceptable to pull up a current event last minute on iPad or laptop.Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________________Student Signature: _______________________________________________________________ ................

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