7th Grade Science Syllabus

7th Grade Science Syllabus (2015-2016)

Edward Harris Jr. Middle School

School Website:

(916) 688-0080


|Ms. Joanne Brown…….jbrownad@ (1st Yellow/6th Green) |

|Mr. Louie. Corpuz…… lcorpuz@ (1st Green/5th Yellow) |

|Ms. Aimee Reed…..……afreed@ (1st Green/2nd Yellow) |

COURSE: Life Science

CURRICULUM MATERIALS: Text - Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Holt Science & Technology: Life Science. Austin: Harcourt, 2007 Supplemental Workbook; Lab equipment as needed; Science videos and library materials as required.


|The Nature of Life Science |Evolution |

|Cell Biology |Biodiversity & Ecosystems |

|Cell Energy & Photosynthesis |Human Body Systems |

|Genetics & Heredity |Family Life |

|Earth and Life History | |


a. A cloth-bound Composition Notebook (No tear-out pages).

b. Binder paper and writing materials (pencils, pens, highlighters, colored pencils)

c. Glue Sticks

ATTENDANCE POLICY/TARDY POLICY**: The school wide attendance policy will be enforced. You are tardy if you are not in your assigned seat at the tardy bell.

MAKE-UP POLICY**: The school-wide make up policy will be followed. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments have been missed and submit them in a timely fashion. Failure to complete work within the school wide time period will result in a zero grade. Make-up tests/labs need to be arranged with the classroom teacher.

EXTENDED LEARNING POLICY (Homework) **: Extended learning is work completed beyond the regular school day. Daily note review is an essential part of the learning process.

GRADING/CITIZENSHIP: Students are expected to turn in all assignments, to complete all their extended learning work, and to participate in class discussions and activities. The number one reason students do not pass science is that they do not turn in work. Make sure all assignments are completed and up to date.

Letter grades are based on the total number of points from all assignments, tests and projects. Class participation and citizenship will be considered in borderline cases. The following point scale is used: 90-100% = A, 80-89= B; 70-79 = C; 60-69 = D; 59 & below = F. Citizenship grades are E (Excellent), S (Satisfactory) and U (Unsatisfactory).

Student’s grades can be directly accessed online through School Loop.

CLASSROOM & SCHOOLWIDE EXPECTATIONS: The students and the teacher are responsible to maintain a learning environment in the classroom at all times. We will do so by adhering to the principles of the Student Creed and complying with the following Science Department R.I.C.H. rules.

R (Be Responsible): Be prepared with materials and an active mind. Follow directions and lab rules.

I (Have Integrity): Do what is right (not what may be easy, convenient, or popular).

C (Be Considerate): Participate positively and allow others to learn without distraction and disruption.

H (Be Hardworking): Use class time productively: Make every minute count. Give your best effort.

PARENT SUPPORT: You are an integral part of your child’s education, so it is essential that we work as a team to help ensure that your child is successful. Communication and encouragement is vital to accomplish this.

** Specifics can be found in the Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School Agenda **


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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