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7th grade Social Studies

Final EXAM Review guide


Final Exam Test DAte:_____________________

7th Grade Final Review Guide

UNIT: Geography/ Culture/ Native Americans:

1. Primary source:


2. Define geography:

3. Define culture:

3a. Give an example of an ethnocentric statement:

4. Eastern Tribes:

4aHow geography impacted their culture:

4b. Iroquois Confederacy:

Label the following features: Atlantic Ocean(A), Pacific Ocean(B), Mississippi River(C), Rocky Mountains(D), Appalachian Mountains(E), Great Plains(F), Gulf of Mexico(G)









UNIT: Exploration:

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:


1. Land Bridge Theory:

2. Christopher Columbus:

2a. Goals:

2b. Accomplishments:

3. Columbian Exchange:

4. Positive impacts of exploration:

5. Negative impacts of exploration:

UNIT: Colonization:

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:


1. Reasons for coming to the “New World:”

2. Pilgrims/ Quakers/ Puritans:

3. What was the first successful English colony?

3a. What contributed to its success?

4. New England Region Geography:

4a. How geography impacted culture of this area:

4b. Mayflower Compact/Fundamental Orders of Connecticut:

5. Middle: Geography:

5a. How geography impacted culture of this area:

5b. Bread Basket:

6. Southern: Geography:

6a. How geography impacted culture of this area:

6b. Cash Crops:


7. House of Burgesses:

8. Assemblies:

9. Mercantilism:

10. Salutary Neglect:

UNIT: The American Revolution:

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:


Explain the events and how they contributed to the outbreak of the Revolution:

1. French and Indian War:

1a. * Albany Plan of Union:

2. Proclamation Line of 1763:

3. “No taxation without representation”:

3a. Give Examples:

4. Boycott:

5. Boston Massacre:

5a. Define Propaganda:

6. Quartering Act:

7. Boston Tea Party:

8. Coercive Acts/ “Intolerable Acts”:

9. Declaration of Independence:

10. Loyalist:

11. Patriot:

12. Lexington and Concord:

**Before Declaration of Independence

13. Battle of Saratoga:

13a. French Alliance:

14. Battle of Yorktown:

15. Treaty of Paris, 1783:

UNIT: Critical Period:

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:



1. Articles of Confederation:

1a. Positives:

1b. Negatives:

2. Shay’s Rebellion:

3. Constitutional Convention:

4. Great Compromise:

5. Three- Fifths Compromise:

UNIT: Government:

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:


1. Constitution:

1a. Preamble:

2. Federalism:

2a. Delegated Powers:

2b. Reserved Powers:

2c. Concurrent Powers:

3. Separation of Powers:

3a. Executive:

3b. Legislative:

3c. Judicial:

4. Checks and Balances:

4a. Judicial Review (Marbury vs. Madison):

5. Electoral College:

6. Bill of Rights:

**First 10 Amendments **Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

7. Amendment Process/ Elastic Clause:

UNIT: The First Presidents:

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:


1. George Washington: Explain 4 major precedents established by him:





1a. What advice did Washington give in his Farewell address:

1b. Whiskey Rebellion:

1c. Explain rise of political parties:

1d. Federalists:

1e. Democratic-Republicans:

2.John Adams: __________________________________________________________________

2a. Alien Act:

2b. Sedition Act:

2c. XYZ Affair:

3. Thomas Jefferson: _____________________________________________________________

3a. Louisiana Purchase:

3b. Lewis and Clark:

3c. Embargo Act:

3d. Non-intercourse Act:

4. James Madison: _______________________________________________________________

4a. War of 1812:

4b. Results of War of 1812:

4c. War Hawk:

4d. Nationalism:

4e. Treaty of Ghent:

5. James Monroe: ________________________________________________________________

** “Era of Good Feelings”

5a. Monroe Doctrine:

6. John Quincy Adams:______________________________________________________________

7. Andrew Jackson: ______________________________________________________________

**Leader of the common man

7a. Indian Removal Act:

**Trail of Tears

7b. Spoils System:

7c. Veto:

7d. National Bank:

7e. Nullification:

7f. Tariffs:

UNIT: Westward Expansion:

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:


1. Manifest Destiny:

2. How the US acquired land:

2a. Treaty of Paris(1783):

2b. Louisiana Purchase:

2c. Texas Annexation:

2d. Mexican- American War:

3. How did westward expansion lead to sectionalism?

4. List 3 motives for America settlers to move west:

5. What impact did westward expansion have on Native Americans:

6. How did westward expansion lead to sectionalism?

UNIT: Civil War: ____________________________________________________________________

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:


1. Rise of Sectionalism:

*differences in geography

2. Missouri Compromise:

3. Kansas-Nebraska Act:

4. Bleeding Kansas:

5. Popular Sovereignty:

6. Rise of Abolition Movement:

7. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin:

8. Dred Scott Decision:

9. Lincoln’s “House divided” speech:

10. Election of 1860:

11. States’ vs. National Government’s Rights:

12. Secession:

13. Fort Sumter:

14. Lincoln’s primary reason for fighting the war:

15. Advantages of the North:

16. Advantages of the South:

17. Emancipation Proclamation:

18. Battle of Gettysburg:

19. Appomattox Courthouse:

UNIT: Reconstruction: _______________________________________________________________

List as many examples of primary sources from this unit that you can think of:


1. Explain the conditions of the south after the Civil War:

1a. Economy:

1b. Political:

1c. Social:

2. Lincoln’s 10% Plan:

*go easy on the south (preserve the union)

3. Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

4. Johnson’s Presidential Reconstruction Plan:

*similar to Lincoln’s (Radical Republicans in Congress hated the plan)

5. Freedmen’s Bureau:

6. -13th Amendment:

-14th Amendment:

-15th Amendment:

Congratulations, you have reached the END of your Review Guide!


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