
Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures New Bridge Middle School 7th Grade MathematicsMrs. Atressa MercadoCourse Description: MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesInDoc This course will focus on five main topics: The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, Probability, and Geometry. Math 7 will follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study that was adopted in June 2017. Expectations for class: Binder: Students will be required to keep a 2” binder with dividers for all core subjects and encore classes. The math section will contain all notes, warm-ups, homework and answer solutions, and some in-class activities. All entries should be labeled with the name, date, and block.Homework: Homework will be given 3-4 days a week and is due the following day unless other instructions are given.Problem Based Assignment Completion: Problems must be copied with work shown and final answer marked. If work is not shown, complete credit will not be awarded. Copying a problem and writing the answer is not considered showing work.Note Completion: Students will be required to copy notes in class. It is vital that the students are copying and reviewing the notes so they will have better retention of the information learned in class. Classwork: Ample time to complete these assignments will be given. If it is not completed students will have the option to turn in the assignment the next day with a late penalty. “Forgetting” to turn it in before leaving the class will result in a late penalty.Entering the Classroom: Students will line up in the hallway and enter when asked. Everyone should get the appropriate supplies, get out homework, and sit quietly. Tardy: Students not in the classroom when asked to enter will be considered tardy. If you are late you should go directly to your seat and begin work. Following 7th grade policy, being tardy on three occasions will result in a card punch.Ending Class: At the end of class please wait to be dismissed. The bell does not dismiss you.Listening/Responding to Questions: Everyone has the right to be respected when they are speaking. If you would like to ask a question or contribute a comment you should raise your hand and wait to be called upon. Do not interrupt in the middle of an explanation unless it is an emergency.Restroom/ Water Passes: You will not be allowed to use the restroom or get water during explanations, and you should make an effort to go before or after class.Seating: You must sit in your assigned seat unless told otherwise.General Rules: Respect all adults and your classmates.Raise your hand and obtain permission before speaking.Follow all directions.Students will follow all 7th grade and NBMS policy and proceduresPreparations for Class: Students should arrive in class with their CHARGED Computer, Binder, Pencil, Eraser, Punch Card in lanyard, Agenda, Homework. Earned consequences: When a student misbehaves the students will receive a verbal direction. After two verbal directions, a third warning will result in a punch. Continued misbehavior will result in Chill Out. Serious infractions or extreme disrespect towards any adult can result in immediate placement in Chill Out and referral to administration.Late Work: Late assignments will receive a 10% per day penalty (up to five days). If an assignment is in another location (home, another room, etc.) it is considered late. Please understand that late work may not be immediately graded. “No Names” will be considered late work and will receive an automatic 10% deduction. If they are not claimed they will be discarded every Friday. There is a homework adoption center in which you can look for “lost” papers.Missed Work: It is the student’s responsibility to make-up assignments and notes. Ample time to make up assignments will be given based on the type and length of absence. From time to time there may be in class assignments that cannot be reasonably made up. At the teacher’s discretion absent students may be excused from these grades, but students may still set up a time to go over the activity or material at a later date. If the student is not present for a quiz or test they must make arrangements for a make-up. Any work assigned on the student’s last present day will be due the date they return from an absence unless covered by doctor or parental excuse.Remind and Parent Portal:Parents and students are encouraged to join our class remind group. This is how I will remind students what homework is and important dates such as quizzes and tests. If you did not get a flier at Open House, please email me with a number you would like to have messages sent to. Parents should view their student’s grades, at any time, through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Ready Resources:A lost Ready Instruction Book or Practice Book will cost $20 each to replace if lost. Grade Reporting:All teachers utilize PowerSchool to record daily attendance and to record students' grades for assignments in a timely manner. General guidelines for recording grades are as follows:Daily homework, classwork and short quizzes (less than 20 questions for example) should be posted in the Powerschool gradebook within 5 school days. Tests and longer quizzes should be posted in the PowerSchool gradebook within 7 school days. Projects and tests or assignments including essay/ research responses should be posted in the PowerSchool gradebook within 10 school days. Entry of grades and daily attendance may be delayed if a substitute teacher is necessary.Parent/Teacher Conferences: I am always happy to discuss your child’s progress. Please contact the front office at 910-346-5144 to schedule a conference. You may also email me at any time at atressa.mercado@onslow.k12.nc.us.Grading Scale:The grading scale as applied to points earned by the end of a grading period is as follows: A = 100-90%B = 89-80%C = 79 – 70%D = 69-60%F = Below 60%Weighted Grades (approximately):50%- Summative Assessment: Tests (35%), Quizzes (15%)25%- Major Projects/Research Projects/Multimedia Presentations15%- Class Work: (those tasks primarily completed in the classroom)10%- Homework (those tasks primarily completed outside of class time)*NC Final Exam, CTE Exam, End-of-Grade (EOG) Test and End-of-Course (EOC) Test converted scores will account for 20% to 25% of the final year average. 40% is the lowest overall mark given for the grading period. ................

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