7th Grade Eastern Hemisphere Geography

7th Grade Eastern Hemisphere Geography 2014-2015

Mrs. Papandria Room A-9

• Class textbook website: (Use this and bookmark it/ save it to your homepage.)

o my.

Login: papageo

Password: h6t8n

*This is a generic login and password to help you learn to navigate the book. Once we have grasped the general concepts, you will be issued a personalized login for classroom use.


• Mrs. Papandria’s website:

o papandriasroom.

Course Overview:

Geography is the study of spatial patterns of the human and physical dimensions of the world. Students will explore how these spatial patterns form, change over time, and relate to one another throughout various regions. Students will examine the cultural, political, and economic developments, physical geography, and population distribution for each region.

Over the coming school year we will explore the world in which we live. We will travel the world for a better understanding of how geography affects and effects where, and how people live on this planet we call Earth. We will examine landforms, languages, politics, economies, cultures, foods, and music. We will read maps about geographic features, learn what culture is, explore our own culture and the culture of others, and become EXPERT Geographers! Areas we will travel to during our journey include the following: Europe, Russia, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica.

Specific Objectives:

1. By the end of this course, students will be able to identify features of the earth’s surface and the processes that shape it. They will be able to recognize the relationships between people and environments, and the connections between people and places. Students will obtain the skills they need in order to help them answer questions about where things are, how they got there, and how they interact with other things – in the past, present, and, in the future.

2. Students will be able to use reading and writing skills within social studies to better their understanding of the world in which we live. We will use 6 Trait Writing strategies for Social Studies.

Units of Study:

Unit I – Introduction to Geography

Unit 2 – Southwest and Central Asia

Unit 3 – Africa

Unit 4 – South and East Asia and the Pacific (Includes Oceania & Antarctica)

Required Textbook:

Eastern World; by: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 2003. (Available online at my.)

Required Materials:

1 inch. 3 ring binder

5 divider tabs, labeled: handouts, unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, unit 4

Loose leaf lined paper for notes

Pencil, Pen

Not Required, But Greatly Appreciated:

1 box of tissues

Colored pencils

1 bottle of hand sanitizer



1. Be PREPARED for class, every day… no exceptions!

2. Bring all required materials, including your charged iPad.

3. No outside drinks or food, including breakfast, gum, and candy.

4. Limit bathroom use/locker visits to 4 times each SEMESTER. (Sign out when you go; after 4 this counts as a level 2 infraction.)

5. Entering and exiting the classroom: Students will enter the room in a calm manner, find their seats, and begin bell-ringer work before having to be instructed to do so. Students must be in their seats before the bell rings, or they will be counted tardy.

6. No talking unless instructed otherwise- please raise your hand with any questions.

7. Maintain a positive attitude- leave drama and problems at the door!

8. You may leave the room when Mrs. Papandria dismisses you; do NOT line up.

9. Always bring a book to read or other homework. If you finish work or a test/quiz early, you may then work on or read something else.

10. No phones- They will be confiscated. (1st offense- back at the end of class, 2nd offense, sent to office with referral and parent phone call.)

*Items can and WILL be added to this list when necessary.

CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: (These are counted as level 1 infractions per school discipline procedures unless circumstances dictate otherwise.)

1. 1st Offense: Reminder

2. 2nd Offense: Warning

3. 3rd Offense: Parent Contact

4. 4th Offense: Office Referral

** For extreme behavior, an office referral will be earned regardless of a warning**

***LATE work will only be accepted with an EXCUSED absence slip. You must have your slip to receive late work. Assignments are posted weekly in Powerschool and on my weebly page.

A Note from Mrs. Papandria


You, the student, must take initiative on your educational journey.

You are not in school for punishment- you are here for a PURPOSE.

That purpose is to give you the tools and critical thinking and problem solving skills necessary to not only survive, but to SUCCEED in the real world.

My goal as your teacher is to help inspire and motivate you to want to live every day to the fullest, while reaching your full potential. My philosophy is that humans were made to LIVE, not EXIST. (

So I invite you to work with me this year. We can take the first step of your secondary education together- and make sure you are fully prepared and ready to step out into the real world upon graduation!



Let’s DO THIS!! (

~Mrs. Papandria

Remind 101 – text messages to remind you of homework, test, and projects!

Text: @papageo to (765) 273-5853

*Standard text msg. rates may apply.

*no phone number required!


Classroom Procedures and Syllabus Agreement

*This agreement must be signed and returned by FRIDAY, August 8, 2014. This will count as one of your homework grades for the week.

I, ____________________________ have read and understand the policies and procedures for Mrs. Papandria’s Geography class. I agree to follow these procedures, and furthermore, agree that if I fail to follow these procedures, disciplinary action will be taken according to MGJHS Policy.

_________________________ ________________________

Student Signature Date

_________________________ ________________________

Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature


Your grades will be determined as follows:

|Assignment |Weight |

|Homework |15% |

|Tests |30% |

|Quizzes |20% |

|Projects |30% |

|Participation |5% |

Your grades will be updated in Powerschool every week by Tuesday. You will be required to keep a personal growth sheet in your class binder to analyze your own data. This page, along with your binder, and classroom behavior, will be factored in to your overall Participation grade.

Tests and Projects (which include one report per semester) are the most important part of your grade. Be sure to use all resources to get the best score.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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