Health Education Curriculum Grade 7


Health Education Curriculum Grade 7

Department of Education Educational Programs & Services Branch

March 2005

Retired as of June 2022

Please Note

The Health Education Curriculum Grade 7 document developed by the Educational Programs & Services Branch of the Department of Education is intended for use by the teachers who will be delivering the health curriculum in their school.

The expectation of the curriculum is that students will achieve the Outcomes as detailed in the curriculum document.

The Learning and Teaching Suggestions, and Appendices that support the Outcomes, provide options from which the teacher may select. As with delivery of all provincial curricula, teachers will exercise professional judgement in the selection of learning activities and tailor them to the needs of their students. The appendices will be selected and used in a manner the teacher deems appropriate for his/her class and community.

This document is not a text book for use by students. It is a document that teachers are expected to use to guide the delivery of the Middle School Health Education Curriculum.


The Department of Education acknowledges, with appreciation, the many dedicated educators who gave their time and energy to develop this curriculum. Without their input, this document would not be as rich and locally meaningful.

Elizabeth Nowlan Anne-Marie Duguay Norma Shaw Jean MacIntyre Donna Dawkins Silvy Moleman

Mark Holland Dianne Kay Margie Layden-Oreto Keith McAlpine Maureen MacIntosh Nancy McKeil-Perkins Marlien McKay Dr. Mary McKenna

School District 02 School District 06 School District 14 School District 17 School District 18 Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Public Health Nurse, Healthy Learners Program Public Health Nurse, Healthy Learners Program Department of Health and Wellness University of New Brunswick




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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