7th Grade Math - Mr. Degenhart's Website

7th Grade Math

Mr. Degenhart

Classroom Rules:

1. Be courteous and respectful to others. (This is a very broad rule!)

2. Bring all materials to class.

3. Be in your seat when the bell rings. (Ready to begin.)

4. No gum, food, or drinks allowed in class unless I tell you differently.

5. Listen to my directions and follow them!

6. Work on your MATH homework until the bell. When the bell rings, I will dismiss you.


1. Pencil (No pen allowed!)

2. Paper

3. 3 ring binder —You should have one section for homework, one section for warm-ups, and one section for notes. I will grade your binders from time to time for a participation grade.

4. 3 Dividers—for your binder

5. Scientific calculator—will be used later in the year

6. Graph Paper


Grading Policy:

I will use total points. (no weights)

Grade Scale:

Same as handbook


If you know you will have to miss my class let me know in advance! I can let you know what you are going to miss. If you are absent, you have as many days to make up your work as you miss. For example, if you miss 2 days, you have 2 days to make up the work missed. It is your responsibility to get the assignment from a fellow student or myself. Unexcused absentees will NOT be allowed to make up work.

Tardy Policy:

If you are not in your seat ready to begin class when the bell rings you will receive a tardy. You get one free tardy. After your 2nd tardy, you will receive a lunch detention. Any tardies after that will result in an after school detention.

7th Grade Math

We will cover:

1. Powers and Exponents, Order of Operations

2. Integers

3. Linear Equations and Functions

4. Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

5. Ratios and Proportions

6. Probability

7. Geometry

We will not necessarily go straight through the book. At times we will jump from chapter to chapter, but I plan to cover all of the headings above.


You will have homework almost every night. It is very important that you do the homework to the best of your ability. Some problems might be difficult, but you have to show me some effort. Generally, I will grade bookwork for completion. On occasion I will collect it and grade certain problems. I will grade worksheets for a right or wrong answer. If your homework is not completed, you will have a lunch detention for the next lunch period and can only receive half credit. If it is not completed for class the next day, then you will have an after school detention and receive no credit.

Tests & Quizzes:

Tests will be given at the end of every chapter and sometimes in the middle of a chapter. Short concept check quizzes may be given the day after you have a textbook assignment. This will not happen with every section, but you should be prepared.


Participation grades can be earned in a variety of ways. Some days you will get points for putting problems on the board. You can also earn participation points by answering questions in class, taking notes, and following along in class. (These points can significantly improve your grade!)

Extra Credit:

Extra credit may be given from time to time. However, it will not be enough to save your grade. NOTE: The best way to earn credit is to put forth the effort both in and out of class on “regular” credit.

Final Note:

I am excited about this school year. I hope to have both a fun and educational year. I ask two important things out of you. First, when I ask you a question in class, never say “I don’t know” quickly before thinking about the problem. Answers will not always come easily, but you must think. Second, if you do not understand something ask for help. I am more than willing to help you during homework time, before school, or after school assuming I don’t have an activity. Please, let me know what I can do to help you succeed!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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