Science Fair Information

[pic] 7th Grade Science Fair Information

This is to inform you that your student will be asked to participate in a science fair project/project this year. This information is to allow your student to start thinking about the type of project they want to do and begin working on it before &/or during the holiday break. This project contract needs to be signed by a parent/guardian and sent back to school. This contract is to confirm you and your child’s choice of science fair project type.

Project option (this contract) Due Date:

Friday September 20,2013

Science Fair Project Due Date:

Monday December 9, 2013

School Science Fair:

Thursday December 12, 2013

Project Choice: (choose A, B, or C) ________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________________

Print Student Name______________________________________

Project options


Scientific Based Research Project

• Presented on a science project board WITH a research paper

• Highest possible grade: A

• This is the competition category, which is a true experiment that follows the scientific method and guidelines.

• A team of judges will select winners at each grade level, and 2 winners from each grade level will be chosen to compete at the System-Wide Science Fair at Sci-Works.

• If you choose an A project you will receive a packet of information from your teacher


• 2-3 Page paper on a scientific topic

• Must include a model, demonstration or presentation

• Highest possible grade: B

• This is a non-competition category, which will be for non-experimental displays, models, demonstrations, or collections related to science.

• This category provides an opportunity for students to engage in meaningful learning about a topic of personal interest without the requirement of following a set procedure


• 1-2 page research paper on a scientific topic

• Highest possible grade: C


This project contract needs to be signed by a parent/guardian and sent back to school by December 13th. This contract is to confirm you and your child’s choice of science fair project type.

If this contract IS NOT returned to your child’s science teacher, or returned without a parent signature, then you agree that the project choice is up to the student.

The Science Fair projects are NOT to be copyrighted in any form, and must be student original work.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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