
69532521378005313679-139065006th and 7th Grade Science News Science Fair 2017-18 InformationIt is science fair time at AR Johnson!Science fair experiments must be something you can test.Science Fair Projects are required for all Richmond County middle school students.This can be a fun experience if you start early and do the project a little at a time!We will complete a great deal of the research during STEM Research class, but the actual experiment and some of the report will need to be completed at home. What you need:Logbook (a new composition book or spiral notebook). Please write your name and “Logbook” on the front of your logbook. Show to teacher by this date: Nov. 28.A report cover or folder with prongs for the formal reportComputer for research and to type the formal report and poster. (Computers are available in the library or after school with advance arrangement.)Materials specific to your experiment. What to do:Title. Pick a project that is interesting to you. Research. Conduct background research about your topic. When conducting research, write notes in your own words. Use your science fair logbook to write your research notes. Make sure you write down the name of the website where the information was found or the information about the title, author, and publishing date of the books you use for research. You will need the sources of your information when you complete your bibliography of your formal report. You will need at least 2 resources. Write your research in your own words. Do not copy directly from the site. Your research should describe background information about what you are testing. Remember to cite your sources. (State where you found the information.)Hypothesis, Materials, Procedures, and ExperimentCompose your hypothesis with knowledge from your research. Your hypothesis should have a reason and be written in an “If, then” format.Example: If 50 mL of water are added to my plants each day and they grow, then adding 100 mL of water each day will make them grow even more. I believe this because after conducting research I found that…Collect your materials, write your procedures, and begin your experiment. Make sure you document everything in your logbook. On each page, write the date and what you did for the project. Document everything you do for your project in your Logbook!Logbook “journal” example:Monday, 11/20Today I looked online for a project idea. I wanted one on video games. I decided to do Does heart rate increase more with fighting games or racing games?Tuesday, 11/20Today I went to the store to buy a composition book, some ink for my printer, and folder with prongs. Data, Results, and ConclusionMake sure you collect and record the data from your experiment in your logbook. This can be in the form of tables, graphs, pictures, etc. The results portion of your science fair experiment will explain your data.The Conclusion will summarize your entire experiment. You should explain whether your hypothesis was correct/incorrect, share things that may not have gone well, and list how you would change this experiment if you were to do it again. Write your Formal ReportYour formal report should be typed and have a cover. It should include the following:Cover Page with title, your name, science teacher’s name, school name, and date.Problem stated in the form of a questionBackground Research (Ex.: Why was the project done? Why is there a need to do the experiment? When were the things discovered? )Hypothesis (What do you think will happen and why?)Variables Independent Variables: What will you be changing?Dependent Variables: What will you be measuring or observing?Controlled Variables: What will remain the same? MaterialsProcedures (Numbered in step-by-step order.)Observations (Pictures and notes about what happened)Data/Results: (State what happened, Tables, graphs, etc.)Conclusion (Summarize everything…what went wrong, how would you change it if you do it again, etc.)Acknowledgements (Who helped you?)Bibliography - You may use for help with this.Display/Communicate Your Results with a poster using the template on Ms. Istre or Legoas’s webpage.Posters should be typed, should be neat and visually appealing, and should include the following info.: Name on the back (NOT THE FRONT)MaterialsTitleProceduresAbstract Data/Results (Tables, graphs, pictures, etc.)Question/PurposeConclusionHypothesisAcknowledgementsVariablesBibliographyBackground research (Summarize it. Only put 5 sentences or less.)4024630-17447100Poster Template (Feel free to add pictures and change the colors to make it more creative.Science Fair projects will count as 2 test/project grades. The grading rubric is attached. 256672686100Due Dates for steps of the project:These will be counted as separate homework grades.Tuesday, Nov. 28 Turn in signed parent slip and show teacher your logbook (a new composition book or spiral notebook). Weds., Dec. 6 Title, Question, Background Research, and Hypothesis should be written in logbook. (Show teacher.)Fri., Dec. 8 Materials and Procedures should be written in logbook.Weds., Jan. 10 Data/Results and Conclusion should be written in logbook.Weds., Jan 17 All 3 parts of science fair project are due. (Handwritten logbook, typed formal report with a cover, and neatly completed poster.)REMINDER: You will need to turn in 3 things on Weds., Jan. 17:Handwritten Logbook, Typed Formal Report in a cover, and neatly completed Poster*The school Science/STEM Fair will be January 30. *Parents and guests are available to view the projects on this date. Please have your parent/guardian sign the form below and return to school tomorrow. (This is a homework assignment.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Dear Parents, We would like to thank you in advance for all of your support to make AR Johnson’s Science Fair 2017-18 a great success! We look forward to seeing what all of our talented 6th and 7th grade scientists can do!right384700If you have any questions along the way, feel free to email. D. Legoas (legoado@BOE.richmond.k12.ga.us) or K. Istre (istrekr@BOE.richmond.k12.ga.us)________I understand my child has a required science fair project that is due on January 17 with individual due dates as shown above. The project is worth 2 test/project grades. _______My child will work alone. –or- _________My child will work with the following partner: _____________________________. I understand this project is mostly an at-home project, so the partners will need to get together away from school and that both partners will receive the same score on the project. ____________________________________________________________________________Student’s NameParent/Guardian SignatureScience Fair Final Research Paper RubricTitle Page (4pts) Point ValuePoints EarnedReport has no title page 0Title, name, section or date missing 2Title appropriate, name, section and date present 4ScoreFont of Paper (4pts)Wrong color, font AND size 0Color, font OR size incorrect 2Black font, Arial or Time New Roman, AND 12 pt font 4ScoreOrder of Information (8pts)Information is all out of order 0Some things are in order, but others are not 4Order followed completely 8ScoreBackground Research (8pts)Proper information not provided 00Less than three sentence, incomplete information, or sentences are incomplete43 or more complete sentences fully explaining why the project was done8ScoreProblem (4pts)None stated 0Incomplete sentences; importance and reasons for experiment not explained2Complete sentences with importance and reasons of experiment explained4ScoreHypothesis (8pts)No hypothesis stated 0Not a testable hypothesis 2Hypothesis not a complete sentence 4Proper testable hypothesis stated in a complete sentence 8ScoreVariables (8pts) No variables included 0Only one variable mentioned 2Independent or Dependent Variable, or Constant not mentioned 6Independent or Dependent Variable, or Constant included 8ScoreMaterials (4pts)No materials listed 0Some materials not listed 2All materials listed 4ScoreProcedures (8pts)Procedures not included 0Proper Pronouns used (I, You, Me) 2Some Procedures left out4-6All Procedures included and no proper pronouns are used 8ScoreResults and Conclusions (12pts)No results and conclusions included 0Incomplete conclusion given or graphs and data table not included 4Conclusion given in incomplete sentences or graphs and tables not included8Graphs and Tables included and explained. Summary of results included, and statement of whether or not the hypothesis was12ScoreAcknowledgements (4 pts)None included 0Names spelled incorrectly 2All people that assisted included, with names spelled correctly 4ScoreBibliography (8pts)Not included 0Proper format not followed 4Format followed and all sources included 8ScoreEffort (4pts)No effort shown 0Only shows some effort 2Paper shows effort by student 4ScoreResearch Paper Worksheets (4pts)Most worksheets missing 0Some worksheets missing 2All worksheets included 4ScoreFormat, spelling, punctuation and overall editing of paper (12pts) Formatting not followed, many spelling and punctuation mistakes 0Formatting not followed, but only some spelling and punctuation mistakes2Formatting followed, but many spelling and punctuation mistakes4-6Formatting followed, and very little editing to be done 8Formatting followed, no editing to be done 1212ScoreMajor Grade; Final Grade(100 pts)CommentsScience Fair Poster RubricPROJECT OBJECTIVESPoint ValuePoints Earned1. Creativity and originality (5pts.)No effort shown toward project 0Only shows some effort toward project 1Project shows effort by student2-4Project shows student to have gone beyond requirements 52. Clear statement of objectives; identification of all relevant variables (5 pts)No variables included 00Only one variable mentioned 1Independent or Dependent Variable, or Constant not mentioned 2-4Independent or Dependent Variable, or Constant included 5PROJECT DESIGN3. Creativity and originality (5pts.)No effort shown toward the design of the display board 0Only shows some effort toward the design of the display board 2The design of the display board shows effort by student3-4Design shows student has gone beyond requirements54. Knowledge and understanding by student of the scientific or engineering principles relevant to the project (5pts.)Student has no understanding of the scientific principles relevant to project 0Student has little understanding of the scientific principles relevant to project 2Student has some understanding of the scientific principles relevant to project 3-4Student clearly understands the scientific principles relevant to project 55. Adequacy of scientific or engineering approach used; use of relevant Literature (5pts.)No scientific approach or use of relevant Literature 0No scientific approach but some use of relevant Literature 1Some scientific approach but no use of relevant Literature 2Some scientific approach with use of relevant Literature 3Clear use of scientific approach but no use of relevant Literature 4Clear use of scientific approach with use of relevant Literature 5PROJECT EXECUTION6. Thoroughness of experimentation or development used to reach objectives; proper recording of data in laboratory notebook (5pts.)No order for experiment 0Some order for experimentation to reach objectives2-3Experimentation was developed to reach objectives 4Experimentation was developed to reach objectives and proper lab notebook 57. Level of skills and effort used by the student to carry out the project; amount of work done by the student; understanding of equipment or techniques used to obtain data (5pts.)No skills or effort were applied for the project. 0Some understanding and effort of carrying out project2-3Maximum effort used by the student to carry out the project 4Maximum effort used by the student to carry out the project and understoodequipment or techniques used to obtain data5PROJECT CONCLUSIONS8. Conclusions consistent with the data obtained and with the relevantprinciples of science or engineering (5pts.)No correlation with conclusion and data obtained. 0Little correlation with conclusion and data obtained 1-2Some correlation with conclusion and data obtained3-4Conclusions consistent with the data obtained and with the relevantprinciples of science or engineering5PROJECT PRESENTATION9. Quality and coherence of the oral presentation within the time allotted(5 minutes) (5pts.)Presentation given very quickly (under 1 minute) 0Presentation given somewhat quickly but some information can be processed by audience (under 5 minutes)2-4Presentation takes a very long time and is over explained (over 5 minutes)2-4Presentation given at a correct pace for audience to understand (around 5minutes)510. Quality and clarity of the display, including the organization and presentation of data (5pts.)Display is not organized 0Display is unclear 1Display is somewhat clear with great quality 2Display is clear with great quality but with no organization of data3-4Display is clear with great quality including the organization and presentation of data5ATTEND SCIENCE FAIRStudent dresses accordingly and presents their project to judges. (50 pts)Student does not attend Science Fair 0Student attends Science Fair 25Student attends Science Fair but does not behave professionally 25Student attends Science Fair but does not dress accordingly 25Student attends Science Fair and dresses accordingly 50Major Grade; Total points (100 pts) ................

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