Lamar County Middle School

7th Grade Packet May 4th-8th Instructions: The content work for 7th grade students has been broken down in the following manner. ELA and Science will be completed on Monday and Wednesday of each week. Math and Social Studies will be completed on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. If you have any questions, please reach out!Day 1: ELA/ScienceDay 2: Math/Social StudiesDay 3: ELA/ScienceDay 4: Math/Social StudiesDay 5: Connections7th Grade Language Arts Language Arts: Review Days!Standards: ELAGSE7RI4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.Monday: May 4th, 2020 Part One: Vocabulary!Directions: 1. Match each type of figurative language with the correct definition. Write the letter answer on the line provided. 2. Next, write five of your own original sentences using each of the different figurative language terms. Look online for examples if you need a little reminder!FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE TERMSDEFINITIONS1. _____simile2. _____hyperbole3. ______idiom4. ______metaphor5. ______personificationa. A comparison between two unlike things that does not use “like” or “as” in its comparisonb. A form of exaggeration that makes something seem larger than it really isc. Giving human qualities to inanimate objects, animals, etc.d. A comparison between two unlike things using “like” or “as” in the comparisone. A figure of speech that says something other than what is really meant (literal vs figurative)Wednesday: May 6th, 2020Part Two: Take Action! Directions: Go on a scavenger hunt to find the different types of figurative language within books or magazines around your home! Use the following example to make a chart in order to keep your information together. Take a picture of your chart when you are finished and send it to your ELA teacher! Type of Figurative Language QuoteTitle of Book or MagazineAuthorPage Number (If none, put N/A)Example: Simile “She tried to get rid of the kitten which had scrambled up her back and stuck like a burr just out of reach.”Little Women Louisa May AlcottPage 40 Southern and Eastern Asia Economic Systems and Trade Choice BoardSocial Studies Standards: SS7E7 Analyze different economic systems. a. Compare how traditional, command, and market economies answer the economic questions of 1-what to produce, 2-how to produce, and 3-for whom to produce. b. Explain that countries have a mixed economic system located on a continuum between pure market and pure command. c. Compare and contrast the economic systems in China, India, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea. SS7E8 Explain how voluntary trade benefits buyers and sellers in Southern and Eastern Asia. a. Explain how specialization encourages trade between countries. b. Compare and contrast different types of trade barriers, such as tariffs, quotas, and embargoes. c. Explain why international trade requires a system for exchanging currencies between nations.Directions: First, review the maps and notes at the bottom. Choose one activity to complete each day. For all assignments, you may turn in by 1) take a picture of the activity and email to your teacher, 2) turn in via Google-Classroom, or 3) bring it to your teacher once we return to school. Please note that some options require internet access while others do not; choose accordingly. Social Studies Option 1- (Option best suited for students with little to no internet access)Option 2- (Option best suited for students with limited internet access)Option 3-(Option best suited for students with full internet access)Tuesday May 5SS7E7Draw pictures to represent a traditional, a command, and a market economy. Describe under the pictures how each economy answers the three economic questions. Write a paragraph to explain why most countries have a mixed economy.Pretend you are going to start a business overseas in each of the following countries: China, India, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea. How will their type of economy affect your business?Research and create a chart to compare the economic systems of China, India, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea.ThursdayMay 7SS7E8Think about a time in your life when you have made a trade. This can be a large or small scale trade. Why did you decide to trade? Who benefited the most from the trade? Do you think countries trade the same way you did? Why do you think countries trade? What are the pros and cons of any trading agreement? (1 paragraph)Pretend you have $500 to invest in one company. Find a company that specializes in something and explain why you would invest in that company. For example, you may choose to invest in Coca Cola because they specialize in well-known beverages. Try to find a company that others may not be familiar with. (1 paragraph) Research the following:Which countries does the United States currently have an embargo on? Explain why you think the United States chose to use the extreme-embargo instead of a tariff or quota. (1 paragraph)Key Terms: Traditional economy, the 3 questions are answered in a way that is consistent with the way they have always been answered across time in that society. The answers are therefore answered based on habit and custom. The goal is to maintain the status quo. Command economy, the 3 questions are answered by the gov. Everyone works for the gov. The gov. consumes the bulk of the goods and services produced. Because the government decides what the society will produce, the government controls the factors of production, and is the primary consumer of the goods and services produced in the society. Market economy, the 3 questions are answered by producers and consumers. The goal becomes the ability of producers to use their limited resources to produce a good or service that people want. The producer must be able to produce the goods or services at a price low enough that they can then sell it to consumers at a higher price. The difference between the production cost and the selling price is profit, and profit becomes the motivating factor in a market economy.Tariff -is a tax placed on goods coming into a country. The goal of a tariff is to increase the price of an import so that people in that country will buy the cheaper domestically produced goods.Quota- is a limit on the amount of a foreign good that can be imported. As with a tariff, the goal of a quota is to encourage people to buy domestically made goods. Embargo -is a stop of trade between 2 countries. Unlike the previous 2 trade barriers, the goal is not to protect the domestic industry, but to punish another nation.7th Grade Science Assignments for May 4th and 6thWe would like you to complete a one-pager using several of the topics we have discussed this year. The five topics you should include on your page are:CellsKingdomsBody SystemsGenetics BiomesIn each of the five sections you should include:CharacteristicsDefinitions of at least three wordsExamplesExplanations of important conceptsIllustrations of items related to the topicsIf you know any you can name famous scientists who studies that topic (think Peas)Remember one-pagers are supposed to be colorful and creative. You can complete this either electronically or on a piece of paper. If you do it electronically you can email it to us or submit it in the classroom. If you do it on paper you can take a picture and either email or text it to us. We would love to showcase some of these on the school FaceBook page so do your best work. I am including a link to the 7th grade Science Standards to refresh in your mind what all we have done this year. WORK NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED AND TURNED IN BY MAY 8. Here is an example of a one-pager you can Google it to see even more. There are many ways to create them. Make it your own.Math7th grade students: Math will be scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. You may choose to complete the lessons below or check Google Classroom for alternate digital activities. Use alternating days to complete any unfinished work.Tuesday, May 5thA chance experiment is something that happens where the outcome is unknown. For example, if we flip a coin, we don’t know if the result will be a head or a tail. An outcome of a chance experiment is something that can happen when you do a chance experiment. For example, when you flip a coin, one possible outcome is that you will get a head. An event is a set of one or more outcomes.We can describe events using these phrases:ImpossibleUnlikelyEqually likely as notLikelyCertainFor example, if you flip a coin:It is impossible that the coin will turn into a bottle of ketchup.It is unlikely the coin will land on its edge.It is equally likely as not that you will get a tail.It is likely that you will get a head or a tail.It is certain that the coin will land somewhere.The probability of an event is a measure of the likelihood that an event will occur.1.The likelihood that Han makes a free throw in basketball is 60%. The likelihood that he makes a 3-point shot is 0.345. Which event is more likely, Han making a free throw or making a 3-point shot? Explain your reasoning.2.Different events have the following likelihoods. Sort them from least to greatest:60%8 out of 100.3720%3.There are 25 prime numbers between 1 and 100. There are 46 prime numbers between 1 and 200. Which situation is more likely? Explain your reasoning.a.A computer produces a random number between 1 and 100 that is prime.b.A computer produces a random number between 1 and 200 that is primeThursday, May 7thThe probability of an event is a measure of the likelihood that the event will occur. Probabilities are expressed using numbers from 0 to 1.If the probability is 0, that means the event is impossible. For example, when you flip a coin, the probability that it will turn into a bottle of ketchup is 0. The closer the probability of some event is to 0, the less likely it is.If the probability is 1, that means the event is certain. For example, when you flip a coin, the probability that it will land somewhere is 1. The closer the probability of some event is to 1, the more likely it is.If we list all of the possible outcomes for a chance experiment, we get the sample space for that experiment. For example, the sample space for rolling a standard number cube includes six outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The probability that the number cube will land showing the number 4 is . In general, if all outcomes in an experiment are equally likely and there are possible outcomes, then the probability of a single outcome is .Sometimes we have a set of possible outcomes and we want one of them to be selected at random. That means that we want to select an outcome in a way that each of the outcomes is equally likely. For example, if two people both want to read the same book, we could flip a coin to see who gets to read the book first.1.List the sample space for each chance experiment.a.Flipping a coinb.Selecting a random season of the yearc.Selecting a random day of the week2.A computer randomly selects a letter from the alphabet.a.How many different outcomes are in the sample space?b.What is the probability the computer produces the first letter of your first name?3.What is the probability of selecting a random month of the year and getting a month that starts with the letter “J?” If you get stuck, consider listing the sample space. ................

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