7th Grade Ch - Quia

7th Grade Ch.3 Science Test

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Know the following key terms:



Atomic number


Diatomic molecule


Be able to answer the following questions:

1. What can you use to predict the properties of an element?

2. What are the characteristics of metals?

3. What did Dmitri Mendeleev create?

4. What kind of particles are lost, gained, or shared in chemical reactions?

5. What family is the most reactive group of metals in the periodic table?

6. What two groups of metals are located at the bottom of the periodic table in order to keep the table a reasonable size?

7. What family is a very reactive group of mostly nonmetals whose atoms gain or share one electron in chemical reactions?

8. What kind of elements are good conductors of heat and electricity?

9. What happens to the atomic mass of elements as you go from left to right on the periodic table?

10. How much is one atomic mass unit?

11. What usually happens to the reactivity of metal elements as you move from left to right across the periodic table?

12. Would calcium (Ca) or Lutetium (Lu) have properties which are more similar to those of the element scandium? Explain why.

13. Based on its atomic number and atomic mass, what are the particles in the nucleus of most atoms of magnesium (Mg)?

14. In the periodic table, the transition metals, such as chromium, iron, and copper, are located between the reactive alkaline earth metals on the far left and the less reactive metals and other elements on the right side. Describe three properties of the transition metals.

15. What information can be found in a square of the periodic table? What does each piece of information mean?

16. Explain what a model is and why scientists use models to study atoms.

17. How are elements heavier than uranium made?

18. What properties make metalloids useful in making semiconductors?


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