Hello Awesome Students - Mrs. Holbrook's Science Class

Hello Awesome Students!

Welcome to Skyridge Middle School and to 7th Grade Science remote learning. I hope you had a great summer. I am glad to be at Skyridge Middle School and to have you in my class. I look forward to getting to know you and introducing you to new science concepts and building on those you have already learned.

Goals and Objectives:

1. Encourage student participation and generate excitement for learning.

2. To develop intellectual processes of inquiry by which scientific problems are predicted, explained, or controlled.

Class Norms & Expectations:


Before we get started it’s important that each student know what will be required of him or her during the school year. Please read and understand the Zoom expectations and classroom norms.

*Remote Learning Schedule and Attendance:

Your classes will alternate between synchronous and asynchronous class times. During a synchronous class you will meet with your teacher in a Zoom meeting. Attendance will be taken during these class meetings. This is a time to check in with your classmates and teacher as well as, participate in team building activities and class discussions about the content you are learning. If you miss a meeting it is very important to contact the teacher by e-mail with a reason why you were not able to make the meeting. Attendance will be based on engagement in learning during remote learning. Keep in contact with your teacher. During the asynchronous class you will have assignments to work on in Google Classroom which may include a recorded video from your teacher explaining the work or teaching new content to complete before the next virtual meeting.

*Assignment Policy:

If students are on task during class, work should be turned in on time. Work on assignments when they are assigned and try to stick to a schedule. I will try to put a suggest time it should take to complete each assignment. If you are taking longer than the suggested time please contact me for clarification and help. I am here to help you. Students are required to make up work missed due to absences. Assignments will be posted on Google Classroom and on Parent Square by Thursday the week before they are assigned.

*Revisions are expected:

Students are expected to revise work when requested. It is important to follow directions for each assignment and read and follow feedback given by your teacher. When writing in this class...

-Use part of the question’s vocabulary in your answer.

-Do not use pronouns (it, she, he, they) when writing one sentence answers.

-Answers not written in complete sentences will receive zero credit.

-You are expected to revise your work for credit.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to ask for clarification.

*7th Grade Unit Topics:

A full description of our unit topics can be found at the end of this syllabus. We will be using OpenSciED units this year which follow the Next Generation Science Standards three-dimensional learning format of phenomena, disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. See visual at the end of the syllabus of the instructional model that will be adapted for remote learning.


Grades are a necessary part of school. In this class, I will focus on the comprehension of NGSS science standards assigned to the 7th grade while re-enforcing reading, writing, and math skills. Our school will be using standards-based grading system. I will emphasize the importance of meeting each science standard. Students will assess where they are in meeting the science standard, using a proficiency scale specific to the science standard studied. Students will be rated from 0-3 on the proficiency scale for each standard. Scoring a 3 is meeting standard. Students will make a goal for improvement as needed. Students are expected to track their progress during the unit and record dates of meeting standard in their notebooks. Students will receive a zero for missing assignments until assignments are completed. Special circumstances always occur; therefore, we need to keep open communication to resolve issues. I will do what is logical, fair, and best for students. The following grading scale is used:

Grading Scale:

• 3 = M-Meets Standard

• 2 = Pr-Progressing Towards Standard

• 1 = BE-Below Standard

• 0 = Insufficient Evidence

Class Supplies

It is the students’ responsibility to bring these supplies to class everyday:

Please Buy these items:

-Composition Notebook of 70-100 page

-blue or black pens, pencils, and a red pen

-colored pencils or markers

-calculator (a scientific calculator is preferred)

-A place to record homework.

If you do not have school supplies needed please notify your teacher or counselor for help.

If for any reason you or your parents need to contact me please email me. My e-mail address is cheryl.holbrook@camas.wednet.edu

I will try my best to keep the class website updated.

The class website is //cherylholbrook.

It is my hope that you will be successful in this science class. We can work together to accomplish this goal. You can achieve success by studying, practicing vocabulary and completing assignments in class and doing homework when assigned. I look forward to getting to know you this year.

Your teacher,

Mrs. Holbrook

* Be part of the solution that makes our classroom a great place to be

7th Grade NGSS Science Standards

|Unit Topics: |What We Will Study: |Next Generation Science |

| | |Standards: |

|Earth’s Systems |

|Unit 6.3 |Water cycles among land, ocean, and atmosphere and is propelled by sunlight and gravity.  Density |PS1-4 |

|Weather, Climate, & Water Cycling |variations of sea water drive interconnected ocean currents.  Water movement causes weathering and|ESS2-4 |

|[pic] |erosion, changing landscape features.  Complex interactions determine local weather patterns and |ESS2-5 |

| |influence climate, including the role of the ocean.    |ESS2-6 |

| | |[pic] |

|Matter and Its Interactions |

| | |PS1-1 |

|Unit 7.1 Chemical Reactions and |The fact that matter is composed of atoms and molecules can be used to explain the properties of |PS1-2 |

|Matter Interactions |substances, diversity of materials, states of matter, phase changes, and conservation of matter.  |PS1-5 |

|[pic] |Reacting substances rearrange to form different molecules, but the number of atoms is conserved.  | |

| |Some reactions release energy and others absorb energy.  |*PS1-6 |

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|From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes |

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|Unit 7.3 |Within individual organisms, food is broken down through a series of chemical reactions that |PS1-1 |

|Metabolic Reactions |rearrange molecules and release energy. Animals cannot create organic materials, so they must find|PS1-2 |

|Inside Our Bodies Cellular |organic materials (food) and break the complex organic molecules into simpler molecules that their|PS1-3 |

|Respiration & Biosynthesis |cells can use- the process of digestion. Animals cells are like plant cells in that they can grow|LS1-7 |

|[pic] |and divide by making complex organic molecules out of simpler molecules-biosynthesis, and that |[pic] |

| |they get energy by oxidizing organic materials in the process of cellular respiration. | |

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| | |PS1-3 |

|Unit 7.4 |Plants use the energy from light to make sugars through photosynthesis.  Sunlight is captured by |LS1-6 |

|Matter Cycling & Photosynthesis |plants and used in a reaction to produce sugar molecules, which can be reversed by burning those |LS2-3 |

|[pic] |molecules to release energy. plant cells in that they can grow and divide by making complex |[pic] |

| |organic molecules out of simpler molecules- biosynthesis, and that they get energy by oxidizing | |

| |organic materials in the process of cellular respiration. | |

|Unit 7.5 |Organisms and populations are dependent on the environmental interactions with both other living | |

|Ecosystem Dynamics Interactions, |things and non-living factors, any of which can limit their growth.  Competitive, predatory, and |LS2-1 |

|Relationships & Food Webs |mutually beneficial interactions vary across ecosystems, but the patterns are shared.  The atoms |LS2-2 |

|[pic] |that make up the organisms in an ecosystem are cycled repeatedly between the living and non-living|LS2-4 |

| |parts of the ecosystem.  Food webs model how matter and energy are transferred among producers, |LS2-5 |

| |consumers, and decomposers as the three groups interact within an ecosystem. |[pic] |

|Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits |

|Sexual & Asexual Reproduction: |Students study an introductory unit on heredity. During this unit students will also learn that |LS3-2 |

| |asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual |LS1-4 |

|Heredity: Inheritance & Variation |reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation. Students will be introduced to the two |[pic] |

|of Traits |types of cell divisions mitosis and meiosis during this unit. Student will learn about Punnett | |

| |Squares, Gregor Mendel the father of genetics. Inheritance of certain characteristics or | |

| |behaviors affect the probability of survival of organisms. | |

OpenSciEd Instructional Model We Will Follow:



|Science Classroom |

|Norms: |

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|Respectful |

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|Our classroom is a |

|safe space to share. |

|Equitable |

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|Everyone’s |

|participation and |

|ideas are valuable. |

|Committed to our community |

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|We learn |

|together. |

|Moving our science thinking forward |

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|We work together |

|to figure things out. |







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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