7th Grade Reading

7th Grade Reading

Miss Albers

MLS School

|Quarter |Activity |Standard |“I Can” Statements |

|1 |Reading Strategies: |RI.3Analyze the interactions between |I can make connections among texts, the |

| |-How to Read Effectively |individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g.,|world, and media and relate them to my own |

| |-Worksheets & Skills |how ideas influence individuals or events, or |experiences. |

| |Non Fiction Reading: |how individuals influence ideas or events). | |

| |-Columbus | |I can use textual evidence to help in proving|

| |-Chimney Sweeps |RI.1Cite several pieces of textual evidence to |a point or solving a problem |

| |-Giant Squid |support analysis of what the text says | |

| |-Sacajawea |explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the|I can make inferences about information that |

| |-Buying an Automobile |text. |is implied and not explicitly stated. |

| |-Helen Keller | | |

| |-Milton Hershey |RI. 7Compare and contrast a text to an audio, |I can draw accurate conclusions about |

| |-The Dust Bowl |video, or multimedia version of the text, |information presented in text even when there|

| |Questions/Skills addressed |analyzing each medium’s portrayal of the |are different pieces of evidence. |

| |-Recalling details |subject (e.g., how the delivery of a speech | |

| |-Comprehension |affects the impact of the words). | |

| |-Sequencing events | | |

| |-Drawing conclusions |RI. 9Analyze how two or more authors writing | |

| |-Understanding Numerical Data in text |about the same topic shape their presentations | |

| |-Fact versus opinion |of key information by emphasizing different | |

| | |evidence or advancing different interpretations| |

| | |of facts. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2 | Mystery Short Stories: |RL. 3Analyze how particular elements of a story| |

| |*Analyze, Question, Respond |or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the|I can explain the similarities and |

| |-“Pit and the Pendulum” |characters or plot). |differences of characters’ points of view. |

| |-“The Great Taos Bank Robbery” | | |

| |-“The Wasps Nest” |RL. 6Analyze how an author develops and |I can explain how the author develops the |

| |-“Trifles” |contrasts the points of view of different |characters’ points of view. |

| |-“Full Circle” |characters or narrators in a text. | |

| |-Sherlock Holmes + Film adaptation | |I can explain the similarities and |

| |Write Your Own Mystery Story |RL.7 Compare and contrast a written story, |differences between a written work and an |

| | |drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or|audio/visual presentation of the same work. |

| | |multimedia version, analyzing the effects of | |

| | |techniques unique to each medium (e.g., | |

| | |lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and | |

| | |angles in a film). | |

|3 |Novel Study |RL. 9Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal|I can explain the similarities and |

| |Read Touching Spirit Bear |of a time, place, or character and a historical|differences of characters’ points of view. |

| |-Watch Film |account of the same period as a means of | |

| |-Vocabulary Enrichment |understanding how authors of fiction use or |I can explain how the author develops the |

| |-Letters and Writing assignments from different |alter history. |characters’ points of view. |

| |perspectives | | |

| |-What if? Questions |RL. 4Determine the meaning of words and phrases|I can determine the meaning of the word by |

| |-Questions for Comprehension + Making connections |as they are used in a text, including |reading the words around it and sensing |

| |Read Stargirl |figurative and connotative meanings; analyze |negative or positive feelings associated with|

| |-Explore individuality |the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of |the word. |

| |-Vocabulary Enrichment |sounds. | |

| |-What if? Questions | | |

| |-Questions for Comprehension + Making connections | | |

|4 |Independent Reading |SL. 1Engage effectively in a range of |I can present claims logically. |

| |-Pick your own reading book |collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in | |

| |-Weekly Teach-backs and Presentations |groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners |I can emphasize significant points. |

| |-Gallery Walks and Small group discussions |on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building | |

| |Making Connections |on others’ ideas and expressing their own |I can use pertinent descriptions, facts, and |

| |Text/Text |clearly. |details. |

| |Text/Self |a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or| |

| |Text/World |material under study; explicitly draw on that |I can use appropriate eye contact, volume and|

| | |preparation by referring to evidence on the |pronunciation. |

| | |topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on | |

| | |ideas under discussion. |I can use multimedia components in a |

| | |b. Follow rules for collegial discussions, |presentation to clarify claims. |

| | |track progress toward specific goals and | |

| | |deadlines, and define individual roles as |I can use formal language in a classroom |

| | |needed. |setting. |

| | |c. Pose questions that elicit elaboration and | |

| | |respond to others’ questions and comments with | |

| | |relevant observations and ideas that bring the | |

| | |discussion back on topic as needed. | |

| | |d. Acknowledge new information expressed by | |

| | |others and, when warranted, modify their own | |

| | |views. | |

| | |SL. 4Present claims and findings, emphasizing | |

| | |salient points in a focused, coherent manner | |

| | |with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, | |

| | |and examples; use appropriate eye contact, | |

| | |adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. | |

| | | | |

| | |SL. 5 Include multimedia components and visual | |

| | |displays in presentations to clarify claims and| |

| | |findings and emphasize salient points. | |


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