Deer Valley Unified School District

7th Grade Social Studies Room 345Ms. SerclWest Wing SchoolTeacher: Ms. SerclPhone: (623) 376-5076Email: Kelsey.sercl@Please keep syllabus in your ISN at all times. I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus when needed. Thanks!Course Description: Seventh grade Social Studies is a journey into U.S. History from the Pre- Civil War era to the beginning of WWII. During the year students will not just learn facts and remember dates. Our journey together as a class will involve investigating the past through critical thinking activities as well as analyzing historical events and documents. By using these methods, it will allow students to have a better understanding of how we (as a nation) got to the present time. Materials: 1, 1” binder1-5 tab divider setSheet Protectors1- 100 pack COLLEGE RULED loose leaf paper2 packages of index cardsPost-it notes (3x3)Pencils and Pens (pens for grading- blue & red) Colored PencilsDry Erase markersHighlighters (yellow, pink, green, blue)Required materials for class projects (projects TBD) Classroom Expectations/Rules: BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, BE SAFERespect all people and their property. Inappropriate language, put-downs, or insults will NOT be tolerated. Be prepared (Every class period students should have a pen or pencil, agenda, ISN, and required assignments) Be on time to school and to class. Listen to and follow directions. Follow the character traits. No gum, food, drinks, IPOD’s, or cellphones in class. (water allowed)Follow the dress code- NO exceptions! Work Hard and believe in yourself! Attendance: Attendance is required in order to do well in this class. If a student misses a quiz or test, students will be required to make up the missed quiz test in five days. Students will be given the opportunity to make up quizzes and tests on Wednesday Mornings or by appointment with Ms. Sercl. Students will need to sign up for quiz/test make-ups or retakes in a binder located in the front corner of the classroom by the cabinets. Make up exams will not be given during class. Tardiness will be documented, excessive tardiness could result in a detention. Academic Dishonesty: Academic integrity is something that students must learn at an early age in order to strive later in life. All students should complete their own work. Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing the works of others will be disciplined to the fullest extent of the school policy. Academic Assistance: If you feel you need additional help in this class, please feel free to ask me for help. That’s what I am here for and my door is always open. All students can come in for extra help on Wednesday mornings or by appointment. Students must set up an appointment prior to attending tutoring, a sign up binder is located in the front corner of the classroom by the cabinets. Study & Review sessions for Unit Tests will be held (if needed) the week of the given Unit Exam. Interactive Student Notebook: Students will be required to have a specific Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) for Social Studies. Students will maintain daily opening assignments, classroom assignments, notes, and homework inside their ISN. Throughout the year, students will be graded on their ISN. Students must maintain and keep their ISN up to date and organized. Students will be given a full week notice of when a notebook (ISN) check will occur. If a student does not have their ISN at school on the notebook check day, it will result in a 50% grade. Students will not be able to make up or redo their ISN after a grade has been given. Therefore, it is imperative that students always have their ISN and keep them up to date. Grade ScaleA90-100%B80-89.9%C70- 79.9% D60-69.9% F50- 59.9% Standard Based Grading Practices: West Wing uses the standards based grading practice. Standards based grading practices are refined ways of reporting what students know and how they demonstrate their learning of state content standards.Three Areas of Focus Regarding Grading Practice: Avoid Recording Zero- Zeros skew the grade to a point where accuracy is distorted.? Avoiding zeros balances out the grading system.Allow Another Attempt at Mastery- Students learn at different rates.? Allowing another attempt encourages students to do their best and gives them credit for their learning.Avoid Grading Practice- Students should not be penalized for grades during the learning process, rather, assessed once the material is mastered.Assessments (Tests/Quizzes): Students can choose to retake only unit tests during the school year. In order to retake a test, the student must have a complete ISN, and have made corrections to the unit test the student is retaking. The retake must be taken within a week of the original test date. A score of 50% will be recorded instead of a zero or lower percentage. If an assignment is missing, a zero will be recorded in the gradebook and an “M” for missing will be noted until submitted. If the assignment is not completed before the end of the grading period, then the score will be changed to a 49% (F). Projects:Projects are due on the due date given, at the start of class. If a student hands the project in after school it is considered late.Grading for late projects is as follows:1 day late is 25% deduction;2 days late is a 50%3 days late is automatically a zero in the grade book.? (For example: Project is due on the 1st, on the 2nd the highest grade possible is a 75%, on the 3rd the grade is a 50%, on the 4th the grade is a 0.)Homework: Students will have at least two homework assignments a week. Throughout the year the students will be asked to present on current events, famous leaders, heroes, and content topics. An explanation for each will be provided when the time comes. If the students do not use their time wisely in class, class work will become homework. Besides that, there will be times when students will be required to work on group projects and papers outside of class. All assignments should be turned in on their due date. If students are excused from the school day, the student has one day for each day missed to turn in the assignment. If a student misses a day of school or knows they will be absent, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher for any work or assignments missed during absence. It is important to note that each teacher reserves the right under the school rules to assign detention for students who are missing work.2016-2017 Objectives:1st Quarter Early Industrial Revolution/Immigration- Students will examine reasons why people emigrated from their homeland and its impact on America. Students will also examine the effects that the growth of industry and business had on early American society. Pre-Civil War Era- students will learn the political and social issues that developed during the antebellum period in the United States. 2nd QuarterCivil War- students will examine the significant battles, figures, groups, and events in order to be able to analyze the impact of the war. Reconstruction- students will discuss and describe the hardships, events, and individuals that influenced the reconstruction period in the United States. 3rd QuarterImmigration- students will examine reasons why people emigrated from their homeland and its impacts on America. Industrialization- students will examine the effects that the growth of industry and big business had on American society. Progressive Era- students will learn Progressive reforms and the changing social and political structure of the United States. Age of Imperialism- students will analyze the United States’ expanding role in the world during the late 19th and early 20th century. 4th QuarterWorld War I- students will learn the events leading to the U.S. involvement in WWI and the important events that developed during the war. Great Depression- students will identify factors and policies that led to the Great Depression and determine its impact on the nation.Introduction to WWII- students will learn how the attack on Pearl Harbor led to U.S. involvement in WWII.Please keep the first page of the syllabus in your ISN. Please sign below and return to Ms. Sercl by Monday, August 15th.Student: I have read the social studies syllabus and agree to achieve the course objectives.Student Name__________________________________Student Signature_______________________________ Date_____________________Parent/Guardian: I have read the social studies syllabus and will help my child achieve the course objectives. Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________ (Best email address to reach you at) Email:___________________ Date_____________________-Comments/ important information Ms. Sercl needs to be aware of:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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