7th/8th Grade Social Studies Practice Test 3

1. One of the rapidly growing industries in Turkey is tourism. The growth of Turkey’s tourism is due to historic

sites and what geographic factor?

A. mountain ski resorts C. beautiful beaches

B. technologically advanced cities D. a large amount of religious conventions held yearly

2. What geographic factor has caused northern Chili to have one of the world’s largest fishing industries?


A. soil is not favorable to farming C. abundance of natural harbors

B. large population center close to the Atlantic Ocean D. all of the above


3. All of the following describe the role of labor in the factors of production except…

A. physical and mental contribution of an employee

B. human effort used in the production of goods

C. a person’s technical and marketing expertise used in production of goods and services

D. a person’s money to purchase the materials needed to produce goods

4. Which of the following best describes the role of an entrepreneur in society?

A. An entrepreneur takes an idea and attempts to make an economic profit from it by combining all the

other factors of production.

B. An entrepreneur is the knowledge that can be applied to the production of goods and services.

C. An entrepreneur represents the natural resources used to produce goods.

D. An entrepreneur makes up all the services and capital it takes to produce a product.

5. Today modern communication and _____________intensifies the speed and frequency of cultural change.

A. government C. transportation

B. decreasing population D. economy

6. A hit music video or song in the U.S. can quickly become a hit around the world by cable and satellite, or the

popularity of Mexican food in the U.S. are both examples of ___________.

A. culture hearth C. cultural divergence

B. cultural convergence D. cultural diffusion

7. According to the opening paragraph of the Texas Ordinance of Secession, the Federal government intends to strike down the _____________and ______________ of the people of the Texas and her sister slaveholding states.

A. prosperity and social status C. rights and freedoms

B. interests and prosperity D. interests and economic abundance

8. According to the opening paragraph of the Texas Ordinance of Secession, what was the Federal government intended to be?

A. an unbiased bystander in government proceedings C. a friend to the states

B. a protector of states’ rights D. a shield against outrage and aggression

9. According to the second section of Presidential Proclamation Declaring a State of Peace between Texas and the United States, what ports were NOT in a state of insurrection?

A. New Orleans C. Key West

B. Port Royal and Beaufort D. All of the above

10. According to the fifth section of Presidential Proclamation Declaring a State of Peace between Texas and the United States, what privilege was suspended in the proclamation on September 15, 1863?

A. habeas corpus C. grievance arbitration

B. alias writ D. all of the above

11. According to the Battle of Palmito Ranch, what led Union Colonel Barrett to order 250 men to cross the mainland from Brazos Island at Boca Chica Pass to occupy Brownsville?

A. News of Lee’s surrender, Lincoln’s death, and negotiations between the North and South had been

received by the troops in Brownsville.

B. Several hundred Confederates had left the army and were headed home.

C. Colonel Barrett had received a report that supposedly the Confederates were preparing to evacuate

Brownsville and move east to Corpus Christie.

D. All of the above

12. According to the Battle of Palmito Ranch, who did Union forces meet at Palmito Ranch?

A. Major General John G. Walkers battalion of 500 men

B. Captain W. N. Robinson’s 190 man company of Texas Cavalry Battalion

C. Major General Lewis Wallace’s company of 40 men

D. Colonel John Ford’s 2000 man Southern Division

13. How did the Supreme Court add to the tensions over slavery in the 1850s?

A. The court ruled slavery could not legally be banned in any territory.

B. The court declared that the Bill of Rights protected slavery and slaveholders.

C. The court refused to grant freedom to a slave who had lived on free soil.

D. All of the above


14. All of the following complete the diagram above except…

A. Growth of the Abolitionist Movement C. Economic Differences

B. The South’s Increasing Trade with Europe D. State vs. Federal Right

15. Which of the following was a major result of the Civil War?

A. The Republicans became the dominant political party in the South.

B. The bonds linking the northern and southern states were tightened.

C. The federal government became weaker.

D. Slavery was ended everywhere in the United States.

16. Which of the following is NOT an effect the Civil War had on the lives of Southerners?

A. The South’s draft law did not include owners of large plantations.

B. The value of Confederate money fell as Southern exports declined.

C. Food riots broke out in several Southern cities.

D. Soldiers did not have enough supplies due to Northern blockades

17. Which of the following best completes the diagram above?

A. Limited size of government C. Led to a Republican one party rule

B. Increased black political participation D. African Americans gained many civil rights

18. Which of the following is NOT a reason the Union sent the U.S.S. South Carolina in July of 1861 to blockade the coast of Galveston?

A. Galveston was the export point for 2/3 of all the cotton in Texas and other exports such as molasses and sugar..

B. Galveston had a fort which housed 1500 troops and 5 cannons.

C. Galveston was home to the largest slave market west of New Orleans.

D. Galveston was the only major business center in Texas, catering to the shipping trade with iron foundries and

rope and sail manufacturers.

19. Vigilante justice broke out all through Texas starting in 1861. Which of the following statements accurately describes the effect of vigilante justice on Texans during this time in Texas history?

A. Vigilantes torched homes or businesses of anyone who sided with the Union.

B. Vigilantes sometimes hanged or murdered anyone who spoke against the Confederacy.

C. Many Confederated dissenters either kept quiet out of fear moved to Mexico or the west.

D. all of the above

20. On October 4, 1862, Union Commander William B. Renshaw opened fire upon _________________. He was able to quickly disable the artillery. When Commander Renshaw met with the Confederate representative to accept the city’s surrender he said, “Hoist the United States flag over the city or over its ashes.”

A. Laredo C. Corpus Christie

B. Port Arthur D. Galveston

21. Francis Lubbock was the ninth governor of Texas. His time in office was during the Civil War, 1861-1863. He is best remembered for faithfully enforcing _________________.

A. vigilante justice C. the Confederate conscription

B. the Reconstruction of 1867 D. the Treaty of Velasco of 1810

22. Colonel Santo Benavides, the ex-mayor of Laredo, and his men made a critical difference in protecting Texas cotton as the cotton made its way from Laredo to Matamoras. In March 1863, Benavides and his men defended

________________from Union leader Edmund Davis and 200 Union soldiers.

A. Brownsville C. Ringgold Barracks

B. Laredo D. Harlingen

23. Which of the following was NOT the location of an important battle in Texas’ fight for independence against Mexico?

A. Matamoras C. Goliad

B. San Jacinto D. San Antonio

24. The Treaty of Velasco of 1836 helped to establish some of the Republic of Texas’ borders. Which of the following cities was NOT part of the Republic of Texas?

A. Chihuahua C. Austin

B. Galveston D. Santa Fe

25. Texas has been able to use its minerals manufacture dry wall, construction materials, etc. Which of the following is a mineral found in Texas?

A. gypsum C. granite

B. salt D. all of the above

26. One-fourth of all the energy produced in the entire history of the United States has been produced in Texas. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major forms of energy that gives Texas that trademark?

A. oil C. natural gas

B. coal D. all of the above

27. Which of the following duties of the state legislature can only be carried out by the Senate?

A. make laws C. impeach judges and executive officials

B. must approve all executive appointments D. propose constitutional amendments

28. Which of the following best completes flowchart above?

A. Representatives must be at least 21 years old and a Texas citizen for at least five years.

B. Representatives must be at least 24 years old and a Texas citizen for at least two years.

C. Representatives must be at least 30 years old and a Texas citizen for at least three years.

D. Representatives must be at least 21 years old and a Texas citizen for at least two years.

29. There are 150 representatives and ________senators in the Texas Legislature.

A. 31 C. 50

B. 75 D. 87

30. So that Texas cities are not too reliant upon property and sales tax for revenue many cities have increased _____________to bring in revenue that does not have to be approved by the legislature.

A. local income tax C. utility transfers

B. transit tax D. user fees

31. Why was the controversial but peaceful Missouri Compromise so important to the Nation?

A. It ended sectionalism and brought a period of unity to the nation.

B. It maintained a balance of power between free and slave states.

C. It ended slavery in the U.S.

D. Missouri joined the Union as a free state.

32. What was the impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed in 1854?

A. Kansas and Nebraska would use popular sovereignty to decide the issue of slavery.

B. The Missouri Compromise’s restriction on slavery north of the 36 degree 30` line was removed.

C. Anti-slavery Northerners protested the act.

D. All of the above

33. Why was the North’s capture of New Orleans a serious blow to the South?

A. The Union army captured the city soon after winning the Battle of Shiloh.

B. Union forces now controlled the entire Mississippi River.

C. Thousands of freed slaves in New Orleans joined the Union army.

D. New Orleans was the largest city in the South and major port used for importing supplies and exporting goods.

34. Which of the following led to General George McClellan being fired as leader of the Union forces?

A. At Antietam, he failed to pursue the retreating Confederates back into Virginia.

B. He failed to attack Richmond after advancing to within a few miles of the city.

C. He was an overly cautious commander.

D. All of the above

35. I was a Union general during the Civil War. I was given the task of destroying Southern railroads and industries. In 1864, I led 100,000 troops on a destructive march to Atlanta, Georgia. Then I proceeded to the port city of Savannah destroying both civilian and military resources. Who am I?

A. General William Sherman C. General George Pickett

B. General G. W. Finley D. General George G. Meade

36. The system of slavery led to the abolitionist movement. Which of the following was NOT an influential abolitionist?

A. Elizabeth Cady Stanton C. Fredrick Douglas

B. Sojourner Truth D. Harriet Tubman

37. Which of the following statements was most likely used by Southerners to defend the use of slave labor?

A. Freed slaves would travel to the North, and take jobs away from white workers.

B. Slavery was necessary to the economy of the South.

C. Slaves were treated with equality throughout the South.

D. Banning slavery was unconstitutional.

38. 1860, the slave population made up 34% of the population in the South. What does this fact show about the

Southern economy?

A. The Southern economy was more dependent on large-scale farming.

B. There were more people in the North.

C. Southern farmers relied on the tenant system.

D. Northern factories required fewer workers.

39. From 1840 to 1860, the North laid approximately 20,000 miles of railroad track. While in the same time period,

the South laid approximately 8,000 miles of track. What can be determined by this regional difference?

A. The North was able to ship goods faster and cheaper.

B. Railroads grew more slowly in the South because they were not needed.

C. The South was concerned about making strong economic ties with the Midwest.

D. The North was hoping to bring slavery to an end.

40. Jefferson Davis said in his argument in favor of equal rights for the states, “It is the duty of the Senate to resist all

attempts to give advantages to the citizens of one state which are not equally secured to those of every state.”

Secession of the Southern states was largely based upon a quarrel over fiscal issues. The Northern inspired

______________ benefited Northern interests and were destroying the Southern economy.

A. Fugitive Slave laws C. tariffs

B. Separate but Equal Clause D. federal bonds

ANSWER KEY TO 7th/8th S.S. Practice 3

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. A

11. D

12. B

13. D

14. B

15. D

16. A

17. A

18. B

19. D

20. D

21. C

22. B

23. A

24. A

25. D

26. D

27. B

28. D

29. A

30. D

31. B

32. D

33. D

34. D

35. A

36. A

37. B

38. A

39. A

40. C


6TH Grade Questions 1-6

7TH Grade Questions 7-30 (Primary Source Questions Included in this Section)

8TH Grade Questions 31-40

Primary Source Documents:

*Texas Ordinance of Session

*Presidential Proclamation Declaring a State of Peace Between Texas and the United States

*Account of the Battle of Palmito Ranch


What Caused the Civil War?


Senators must be at least 26 years old and have been a Texas citizen for at least five years.




Fights Regarding Slave and Non-Slave States

Election of Abraham Lincoln

Segregation enforced by Jim Crow Laws


Factors of



Rise in tenant farming and sharecropping

How Did the End Of

Reconstruction Effect the South








Legislatures must be residents of their election district for at least one year before running.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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