7th Grade Reading, English, and Advanced Reading

7th Grade Reading and English, teacher: LeAnne Clay

2014-2015 Syllabus


Overall Course Goals: Students will continue to enhance reading, writing, and speaking skills. We will continue to increase comprehension, fluency, and analytical skills while focusing on fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. In addition, we will focus on word study by expanding our understanding of roots, affixes, and cognates. Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and the writing process will be the focus of English.


1. 1 marble-style composition book (a second to be brought later in the year).

2. black or blue pens

3. pencils

4. a pocket folder

Expectations: Students are expected to enter class with the necessary materials each day. Students are expected to be seated and ready to begin class when the tardy bell sounds. Students shall treat others and property with respect and courtesy.

Grading: Tests: 30%**

Quizzes: 25%

Classwork: 35%

Homework: 10%

** The lowest test grade will be dropped for each grading period.

Class Routine: Each class period will begin with a warm-up activity. Examples of warm-up activities include journal writing and responses, and mini-quizzes as review of previous activities, as well as quick write responses.

Homework: Students should read for twenty minutes each evening in order to make written responses, participate in book talks, and reach AR quiz goals. This is a standing homework assignment. The library books students are reading should be brought to class each day. Some additional practice work for English will be sent home from time to time. Classwork that is done at home will be considered classwork for grading weights. Practice work for grammar and writing will be sent home once a week.

Make-up Work: Regular attendance is very, very important to the learning process. Frequent absences make it extremely difficult for a student to keep up with all the new information we cover. When students return to school following an absence, he or she should ask a dependable classmate for any notes or assignments missed, and see the teacher for any handouts, tests, or quizzes. All work should be made up as soon as possible upon the student returning to school, and absolutely be completed before the close of the following week.

I look forward to working with all students and parents to help foster positive growth and success for each and every student. Make sure you check my webpage for more details and updates. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail lclay@amherst.k12.va.us, or telephone (846-1307, ext. #20216) at your convenience.

Thank you,

LeAnne Clay


I have read this syllabus: parent signature__________________________________________________


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