7th Grade Religion

7th Grade Homeroom

Mrs. Baron


Homeroom is where you will spend the first 50 minutes of your school day, and it’s important to me that you start your day the right way. We will spend these minutes focusing on:

1. Jesus

• We will discover who jesus is by reading & Memorizing his word every day.

• We will grow closer in a relationship with him through prayer.

• We will ask him to be our guide through our day so that our words, thoughts, and actions reflect his love.

2. others

• we will have regular classroom meetings to open our eyes to the things that are going on with our classmates.

• We will share our joys and concerns and pray for each other.

• We will play games and participate in activities that help us get to know each other better and appreciate our individual uniqueness.

3. yourself

• You will open up your mind, eyes, ears, and heart to what jesus desires for you.

• You will spend time reflecting on how your thoughts affect your words and actions and how your words and actions affect others.

• You will be blessed by god’s word and by your classmates.


• Spiral or composition notebook for memory work

• Bible

• 2-pocket folder

• Pen, pencil, and highlighter

• 2 boxes of tissues

• 1 tube of disinfectant wipes


Each quarter grade will be based on performance in the following categories and weighted as follows:

Religion work & tests 45%

(Tests will be counted double)

Participation 10%

(Class discussion)

Memory Work 45%

(Memory quarter tests will be counted double; shown as “performance” in Fast Direct gradebook)

Other homeroom highlights

Kindergarten chapel buddies: spending some extra time with the kindergartners in your faith family

THURSDAY FOLDERS/Church and Sunday School Attendance: Every Thursday, your child should bring home their Thursday folder. In the front cover is a sheet to mark your child’s church and Sunday school attendance each week. Please Mark it appropriately before sending the folder back to school each week. Church and Sunday school attendance is recorded every quarter on your child’s report card and a yearly total recorded in his/her permanent record.

7th Grade Religion General Syllabus

1st and 2nd Quarters – The Wounded Spirit by Frank Peretti

Peretti is best known for his bestsellers The Oath, The Visitation, and This Present Darkness as well as numerous children’s books. The Wounded Spirit is his first nonfiction work.

This is Peretti’s story of growing up with a medical condition that left him disfigured and thus the object of ridicule among other children in school. Through prayer, a loving family, a teacher’s intervention, and his own willingness to seek help, Frank Peretti overcame a spirit that had been broken down by others.

In the wake of the Columbine tragedy in 1998 – an act perpetrated by two troubled, but tormented outsiders – Peretti felt compelled to write this book. According to Peretti there are kids who are wounded, kids who do the wounding, and those who live out both experiences. His challenge is one we don’t hear enough – bullying is a sin. It is time for us all to take a stand against it. More importantly, it’s a call for bullies and victims to seek healing and forgiveness offered in Jesus Christ, which will ultimately break the natural cycle of violence and hatred. Frank reminds us that the hope found in Christ is powerful enough to change everything. This unit will include:

• Video presentations by Frank Peretti

• Daily readings, mostly done in-class

• Reflection questions during the course of the quarter in the form of class discussions and assignments.

3rd Quarter – Church History (From CPH Voyages series)

Unit 1 “The Early Christian Church”

• 7 lessons

o Semi-regular assignments from the workbook and take-home sheets

o Write a letter to a missionary

o Test Study Guide (AKA “test-prep” – if completed, counts for 20% of the test grade)

o Unit Test (multiple choice, true/false, short answer)

Unit 2 “The Medieval Age and Reformation” (1st half)

• 8 lessons

o Prayer Post Cards to family or friends

o Semi-regular assignments from the workbook and take-home sheets

o Essay about the Pope

o Viewing of the movie Luther

o Test Study Guide (AKA “test-prep” – if completed, counts for 20% of the test grade)

o Unit Test (multiple choice, true/false, short answer)

4th Quarter – Church History (From CPH Voyages series)

Unit 3 “The Gospel into All the World”

• 8 lessons

o Semi-regular assignments from the workbook and take-home sheets

o Test Study Guide (AKA “test-prep” – if completed, counts for 20% of the test grade)

o Unit Test (multiple choice, true/false, short answer)

Unit 4 “Christianity in the Modern World”

• 8 lessons

o Individual project – “Missionary Training Manual” for a country of student’s choice

o Semi-regular assignments from the workbook and take-home sheets

o Test Study Guide (AKA “test-prep” – if completed, counts for 20% of the test grade)

o Unit Test (multiple choice, true/false, short answer)

7th Grade Memory Work

On the first morning of each week, you will receive a memory assignment. It will be displayed on the SMARTboard. On the second morning of each week, you will be given a journal question to help you reflect and apply the week’s memory verse.

What YOU do:

• Write the memory verse in your memory journal on the first day of the week.

• Respond thoughtfully and honestly to the given question on the second day of the week.

• Study your memory assignment so you are prepared to say it or take the written test on the due date.

If you’re absent at the beginning of the week,…:

• You may get the memory assignment and question from a classmate.

• The memory verse will be displayed on the classroom wall, and you can copy it from there.

• You will still be responsible for saying it on the day it is due.

If you’re absent on the day the memory verse is due,…”

• Be responsible for saying it as soon as you return to school.

What you do when you’re ready to say it:

• Memory can be said at any time during the week. Memory said before 8:30 on Friday morning is worth a possible 100 points. After 8:30 it is considered “late work”, and I will follow the late work policy when grading it. If you are tardy (unexcused), it may still be considered “late” if not said by 8:30.

• You may say memory to me or to another student appointed by me.

o If another student is listening to memory, they underline any missed words.

o You must show me your memory journal to get a grade.

• You will bring your memory journals up to me, and I look for:

▪ The week number and date as a heading

▪ The memory verse in cursive

▪ The journal question and answer for that week

• If your memory journal is missing any of these or if you don’t have your memory journal when it is due, it is considered late and will be treated like any other late assignment.

How I grade it:

• I will figure out the percentage grade based on how many words are in each verse.

• If we have a really short week, we may have a written fill-in-the-blank test instead, which will also be given on the last day of the week.

• At the end of each quarter, you will take a review test. It contains all the verses for that quarter in fill-in-the-blank form. This grade counts double in your overall grade.

• All memory work is labeled as “performance” in the Fast Direct grade book and is worth 40% of your overall religion grade.

All memory assignments will be found on your child’s Fast Direct assignment calendar under the subject heading of “religion”.

Grades, Grades, Grades

They are important to all of us, so I’ve established the following policies regarding grades in my classes.


Any assignment that is not turned in the moment it is asked for is late work and will be marked down as follows:

1 day late = 50% penalty

2 days late = the assignment will be given a 0%.

When a student is not prepared to turn in his/her work when it is due, I will send home a Fast Direct message. I want to keep you informed of your child’s study habits, so that students, parents, and teachers can work together to avoid any serious problems. Late work will be noted in your child’s Fast Direct gradebook.


Unplanned Absences

You will be given 1 day of grace for every day you are absent. After your grace period is up, the assignments you are missing will be treated as late work.

If you want to ensure that your assignments are collected, please notify the office first thing in the morning. Any later than that, I may not see your classmates again to have someone collect it. One of your classmates will write down all assignments and collect all papers and put them up in the school office to be picked up.

Planned Absences

If you know you will be missing school ahead of time, you must first fill out a known absence form from the office, which requires you to list the dates you will be gone and get a signature from all your teachers and Mr. Kniepkamp.

If you are requesting work ahead of time, please understand this creates more work for me, which I am happy to do as long as you’re planning on actually doing it while you’re gone and have it to turn in when you return.

If you DO NOT want your work ahead of time, see my policy for “Unplanned Absences”.

A NOTE ABOUT FAST DIRECT: Whether an assignment is late or not, if I don’t have it at the time grades are entered, I will enter it as a 0%. I only do this to create a sense of urgency for turning it in. Also, if a grade is “missing”, it’s because I haven’t entered it yet.


On tests – I give 3 possible extra credit points on each chapter test. The questions are based on “Mrs. Baron’s Musings”, an activity that takes place in our classroom every Friday.

“Language Mistakes in the Real World” – When students find language mistakes in their everyday life, they can share and then correct those mistakes on a form they can find in my classroom. They will be awarded several extra credit points for finding and correcting these mistakes correctly.

Extra Credit Proposal – This is reserved for students needing a little “extra boost” in their English grade who have turned in all their work on time for the quarter. It requires the student to come up with an activity he/she can do to earn these extra points. They must fill out a form and then conference with me about completing it.



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