Lesson/Content - Portland Public Schools

Lesson/Content |Mode of Writing |Writing

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|Unit 1 Europe During Medieval Times |

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|Unit Essential Questions ~ Writing Prompts* |

|How do political, religious, and economic institutions affect social structures? |

|How and why do societies organize themselves into hierarchical structures? |

|How (why) do developing societies adapt earlier institutions to meet their needs? |

|Why do social, economic, and political systems fail and how do societies cope with their collapse? |

|What are the causes of urbanization? |

|How do geography and location impact the development of cities? |

|What causes societies and their institutions to become divided? |

|Lesson 1 The Legacy of the Roman Empire |Expository |7.13.2 |

| |Captions | |

|Students play a game or create a bulletin board to learn the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire | | |

|and how Roman culture affects life today. | | |

|Lesson 2 The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe |Expository |7.13.2 |

| |Compare/contrast graphic organizer | |

|Experiential Exercise: Students assume roles to learn about feudalism and create a diagram comparing | | |

|relationships in modern society with those of European feudal society. | | |

|Lesson 3 The Role of the Church in Medieval Europe |Illuminated Poetry |7.13.2 |

| |or other RAFT format | |

|Writing for Understanding: Use stations and write illustrated poem or jigsaw the ISN/Reading and use a | | |

|RAFT to write an illuminated poem, letter, or other format. | | |

|Lesson 4 Life in Medieval Towns |Narrative/expository |7.13.6 |

| |Journal entries from perspective of character/role. | |

|Problem Solving Groupwork: Create dramatizations or a Storyline about six aspects of life in medieval | | |

|European towns. | | |

|Lesson 5 The Decline of Feudalism |Parallel Sequence & Cause/effect flow chart (illustrated) |7.13.2 |

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|Experiential Exercise: Take on the roles of individuals affected by the three key events that | | |

|contributed to the decline of feudalism. | | |

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|Unit 2 The Rise of Islam |

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|Unit Essential Questions ~ Writing Prompts* |

|How does geography impact culture? |

|What is Islam and how does it continue to shape the world we live in? |

|Why are Muhammed’s ideas so compelling and influential today? |

|What are the roots of the technology and culture of the modern world? |

|Why are some people willing to die for a cause? |

|Lesson 6 The Byzantine Empire |Four expository paragraphs in a real estate ad |7.13.2 |

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|Visual Discovery: Create real estate advertisements that encourage people to move to Constantinople; | | |

|learn how a separate religious tradition developed | | |

|Lesson 7 The Geography of the Arabian Peninsula |Expository cause/effect paragraphs on human/environment interactions |7.13.2 |

| |using signal/transition words | |

|Response Group: Examining four environments to discover how they affected ways of life on the Arabian | | |

|Peninsula. | | |

|Lesson 8 The Prophet Muhammad |Narrative retelling | 7.13.6 |

| |Illustrated with colorful geometric shapes and appropriate | |

|Writing for Understanding: Listen to a dramatic telling of Muhammad’s life, move through 4 stations, |illustrations (no humans or animals). | |

|and create an illustrated manuscript. | | |

|Lesson 9 The Teachings of Islam |Newspaper column or |7.13.2 |

| |Narrative/Expository | |

|Problem Solving Group work: Present on the eight beliefs and practices of Islam and complete sections |Day in Life of Muslim Teen | |

|of an eight pointed star with pictures, symbols, and summary statements about Islam. | | |

|Lesson 10 Contributions of Muslims to World Civilizations |Persuasive paragraphs: |7.13.1 |

| |Choose most important contribution and defend it | |

|Contributions in such areas as science, geography, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, art, and | | |

|literature. | | |

|Lesson 11 From the Crusades to New Muslims Empires |Graphic Organizer telling WHY each fact is important. |7.13.1 |

| |Practice for Persuasion or |7.13.2 |

|Problem Solving Group work: Panel debate or character collage about the impact of the Crusades. |Expository/Imaginative: |7.13.6 |

| |How life changed for Jews, Muslims, & Christians. | |

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|Unit 3 The Culture and Kingdoms of West Africa |

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|Unit Essential Questions ~ Writing Prompts* |

|What role does geography play in the development of societies? |

|How does economic power support political institutions? |

|How do cultures change to accommodate different ideas and beliefs? |

|How do cultures transmit their ideas and values? |

|Lesson 12 Early Societies in West Africa |Expository |7.13.3 |

|Read and use the ISN to learn how African kingdoms developed from extended-family communities |Summary or Compare/Contrast: | |

| |Impact of geography on civilization of Arabian Peninsula & West | |

| |Africa | |

|Lesson 13 Ghana: A West African Trading Empire |Persuasive: Point of view RAFT paragraph |7.13.1 |

|Experiential Exercise: Role-play the African trade in gold and salt, exploring how it made Ghana a |Role- Trader Audience: King | |

|powerful kingdom. |Format: written speech Topic: Gold vs. Salt | |

|Lesson 14 The Influence of Islam on West Africa |Illustrated 5 senses poem based on (ISN p. 192). Publish |7.13.2 |

|Social Studies Skill Builder: Read and use new knowledge to analyze photographs of West Africans and | | |

|identify the Islamic influences. | | |

|Lesson 15 The Cultural Legacy of West Africa |Narrative, poetry, expository |7.13.6 |

|Writing for Understanding: Read in pairs about West Africa’s oral and written traditions, music, and |1-Griot tale | |

|visual arts, and their impact on the world today |2-Call-and-response song | |

| |3-Analysis of artwork | |

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|Unit 4 Imperial China |

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|Unit Essential Questions ~ Writing Prompts* |

|How do societies adapt to change? |

|How does a government reflect the values of a society? |

|Is isolation a viable option for a society? |

|Lesson 16 The Political Development of Imperial China |Persuasive job applicaton letter (See ISN p. 107) |7.13.1 |

|Experiential Exercise: Debate the advantages and disadvantages of three methods used to select | | |

|officials during this time period. Learn about the difficulties of ruling China and about the | | |

|governments of successive dynasties from 220 to 1644 C.E. | | |

|Lesson 17 China Develops a New Economy |Illustrated Brochure including cause/effect: Agriculture, |7.13.2 |

|Visual Discovery: Analyze three images to identify characteristics of agriculture, commerce, and |Trade/Commerce, and Urbanization. | |

|urbanization in China during the 10th to the 13th centuries. Learn about several dramatic changes in | | |

|China’s economy. | | |

|Lesson 18 Chinese Discoveries and Inventions |Expository, and also |7.12.2 |

|Social Studies Skill Builder: Study nine Chinese achievements in the areas of exploration and travel, |persuasive practice or | |

|industry, military technology, everyday objects, and disease prevention made between 200 and 1400 C.E. |Visual Chinese Scroll. See ISN p.116-121 as source. | |

|Create scrolls for the four you believe have had the greatest effect on the world. | | |

|Lesson 19 China’s Contacts with the Outside World |Persuasive outline could be developed into a full essay | 7.13.1 |

|Response Group: Listen to recorded conversations about the benefits and drawbacks of foreign contact |Common Assignment: | |

|during the Tang, Yuan, and Ming dynasties, or use the information to engage in a debate to support | | |

|development of a persuasive essay. | | |

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|Unit 5 Japan During Medieval Times |

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|Unit Essential Questions ~ Writing Prompts* |

|Can a culture advance without cultural diffusion? |

|Why might two cultures that are isolated from one another develop similar systems of government/military/social structure? |

|Lesson 20 Japan During Medieval Times |Expository |7.13.3 |

|Social Studies Skill Builder: Create playing cards with pictures of aspects of culture and play a game |Short summaries (see ISN p. 142) could be used to write an essay | |

|to learn about the impact of cultural diffusion (India, China, and Korea) in Japan, or use cards during|explaining cultural diffusion in Japan. | |

|guided reading without the matching game. | | |

|Lesson 21 Heian-kyo: The Heart of Japan’s Golden Age |Expository/narrative |7.13.6 |

|Writing for Understanding: Walk through a mock “home” of a medieval Japanese aristocrat. |Journal entry | |

| |Diary: See Lesson Guide 2: p. 499 | |

|Lesson 22 The Rise of the Warrior Class in Japan |Venn Diagram |7.13.2 |

| |Could be used for Compare/contrast writing | |

|Experiential Exercise: “Visit” a samurai school, perform skits to demonstrate various aspects of | | |

|samurai training, and compare and contrast Western Europe in the middle ages to samurai society in | | |

|Japan. | | |

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|Unit 6 Civilizations of the Americas |

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|Unit Essential Questions ~ Writing Prompts* |

|What are identifying characteristics of a culture? |

|How does environment influence the development of a culture? |

|How do cultures change the environment to meet their needs? |

|How do societies organize themselves to create and manage wealth and resources? |

|How do we define and describe the stages of development in a civilization? |

|What are some solutions used by empires to acquire natural resources and wealth? |

|How do empires and societies assimilate new cultures? |

|How do innovations solve problems and shape societies? |

|Lesson 23 The Maya |Expository: |7.13.4 |

| |Illustrated Postcards-4 paragraph/postcards (Tikal, Copan, Chichen | |

|Experiential Exercise: After reading about several aspects of Mayan culture, assume roles of groups in |Itza, and Palenque) include notes from their experiences | |

|Mayan society, act out tasks related to culture | | |

|Lesson 24 The Aztecs |Expository: Captions |7.13.2 |

| |Aztec Map Artwork | |

|Visual Discovery: Learn about the rise of the Aztecs through a series of images and “step into” |See ISN p. 167 | |

|selected images to bring the images to life. | | |

|Lesson 25 Daily Life in Tenochtitlan |Expository/Narrative |7.13.4 |

| |Illustrated Journal |7.13.6 |

|Writing for Understanding: Study daily life in Tenochtitlan; enact a mock “Great Market” to trade | | |

|information and drawings; and write an illustrated journal. | | |

|Lesson 26 The Incas |Venn Diagram (See ISN 178) |7.13.2 |

| |Compare/contrast writing opportunity | |

|Experiential Exercise: Work in groups to role-play Inca messengers in order to communicate information | | |

|about Inca culture. | | |

|Lesson 27 Achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas |Comparison Chart: |7.13.2 |

| |Science/Technology, Art/Architecture, and Language/Writing | |

|Social Studies Skill Builder: Identify and categorize a series of artifacts and create a mosaic or | | |

|class bulletin board (see Curriculum Guide) of the key achievements of these three civilizations. | | |

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|Unit 7 Europe’s Renaissance and Reformation |

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|Unit Essential Questions ~ Writing Prompts* |

|Can the arts thrive without a thriving economy? |

|How do religious/philosophical views within a society affect what gets accomplished in a society? |

|How can one individual change the world? What would be necessary in order for an individual to “change the world”? |

|What leads to corruption? |

|Lesson 28 The Renaissance Begins |Expository |7.12.2 |

| |Paragraphs identifying and describing elements of classical, medieval| |

|Visual Discovery: Explore the elements of classical, medieval, and Renaissance art and trace the |& Renaissance art | |

|changes in European life that led to the birth of the Renaissance. |Paragraph explaining an illustration | |

|Lesson 29 Florence: The Cradle of the Renaissance |Expository: Letter writing. |7.13.2 |

| |(See Lesson Guide 2, p. 687) | |

|Writing for Understanding: Take a virtual walking tour (or watch a DVD—see the Curriculum Guide) to | | |

|learn about various aspects of Renaissance life in Florence and then write a letter. | | |

|Lesson 30 Leading Figures of the Renaissance |Persuasive writing practice idea: After seating leading Renaissance |7.13.1 |

| |figures at a dinner party table, students explain/defend their | |

|Response Group: Create busts and illustrated pedestals for a “gallery” of 10 prominent Renaissance |seating choices. Choose one pair of diners and explain why they are | |

|figures and identify which Renaissance figure each represents, or conduct a “Tea Party” (see Curriculum|good dining companions. Choose another two who should be separated | |

|Guide.) |and defend your view. | |

|Lesson 31 The Reformation Begins | | |

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|Causes of the Reformation (See the Curriculum Guide) | | |

|Lesson 32 The Spread and Impact of the Reformation |Expository: Complete Venn Diagram as a class: See ISN, p. 222. |7.13.2 |

| | | |

|Problem Solving Group work: Groups learn about one of three Reformation religions and share what they | | |

|learn by creating collages about each religion’s origins, beliefs, and practices. (See Curriculum | | |

|Guide.) | | |

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|Unit 8 Europe Enters the Modern Age |

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|Unit Essential Questions ~ Writing Prompts* |

|What were the circumstances that enabled the Age of Exploration to begin and how did this era help reshape the world? |

|What was the Scientific Revolution and who were some contributors and their achievements? |

|How do the key ideas from the Enlightenment continue to shape the fundamental beliefs about governments? |

|Lesson 33 The Age of Exploration |Illustrations & captions for map |7.13.3 |

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|Experiential Exercise: Work in teams to explore “uncharted territory,” map the routes of the European | | |

|voyages of discovery, and make connections between their classroom experience and the Age of | | |

|Exploration. | | |

|Lesson 34 The Scientific Revolution |Persuasive: |7.13.1 |

| |Defend Galileo against the Inquisition. | |

|Visual Discovery: Analyze a series of images and “step into” a historic image and use the information |OR, | |

|they have learned to bring the image to life. |Biographical papers on Renaissance leaders/innovators of all areas. | |

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|Lesson 35 The Enlightenment |Expository: |7.13.2 |

| |Explain how the excerpts represent the Enlightenment ideas | |

|Read, take notes, and then play a game to analyze excerpts from important historical documents and to | | |

|match them to the ideas represented in them. | | |

*Ideas for using unit essential questions as writing prompts:

• Develop social studies reflective journals (address how these questions relate to life today and why addressing these questions might be important)

• Model writing (first charting information and ideas as they develop)

• Guide practice (include mini-lessons)

• Support group collaborative writing

• Focus Socratic seminars

• Create articles for publication in a class social studies newsletter

• On-demand writing practice

• Unit assessments


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